Read Tempted By Fate Page 5

  So I’ve been trying to change it. But time is running out. And if I can’t come up with a new plan, I’ll be killing my own brother.

  Her hand was pressed right over his heart. He could feel her touch, sinking into him. The hunger he felt for her grew, coiling inside of him like a snake ready to strike. It had been too long…

  “I see nothing but darkness when I touch you, just like before.” Her smile almost broke him. “Do you know what a relief it was, to finally have a lover I could touch…and only see the two of us? Not his past, not his future. Just the moment. I could let myself go with you.”

  “Mora…” She was about to push him too far. Need her. Want her. He’d thought that he’d be able to hold his desire for her in check. He’d thought he could play the right role with her this time.

  He’d been wrong.

  “But since I didn’t see the danger coming, there was no way to protect myself.” Her hand slid from his chest. “Will I see it coming this time?”

  The motorcycle braked near them. The human jumped off the bike. “Mora!” He ran toward her. “Mora, what in the hell happened here? This place ignited and cops were all over this scene until dawn!”

  The cops weren’t there now. Some crime scene tape was up, flapping in the wind, but no other sign of human authorities remained.

  The guy locked his hand around Mora’s shoulder. “I thought you’d burned.” His voice was gruff and the concern on his face was all too real.

  A problem. This human is a problem.

  Before Mora could speak, Leo caught the human’s hand and removed it from Mora’s person. “Touching is an issue for her. So don’t do it, okay?”

  She’d paled at the human’s touch. But Mora rallied and said, “Leo, it’s—it’s okay. I know Dax. He’s a regular at Resurrection.” Mora winced as her gaze cut back to the charred remains of her bar. “Or he was a regular.”

  Dax had stiffened at Leo’s touch. “Who the hell is this guy, Mora? Are you safe with him?”

  Leo swept a disdainful glance over the human. Like this fellow with his tats was supposed to be some white knight—

  “I mean, this weird jerk appears, and five minutes later, your bar is in flames. That tells me the man is bad news.” Dax glowered at Leo.

  He’s lucky I’m supposed to watch over the humans. “It’s time for you to leave, buddy. Mora isn’t your concern.” Leo waved his hand as if he were shooing away a pesky bug. “Go, you’re done here.”

  “Oh, jeez, Leo,” Mora muttered. “Tact. Have some of it.”

  Dax’s eyes narrowed. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m Leo. And you’re in our way.” Hmmm…the human should have been leaving by that point. Normally, it took only the smallest amount of power for Leo to influence mortals. But this guy’s glare was just getting worse with every moment that passed. A sliver of alarm sliced through Leo.

  “I don’t care if I’m in your way!” Dax blustered back. “I’m here for Mora.”

  Oh, no, you’re not. Leo’s shoulders immediately stiffened.

  “Here we go.” Mora’s voice was disgusted.

  Leo’s gaze shot from her to the one called Dax. “Are you sleeping with Mora?” Answer wisely, bastard. The wrong answer will get you killed.

  Dax opened his mouth to reply—

  Mora jumped in front of him. She put her body between Dax and Leo, and her white-hot stare should have burned Leo. It would have burned him, if he’d been a lesser paranormal. “Stop this.” Her words snapped at him. “You don’t get to ask questions like that. I told you I’d scry, and you just need to be grateful. You don’t need to be—”

  “Are you sleeping with him?” Jealousy was there, spreading like a virus in his body. Rage grew. Mora is mine. Always mine. And if that smirking bastard had taken her body—

  Mora’s index finger jabbed into his chest. “Stop it. Right now. I don’t know what this new red glowing eye thing is about, but I don’t like it.”

  Red glowing eye thing?

  “You don’t get to ask about my sexual partners. I’m not asking about yours, am I? Our relationship is ancient history—literally. So stop playing the jealous lover. It’s not a role that suits you.” She glowered at him a moment longer, then Mora turned to Dax. “You need to leave. I appreciate you coming back to check on me, but…this isn’t a safe place for you.”

  Dax nodded once. “I see.” He gave a ragged sigh. “I’d hoped to do things the easy way.”

  What in the hell was the fool talking about?

  “But I guess that can’t happen,” Dax added darkly. Then he reached into his jacket, and he pulled out a gun. A gun he aimed at Mora.

  What. The. Actual. Fuck?

  “What are you doing?” Mora’s voice broke. “Dax?”

  A muscle jerked in Dax’s jaw. “I need you to come with me, Mora. Right now.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond. He reached out and yanked her forward, putting the gun under her chin and holding her tightly. “You and I—we’re going for a little ride.”

  Leo didn’t move a muscle. He just stared at the dead man.

  “Dax…” Mora’s voice was husky. “Look, I have a lot going on right now. You don’t want to do this. You’re a good person…”

  “How the hell would you know that? Everyone else thinks I’m one of the worst criminals out there.” He pulled her even closer against him. “But you peer at me with your big eyes, looking at me like I need some kind of help.” He was backing her toward the motorcycle and keeping the gun beneath her chin every step of the way. “And you warn me…you come fucking right out and say you know I’m not who I’m pretending to be.”

  The fool thought he was going to get on that motorcycle. That Leo was just going to let him ride away with Mora.

  You won’t ride away. You won’t walk away. But you will die.

  “You tell me that I’m going to die.” Dax’s voice was rough. “And then hours later, Sammy sends two of his top enforcers after me. Shit, I know it’s not coincidence.”

  Leo didn’t know who Sammy was. And he didn’t care. He took a step forward.

  “Stop!” Dax’s voice cracked. “Don’t take another step. You do not want to be the hero here.”

  Leo didn’t take another step. “Move the gun away from Mora.”

  Dax shook his head. “She’s coming with me. I need to know who tipped her off. I need to know if she’s in bed with Sammy…”

  Maybe I do need to know who this Sammy is…

  “I’m not in bed with him.” Mora’s response was quiet and flat. “Sammy Long is the leader of a drug cartel. I have nothing to do with him. I’ve never met him, and I hope our paths don’t ever cross.”

  But Dax gave a ragged laugh. “Don’t know that I believe you, Mora.” They were right beside the motorcycle now. “So you’re coming with me. Maybe you thought the fire was a cover. That you could vanish and I wouldn’t know how deeply involved you were. Think again.” He slid onto the motorcycle, then pulled her down right in front of him.

  The guy wouldn’t be able to drive the bike, not with that gun still pointed at Mora. He’d have to put the weapon up. What did he think, that Mora was just going to sit quietly in front of him during the drive that the fool had planned?

  Leo exhaled and stalked forward.

  “Stop!” Dax yelled. “Stop right the hell now!” And suddenly, the gun wasn’t under Mora’s chin. It was pointing at Leo.

  Much better. But he didn’t stop walking, not until he was right in front of that motorcycle. To get out of there, Dax would have to literally get past Leo. And that just wasn’t going to happen. “Mora and I…we’ve had a really bad night.”

  “Two of Sammy’s enforcers tried to cut out my damn tongue!” Dax yelled back. “My tongue! Do you know how twisted that shit is?”

  Mora winced.

  “I almost died!” Dax added, his voice close to a snarl. “So don’t talk to me about bad!”

  “If you don’t let Mora go,
right now, I’ll do more than cut out your tongue.” This was twice—twice—in the last twenty-four hours that a bastard had tried to take Mora. How many other dangers had she faced over the years, dangers that Leo had never known about? How many times had she needed him, and Leo hadn’t been there?

  “Leo, just calm down.” Mora’s voice was quiet.

  And had she seriously just said for him to calm down? His jaw ached because he was clenching it so fiercely.

  “I can handle Dax,” Mora added.

  Behind her, Dax laughed again.

  “He’s a cop,” Mora called out. “He’s not going to hurt me.”

  Dax stopped laughing. “Shit, shit, shit! Don’t just yell out that stuff! You don’t know who’s listening!”

  “Cops don’t pull guns on innocent women.” Leo kept his hands loose at his sides. He could feel his nails lengthening—becoming claws. The better to attack his prey. “So try again…”

  Mora gave a little laugh. “I bet the gun isn’t loaded.” She turned her head, looking back at Dax. “Is it?”

  “Who are you people?” Dax demanded. “This isn’t a game!” His gaze locked on Mora’s face. “This is—”

  Leo attacked. He’d been waiting for Dax’s attention to shift, and it had. While Dax gazed at Mora, Leo leapt at him. His hand locked around Dax’s throat, and he yanked the guy right off the motorcycle. He shoved Dax to the ground even as he ripped the gun from Dax’s hand. In the next moment, Leo had the gun aimed at Dax’s head. Much better.

  “Leo!” Mora yelled. “Stop!”

  “Let’s see if it’s loaded, shall we?” And Leo pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Five

  “Leo!” Mora jumped off the motorcycle and grabbed his arm. “What in the hell were you thinking? The gun could have been loaded!”

  But it hadn’t been. When Leo had pulled the trigger, no bullets had exploded from the gun. And now Dax was sprawled on the ground, glaring up at Leo.

  “He’s lucky it wasn’t loaded.” Leo tossed the gun aside. Then he put his claws—claws—to Dax’s throat. Immediately, blood began to trickle from the other man’s neck.

  Not that Dax realized claws were cutting into him. Leo had moved fast, so Mora figured the guy had to think a knife was at his throat. Right. Keep thinking that.

  “He’s a cop,” Mora said as she kept her grip on Leo. “I figured out that he was undercover a while back, but I warned him last night that others were onto him, too. I was trying to help him.” Even though her attempts to help often went horribly wrong. But the bloody ending she’d seen for Dax…the torture, the pain, the fire—I had to try.

  “How’d you figure it out, Mora? Who tipped you off?” Dax demanded. His body was taut, and she knew he was just waiting for the right moment to spring into action. That moment won’t come. Stay down.

  Mora huffed out a breath. “No one tipped me off.” The implication was rather insulting.

  “You’re working for Sammy, aren’t you? You were jerking me around and—”

  “I should let Leo hurt you a bit more,” she muttered. “Because you are pissing me off.” She sighed. Be patient. Do the right thing, Mora. “But you’re a cop, and I think you might be mostly human, so I’m going to help you, again.” She pulled on Leo’s arm. “Let him go. He’s got his problems. We have ours. You and I need to get the hell out of here.”

  Leo’s claws lifted from Dax’s throat. Good. Very good. Mora turned away. Her gaze scanned the area. Where was her car? Had it been towed? Dammit! “We’re gonna need your motorcycle, Dax.” Because, sure, they could fly off courtesy of Leo’s wings, but once Leo left her…she’d be without transportation. And she didn’t feel like hunting down her ride, not when a motorcycle was conveniently available for her. “Consider it payback for pulling a gun on me.” She straddled the bike. The keys were already in the ignition. Nice.

  “Mora, you aren’t leaving!” Dax’s voice boomed. He scrambled to his feet and charged toward her.

  But Leo punched him. One punch to the jaw—and down Dax went.

  She winced. A hit from Leo had to be on par with running straight into a brick wall. “Was that necessary?” Mora revved the engine.

  “He pulled a gun on you. I think it’s necessary for me to rip his head off.”

  And again, a chill skated over her at his words. Mora turned her head to find Leo towering over Dax’s groaning form. When Leo looked up at her, his eyes had a reddish tint. I need to scry. Right away. Because something had changed with Leo. “You’re supposed to protect humans.”

  “Like you said, he’s mostly human. I think that makes him fair game.”

  Her fingers tightened around the handle bars. “He’s DEA. He’s been working undercover for a very long time, and that cover of his has been blown. He’s trying to help in this world. I thought you were supposed to stand up for people like him.”

  “I don’t stand up for anyone who pulls a gun on you.” He glared at her. “And you should be angrier at him, too.”

  She smiled. “I’m stealing his ride. It’s payback.” She motioned toward Leo. “Now will you come on? We have more important matters waiting.” He shouldn’t need that reminder.

  Leo moved toward her, but Dax threw out his hand. Dax’s fingers wrapped around Leo’s ankle. “Wait…” Dax’s gasp. “Have to know…who she’s…with…”

  Leo bent down, resting his hands on his knees. His claws were right in front of Dax’s face. “Me,” Leo said flatly. “Mora is with me.”

  “Leo!” Mora yelled. Dammit! You just had to let him see the claws.

  Dax scrambled back. His face had gone stark white—well, white everywhere but on his rapidly bruising jawline. Darkness covered his jaw. “What are you?”

  “I’m the man who can be your worst nightmare. If you ever come at Mora with a gun again—loaded or not—it will be the end for you.” He pulled away from Dax. “But I’m trying to remember I’m supposed to watch out for humans…and those who are mostly human.”

  Dax just shook his head. “What is…happening?”

  Mora figured the poor guy’s mind was probably about to explode. “Your cover is blown. Sammy’s gang is gunning for you, and you just found out that the world is very much not what you expected it to be. You need to get yourself off the ground, get out of here, and call in to your superiors at the DEA. You also need to stay away from me.” She revved the motorcycle again. “Because like I said before, I really have enough shit going on now.” She inclined her head toward Leo. “Let’s go.”

  He smiled at her. “My pleasure.” Then Leo was climbing onto the bike, sliding on behind her and she’d thought using the motorcycle would make things a whole lot less intimate than the flights she took in his arms. She’d been wrong. He slid behind her and his cock—oh, my. He was aroused. He was seriously turned on, and she could feel the press of his erect cock against her ass. His arms slid alongside hers, and his hands reached out to curl around hers on the handlebars. He completely surrounded her.

  And she’d forgotten to breathe.

  Because it’s happening again. The need…the desire that shouldn’t be there.

  “What are we waiting for?” Leo’s rasp was right at her ear. Mora shivered because she was pretty sure she’d just felt his tongue lick along the shell of her ear.

  Her nipples were tight. Her body aching.

  His scent teased her.

  Scry for him. Then run.

  She would not fall back into the trap of wanting Leo. It was far too dangerous. Because he was far too dangerous. She couldn’t let him distract her.

  The motorcycle shot forward even as Dax screamed her name. But she didn’t look back. After all, she was pretty pissed at him, too. She’d tried to help the guy out, and he’d repaid her by pulling a gun.

  Story of her life.


  “Mora!” Dax bellowed.

  But she was long gone. Long gone on his bike. Dax glowered after her as ash and dust blew in his face. He rubbed his ja
w. Damn. For a moment there, he’d thought that bruiser had broken his jaw.

  The bruiser with the claws and the eyes that seemed to reflect the very fires of hell.

  He wasn’t human. No way had that guy—Leo?—been human. Freaking claws had sprung from the fellow’s fingertips. And he’d had a punch that packed the power of a sledge hammer.

  He moved too fast. Like a blur, coming at me. There was no time to get away from him.

  Dax picked up the gun that had been tossed aside. The gun was bent and twisted. Leo did that. With his bare hand, he twisted the metal.


  And Mora still didn’t tell me how she found out the truth about me. Was she some kind of psychic or something? Or just some woman on Sammy Long’s payroll? Either way, he couldn’t just let her go.

  He hunched his shoulders and started walking. His life was on the line. He’d spent the last three years pretending to be a stone-cold criminal. A killer. And after you pretended something for so long…

  Maybe you stop pretending.

  Mora wasn’t going to vanish, not until he got his answers. And the freak with the claws? Next time, I’ll be ready for his attack.

  Dax’s gun wouldn’t be empty next time.


  Mora was nervous. She was fidgeting, moving too quickly, and casting far too many worried glances over her shoulder as she pulled her scrying mirror from the wooden trunk that rested at the foot of her bed.

  “You’re afraid of me.” Leo stood in the middle of Mora’s bedroom, his hands loose at his sides. Sunlight spilled through the large window on the right, and the room seemed to be filled with Mora’s sweet scent. Her bed was to the left. A big enough bed for two, barely. Given the chance, he could wreck that bed. He could—

  “You should have just waited in the den.” She clutched the mirror to her chest. “I was coming back.”

  “Considering the night and the morning we’ve had, I didn’t want to let you out of my sight.” Truth be told, he’d also just wanted to get inside her bedroom.