Read Tempting Jason Page 7

  Heather leaned back against the couch cushion and pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them. A painful twist in her stomach made it hard to talk.


  “Yeah,” she said, attempting a small smile and failing. “He thinks you won’t want us to be together.”

  “I can see where he might be concerned. I’m cool, though. Want me to talk to him?”

  “No,” she said, a muscle flexing in her jaw. “I don’t want you to talk to him. I might have before, but now. I need to know…” She didn’t finish. Couldn’t.

  “Know what?”

  She turned to face him. This was her brother who she had always told everything too. Unless Jason was involved. She needed to explain. “This is the thing,” she said. “I decided to do this auction thing to make him see he could lose me if he didn’t act.”

  He shook his head. “Playing games is not nice, sis.”

  “I had to do something,” she argued, her voice a bit louder. “It was one excuse after another. He said, you and I might fight over him. He’s afraid it would ruin our relationship,” she motion between her and Matt indicating the two of them, “and we might never be the same together is you weren’t cool with me and him. Then I would blame Jason and—”

  “I get the picture,” he said interrupting her, “but games never pay off.”

  She bit her bottom lip, knowing he was right. “I am feeling the pain of my actions.”

  “Meaning you haven’t gotten the response you hoped for?”

  She nodded. “He doesn’t seem to care some other man is going to buy me.” She eyed Matt, and looked away as burning started in the back of her eyes.

  “That’s not true,” he said his voice a bit softer, no longer scolding. “He came to your office, and it was easy to see he didn’t want you to do the auction.”

  “But I haven’t heard from him since.” She looked up and a tear rolled down her cheek. Angrily, she swiped at it. “Damn it. I didn’t want to cry.”

  Matt slid to sit beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. “Don’t cry. I know he cares. I’ll talk to him.”

  Forcefully she responded, her hand gripping his shirt. “No. Promise me you won’t talk to him. Promise, Matt. I need to know he wants me enough to fight for me. If he doesn’t I don’t want him.”


  She cut him off, her hand filling with a bigger wad of his shirt. “No, damn it. No.”

  He looked down at her hand, and then back up at her. “Okay, but I’m not happy about it. I think I should talk to him.”

  Matt was good for his word. Slowly, her grip on his shirt eased. “I don’t want you to talk to him.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The Madison Hotel was elite, as was the ballroom where the charity ball and action was taking place. Heather looked around the room, trying to focus on the beauty surrounding her rather than what might happen with Jason. Or not happen.

  Huge glass chandeliers hung from the ceilings, making light flicker against the many mirrors that adorned the walls. Flower, all white, sat in vases in the center of table after table. She looked towards the front of the room, where people danced in front of a stage.

  She didn’t even want to think about standing on that stage, waiting anxiously to see how Jason would respond to her auction.

  Needing to get her mind off what was to come, she forced herself to mingle.

  Standing amongst the crowd, forcing a smile, Heather exchanging useless dribble about weather, politics, kids, about everything else under the sun.

  With ever word she heard or spoke, she was acutely aware of Jason standing across the room. He talked amongst several friends, laughing on occasion, and seeming unaffected by her upcoming auction to another man.

  Yet she kept feeling as if his eyes touched her, warming her as they called for her attention. Every time she looked towards him, he simply wasn’t paying her any attention. After an hour of thinking he was watching when he wasn’t, she decided it was a mind trick created by her breaking heart.

  The emerald-green dress she wore showcased her best assets. It had a v-shaped neckline that plunged suggestively. The fitted bra top hugged her well-rounded, very full breasts, as did the silky strip of cloth that wrapped her tiny waist.

  A semi-sheer, knee-length skirt teased viewers as it danced around her shapely legs with every step she took. She should have felt on top of the world. Instead, Heather reached for a glass of champagne, feeling butterflies dance an evil rhythm in her stomach.

  She had danced many a dance out of obligation. All of the bachelorettes danced with men before the auction so they could meet the women before bidding.

  The auction was only fifteen minutes away, and she was through meeting her obligations. She needed a little space. Heather took a sip of the bubbly beverage in her hand and started to walk. Suddenly, Nathan Miers, an executive from some big clothing company, appeared. He had been at her heels all night.

  “Heather,” he said with flirtation in his voice, and obvious approval in his eyes. “One last dance before the auction. What do you say?”

  Heather cringed inwardly. She didn’t want to dance with him. She knew most would call her crazy. He personified tall, dark, and handsome…and he was rich.

  But he was the wrong man for her. The right man had zapped all of her energy. She simply didn’t feel like playing the male-female cat and mouse game.

  She was all played out, and the auction hadn’t even started.

  “Actually, she owes me a dance.” The voice, Jason’s, came from behind.

  As Nathan’s eyes went above her head, Heather turned to bring Jason into focus. The sight of him in his tuxedo literally left her breathless. Despite having seen him from a distance, the up close and personal was a jolt to senses.

  If Nathan personified tall, dark, and handsome, Jason was the lighter side of masculine with an extra dose of manly.

  Forcing herself to breath, Heather reminded herself of the cold shoulder he had given her. “My dances are reserved for those who are bidding in the auction.” His eyes were dangerously alert, and as usual, far too compelling. When she looked into his eyes, she always fell into a tunnel of emotion. She fought the feeling, and was pleased when her voice didn’t quiver. In fact, she managed to sound a bit challenging. “Will you be bidding, Jason?”

  He ignored her question, and looked at Nathan. “My dance, man.”

  Something in his tone rang with warning, though Heather couldn’t be certain exactly why. It wasn’t as if he raised his voice, or said something cutting. He simply threatened, effortlessly.

  A muscle in Nathan’s jaw jumped but to his credit he kept a cool exterior. After a moment, he smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No problem. I already know who I’m bidding on.” He looked Heather in the eyes, and then gave her a quick nod. “We will most definitely be seeing each other soon.”

  Graciously, he turned without another word, leaving Heather with Jason. She turned to face him. “What was that all about?”

  He reached out and took her hand. “Let’s dance.”

  She wanted to say yes. She wanted to say no. Damn it. She wanted to say yes. It didn’t matter either way really. He started walking, sliding her hand under his elbow so they were close. Too close. Not close enough.

  Hope fluttered in her heart. Was he going to say he wanted her enough to take a few risks?

  His body pressed against hers, lightly, but enough to invite images of their night together. Her body responded, surging with the heat of awareness, attraction, and desire.

  As they stepped onto the dance floor, amongst the crowd, he pulled her into his arms. Her hands settled on his biceps, her eyes on his chest.

  She knew if she looked at him, her feelings would be transparent. The whole idea was to play hard to get. To show him what he was missing.

  The sway of their bodies seemed to unite in the same rhythm as if they called one another. She felt as if th
ey did. She felt him tighten his grip around her waist, drawing her ever so slightly against his body. No will to resist, she melted into him.

  “Heather.” The word was spoken near her ear, his warm breath tickling her ear, and sending goose bumps along her skin.

  Without thinking, she looked up. His face was near, his lips full and seductive. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” she asked, needing to hear the answer urgently, but managing to keep her reply monotone.

  He stared down at her, potent, dark eyes probing her expression. “I never meant things to turn out this way.”

  What did that mean? She tried for nonchalant. It came out hurt. “It’s one of those things.”

  Remotely, she was aware they stood in the center of the crowd, but had stopped moving. “I wish things could be different.”

  She now had his answer. He hadn’t changed his mind. She laughed bitterly, though the music swallowed the sound. “But they aren’t.” Her hands moved to his chest and she tried to push away from him. The first tingling of tears touched the back of her eyes, and she wanted away from him before it was too late to stop them.

  She didn’t want him to know what he was doing to her. The way he had this power over her ticked her off. Why did she let someone who cared less for her than she did for him cause her this kind of ache?

  “Heather,” he said, holding onto her so she couldn’t leave. There was a distinct emotional tone to his voice that made her still.

  Desperately, she searched his face, but all she saw was his regret. She didn’t see any hope of more. “Just forget we ever happened, Jason.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  Jennifer had stepped onto the stage, and the music died. “Time to bring all the beautiful ladies to the stage.”

  The announcement registered but she held his gaze. She was about to cry and now she had to go up on stage. It was a crummy situation in general. But she wanted him to know how she felt about his words. What if I can’t? “You didn’t leave either of us a choice, now, did you?” She looked down at his hands on her arms, and then back at him. He opened his mouth to speak, and she cut him off. “I need to get on stage.”

  Right about that time, Jennifer called over the microphone. “Where’s Heather?”

  * * *

  Jason watched Heather.

  She stood on the stage next to several other women, looking spectacular in a sexy dress that tempted the imagination.

  Jennifer was speaking over the microphone, explaining the rules of the auction. Jason hardly heard her. He was too absorbed in Heather, and how much he didn’t want her up on that stage.

  “And what will dates include?” Jennifer asked the crowd. That got his attention. What did it include? His focus switched to Jennifer as he ground his teeth awaiting her explanation.

  “The date includes dinner at an elite Paris restaurant overlooking the ocean, a midnight boat ride, champagne, and to complete it all, delicious chocolate-covered strawberries.”

  His fist closes and opened several times. Just thinking about Heather enjoying a romantic night with someone else ate at his heart. His stomach felt like he’d been kicked.

  “Let the bidding begin!” Jennifer called out to the room. “Our first beautiful lady—“

  “Heather looks amazing,” Matt said beside him. Jason turned and gave him a quick look. He hadn’t even noticed Matt standing there until he spoke.

  “Yes,” Jason said not willing to say more. Matt was too perceptive as it was.

  “I wish she wasn’t doing this.”

  A muscle in Jason’s jaw jumped. His response was half mumbled. “You and me both.”

  “What if she gets stuck with some jerk who thinks he bought more than dinner?”

  He was trying not to think about it. “I’m sure she can handle herself.” He just didn’t want her to handle anything to do with another man.

  Matt made a disgusted noise. “I don’t like this. Some strange guy should not be buying my damn sister.”

  Jason kept his eyes on Heather. He had maneuvered close enough to the stage that he had a clear view of her, as she did of him. Not once has she looked at him. Under the lights, her skin was a creamy white, and her hair a brilliant red.

  He wanted to touch her, and make love to her again. He wanted…her off that stage. The final bidding had concluded for one woman, and Jason watched a happy sixty-something man join a sexy young brunette on the stage.

  Jason could only hope Heather ended up with someone too old to tempt her.

  Jennifer announced the next person on the auction list. Heather seemed to stiffen as her name was called out, and Jason did so right along with her.

  For the first time since she took the stage, her eyes found his. She looked at him with her heart in her eyes. At that moment, he knew she was testing him. She had decided letting her stay on that stage determined his love for her.

  Would he let her be auctioned off to another man?

  It was crazy. Love was never in question. He loved her with all of his heart and soul. In fact, that was why he was willing to walk away from her. And from what they could be.

  And he knew they would be amazing together.

  Of course, he hadn’t told her he loved her. Surely she knew? Under his breath, he cursed. What was he supposed to do? The situation hadn’t changed. She was still his best friend's little sister, which made things complicated.

  But how could he walk away from the only woman he had ever thought about forever with?

  Heather stepped up to the podium, and the Jennifer called for the first bid. Nathan was quick to raise his hand. The guy really irritated Jason. He looked at her like she was naked. The guy wanted her in bed, and planned to make it happen.

  The question was, would she go to him on the rebound?

  As the bidding continued, several other men joined in the battle for a night with Heather.

  With each bid, Jason got tenser. Feelings of anger and even jealousy ripped at his gut. Caveman-like feelings threatened. He wanted to run up to the stage, throw her over his shoulder, and yell, " Mine!"

  No way could he let Heather get away. Hell, Matt would just have to understand.

  Matt’s hand settled on his back. “Are you going to let another man leave with your woman?”

  Jason turned to Matt, stunned. “What?“

  “There isn’t time for a big discussion, man. Don’t be a fool. You love her, and she loves you. Get her off that stage, and don’t you dare tell her I told you to.”

  Jason smiled. “I was about to say to hell with you anyway, man.” Matt laughed with him, and pointed towards the stage.

  “Going once, going twice—“

  Jason raised his hand, and started walking towards the stage. “Final bid, and it’s mine.” He started up the stairs.

  “It’s an open bid,” Jennifer said as several mumbles of protest came from the crowd.

  “Not anymore.” He said stepping on the stage. “Heather.”

  She was staring at him as if she didn’t believe he was real. “What are you doing Jason?”

  He closed the distance between them, and not even hesitating, he dropped to his knee. He took her hand in his. Ideally he would have wanted to do this with a ring in hand. Still, that could be easily remedied.

  Her other hand, now trembling, went to her lips. “What are you doing?”

  “Heather, I’ve behaved foolishly. You are everything I could ever want in a woman.”

  “Jason, get up.”

  “Not yet. Heather, I love you. I think I always have. I was just too young and foolish to know what to do about it.”

  Tears began to dampen her cheeks. “I love you, too, Jason.”

  “Marry me, Heather,” he said softly. The room, as full of people as it was, had gone utterly silent. “We belong together.”’

  Her tears fell harder now. He pulled her close, sitting her on his knee, and wiping her tears with his fingers. “Why are you crying?”

  She sniff
ed. “Be…because I thought you didn’t want me enough to fight for me.”

  “Oh, Heather, baby, I was foolish. I thought I had to sacrifice because I love you so much.”

  Her bottom lip stuck out in a little pout, the rest of the room forgotten. “You never said that.”

  “I should have. You are so a part of me, Heather. How I thought I could walk away, I don’t know.”

  “I don’t know either.”

  He laughed. “I want to watch scary movies with you, and pig out on popcorn, take you skydiving, and celebrate your birthday with you.”

  She laughed, her tears starting to fade. “You want a lot.”

  He nodded. “I want it all. Marry me.”

  She smiled through her damp eyes. “I will marry you on one condition.”

  His heart threatened to miss a beat. “What?”

  “I don’t have to watch the same movie more than three times.”

  He laughed, starting to relax a little. “Three times is the limit.” He said playfully. “You got it, sweetheart.”

  “Then yes, I would be honored to marry you.”

  They kissed as the room filled with roars of approval and applause, Matt making the most noise of all.

  About Lisa

  Lisa Jones lives in Austin, Texas, a college town where sexy cowboys and UT Football players almost seem to be the harvest. The eye candy produced stimulates the, um, well, mind. Needless to say, Lisa doesn't have trouble conjuring up new men for her books.

  Having spent years in the corporate world, Lisa laughs at the shocked reactions her ex-peers have when they read her writing. Her response….every good girl has a fun, slightly naughty one dying to get out.

  Hers is loose and loving it!



  Lisa Renee Jones, Tempting Jason



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