Read Tempting Love Page 4


  My heart raced like it did every time our eyes met, every time I even found myself in the same room as him. But no matter how excited he seemed at first, he would eventually look elsewhere and act like he hadn’t seen me.

  Tonight he didn’t.

  Tonight his gaze stayed on me, and I could practically feel him burning a hole right through my slutty dress that I was really wishing I hadn’t worn.

  “Corina, are you okay?” Paxton yelled.

  I nodded. My eyes drifted back; Mitchell was still watching us. “I need to use the restroom and splash my face. I’ll be right back.”

  She gave me a concerned look, so I flashed a fake smile. “Honest. I’m hot, that’s all. I haven’t danced this much in a long time!”

  Paxton laughed, accepting my answer.

  Before I turned to head to the bathroom I peeked at Mitchell.

  Big mistake. He was talking to the same girl I had seen him dancing with a few months back. He looked to the left, and our eyes met again. The girl leaned in and whispered something into his ear, but he never took his eyes off me.

  Spinning on the heel of my boots, I pushed through the crowd. The room felt like it was closing in, and I was about to lose the turkey on rye sandwich I’d for dinner.

  “Hey, beautiful, want to dance?” some cowboy asked.

  “No, thanks. I feel like I’m going to puke.”

  He jumped out of my way, allowing me to keep moving. Each breath grew harder and harder to take as I tried to get to the hall.

  What in the heck is wrong with me? Why can’t I forget about him?

  Once I broke through the crowd, I dragged in a deep breath, my hand clutching my chest, trying to calm my racing heart.

  I fought the tears that threatened to spill. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. Seeing Mitchell, not knowing if he left with some girl he would screw in his truck and then never call again…

  Maybe that’s all I was to him. Another notch on his belt.

  I wiped my tears and started for the ladies’ restroom just as someone grabbed my arm from behind.

  “Hey! Let go of me!” I yelled, hitting the guy with everything I had.

  “Corina, stop fighting me.”

  Mitchell had taken me by the arm.

  He pulled me toward Cord’s office, unlocked the door, and guided me in as I jerked my arm free.

  “Are you crazy, Mitch? You scared the crap out of me. It’s dark in that hall, and I had no idea it was you!”

  Before I could say another word, his lips pressed against mine. His hands pushed through my hair, and he held me gently even as he kissed me urgently, like he needed my kiss to breathe.

  It was the first time he’d kissed me since the morning he’d stood at my front door. Leaving me to hope for something that would never be.

  I should have pushed him away. Or told him that he couldn’t drag me into a room and kiss me like he hadn’t ripped my heart out and kicked it to the side all those months ago. But my heart was in control right now, and it loved every moment of Mitchell’s kiss and the feel of his hands on my body. He tasted like peppermint and a hint of alcohol. It made me dizzy with desire.

  A soft moan slipped from my lips. I grabbed his strong arms while they moved down my body, pulling up my dress.

  Stop this, Corina.

  He moved his lips along my jaw, then my neck, making his way to the sensitive area behind my ear. His hot breath and hands on my ass had me instantly wet.

  “Corina.” His whisper sounded so pained that my chest squeezed.

  My mouth opened, but no words came out. The room was spinning, and as much as I knew I should tell him I couldn’t do this without wanting more, I didn’t want to break the moment. I wanted him to keep going.

  “You look so goddamn sexy in this dress.”

  I smiled, no longer regretting my decision to wear it. Mitchell’s hands pulled me up and my legs wrapped around his waist. He pushed me against the wall, his erection pressing against me in the most delicious way. This man brought out an inner goddess in me and I longed to explore that side of me with him.

  “Mitch, yes.” My breath was needy and rough, but I didn’t care. I was in his arms and that was all I could focus on.

  His breath was hot against my ear. “You drive me crazy. Do you know how much I want you?”

  Hope bubbled in my chest. I shook my head, my chest rising and falling while his blue eyes stared into mine.

  When I smiled, something in his eyes changed. He dropped his head and buried his face in my neck, kissing me in the most tender way. My skin was on fire beneath each kiss.

  He pulled on my earlobe with his teeth, sending a zip of energy straight between my legs. He softly whispered, “You’re so precious. I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

  Closing my eyes, a tear rolled slowly down my cheek. When I felt him pull back, I met his gaze.

  I was positive the sadness in his eyes mirrored mine. He let my body slide down his until my feet touched the ground. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs, then pulled my dress back down.

  He stepped away and dropped his hands to his side. “I can’t do this, not like this. You don’t deserve to be fucked against my brother’s office door.”

  My mouth opened while I nodded, but then I realized what he was saying.

  He took another step back and reached for the door. Before he opened it, I grabbed his arm. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  He stared.

  Anger raced through my body as I glared in disbelief. “Do you have any idea how fucked up this is?”

  He winced at my use of fuck. Anyone who knew me knew I rarely swore. “You can’t ignore me for months, and then haul me into your brother’s office, feel me up for your own cheap thrill and walk away. Were you using me to warm up for the brunette?”

  “What? No!”

  I hit him as hard as I could on the chest. “You bastard! How could you?” Tears streamed down my face. I covered my mouth as I stumbled back. “How could you do this to me…again?”

  “Corina, I—”

  I hit him again. “I hate you, Mitchell Parker. Just go! Go fuck whatever flavor of the month you’re into, but don’t you dare ever touch me again!”

  “It’s not like that, sweetheart. Please, let me explain.”

  He reached out, and I screamed. He stopped. A look of horror moved across his face.

  The door to Cord’s office opened, and Amelia and Cord stood there.

  “What’s going on?” Amelia asked as she glanced between her brother and me.

  My chin trembled as I looked at Amelia and Cord, then back to Mitchell.

  Mitchell’s eyes were pleading. “Corina.”

  I’d never in my life felt so defeated and broken. I’d foolishly believed that Mitchell Parker might care about me. I didn’t bother to look at him as I took in a deep breath and blew it out. “You’re right. I deserve someone who actually cares about me and wants to be with me. Someone who will cherish my heart.”

  Looking up, my breath caught when I saw his tears. “I’m tired of waiting for something that was never mine in the first place. I’m finished waiting for you, Mitch.”

  As I walked out, Mitchell called out, “Corina! Wait!”

  I tried to hold back my sobs as I pushed my way through the crowd. I needed air. I needed to leave and get home.

  My eyes met Tripp’s. His brows drew together as he held out his arms, and I rushed into them.

  The last ounce of strength I had left my body when he wrapped his arms around me.

  “What in the hell happened?” he asked.

  “Please take me home, Tripp. Please.”

  He lifted my chin. “Why are you crying, Corina? Tell me what happened.”

  His eyes drifted over my shoulder. From the look on his face it was clear Mitchell must have been standing there.

  Tripp looked back down at me and forced a smile. “Let’s get you home.”

He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me through the bar. The farther I walked, the worse I felt. I could feel Mitchell’s eyes boring into me. One glance over my shoulder proved I was right.

  Looking straight ahead, I made the decision I should have made months ago.

  It was time to move on and forget about Mitchell Parker.

  “Fuck!” I cried out as I watched Tripp leading Corina out of the bar.

  Cord pulled me by the arm. “Get back to my office, now!”

  I followed him back to his office and took a seat in one of the chairs. I buried my face in my hands.

  “Totally just fucked that all up,” I groaned.

  “Mitch, what happened?” Amelia asked. “What in the world did you do to Corina?”

  “Nothing! I mean, things got a little hot and heavy, and I stopped because I didn’t want to fuck her against a goddamn office door. I wanted to get her out of here and take her back to my place to talk…she thought I was trying to back out. She wouldn’t even let me explain.”

  Cord sat on his desk and lifted his hands with a confused expression. “Why would she think you were leaving?”

  I dragged my hands down my face. “I don’t know. I don’t think she was really listening to me once I stopped kissing her. I told her I couldn’t do this and that she didn’t deserve to be fucked up against the door. I wanted to get out of here but when I went to open the door, she freaked the fuck out.”

  Cord and Amelia looked at each other. Glancing back at me, Cord said, “Dude, she thought you were blowing her off.”

  I jumped up. “I fucking know that now, Cord! I got that much when she started hitting me and saying she hated me. She wouldn’t even let me get a fucking word in. She took off and ran straight into Tripp’s arms.” My voice cracked and I dropped my head. “She left with him.”

  “Oh, stop it.”

  Lifting my eyes to meet Amelia’s, I frowned.

  “You know damn well Tripp is not going to do anything. He’s her friend and that’s all. The one guy who doesn’t push her away and pretend he doesn’t have feelings for her.”

  “Don't fucking start with me, Amelia.”

  Cord put his hand on my chest. “Dude, you don’t talk to our sister like that.”

  I closed my eyes and blew out a breath. Focusing on Amelia, I said, “I’m sorry, Meli. Do you have any idea how many times I wanted to just walk up to Corina and tell her I had feelings for her?”

  “But you never did, Mitch. You danced and flirted for months with other women. How many times have you had sex since that night with Corina? How many women have you been with?”

  I swallowed hard. My stomach felt sick.


  Amelia pulled her brows together and jerked her head back. “Once what?”

  Combing my fingers in my hair, I answered. “I’ve had sex once, and it was with Cassidy.”

  “I knew it!” Amelia cried out. “I knew that skank got to you.”

  “I was drunk. I don’t even remember the night.”

  “Nice,” Amelia spat out as Cord jumped in.

  “Alright, Amelia, you got your jab in. Let’s cool it, okay?”

  “Cool it? Cord, this girl has been pining over him for months. And he thinks just one night he can walk up and kiss her senseless, and bam, she’s gonna take him back? Fuck that!”

  Amelia walked over and sat down next to me on the loveseat. “Mitchell, I love you, but you don’t know shit about women. And no offense, but none of my brothers do.”

  “Hey!” Cord said.

  Looking up at him, Amelia rolled her eyes. “You know how to make a girl cry out your name and beg you for more. That’s about all you know, Cord. Sorry.”

  I let out a chuckle.

  “Don’t laugh, Mitch. You’re the same way. You guys have been able to get any girl by smiling at them and saying hi. But you know what? The one girl who really matters, the one you’re going to want to spend the rest of your life with, that girl is going to take work. She’s going to need to know she’s more than a quick fuck in the back of your truck. Mitchell, you’re doing this all wrong.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, I turned to my sister. “Then tell me what I need to do, Amelia. I can’t stop thinking about her. Every time I see her all I want to do is pull her into my arms and kiss her.”

  An evil smile grew across my baby sister’s face. “You’re going to swoon her.”

  “Swoon her?” Cord and I said at once.

  Amelia looked between us. “Have neither one of you read one of my books?”

  Cord and I shrugged. Cord replied, “I’ve bought them.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I said. “But I’m sorry, sis, I’m not really into romance, and I’m for sure not into reading sex written by my baby sister.”

  “A-fucking-men,” Cord added.

  Her body slumped. “Okay. I’ll give y’all that. I’ve got some good books I’m going to send you both. They’re on audio so you can listen to them. I’m going to teach you two what it means to swoon a woman and make her fall, not because you’re going to screw her brains out, but because you’re showering her with romance and respect.”

  Cord laughed. “Please. Amelia, I think I know how to romance a woman if I want.”

  I stood. “That goes for me too. I don’t need some damn book to tell me how to win a woman’s heart.”

  Amelia slowly stood. “Is that right?”

  “Yes!” Cord and I said together.

  Taking her phone out, Amelia pulled up Amazon. “Let’s see, Jennifer Probst, Sydney Landon, Marie Force, oh, yes. Erika Kelly.”

  She tapped a few things on her phone and then looked up at us. “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen. I’ve got some dancing left to do.”

  Turning to leave, she let out an evil laugh and disappeared out the door.

  “Why do I have a feeling we are about to be schooled on romance by our baby sister?” Cord asked.

  “You think she ordered each of us the audiobooks?”

  Cord gave me a what-the-fuck look before rubbing the back of his neck and heading toward his office door. “She better have.”

  I followed Cord back into the bar. Pulling my phone out, I sent Tripp a text message.

  Me: She misunderstood me. I wanted to take her back to my place and talk.

  Tripp: Yeah, she is pretty pissed. I think she is making an effigy of you right now.

  My head pulled back as I stared at the phone.


  Me: What in the fuck?

  Tripp: Dude, when I say she’s pissed…I mean she is PISSED. I don’t think I’ve ever head Corina curse and she’s called you an asshole six times.

  I let out a groan.


  Tripp: My advice, don’t come over here or call her tonight.

  Me: Why?

  Tripp: Image

  Opening up the picture, I stumbled back. “What in the living fuck!”

  “What’s wrong?” Trevor asked as he handed me a beer.

  I stared at the image before looking at Trevor.

  “Corina. She…she made a doll of me, and I’m pretty sure that is a piece of my windbreaker I left the night we were together. I was wondering where that jacket went.”

  It only took him about five seconds before Trevor burst out laughing.

  “Awe, hell. I always did like that girl.”

  When the lights of Tripp’s truck came around the corner, I let out a sigh. I was almost positive his uptight neighbors were fixin’ to call the sheriff.

  The garage door opened and Tripp pulled in. Shutting off his truck, he looked at me and smiled.

  “She made a fucking doll?” I asked.

  “Dude, it was so true to life, too. She’s going to make a great kindergarten teacher. She’s totally crafty.” He pulled in a deep breath through his nose and exhaled. “Maybe I shouldn’t have let her go. She’d a been a good wife for the mayor.”

  “Oh, fuck you, motherfucking dickhead son-of
-a-bitch traitor bastard asshole cocksucker of a brother!”

  Tripp stopped walking. “Wow. That was something there, baby brother.”

  “Fuck off! I’m not your baby brother!”

  “Um, yeah, you are!” he said as he reached up and shut his garage door. “I’m older, you’re younger. Need I explain it further?”

  “I hope you lose your bid for mayor.”

  Clutching his chest, Tripp tossed his keys onto his kitchen island. He lived in a huge house—over four thousand square feet. How in the hell he got paid so much for being a small town lawyer was beyond me. Of course, he did work for a firm in San Antonio, as well.

  “That really hurts, bro,” he said. “Hurts deep.”

  Guilt flooded my veins. “Shit, I didn’t mean that.”

  Reaching into the refrigerator, he grabbed two beers. “I know you didn’t. Just like I didn’t mean it when I said I hope you misfired and shot yourself in the foot.”

  The beer froze at my lips. “When did you say that?”

  He smiled. “When I found out you slept with Corina.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. By the way, your wish could have caused bodily harm, mine wouldn’t have.”

  He looked up in thought and then glanced at me and smiled.

  “Asshole,” I said.

  “Takes one to know one, Mitchell.”

  I sat at one of the stools at his large kitchen island. “Is she okay?”

  He leaned against the counter and took a long drink. “You want me to be honest?”

  “Of course.”

  “No. She’s nowhere near okay. Angry, hurt, feeling rejected…again.”

  “I wasn’t rejecting her! I didn’t want to fuck her in Cord’s office. I wanted to take her back to my place.”

  “To fuck.”

  “No! Well, maybe after we talked, but I wanted to talk to her first. To tell her I’ve been so damn stupid. Ever since I saw Mrs. Johnson showing Corina how to cook, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I needed to talk to her.”

  Tripp stared at me like I had grown two heads. “It was a pie crust that got you to realize you’ve been an ass?”

  “Yes. No. Hell, I don’t know.” I gripped my hair with both hands as I let out a groan. “I didn’t want to leave her today. I wanted to watch her stupid cooking lesson, then take her to Lilly’s to get something to eat and tell her I wanted another shot.”