Read Ten Years Later Page 39

  Upon the green waters of the canal bordered with marble, upon which timehad already scattered black spots and tufts of mossy grass, thereglided majestically a long, flat bark adorned with the arms of England,surmounted by a dais, and carpeted with long damasked stuffs, whichtrailed their fringes in the water. Eight rowers, leaning lazily totheir oars, made it move upon the canal with the graceful slowness ofthe swans, which, disturbed in their ancient possessions by the approachof the bark, looked from a distance at this splendid and noisy pageant.We say noisy--for the bark contained four guitar and lute players, twosingers, and several courtiers, all sparkling with gold and preciousstones, and showing their white teeth in emulation of each other, toplease the Lady Henrietta Stuart, grand-daughter of Henry IV., daughterof Charles I., and sister of Charles II., who occupied the seat of honorunder the dais of the bark. We know this young princess, we have seenher at the Louvre with her mother, wanting wood, wanting bread, andfed by the coadjuteur and the parliament. She had, therefore, like herbrothers, passed through an uneasy youth; then, all at once, she hadjust awakened from a long and horrible dream, seated on the steps ofa throne, surrounded by courtiers and flatterers. Like Mary Stuart onleaving prison, she aspired not only to life and liberty, but to powerand wealth.

  The Lady Henrietta, in growing, had attained remarkable beauty, whichthe recent restoration had rendered celebrated. Misfortune had takenfrom her the luster of pride, but prosperity had restored it to her.She was resplendent, then, in her joy and her happiness,--like thosehot-house flowers which, forgotten during a frosty autumn night, havehung their heads, but which on the morrow, warmed once more by theatmosphere in which they were born, rise again with greater splendorthan ever. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, son of him who played soconspicuous a part in the early chapters of this history,--Villiers ofBuckingham, a handsome cavalier, melancholy with women, a jesterwith men,--and Wilmot, Lord Rochester, a jester with both sexes,were standing at this moment before the Lady Henrietta, disputing theprivilege of making her smile. As to that young and beautiful princess,reclining upon a cushion of velvet bordered with gold, her hands hanginglistlessly so as to dip in the water, she listened carelessly to themusicians without hearing them, and heard the two courtiers withoutappearing to listen to them.

  This Lady Henrietta--this charming creature--this woman who joined thegraces of France to the beauties of England, not having yet loved, wascruel in her coquetry. The smile, then,--that innocent favor of younggirls,--did not even lighten her countenance; and if, at times, she didraise her eyes, it was to fasten them upon one or other of the cavalierswith such a fixity, that their gallantry, bold as it generally was, tookthe alarm, and became timid.

  In the meanwhile the boat continued its course, the musicians made agreat noise, and the courtiers began, like them, to be out of breath.Besides, the excursion became doubtless monotonous to the princess,for all at once, shaking her head with an air of impatience,--"Come,gentlemen,--enough of this;--let us land."

  "Ah, madam," said Buckingham, "we are very unfortunate! We have notsucceeded in making the excursion agreeable to your royal highness."

  "My mother expects me," replied the princess; "and I must frankly admit,gentlemen, I am bored." And whilst uttering this cruel word, Henriettaendeavored to console by a look each of the two young men, who appearedterrified at such frankness. The look produced its effect--the two facesbrightened; but immediately, as if the royal coquette thought she haddone too much for simple mortals, she made a movement, turned her backon both her adorers, and appeared plunged in a reverie in which it wasevident they had no part.

  Buckingham bit his lips with anger, for he was truly in love withLady Henrietta, and, in that case, took everything in a serious light.Rochester bit his lips likewise; but his wit always dominated overhis heart, it was purely and simply to repress a malicious smile. Theprincess was then allowing the eyes she turned from the young nobles towander over the green and flowery turf of the park, when she perceivedParry and D'Artagnan at a distance.

  "Who is coming yonder?" said she.

  The two young men turned round with the rapidity of lightning.

  "Parry," replied Buckingham, "nobody but Parry."

  "I beg your pardon," said Rochester, "but I think he has a companion."

  "Yes," said the princess, at first with languor, but then,--"What meanthose words, 'Nobody but Parry;' say, my lord?"

  "Because, madam," replied Buckingham, piqued, "because the faithfulParry, the wandering Parry, the eternal Parry, is not, I believe, ofmuch consequence."

  "You are mistaken, duke. Parry--the wandering Parry, as you callhim--has always wandered in the service of my family, and the sight ofthat old man always gives me satisfaction."

  The Lady Henrietta followed the usual progress of pretty women,particularly coquettish women; she passed from caprice tocontradiction;--the gallant had undergone the caprice, the courtiermust bend beneath the contradictory humor. Buckingham bowed, but made noreply.

  "It is true, madam," said Rochester, bowing in his turn, "that Parry isthe model of servants; but, madam, he is no longer young, and we laughonly when we see cheerful objects. Is an old man a gay object?"

  "Enough, my lord," said the princess, coolly; "the subject ofconversation is unpleasant to me."

  Then, as if speaking to herself, "It is really unaccountable," said she,"how little regard my brother's friends have for his servants."

  "Ah, madam," cried Buckingham, "your royal highness pierces my heartwith a dagger forged by your own hands."

  "What is the meaning of that speech, which is turned so like a Frenchmadrigal, duke? I do not understand it."

  "It means, madam, that you yourself, so good, so charming, so sensible,you have laughed sometimes--smiled, I should say--at the idle prattle ofthat good Parry, for whom your royal highness to-day entertains such amarvelous susceptibility."

  "Well, my lord, if I have forgotten myself so far," said Henrietta, "youdo wrong to remind me of it." And she made a sign of impatience. "Thegood Parry wants to speak to me, I believe: please order them to row tothe shore, my Lord Rochester."

  Rochester hastened to repeat the princess's command; and a moment laterthe boat touched the bank.

  "Let us land, gentlemen," said Henrietta, taking the arm which Rochesteroffered her, although Buckingham was nearer to her, and had presentedhis. Then Rochester, with an ill-dissembled pride, which pierced theheart of the unhappy Buckingham through and through, led the princessacross the little bridge which the rowers had cast from the royal boatto the shore.

  "Which way will your royal highness go?" asked Rochester.

  "You see, my lord, towards that good Parry, who is wandering, as my lordof Buckingham says, and seeking me with eyes weakened by the tears hehas shed over our misfortunes."

  "Good heavens!" said Rochester, "how sad your royal highness is to-day;in truth we seem ridiculous fools to you, madam."

  "Speak for yourself, my lord," interrupted Buckingham with vexation;"for my part, I displease her royal highness to such a degree, that Iappear absolutely nothing to her."

  Neither Rochester nor the princess made any reply; Henrietta only urgedher companion more quickly on. Buckingham remained behind, and tookadvantage of this isolation to give himself up to his anger; he bit hishandkerchief so furiously that it was soon in shreds.

  "Parry my good Parry," said the princess, with her gentle voice, "comehither. I see you are seeking me, and I am waiting for you."

  "Ah, madam," said Rochester, coming charitably to the help of hiscompanion, who had remained, as we have said, behind, "if Parry cannotsee your royal highness, the man who follows him is a sufficientguide, even for a blind man, for he has eyes of flame. That man is adouble-lamped lantern."

  "Lighting a very handsome martial countenance," said the princess,determined to be as ill-natured as possible. Rochester bowed. "One ofthose vigorous soldiers' heads seen nowhere but in France," added theprincess, with the perseverance of a woman sure of impunity.
  Rochester and Buckingham looked at each other, as much as to say,--"Whatcan be the matter with her?"

  "See, my lord of Buckingham, what Parry wants," said Henrietta. "Go!"

  The young man, who considered this order as a favor, resumed hiscourage, and hastened to meet Parry, who, followed by D'Artagnan,advanced slowly on account of his age. D'Artagnan walked slowly butnobly, as D'Artagnan, doubled by the third of a million, ought to walk,that is to say, without conceit or swagger, but without timidity. WhenBuckingham, very eager to comply with the desire of the princess, whohad seated herself on a marble bench, as if fatigued with the few stepsshe had gone,--when Buckingham, we say, was at a distance of only a fewpaces from Parry, the latter recognized him.

  "Ah I my lord!" cried he, quite out of breath, "will your grace obey theking?"

  "In what, Mr. Parry?" said the young man, with a kind of coolnesstempered by a desire to make himself agreeable to the princess.

  "Well, his majesty begs your grace to present this gentleman to herroyal highness the Princess Henrietta."

  "In the first place, what is the gentleman's name?" said the duke,haughtily.

  D'Artagnan, as we know, was easily affronted, and the Duke ofBuckingham's tone displeased him. He surveyed the courtier from head tofoot, and two flashes beamed from beneath his bent brows. But, aftera struggle,--"Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan, my lord," replied he,quietly.

  "Pardon me, sir, that name teaches me your name but nothing more."

  "You mean----"

  "I mean I do not know you."

  "I am more fortunate than you, sir," replied D'Artagnan, "for I havehad the honor of knowing your family, and particularly my lord Duke ofBuckingham, your illustrious father."

  "My father?" said Buckingham. "Well, I think I now remember. Monsieur leChevalier d'Artagnan, do you say?"

  D'Artagnan bowed. "In person," said he.

  "Pardon me, but are you one of those Frenchmen who had secret relationswith my father?"

  "Exactly, my lord duke, I am one of those Frenchmen."

  "Then, sir, permit me to say that it was strange my father never heardof you during his lifetime."

  "No, monsieur, but he heard of me at the moment of his death: it was Iwho sent to him, through the hands of the valet de chambre of Anne ofAustria, notice of the dangers which threatened him; unfortunately, itcame too late."

  "Never mind, monsieur," said Buckingham. "I understand now, that, havinghad the intention of rendering a service to the father, you have come toclaim the protection of the son."

  "In the first place, my lord," replied D'Artagnan, phlegmatically, "Iclaim the protection of no man. His majesty Charles II., to whom I havehad the honor of rendering some services--I may tell you, my lord, mylife has been passed in such occupations--King Charles II., then, whowishes to honor me with some kindness, desires me to be presented toher royal highness the Princess Henrietta, his sister, to whom I shall,perhaps, have the good fortune to be of service hereafter. Now, the kingknew that you at this moment were with her royal highness, and sent meto you. There is no other mystery, I ask absolutely nothing of you; andif you will not present me to her royal highness, I shall be compelledto do without you, and present myself."

  "At least, sir," said Buckingham, determined to have the last word, "youwill not refuse me an explanation provoked by yourself."

  "I never refuse, my lord," said D'Artagnan.

  "As you have had relations with my father, you must be acquainted withsome private details?"

  "These relations are already far removed from us, my lord--for you werenot then born--and for some unfortunate diamond studs, which I receivedfrom his hands and carried back to France, it is really not worth whileawakening so many remembrances."

  "Ah! sir," said Buckingham, warmly, going up to D'Artagnan, and holdingout his hand to him, "it is you, then--you whom my father soughteverywhere and who had a right to expect so much from us."

  "To expect, my lord, in truth, that is my forte; all my life I haveexpected."

  At this moment, the princess, who was tired of not seeing the strangerapproach her, arose and came towards them.

  "At least, sir," said Buckingham, "you shall not wait for thepresentation you claim of me."

  Then turning toward the princess and bowing: "Madam," said the youngman, "the king, your brother, desires me to have the honor of presentingto your royal highness, Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan."

  "In order that your royal highness may have, in case of need, a firmsupport and a sure friend," added Parry. D'Artagnan bowed.

  "You have still something to say, Parry," replied Henrietta, smilingupon D'Artagnan, while addressing the old servant.

  "Yes, madam, the king desires you to preserve religiously in your memorythe name and merit of M. d'Artagnan, to whom his majesty owes, he says,the recovery of his kingdom." Buckingham, the princess, and Rochesterlooked at each other.

  "That," said D'Artagnan, "is another little secret, of which, in allprobability, I shall not boast to his majesty's son, as I have done toyou with respect to the diamond studs."

  "Madam," said Buckingham, "monsieur has just, for the second time,recalled to my memory an event which excites my curiosity to such adegree, that I shall venture to ask your permission to take him to oneside for a moment, to converse in private."

  "Do, my lord," said the princess, "but restore to the sister, as quicklyas possible, this friend so devoted to the brother." And she took thearm of Rochester whilst Buckingham took that of D'Artagnan.

  "Oh! tell me, chevalier," said Buckingham, "all that affair of thediamonds, which nobody knows in England, not even the son of him who wasthe hero of it."

  "My lord, one person alone had a right to relate all that affair, asyou call it, and that was your father; he thought proper to be silent. Imust beg you to allow me to be so likewise." And D'Artagnan bowed like aman upon whom it was evident no entreaties could prevail.

  "Since it is so, sir," said Buckingham, "pardon my indiscretion, I begyou; and if, at any time, I should go into France----" and he turnedround to take a last look at the princess, who took but little noticeof him, totally occupied as she was, or appeared to be, with Rochester.Buckingham sighed.

  "Well?" said D'Artagnan.

  "I was saying that if, any day, I were to go to France----"

  "You will go, my lord," said D'Artagnan. "I shall answer for that."

  "And how so?"

  "Oh, I have strange powers of prediction; if I do predict anything I amseldom mistaken. If, then, you do come to France?"

  "Well, then, monsieur, you, of whom kings ask that valuable friendshipwhich restores crowns to them, I will venture to beg of you a little ofthat great interest you took in my father."

  "My lord," replied D'Artagnan, "believe me, I shall deem myself highlyhonored if, in France, you remember having seen me here. And nowpermit----"

  Then, turning towards the princess: "Madam," said he, "your royalhighness is a daughter of France; and in that quality I hope to see youagain in Paris. One of my happy days will be that on which your royalhighness shall give me any command whatever, thus proving to me that youhave not forgotten the recommendations of your august brother." And hebowed respectfully to the young princess, who gave him her hand to kisswith a right royal grace.

  "Ah! madam," said Buckingham, in a subdued voice, "what can a man do toobtain a similar favor from your royal highness?"

  "Dame! my lord," replied Henrietta, "ask Monsieur d'Artagnan; he willtell you."

  CHAPTER 36. How D'Artagnan drew, as a Fairy would have done, aCountry-seat from a Deal Box