Read Ten Years Later Page 4

  "Nothing can be more gracious toward us," said Madame, who had morethan once consulted the looks of her husband during the reading of theletter. "The king here!" exclaimed she, in a rather louder tone thanwould have been necessary to preserve secrecy.

  "Monsieur," said his royal highness in his turn, "you will offer mythanks to M. de Conde, and express to him my gratitude for the honor hehas done me."

  Raoul bowed.

  "On what day will his majesty arrive?" continued the prince.

  "The king, monseigneur, will in all probability arrive this evening."

  "But how, then, could he have known my reply if it had been in thenegative?"

  "I was desired, monseigneur, to return in all haste to Beaugency,to give counter-orders to the courier, who was himself to go backimmediately with counter-orders to M. le Prince."

  "His majesty is at Orleans, then?"

  "Much nearer, monseigneur; his majesty must by this time have arrived atMeung."

  "Does the court accompany him?"

  "Yes, monseigneur."

  "A propos, I forgot to ask you after M. le Cardinal."

  "His eminence appears to enjoy good health, monseigneur."

  "His nieces accompany him, no doubt?"

  "No, monseigneur, his eminence has ordered the Mesdemoiselles de Mancinito set out for Brouage. They will follow the left bank of the Loire,while the court will come by the right."

  "What! Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini quit the court in that manner?"asked Monsieur, his reserve beginning to diminish.

  "Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini in particular," replied Raoul discreetly.

  A fugitive smile, an imperceptible vestige of his ancient spirit ofintrigue, shot across the pale face of the prince.

  "Thanks, M. de Bragelonne," then said Monsieur. "You would, perhaps,not be willing to carry M. le Prince the commission with which I wouldcharge you, and that is, that his messenger has been very agreeable tome; but I will tell him so myself."

  Raoul bowed his thanks to Monsieur for the honor he had done him.

  Monsieur made a sign to Madame, who struck a bell which was placed ather right hand; M. de Saint-Remy entered, and the room was soon filledwith people.

  "Messieurs," said the prince, "his majesty is about to pay me the honorof passing a day at Blois; I depend upon the king, my nephew, not havingto repent of the favor he does my house."

  "Vive le Roi!" cried all the officers of the household with franticenthusiasm, and M. de Saint-Remy louder than the rest.

  Gaston hung down his head with evident chagrin. He had all his life beenobliged to hear, or rather to undergo this cry of "Vive le Roi!" whichpassed over him. For a long time, being unaccustomed to hear it, hisear had had rest, and now a younger, more vivacious, and more brilliantroyalty rose up before him, like a new and more painful provocation.

  Madame perfectly understood the sufferings of that timid, gloomy heart;she rose from the table, Monsieur imitated her mechanically, and allthe domestics, with a buzzing like that of several bee-hives, surroundedRaoul for the purpose of questioning him.

  Madame saw this movement, and called M. de Saint Remy. "This is not thetime for gossiping, but working," said she, with the tone of an angryhousekeeper.

  M. de Saint-Remy hastened to break the circle formed by the officersround Raoul, so that the latter was able to gain the ante-chamber.

  "Care will be taken of that gentleman, I hope," added Madame, addressingM. de Saint-Remy.

  The worthy man immediately hastened after Raoul. "Madame desiresrefreshments to be offered to you," said he; "and there is, besides, alodging for you in the castle."

  "Thanks, M. de Saint-Remy," replied Raoul; "but you know how anxious Imust be to pay my duty to M. le Comte, my father."

  "That is true, that is true, Monsieur Raoul; present him, at the sametime, my humble respects, if you please."

  Raoul thus once more got rid of the old gentleman, and pursued his way.As he was passing under the porch, leading his horse by the bridle, asoft voice called him from the depths of an obscure path.

  "Monsieur Raoul!" said the voice.

  The young man turned round, surprised, and saw a dark complexioned girl,who, with a finger on her lip, held out her other hand to him. Thisyoung lady was an utter stranger.

  CHAPTER 3. The Interview.