Read Tender Rebel Page 6

  It was Frances who appeared shocked. “But I thought you had been promised to him!”

  “That was the general assumption after the announcement was made, but the fact was, he had abducted me, thinking I was his current mistress, and that little mistake got out. Oh, he brought me home immediately upon realizing his mistake, but the damage was done. And he came kicking and protesting to the altar, confirmed bachelor that he was. Yet he has settled nicely into marriage. It just goes to show that if someone seems unsuitable in all respects, they might turn out to be the best choice after all. You just never know.”

  The last was said for Roslynn’s benefit, but she forced herself to disregard it. Her chore was hard enough without adding to it the unsuitables. She wasn’t going to end up with a bad penny on the off chance that he could be reformed. A gambler she was not.

  With that resolve firmly set in her mind, she went off in search of Lord Grahame.

  Chapter Eight

  If an order had been placed, the weather that morning couldn’t have been more perfect. It nearly tripled the amount of riders who were generally found in Hyde Park at such an early hour. Afternoons were the time for promenading, when every conceivable type of carriage could be seen making slow progress along the countrylike lanes. Mornings were reserved for the exercising of stock and body, when one didn’t usually encounter one’s acquaintances and so was not forced to stop repeatedly for conversation, as would happen in the afternoon.

  Anthony Malory was resigned to giving up his customary hard gallop through the park that morning in favor of a brisk trot. Not that Reggie wasn’t game, but he doubted her frisky mare could keep up with his powerful stallion, and since she insisted on joining him, he was forced to keep to her pace.

  After last night, he had his suspicions as to why she had invited herself along, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to discuss the lady. But when Reggie slowed and reigned in, waving James and Jeremy on, he knew there would be no help for it. The little darling could be uncomfortably persevering at times.

  “When I asked to ride with you this morning, I rather thought we would be alone,” Regina began with just the faintest degree of annoyance in her tone. “Jeremy I could understand wanting to come along with us, but Uncle James? He rarely rises before noon.”

  Actually, Anthony had pulled brother and nephew out of bed, browbeating and cajoling them into joining him. That ploy hadn’t worked, however, to keep Reggie from her purpose. And blast James. He knew very well the only reason he was along was to keep the conversation impersonal, but there he trotted off, flashing Anthony an amused grin.

  Anthony shrugged innocently. “What can I say? James has changed his habits considerably since he became a father. Hasn’t that scoundrel you married done the same?”

  “Famous! Why is it you always attack Nicholas when your own behavior has been less than exemplary?” And she jumped right into it. “She’s half Scot, you know.”

  He didn’t bother to ask who, but said indifferently. “Is she?”

  “They’re known for terrible tempers.”

  “All right, puss.” He sighed. “What’s on your mind that you feel obliged to warn me?”

  Her brow wrinkled, blue eyes probing blue eyes of a like shade. “Are you interested in her, Tony?”

  “Have I died and don’t know it?”

  She laughed, unable to help it. “Yes, I suppose that was a silly question. Of course you’re interested—you and a few dozen others. I guess my next question should be, are you going to do anything about it?”

  “That, my girl, is none of your business.”

  His tone was gentle but firm, and Regina’s frown was back. “I know. But I thought you should learn a little something about her before you make up your mind to pursue her.”

  “Is this to be a full history?” he asked dryly.

  “Don’t be difficult, Tony. She’s come to London to get married.”

  “I’ve already been told that appalling news by the lady herself.”

  “You mean you’ve talked to her? When?”

  “If you must know, last night in the garden.”

  She gasped. “You didn’t—”

  “I didn’t.”

  Regina let out a sigh, but it was only temporary relief. If knowing Lady Roslynn was actively seeking marriage didn’t put him off, the poor woman was doomed.

  “Perhaps you don’t realize how serious she is, Tony. She means to be married by the end of the month. No, you needn’t raise your brows. It’s not that. In fact, she might as well be sixteen for all the experience she has had of men.”

  “Now that I won’t believe.”

  “There, you see? You don’t know anything about her, and yet you’re contemplating disrupting her life. The truth is, that life has been extremely sheltered until now. She’s been tucked away with her grandfather in the Highlands ever since her parents died, and apparently these past years have been spent nursing him, which is why she hasn’t considered marriage until now. Were you aware of that?”

  “Our talk was brief, Reggie.”

  She noted his irritation but pressed on. “Her father was an earl of some consequence. You know Uncle Jason won’t like it—”

  Anthony interrupted this warning. “Much as I hate to be on big brother’s blacklist, I’m not answerable to him, puss.”

  “There’s still more to it, Tony. She’s an heiress. Her grandfather was ridiculously wealthy, and he’s left it all to Lady Roslynn. That little piece of news isn’t common knowledge yet, but you can imagine what will happen if she isn’t married before that happens.”

  “Every scoundrel in London will crawl out from under his rock to pursue her,” Anthony answered tightly.

  “Exactly. But fortunately, she already has several gentlemen picked out for consideration. As I understand it, it’s just a matter now of learning what she can about them before she chooses one. In fact, I’m to ask Nicholas what he knows about them.”

  “Since you know so much, miss, tell me what the bloody rush is.”

  Oh, he was definitely interested, enough not to care that his irritation was now plainly showing. It gave Regina pause simply because it was so unique. Never had she seen him stirred up over a woman before. There were just too many for him to choose from for one in particular to mean overmuch to him. She might have to rearrange her own thinking on the matter.

  Hesitantly, she offered, “It has something to do with a deathbed promise Lady Roslynn made to her grandfather, the rush, and the reason she’s actively looking for a husband. According to her friend Frances Grenfell, she probably wouldn’t marry at all if not for that promise. I mean, you don’t see a situation like hers very often, a woman so beautiful, so rich, and answerable to no one but herself.”

  It was indeed a unique situation, but Anthony didn’t consider it at the moment, the Grenfell name causing unease. “How close a friend is she to Frances Grenfell?”

  He threw Regina off the track with that question. “Why?”

  “Lady Frances was one of George’s youthful mistakes, though that’s not to be repeated, puss.”

  “No, of course not,” she said in one breath, and then in the next, “You mean good old George, your best friend, the one who always teased me so outrageously? That George?”

  He grinned at her surprise. “One and the same, and you haven’t answered my question.”

  “Well, I don’t see that it matters, but they’re as close as two friends could be. They met in school and never lost touch with each other.”

  “Which means bloody confidences and all that,” he fairly growled.

  Damnation! Anthony could still hear her husky voice confessing, “I’ve been warned about men like you.” He had thought she was teasing, but now he knew where the warnings must have come from and how damning they probably were. She hadn’t been teasing at all. She would be on her guard against him no matter what, always remembering what had happened to her friend. He was suddenly of a mind to soundly thrash George Amherst
for his youthful indiscretion. Bloody rotten hell!

  Seeing his black scowl, Regina was reluctant to say what she knew needed saying, but no one else would dare be so bold with him, so she had to. “You know, Tony, unless you’re willing to take the big step yourself, which would shock the whole of London but absolutely delight the family, you really ought to leave the lady alone.”

  He suddenly laughed. “For God’s sake, puss, when did you become my conscience?”

  She flushed at that. “Well, it’s devilish unfair, you know. I doubt there’s a woman alive you couldn’t seduce if you set your mind to it.”

  “You exaggerate my abilities.”

  “Bother that,” she retorted. “I’ve seen you turn on the charm, Tony, and it’s utterly devastating when you do. But I rather like Roslynn Chadwick. Only she has a promise to fulfill that’s important to her, and for whatever reason, there’s a time limit on it. If you interfere, there’s liable to be trouble, not to mention hurt.”

  Anthony smiled at her fondly. “Your concern is commendable for someone you’ve just met, Reggie, but a bit premature, don’t you think? And besides, she’s not some ninnyhammer without a lick of sense. She’s independent and answerable to no one but herself. You said so yourself. So don’t you think she’s old enough, and mature enough, to fend off a rakehell like me if she wants to?”

  “That word want scares me to death,” she groaned, only to hear him laugh again.

  “You talked to her for a considerable time last night. Did she happen to mention me?”

  Good Lord! That he should ask such a question proved he was most definitely serious, even after everything she had told him.

  “If you must know, you were about the only topic we discussed, but that’s not unusual, since just about everyone there last night was discussing you. In fact, I’m quite sure she heard an earful from the gossips before I got hold of her.”

  “Did you paint a pretty picture for me, puss?”

  “I tried, but she wasn’t buying it. And yet I suppose you’ll be delighted to know that however much she feigned indifference, her interest was as plain to recognize as yours is.” The smile that remark elicited nearly blinded her. “Oh, dear. I shouldn’t have told you that, but since I did, I must also tell you that regardless of her interest, she still went off to better her acquaintance with the gentlemen she is considering for marriage. You might have made an impression, but it hasn’t changed her plans in the least.”

  Regina could see that nothing she said was going to discourage him, and she had said all she could. She might as well have saved her breath. She had never tried to interfere in his love life before, and now she saw how pointless it was to try this once. He was going to do as he pleased, just as he always did. God knew, Uncle Jason had tried for years and years to curb Tony’s hedonism without success. What had made her think she would have any better luck?

  She realized suddenly how utterly foolish she had been. Here she had been trying to change the very qualities that she had always found most endearing in Anthony. He was a charming rake. That was what he was and what made him her favorite uncle. If he left countless broken hearts behind, it was only because women couldn’t help falling in love with him, although he never took any of his affairs seriously. But he did give pleasure and happiness too. That counted for a lot.

  “I hope you’re not going to be angry with me for putting my nose in where it doesn’t belong.” She gave him the smile he could never resist.

  “It’s such a pretty nose.”

  “But too big at the moment. I’m sorry, Tony, I really am. I just thought—well, never mind. You’ve managed thus far to get by without anyone’s advice. I suppose we should catch up with—”

  Regina didn’t finish. Her eyes were caught by a magnificent black stallion prancing along at a slow canter to accommodate the pony beside it, but to see who was controlling the powerful beast made her groan inwardly. What horrid luck. Of all the people to encounter at this moment.

  She glanced to see if Anthony had noticed Lady Roslynn yet. Of course he had. If the prime horseflesh hadn’t caught his eye, the Irish green riding habit and sun-bright hair would have. But his unguarded expression was almost embarrassing to observe.

  Good Lord, she had never seen him look at a woman like that before, and she had seen him with dozens of his ladyloves. Last night he had stared, yes, deliberately, a game of seduction played solely with the eyes. This was different. This was a look Nicholas might give Regina, of passion mixed with more tender feelings.

  Well, that did it. She felt even more of an idiot now for having tried to warn Anthony off. It was obvious, at least to her, that something special was happening here. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if something actually came of it?

  Regina’s thinking had undergone a complete about-face. She was now wondering how she might help get these two together. Anthony had his own ideas.

  “Would you consider staying put, Reggie, while I pay my respects?” Her look said, Not on your life. His sigh was long and drawn out. “I didn’t think so. Well, come along, then. You owe me one chaperon-age, I believe.”

  Anthony didn’t wait for her concurrence but rode straightaway to intercept Roslynn, hoping against hope that Reggie would give him at least a few minutes alone with her first. It wasn’t to matter. James, blast him all to hell, chose that moment to return to see what was keeping them and managed to intercept the lady first.

  Anthony arrived to hear James saying, “Delighted to see you again, Lady Chadwick.”

  Roslynn was nervous enough to have trouble controlling Brutus, a circumstance that caused acute embarrassment, since it had never happened before. She had seen Sir Anthony approaching, which was probably why the blond stranger startled her so, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. It was even worse, and quite irritating, that he should lean forward to steady her horse. The move was so clearly indicative that she couldn’t manage Brutus on her own.

  Her tone was quite understandably sharp. “Do I know you, sir?”

  “No, but I had the opportunity to admire you last evening in the Crandal garden. Unfortunately, you ran away before I could make your acquaintance.”

  Anthony watched the hot color seep into her cheeks and saw red. “For that, dear brother, I think I’ll invite you back to Knighton’s Hall.”

  James couldn’t have cared less. Roslynn Chadwick by daylight was about the prettiest little lady he had ever encountered. That Anthony had found her first mattered not at all. It made it devilish awkward, but no more than that. Until the lady stated her preference, she was fair game as far as James was concerned.

  Roslynn was staring at James, now that she knew who he was. She would never have guessed by his looks that he was Anthony’s brother. And after what she had heard about him, she could understand why Anthony was considered the runner-up to being the worst rakehell of the two. They were both breathtakingly handsome, but where Anthony was a charming rogue, she sensed the blond Malory would be much more ruthless in his amorous pursuits—or in any pursuits, for that matter. He fairly reeked of danger. And yet she wasn’t frightened. It was Anthony who threatened her peace of mind and rattled her composure.

  “So you are the black sheep of the Malory clan?” Roslynn said. “Tell me, what terrible deeds have you done to earn that misnomer?”

  “Nothing anyone can prove, I assure you, sweet lady.” And then to Anthony he turned a challenging grin. “Where are your manners, dear boy? Introduce us.”

  Anthony gritted his teeth. “My brother, James Malory.” Without the slightest change in tone, he added, “And that youngun about to run us down is his son, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy drew up at the last second, exhilarated from the ride and the near disaster. He was just in time to hear Roslynn’s comment to James. “Your son? Now why didn’t I guess that?” There was such irony in her voice that no one doubted for a moment that she didn’t believe a word of it.

  Jeremy began laughing hilariously. James was rather a
mused himself. But Anthony was getting angrier by the second. He had known this would happen, but why did it have to happen for the first time with her? And with the young scamp laughing his head off over the misassumption, there was no point in trying to correct it at present.

  Roslynn was surrounded by Malorys now and quite wishing she had not been so cavalier in dismissing Timmy’s groom this morning. For a simple ride in the park, she had thought it unnecessary to have a man along for protection. It was something she never did at home. But London was not home.

  Anthony seemed to connect with her thoughts. “Have you lost your groom?”

  Six-year-old Timmy piped up here. “Ros is my groom and I’m hers. She said all we needed was each other.”

  “And who might you be?”

  “Lord Grenfell,” Timmy said importantly.

  With George Amherst’s blond hair and gray eyes staring up at him, Anthony blundered with a “Know—that is to say, knew your father very well. But the next time Lady Ros thinks to be your groom, you must tell her—”

  “I’ve already concluded that the park is not as safe as I had supposed, Sir Anthony,” Roslynn cut in meaningfully. “I assure you I’ll not assume the role again.”

  “Glad to hear it, but in the meantime, I’ll escort you home.”

  James delighted in pointing out, “I hate to remind you, brother, but you already have one charge to look after. I, on the other hand, am available to see the lady home.”

  “The hell you will!” Anthony shot back.

  Regina had held back, enjoying this little encounter without being noticed. But since it was about to get out of hand, she finally nudged her horse forward.

  “Before you two come to blows, I think it prudent to point out that Jeremy is also available and will do nicely as an escort for such a short distance. And since I was meaning to call on Lady Frances, I think I’ll join them, Tony, so I’ll thank you now for indulging me this morning.” And to Roslynn, belatedly, “Does that meet with your approval?”