Read Terrania Tale Page 1


  Copyright Beth Hoyer 2014

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  Arielia Torrin saw stared at the king who he referred as him and his race Drainers, with golden eyes. The Drainer King he saw was dressed in gonoid skins all in the color of cloud. He like the Drainer males had a night sky skin like mask that covered the eyes and the neck area as there were cloud colored orbs peering out of the face mask. The mask left the mouth area uncovered. Torrin frowned seeing Arielia frowned signing her words by hands as the king sat in the chair. Nearby Torrin stood watching the duo with arms folded. She hand signed some words as Torrin interpreted speaking in the Drainer’s language. They were in the King’s quarters which were a round room with a couch that wrapped the walls at one end of the room. The two, Arielia and the king were sitting next to a covered table clothed table. The king’s large plant like claw on his left hand twitched as he abruptly grabbed Arielia by the neck and hauled her towards a room behind a dark black curtain. Torrin saw Arielia’s hands shake as if she was gagged and was about to follow when he was blocked by a large Drainer waist high four leg gonoid that barked some growling sound while snapping its teeth. Torrin groaned as he stood watching the gonoid. He went to a chair to sit and closed his eyes falling asleep.

  Torrin sat in a chair Arielia exited and snoozed. He felt something licking his face and faced the gonoid which stopped licking to jump off his lap with his paws while wagging its short stubby tail. The gonoid gestured towards the curtain as Arielia came out wearing just her underwear. Torrin made a sound of disgust and picked up the female who stared at him with shocked eyes.

  She hand signed which Torrin interpreted in his head “Touched me.”

  Torrin carried her out of the room towards the elevator that was surrounded by a vast stairway in the middle of the large sized tower that led to rooms surrounding it. As Torrin entered the elevator he heard a sound of a roar and assumed it was from the gonoid. The elevator led went down towards a hallway that led towards the massive cathedral sized throne room. Torrin took Arielia across the room to an opening in the wall. He entered it still hearing a roaring sound. The opening slid closed like and elevator and the small boxy room went down.

  Arielia stirred in his arms groaning signing “Water, need water badly, I’m thirsty.”

  The elevator stopped and Torrin carried her towards a wall where a console was next to the wall. He pressed several buttons after shifting Arielia in his arms. The wall opened revealing a room with curtains on both sides.

  A female Drainer had on a night sky skin mask that covered her mouth, nose and neck but her eyes with the forehead were seen with the eyes were all white Shadonian like and there were feminine lashes around the eyes.

  The female stood watching Torrin who spoke in Rayala the Skyan’s language “Medic, scan the Human, Arielia.”

  The female, a medic pulled aside a curtain revealing a bed and Torrin laid Arielia onto the bed.

  The medic pulled an arm sized scanner and waved over Arielia while speaking to Torrin “She’s been breached sexually and has lost some amount of liquid intake which is why she’s thirsty.”

  Torrin went to a sink taking a cup and pulled the lever. Water spilled out of the faucet as the cup filled. He handed it to Arielia who gulped the contents greedily.

  Torrin signed “Arielia, what happened?”

  Arielia signed which Torrin interpreted “With his claw plant like hand on my neck threw his head up and I suddenly felt myself really thirsty. I felt myself out of it to realize that he was using me for mating use. Also he left me alone to enter a doorway which I assume was the bathroom.”

  Arielia groaned putting a hand on her head with a frown.

  Torrin spoke to the medic “I think the King feeds differently from us.”

  When they heard an alarm sound, the medic left Arielia with Torrin following her towards a console in the wall and pressed some buttons. A male Skyan came in hauling the unconscious Skyan King by both arms.

  He spoke “The King came in the command room roaring some nonsense sound. He was throwing some ropey plant from his left hand and was gagging anyone in sight while throwing his head up like in pleasure. He was touching the females sexually. We had to knock him out.”

  Torrin asked “Medic?”

  The medic replied “Odd, appears the King feeds through his left hand and is desperate to mate with someone.”

  Torrin sighed and spoke “I think we need a female for the King and some way of communicating with him all the time.”

  Arielia sat in the wheelchair wearing a long dress outfit signing to the Drainer King sitting in the throne chair in the large massive cathedral throne room. The other Drainers were there watching Arielia sign with her hands talking to the Drainer King as Torrin interpreted her words. The King flinch his plant clawed left hand and roared some sound.

  Torrin sighed and pleaded to the King “Kingship, Please tell us where to find a female for you to mate with and a way for you to feed.”

  The King’s mouth turned into a sneer and Torrin heard a snarling sound come from him.

  Torrin pleaded again “Please, we’re begging you tell us where to find you a mate and a way for you to feed.”

  The King finger spelled with his right Human like hand which Torrin interpreted “Find the Beddune and they’ll help you like they helped me.”

  Torrin asked “Where can I find the Beddune?”

  The King finger spelled out as Torrin interpreted “You’ll find them in the forests but hurry I need a female and I must feed again.”

  Torrin stared with curiosity as the King threw ropey plant stems from his left hand landing on Arielia’s neck and she was thrown forward towards him. The King grabbed Arielia by the neck and threw his head up. Arielia waved her hands wildly as the Skyan’s Medic waved a pen light scanner over her while holding a flat monitor screen in her other hand.

  The Medic spoke “Kingship is draining her by drinking her liquids from inside her.”

  Torrin was about to speak when his communications link on his left arm beeped. Pressing a button he heard the Communications officer speak “Communications from Aiden and Ann-Nea that says ‘reaching home in three’.”

  Torrin spoke out loud “Aiden and Ann-Nea are on their way here. They’ll arrive in three sun positions.”

  Three sun positions later, Aiden and Ann-Nea came in a golden ball which landed on the courtyard to the castle. Torrin stood watching Aiden revert the golden ball. Ann-Nea to Torrin’s surprise had a visible bump peeking through her suit.

  Torrin spoke “Aiden and Ann-Nea, there’s much to tell you both.”

  He quickly told them about situation with the Skyan King.

  In the throne room Aiden took one look at the King and spoke to Torrin “I see what I missed.”

  The King snarled some sound seeing Aiden and Ann-Nea came in the throne room with a growl from his seat. His left hand was still wrapped around Arielia’s neck for he sat in the chair waiting. The medic handed Arielia a cup of water that greedily drank the contents.

  The King finger spelled words which Aiden interpreted “Says about time you arrived. Go find the Beddune in the forests and they’ll help you find what I’m seeking.”

  Torrin nodded and then left the throne room. Aiden and Ann-Nea stood watching the airless monitor screens over head showing Torrin leaving the castle by flying in the air. He flew in the forests leg swinging like a runner jogging as he flew standing up position with his arms swinging. The monitor in the throne room changed into a map
which showed Torrin’s location as he flew into the forests.

  Aiden spoke breaking the silence “Kingship what do the Beddune look like?”

  The Drainer King finger spelled which Aiden interpreted “Says, I don’t know what they look like for they had my face covered and their voices were guttural like.”

  Aiden groaned as Ann-Nea folded her arms.

  The Medic noticing Ann-Nea’s visible bump exclaimed “Ann-Nea, you’re with egg aren’t you?”

  Ann-Nea looked at the medic and spoke “That’s why we left the Isle of Shadan.”

  Aiden snarled out “The High Lord of Shadan was there when they interrupted a mating ritual between the two of us. This incident won’t be taken lightly.”

  The King finger signed which Aiden said his words “The High Lord must be watched for betrayal won’t be accepted.”

  Aiden growled his agreement as the other Drainers in the room echoed his growl.

  In the forests Torrin flew in the air looking. He settled onto a tree branch and jumped to the top balancing on a thin tree branch. He could see the forests of trees went far as his eyes could see and there were large mountains in the distance with white clouds dusting them.

  Torrin sniffed the air and growled out “Terrific just what I need.”

  He flew into the air in his standing up position with legs and arms swinging back and forth. Flying over the forests of trees, he flew over