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Terrorist Moneyman

  Ron Wootters

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  “Terrorist Moneyman,” by Ron Wootters. ISBN 978-1-60264-987-3 (ebook).

  Published 2012 by Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842, US. 2012, Ron Wootters. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Ron Wootters.

  Manufactured in the United States of America.

  Terrorist Moneyman

  It was a beautiful day at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania with a clear blue sky and the leaves turning to their brilliant autumn colors.

  As two men walked along the path at cemetery ridge inside the National Historical Park, neither man engaged in conversation and seemed to be enjoying the day until one inquired, “Why do I know you are going to ruin this perfectly beautiful day?”

  “I don’t know, maybe it’s because every time we meet here it’s to talk about something bad,” the other replied. “We’ll meet at Disney World next time if that would make you feel better?”

  “That would be nice,” the other agreed, going along with the humor.

  This was the norm for these two former Agency types. When Gil Dunn was Deputy Director of Operations at CIA, he and Di Flippi worked together on many high priority projects.

  When Dunn retired to the private sector, Di Flippi stayed on at the Agency and was now heading up an elite antiterrorist branch.

  The two men had stayed in touch over the years, but after 9/11, their communications and meetings picked up after Di Flippi realized if he couldn’t get through the present day politicians and bureaucrats at the Agency with an extremely critical situation, Dunn was the go-to guy. He didn’t know a whole lot about the internal workings of the group Dunn was hooked up with, but then he didn’t really want to know.

  This working relationship came about as a surprise to Di Flippi after he sought Dunn’s advice on a high priority matter, and because of their meeting, things happened to resolve the problem. Being firm believers in the ‘on a need to know basis’ rule, they never discussed the matter both knowing he could trust the other implicitly.

  After walking to the far right of cemetery ridge, the two decided to rest for a while and sat on one of the benches alongside the path.

  As he looked around the area, Di removed a notepad and pencil from his inside jacket pocket.

  “Paper and a pencil, here comes the bad news,” Dunn observed.

  “I’ll use a crayon next time,” Di Flippi remarked, as he prepared to write.

  “Please do,” Gil approved.

  When Di finally stopped writing, he passed the pad to Dunn to read.

  The owner of the yacht in that Polonium 210 plot is at it again and this time a nuclear device may be part of the plan. We have identified him as one of the Saudi royal family who has supported terrorist groups with huge sums of money over the years and is now taking an active part in the planning. We both know I wouldn’t be here if this could be handled inside the Agency, but once again, politicians at the national level forbid any action be taken against a member of the Saudi royal family or as you like to call it ‘us people for oil program.’

  “That’s U.S.,” Gil corrected.

  “Whatever,” Di replied. “I figure us people sort of says it all.”

  Dunn shook his head and smiled at Di Flippi’s comment then continued reading. Don’t know if this man is nuts or if he just has too much time and money on his hands, but I do know if he is allowed to continue, a lot of innocent people are going to die.

  “That asshole again,” Dunn muttered, as he started to write on the pad. We considered dealing with the owner of that yacht after the Polonium 210 plot was neutralized, but developing circumstances had already extended our people well beyond the Project’s plan, he wrote then handed the pad back to Di.

  “What are your thoughts?” Di Flippi inquired, as he started to erase the writings from the pad.

  “Will have to discuss it with my associates,” Gil answered, meaning he would propose it to the Board for consideration.

  Di Flippi knowingly shook his head as he produced two Cuban cigars and handed one to Gil.

  “Aren’t these illegal in this country?” Dunn inquired.

  “I won’t tell if you don’t,” Di answered, as he removed the erased pages from the notepad.

  After lighting their cigars, the two men continued their walk stopping once next to a sand filled container that served as an ashtray. After burning the erased pages and dispersing the ashes—old habits die hard—they decided to go to a restaurant in the town of Gettysburg for an early dinner.


  It was a quiet day at JJ’s country house, AKA the Barn. JJ and General Mac were again in the review process they performed after each Project the Team completed.

  Since JJ had formed the Board and General Mac the Team, they took this task very seriously. If their review process revealed any potential problems, they would address them ASAP to avoid a possible disaster in future Projects.

  Reviewing the Board usually didn’t take much time.

  JJ was chairman and founder of the antiterrorist group.

  General Mac, retired Marine Corps; Gil Dunn, President of Van Corcoven Firearms Company and former DDO at CIA; Charles Wilson, President of Wilson Explosives Company; Jeff Dawson, President of International Oil; John Howard, President of Zerk Pharmaceutical; and Admiral Fox (Foxie) retired NAVY.

  JJ had handpicked each man to form the original Board and they all assured him they would be in for the duration. Mac selected Admiral Fox and knew the same was true for him.

  Having finished the Board review, they moved onto the

  Teams considering each individual for their responsibilities and performance during the previous Project. This was done primarily to see if the Team members were being asked to take on too much. Each Project was getting more demanding and it was very important to monitor and if need be make adjustments.

  Field Team total 11, code names only. Team Leader, JC, retired Marine Corps Colonel, pilot, expert with weapons and the main gizmo man. Blue Jay, Field Team Leader, contract type, former Marine Corps and CIA. Bean, part-time contractor type, prior Army Airborne Ranger, Special Forces, and CIA. Benz, Japanese, expert in martial arts, been in the contract business for many years. Panda, Philippino, also martial arts, takes on contracts from time to time, regular occupation: engineering consultant. Check, Arab, explosives, takes on contracts from time to time, owns a Middle Eastern restaurant. Tic, Cuban, explosives, also part-timer, regular occupation: stockbroker. Bris, French, primarily a contractor, but also an artist and a good one at that. Pru, English, contractor, long-range shooter. Met, German, also a contractor, long-range shooter. Air Jockey, contractor, can fly helicopters, most prop aircraft, the corporate jet, and able to function as a Team member on the ground if needed.

  House Team: Top Kiner, retired 1st Sgt. Marine Corps. Lady1 and LadyA, former Intelligence operatives. In addition to maintaining home base, all can be and have been active participants in the Projects.

  New additions to the group. Three former CIA operatives that were Bean and Blue Jay’s mentors at CIA and who also made a huge contribution to the last Project.

  Jar Head, Doggie, and Swabbie brought a ton of experience to the table and instantly fit in with the Team.

  Having completed the initial review, Mac and JJ eased back into their chairs and after reflecting on the task, Mac said, “You do realize the size of the Projects are moving toward the too big category?”
  “Yes, I am aware of that,” JJ confirmed then added, “I’m going to propose to the Board that in the future, we try to keep Projects to a smaller scale, unless like the 210 Project, the stakes are just so high we can’t afford not to consider it.”

  The two men would now spend hours dissecting the last Project and report any findings to the Board and Team for their considerations.


  The Team had returned to the Barn after a much-deserved furlough and after four weeks of what JC called ‘lock-on training,’ the Team was ready for whatever the next Project might bring.

  They didn’t have to wait long because two days later, JJ called a Team meeting so he and Mac could present a Project for them to consider.

  “Morning, men,” JJ started and the Team members replied in kind. “Hope you all enjoyed your time off. You certainly deserved it after that last Project.”

  “Yes, indeed,” Mac added in a serious voice. “A group this size successfully completing a Project of that magnitude was remarkable, but to then regroup and continue onto an extended phase that turned out to be the size of the original Project was truly remarkable.”

  The Team members remained silent and just smiled in acknowledgement of the kind words.

  “Before starting, Mac and I want you all to know we were very sincere about what we just said and not just giving you a big build up because of the Project I am about to present. I’m afraid it is another very difficult one, but as in the past, you will have the final say on whether the Project is accepted.

  “That said, I’ll start the overview,” JJ continued. “The beginning of this presentation could sound like a continuing story if I went into detail, so I’ll just say the man who financed the Polonium 210 plot you neutralized is at it again and our sources tell us this time he’s trying to put together something nuclear.”

  The Team wasn’t really that surprised about JJ’s statement. They figured after the Polonium 210 plot failed, if the people behind that plot wanted to continue, nuclear was probably the next step.

  “If you men weren’t surprised about my last statement, you really won’t be surprised about why we are getting involved. Apparently, the financer behind all of these plots is a Saudi Prince. Continuing with our SOP, we will assign this person the code name Moneyman.”

  “The US Government has Intel confirming Moneyman is plotting something big, but will not take any action against him, the reason being, altogether now,” JJ instructed, as he assumed the position of symphony conductor about to start a concert. He and the Team said in unison, “Because he is a member of the Saudi royal family! And how many times do we have to hear that one before someone finally wises up?” JJ observed.

  “It’s one thing to have people from enormously wealthy families being bad and showing up in the media, but in the Royal cases, a lot of innocent people are losing their lives because of the actions of these few and no one wants to do anything about it because of who they are related to.”

  It was obvious that JJ was getting worked up about the subject. This was the very reason he formed the group, to fight the people that were causing the killings and maiming of innocent men, women, and children.

  JJ was in high gear or as Emeril would say, ‘He kicked it up a notch,’ as he continued the presentation. “It is obvious the government is going to just sit on this, hope nothing will happen, and only act if something does. The problem with that is many people will be dead or will probably die later in life because of nuclear contamination. Some politicians and the media seem to have condemned the words ‘preemptive strike’ as evil. Well, guess what!

  “If the Team votes to undertake this Project, it will be a very difficult one.” JJ continued. “Moneyman is very cautious and very well protected, especially when he is at his permanent residence.”

  After covering a few more items, JJ finished with, “If there are no questions, I’ll turn it over to Mac for the detailed portion.”

  When no one spoke up, JJ took a seat and Mac came to the front of the room to start his portion of the presentation.

  “Morning all,” Mac started and the team responded. “To restate what JJ just said about Moneyman’s protection, it is the best money can buy and he is especially secure when at his permanent residence, but maybe we can catch up with this turd on a road trip.

  “Our sources tell us he has taken a more hands-on approach to his terrorist activities and that means more travel. Being from the old school, I like to use the KISS method in my reasoning. That’s Keep it simple, stupid, in case you children never heard that expression before.”

  The Team members smiled at the remark. Everyone knew three things about Mac: he was far from simple or stupid, had proven on past Projects he could be counted on in a firefight or any other situation that came along, and that he was full of hell.

  “What, where, when, why, and how,” Mac continued. “We already know a few of these. The where and when will have to come from our other sources later. However, if you all decide to take on this Project, I suggest planning could be started on the how portion.” Mac continued the presentation that included educated guesses on the parts of the world Moneyman might travel.

  With the presentation completed and all questions from the Team answered, Mac ended with, “As JJ said, it looks like we are handing you another tough one to consider, reason being the catastrophic outcome if this plot succeeds.”

  Having completed their presentation, JJ and Mac left the Team meeting room in the renovated Barn and returned to the main house. The Team would probably have meetings for a day or so before they decided on whether to take on this Project or turn it down.


  By 10:00 A.M. the following morning, the Team had voted to accept the Project and was exploring possible scenarios on how to deal with the Moneyman. It wasn’t like the Team was run like a democracy, but rather each man’s expert opinion was always considered. They didn’t always agree and would debate on certain issues, but the end result was always a solid decision.

  Due to the amount of security that was constantly present, up close and personal was definitely out. The use of a bomb type device was briefly considered, but disregarded due to the collateral damage it would cause. You couldn’t be sure that the target would be eliminated and if the Moneyman survived, it would be almost impossible to get another chance. The reasons for not going in that direction were valid, but the main reason was the Team just didn’t like that type of action unless all other planning looked like it would fail.

  After reviewing several more ways to proceed, JC got everyone’s attention. “I’m sure it’s obvious to all that with the amount of security the opposition will probably have in place, our problems are twofold: Getting the job done and living to fight another day. I’m sure his security force is very hard to penetrate and probably reacts quickly to all situations. That said, it looks like we may want to proceed with what we have the most experience with, the long-range shooter. However, this time, it will require a lot more planning in both the technical and tactical areas.”

  “I say, was just going to propose that scenario,” Pru, one of the long-range shooters volunteered.

  “I guess we’ll have to once again carry the day?” Met, the other shooter added.

  JJ saw where this was going, but before he could say coffee break, the Team was responding.

  “Here we go with that saving the day crap again,” Panda started. “Why don’t we just stay at the Barn and let the Super Heroes handle this one?”

  “Yeah, let Mighty Muck and his partner Hitler Muck save the day,” Air Jockey chimed in.

  “If you chaps insist,” Pru replied, trying to instigate a mini-version of a Bull Shit Derby.

  “We’ll even make a video to show you people how it should be done,” Met offered.

  After that statement was made, JC knew that getting the Team back under control anytime soon was probably impossible, so he just picked up his coffee cup and headed toward the door
. This was not the first time JC took this action and as in the past, the Team did the same continuing their verbal battle to and from the coffeepot.


  At the same time of the Team meeting, the Board was also in session. “Gentlemen, it looks like it’s a go for the Project. The Team is holding planning sessions to decide the how portion and it will be up to us to supply the where and when. Am going to suggest we again follow these procedures. Gil and Foxie will handle the Intel portion, Moneyman’s travel plans, etcetera. Mac, Wilson, Dawson, Howard, and I will handle collateral support. Is everyone in agreement?”

  The Board members were all in agreement. Their reasoning was ‘why fix something if it isn’t broken?’ In past Projects, they had proceeded this way and were very successful.

  After covering several more issues, the Board adjourned. There was no need to go into a detailed meeting about the new Project. These men were all very competent and they all knew how to proceed. Besides, it wasn’t as if this was the first time for them. In past Projects, they had planned and even taken an active part in their executions.


  The Team was in their second day of planning with Pru and Met presenting a plan for the Team to review.

  “Met and I agree with JC that we have to come up with something new to deal with this target,” Pru started, “Especially if we expect to make it back home for tea.”

  The Team chuckled at the remark, but knew it was a true statement.

  “As JC stated at an earlier meeting, this Project will require a lot more planning in both the technical and tactical areas,” Pru continued. “Met and I may have come up with something in the technical area and will share it with you for your consideration.

  “We have been aware of this technology for a while, but didn’t see the need to pursue it since the .50 caliber rifles were getting the job done,” Pru stated, as he walked over to a table at the front of the room and picked up a very large rifle. “At first glance, this looks like a .50 caliber semi-automatic rifle, but it is actually the Barrett M82 that fires the .416 caliber round. To make a long story short, they made the round lighter and smaller than the .50 caliber resulting in significantly higher muzzle velocity and superior ballistic performance.”