Read Tethered (A BirthRight Novel #1) Page 29

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  Okay, it’s almost six o’clock.

  My palms sweat as I wait on the porch.

  Time spent with Hunter and my family gets easier by the day. But time spent one-on-one, is foreign.

  I promised myself I’d stop thinking about the guy in my visions. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the future will change somehow. If things I see are meant to be warnings—or for me to prevent certain outcomes—then perhaps this too is something I can change. Maybe that’s the whole point.

  Yeah, that’s it. I like where my mind is going.

  Ever punctual, Hunter pulls in with a sparkling SUV and a smile capable of melting the arctic.

  As I watch him walk up the sidewalk towards me, I wonder how I became lucky enough to have someone so incredible interested in me. How can I deserve this after the things I’ve done in my life?

  “Hello, beautiful. Did you get all dolled up for me?” His smile widens.

  After seeing the pleased look on his face, relief bounces through my chest at my selection in the bright blue sundress. I even opted to pull my hair up since he’s never seen it like this. The way his eyes now scan over me, I made all the right choices. Score!

  “Hello, yourself. I thought you’d never get here.” I reach out for the hug I know is coming.

  He wraps his solid arms around me and I hear him take a deep breath—like a delicious aroma is wafting through the air. He nuzzles my ear. “Mmmmmmmm. You smell good enough to eat.”

  Sweet. He noticed the new perfume Gram got me on our shopping trip. I’ll be sure to let her know her instincts were on the money. “Thank you. It’s new.” And just for you.

  “Well it smells amazing on you. What’s it called?” He inhales again, lingering next to my ear.

  It takes me a second to gather my thoughts and remember the name. “Um, Prada Candy, I think.”

  “Good choice. Though, now it might be tough to keep my nose away from you.” He nuzzles my neck again, laying a gentle kiss in his path before retreating.

  “I don’t mind. You’re welcome to smell me whenever the mood strikes you.” I hook my fingers in his belt loops, enjoying the smoothness of his fresh shave against my neck.

  “Oh really? Is that all? Just smell you?” His throaty laugh reverberates against my ear, sending chills down to the tips of my toes.

  “No, you’re welcome to do whatever you like. Smell me.” I inhale against his chest.

  “Touch me.” My hands slide from his waist to his shoulders.

  “Hold me.” I pull him firmly against me.

  “Kiss me.” I lean up to find his lips, lingering there for a few seconds. “Whatever your heart desires.”

  He tightens his grip, burying his face in my neck again. “I just might have to take you up on that.”

  “Well, don’t be writin’ checks your body can’t cash, Mr. Payne,” I reply with a playful pat on his butt.

  He releases his hold, pulling his head back to look me in the eyes. “You’d better be careful what you wish for, Miss Chloe.”

  I raise my eyebrows and laugh. “Bring it on.”

  “Lord, help me! Sometimes you make it impossible for me to not rip your clothes off.” He shakes his head, reaching down for my hand. “Are we ready then?”

  I blush. “Well then. I suppose I’m ready when you are, Mr. Fireman,”

  He walks me to his glistening Edge, opening the door like a true gentleman. “So are you hungry?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m always hungry.”

  “Perfect. We’ll eat first.”

  “Will you tell me where we’re going?”

  “Of course I won’t.”

  “Okay, have it your way.” I cross my arms over my chest, looking out the window.

  “Oh, come on now. Don’t pout. But I’ll tell you this much. We’re going to the city—and you’ll be very happy at the end of the evening.”

  “I can’t wait.” I lean over the console, getting closer to him as he drives.

  Once he realizes what I’m doing, he switches hands on the steering wheel, reaching down to hold my hand.

  I don’t know what it is about Hunter, but when I’m with him, I often feel like I’m in an old movie—like Gone with the Wind.

  The way we speak to one another.

  The respectful way he treats me.

  I love it. It would be cheesy coming from most guys. But from Hunter, it’s sexy.

  We spend most of the hour-long drive listening to my favorite Pop music on Sirius Hits 1. Every now and then, a song comes on I like and I sing along—just like I do in the shower. He doesn’t say a word, so it must not hurt his ears too much. Either that, or he’s just being kind.

  Yeah, that’s it. I’m pretty sure I’m tone deaf.

  Once we turn onto Eighty-Sixth and First Avenue, my gut tells me I’ve been here before.

  He drives slow, scanning the area for an open spot. To my surprise, he finds street parking right away. Does perfection ever end with this guy? Gees!

  He yanks the keys from the ignition. “So, does anything look familiar?”

  I glance to my right—then to my left—and I know it does. It’s not the same though. “Sort of.” I shrug.

  “I’m sure it will come to you.”

  I reach for the handle.

  “Don’t you dare,” he says. “I’ll be right there.”

  In about two seconds, he makes it to my side and opens the door, then offers his hand for assistance.

  “Thank you. I’m not used to such treatment. I guess California boys are bit too laid back.”

  “Then I guess that makes it easier for me to impress you.”

  He reaches for my hand—locks the doors—then waits while I check out the neighborhood.

  “Here, maybe this will help.” He leads me across the street.

  As I look at the various storefronts, I recognize a familiar liquor store and Mexican restaurant. “Wait a minute. Now I know where we are. Isn’t this where my favorite restaurant used to be?”

  “As a matter a fact, it is. I did a little research, and it just so happens, the guy who owned Andiamo, also owns this place. He did a little redecorating and changed the name to Sotto Cinque. They say the food is just as good, but it’s a hundred times more romantic.” He squeezes my hand.

  My stomach flutters. “Seriously? This is so amazing. They used to make an Ahi Tuna dish I loved. And don’t even get me started on the Baked Clams Oreganata.” My stomach growls just thinking about it.

  He holds out his elbow for me. “Shall we?”

  “Yes, we shall.” I do a little hop in place before we walk through the ebony double-doors the hosts are holding open for us.

  Oh my god, he’s so right about the decorating. Before, there where obnoxious abstract swirls in every color of the rainbow. Literally. It put me in the mind of a horribly decorated Mexican restaurant in a way.

  Now, however, it’s welcoming and soothing the second you walk in. There’s a long bar just inside the door to the right with a ceiling high liquor wall, backlit with five-by-five panes of staggered stained glass in coral and gold. It takes up the entire length of the bar.

  The restaurant itself is quite narrow, super long, and dimly lit with wall sconces and candles on each table, adding to the exquisite, romantic atmosphere.

  The walls are the shade of warm honey, complemented by mahogany trim, tables, and chairs. Accent pieces at every table welcome you—from the merlot tablecloths—to the abstract-patterned throw pillows in gold, muted green, chocolate and burnt red.

  It’s exquisite. The most perfect place for a first date.

  As the host escorts us to our table, I can’t help but think how sweet Hunter is, going to all this trouble to bring me here. No guy has ever done something even remotely close.

  I look around the restaurant and find myself getting a bit emotional. I lower my head so he can’t see my eyes fill up. When did I become such a sap?

  “Are you okay?” Hunter ask
s, sounding somewhat surprised.

  Of course, he’d have to notice. Why wouldn’t he? “I’m sorry. I couldn’t be better. I guess I just got a bit sentimental. You’re always taking me by surprise with how thoughtful you are. I’m just not used to it.”

  He grins. “Well, you’d better get used to it, baby . . . cuz dat’s just da way I roll.” He tilts his head to the side, sending me a wink as I giggle at his thick, lame, Italian accent.

  “Thank you, Hunter. For making me laugh and for going to all this trouble. I mentioned this place to you one time in passing, and you remembered it enough to look into it.”

  He reaches across the table for my hand. “It was my pleasure, Miss Chloe. You make it so easy to do nice things for you. Besides, it wasn’t a completely unselfish gesture, you know. I love your smile so much I’d do just about anything to see it.”

  “Is that right? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you like me or something.” I place my free hand on top of his and squeeze.

  “Or something,” he replies, slumping down in his chair.

  His eyes darken, raising his left cheek in a half smile. There’s no way those thoughts are G-rated!

  A surge of warmth rushes through me.

  Just as my face heats up, the waiter appears to go over the specials and take our drink order.

  Perfect timing!

  Our evening is full of heartfelt conversations about our childhood, past relationships, and our dreams. Of course, I shy away from any details of my parents, and he never pushes.

  I can’t get over how easy it is for us to open up to one another. In fact, I almost slipped a few times about what’s going on in my Wiccan life. Not good.

  The food is even more amazing than I remember; Ahi Tuna and sticky rice drizzled with a horseradish and dill Beurre Blanc sauce. My taste buds have never been so happy. And the triple layer mocha cake is to die for.

  I leave the restaurant so stuffed I doubt there’s even room for a Tic-Tac.

  Once we’re back in his car, he turns to face me. “Dinner was only part of the surprise. Wait till you see where I’m taking you next.”

  Seriously? Not that it’s even possible to top dinner, but I’m excited to see what he has up his sleeve.

  What could it be? “Give me a hint.”


  “Pretty please?”

  “Nice try.”

  I pout, triggering a low chuckle from him.

  He pulls into a parking garage just off the highway. “We’re almost there.”

  “And where might that be exactly?”

  He shakes his head. “You might as well give it up. I’m not telling you. There’s no chance I’m ruining the surprise.”

  “You don’t play fair.”

  Hunter steps on the street to hail a cab—and a few seconds later, we’re on our way.

  “And for the record, no one ever said I play fair.” He winks.

  After five minutes of silence, the cab stops beside Bryant Park and we get out. I look around to see what’s close. He snickers, watching me break my neck searching for a clue.

  He wraps his arm around me. “This way, Miss Chloe.”

  We stroll up the sidewalk, turning through an open gate leading into the park. With wide eyes, I look at Hunter and ask, “The Park at night?” Really? Is there a movie?”

  He squeezes my shoulders. “You’ll see.”

  We walk up the few steps leading into a stone building and he stops in front of a large sign that reads, “Directors Night Poetry – A Summer Tribute to the Greatest Poets of all Time.”

  My heart skips a beat.

  I can’t believe this. How could he have outdone himself?

  My jaw falls open as I turn to face him. “Are you kidding me? This is the greatest surprise ever. Thank you so much, Hunter.”

  I stand up on my tiptoes, brushing my lips across his for a brief, but tender moment.

  “And that look in your eyes, is exactly why I wanted it to be a surprise. So worth it.”

  He leads the way, opening the door to the Reading Room.

  We walk inside, taking a seat near the back. We’re a little late but it doesn’t even matter. As we sit listening to the captivating words of Yeats, it’s impossible to not get swept up in the romantic frenzy they inspire.

  I slide my chair closer to Hunter, his warmth seeping onto my bare leg. He puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me snug against his side.

  If I were to die right here under the protective shelter of his arm, I could not think of a happier way to go—or a happier moment.

  This magnificent guy has captured me implicitly. There’s no hope of returning from this unknown place I’ve now traveled. To hell with the future guy. I’m not letting Hunter go for anything.

  For the first time in my life, I believe more than anything I’m falling for this unexpected, perfect man.

  Falling. Me?

  I lean my head against his shoulder, basking in the comfort of his closeness. This is my new favorite place, and I never want to leave.

  I close my eyes to enjoy this rare moment of true happiness, when something beyond unwanted happens: a vision!

  Chapter 17