Read Tethered (A BirthRight Novel #1) Page 8

Hunter wiggles his hands deep into the front pockets of his designer jeans. “So, your pap’s okay then?”

  “Well . . . we’re not sure yet, actually. We just found out he’s in a coma.” I hang my head.

  “Oh. That’s too bad. I’m really sorry.” He rubs the back of his head, suddenly unsure of what to do, or say. I can’t be sure which. “You mind if I sit? Or . . . if you’d rather be alone, I’ll understand. You just look like you could use some company.”

  Only if it’s you! “Sure. Please . . . sit.”

  He lowers himself beside me, my nerves tingling with tiny electrical pulses.

  Okay Chloe, you promised you wouldn’t act like a total ass-hat if you saw him again. I speak the words in my head, but thinking it doesn’t make it a reality.

  I’m hopeless.

  He stretches his long legs out in front of him. “You wanna talk about it?”

  “Talk about what?”

  “The bad dream you were having. You know, sometimes it helps to talk.” Still holding his keys, he glances away and fidgets with the metal ring holding them together.

  Why is he being so nice to me? Most good-looking guys are so self-absorbed; they could give a care less what goes on in the ambivalent recesses of a girl’s mind. Especially one they barely know. But Hunter sounds like he genuinely wants to know. Not like one of those people who merely pretend to be interested for the sake of being polite—while deep down they’re really hoping you zip it and walk away.

  But I wouldn’t know where to start, even if I could talk about it. “Thanks Hunter, but I’d rather not think about it anymore, if you don’t mind.” I cross my legs, hoping he doesn’t press the issue.

  “Well, let me know if you change your mind.” A smile lights up his entire face, melting my heart on the spot.

  But wait a minute. He’s at the hospital again? Two days in a row? “So what brings you back to North Shore? A sick family member? Wife? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Or perhaps therapy?” I wink. Sometimes I crack myself up, but it’s a good way to find out the basics.

  His laugh is so infectious I can’t help but giggle right along with him.

  “None of the above, actually. My work keeps me safe from most relationships.” He shrugs.

  “Your work?” Okay, stud, dish.

  “Ah . . . yes, my work. I’m . . . a fireman with the FDNY. Most women don’t want to fall for someone with such a dangerous job. Not that I can blame them.” He shrugs again, this time with a hint of regret.

  “That’s too bad.” My disingenuous tone has him eyeing me. Whoops. It’s worth it though. At least now, I know he’s single and brave.

  “Soooooo, to answer your question, I’m visiting a buddy who’d fallen on the job a few days ago. He’s in pretty bad shape. Head trauma.” Hunter purses his lips, looking towards the ground with his face blanketed in worry.

  “Oh my god, that’s terrible. I’m really sorry, Hunter.” I place my hand on his knee.


  His pain wrenches my heart. What can I say to that?

  I sift through my mind for the right words, and then it hits me. Duh! “So that’s why you were talking to Dr. Gaslightwala yesterday.”

  “It is, yes.” He eyes me curiously. “Why, were you afraid I was stalking you or something?” Once the words roll off his tongue, he snickers.

  My face heats up. “Of course not! It just occurred to me after you left yesterday I had no idea why you were here . . . when you knew why I was. So now I know.”

  “Now you know.” Mischief spreads across his face, his brow lifting with his crooked smile. “So, if you see me back here a lot over the next few days, you won’t go thinking I decided to stalk you after all, will you? Because if we’re here—on the same floor—seeing the same doctor—we’re bound to run into each other from time to time. I wouldn’t want you worrying for your safety or anything, so I figured I’d put your mind at ease before it has a chance to run away with itself again.” He laughs, almost under his breath.

  Seriously? Oh, he’s clearly enjoying this. But I’ll play along. Why not? “Your consideration is touching.” I lift my hand to my heart. “But if you should happen to change your mind about stalking me, please just give me a heads up first. I’d be more than happy to provide you with my itinerary. I know how daunting your schedule must be, so I wouldn’t want to subject you to any difficulties which might further endanger your well-being.” I tilt my head, batting my baby blues for affect. “If you like, I could even leave a ladder outside my window . . . or binoculars in the tree across the street. You know . . . just in case.” Feeling just a tad cocky from my rebuttal, I return the same sideways smirk he’s now giving me.

  “You see, I knew you were a good woman from the first moment I laid eyes on you. Most aren’t willing to be so accommodating.”

  “Well, the way I see it . . . you risk your life to protect strangers every day. It’s merely my civic duty to repay your kindness. I’m nothing if not old-fashioned.” I re-cross my legs, trying not to seem too confident.

  He leans forward, elbows resting on his knees. “Well in that case, I promise to let you know when I decide to stalk you.”

  “When . . . ?” My eyes widen.

  The second he laughs, I jump in right along with him. How could I not with that amazing, smoky laugh of his? He does seem to be enjoying this, just as much as I am.

  “You’re a lot of fun, Miss Chloe. And a lot quicker than I expected. Very pleasant surprise.” He smiles. His gorgeous, mocha eyes caress my soul.

  Deep breath, Chloe. “Yeah well, you caught me on an off-day yesterday. But I’ll be sure to bring my A-game from now on.” I bump my knee into his as I lift my brows flirtatiously.

  “I’ll hold you to it, you know. Comic relief is in short supply around here.” He nods towards the emergency room entrance.

  “Yeah, hospitals tend to have that effect on people. I can’t imagine why.”

  We both grin.

  “So, Miss Chloe, what do you do for fun in this town?”

  “When you figure that one out, you can let me know. I have absolutely no idea. Lived in San Diego for six years, remember?”

  “Oh, that’s right. Well, perhaps some evening after I decide to stalk you, maybe I’ll lure you to my car with some candy. Then we can drive around and figure it out together.” He leans back, eyeing me from under half-closed lids as he grins.

  “Well that all depends on how long it takes you to start stalking me. I can’t wait forever you know.” I do my best to look serious, but I can’t quite tell if I succeed.

  He tips his head back, belting out a hearty laugh. “Fair enough.”

  “So would it be presumptuous of me to ask how old my perspective stalker is?”

  His jaw drops. “I’m appalled! How dare you ask me such a personal question? You have some nerve, madam.” His acting skills are lacking, but who cares. He smiles. “I’m twenty-five. So will you bestow the same courtesy upon me?”

  Suddenly uncomfortable, I re-cross my legs again then start bouncing my foot. “Are you sure you really want to know?”

  Well, it was fun while it lasted. I know I’m way too young for him, and now he’ll know too. I’m such a dumb ass for asking his age. Idiot!

  “Of course I do. It can’t be that shocking.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”

  I hold my breath for a few seconds then exhale. “I’m only nineteen.” My shoulders tense as I get ready for the big letdown.

  “So you’re still in school then?” His head tilts to the side.

  “Yup. Only two years left, thank god.”

  “Hmm. I don’t know if I can stalk someone who’s underage. I could get arrested for harassing a minor, you know.” He attempts a serious tone.

  “First, I’m not a minor . . . and second, I’d say that’s the least of your worries if you turn out to be a stalker.” Ha. Take that, Hunter Payne!

; “You do have a point.” He nods while looking at the sidewalk.

  “Of course I do.”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but you’re very mature for your age.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

  I look towards the hospital doors. “Yeah, well life has a way of doing that sometimes.”

  He nods in agreement, but his now somber expression is evidence of his mood change. I took Psych 101. I know what it means when someone sits so defensively. I guess my age bothers him after all. Not that I’m surprised. I should have known this flirtation with such an amazing guy was too good to be true.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting back to your family?” He looks away, rubbing his hands across his jeans.

  Well so much for that.

  Wait. I totally forgot about my promise to Dru. “Crap. Where’s my head? I promised my brother I’d be back in ten minutes.” Phone in hand, I jump up while scrolling to see if I missed a text. But I didn’t.

  “You mind if I walk up with you? You know, since we are going to the same place and all. I would have just waited to follow behind you, but I did promise to warn you before I start stalking you.” He winks.

  “A man of your word. Commendable.”

  “But of course. Shall we?” He stands, holding out his hand towards the hospital’s entrance.

  As we walk through the automatic doors, he puts his hand on my lower back to guide me in ahead of him. The heat from his palm goes right through my sheer cotton shirt, goose bumps shoot for the sky on contact.

  I wonder if he’s aware of the effect he has on me?

  He starts to say something—but hesitates. Unable to take my eyes off his mouth, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him—or to nibble on that juicy bottom lip.

  My naughty thoughts are interrupted by the clanging doors swinging open, only to be met by my family’s curious stares. What the . . . . I should have known they’d be right there waiting—like they knew I’d be getting off the elevator at that exact moment.

  My stomach roils from the invasion.

  To my surprise, Hunter walks towards the voyeurs first. Great. This won’t be good. If someone makes smart cracks at my expense, it will mortify me. But it would be just like my family to embarrass me for kicks.


  Deep breath. You can do this, Chloe.

  Gram gets up to greet her new acquaintance. “Hunter . . . how very nice to see you again, dear.”

  An instant smile blossoms across his face. “Miss Aurora, the pleasure’s all mine. You look lovely today.”

  “Thank you, dear. I guess the hospital cot agrees with me after all.” She grins, just as I open my mouth to speak.

  “Hunter, this is the rest of my family. My brother, Dru. My sister, Dhelia. And my Aunt Morgan. Everyone, this is Hunter Payne.” They politely greet him.

  Okay, so far so good.

  “Nice to meet everyone.” He runs his fingers through the back of his hair then points towards the courtyard. “I ran into Chloe outside and kept her company for a little while. I apologize if I kept her away too long, but she looked like she needed a bit of cheering up.” He turns to face me, placing his hand on the side of my arm, the heat from his palm searing my skin.

  “That was very sweet of you, dear. So what brings you back to the hospital so soon? Or do you work here?” Gram seems even more curious than I’d been to find out that answer.

  “Actually, a co-worker of mine was hurt on the job a few days ago. We’re pretty close so I’ve been coming by every day to check on him. He doesn’t really have any family.” He squeezes his hands into his pockets again. They sure seem to go there a lot.

  “I see. So what sort of work do you do . . . if you don’t mind me asking?” Gram lifts her brow, awaiting his response.

  “No, not at all. I’m a fireman.”

  Gram squeezes her hands together in delight. “Oh, that’s wonderful! What a perfect job for someone so big and strong.” Beaming from ear to ear, she lays a hand on his exposed, muscular arm.

  “Thank you. I definitely enjoy what I do.” He lowers his head as he starts to blush. Modesty is surprisingly sexy on him.

  Everyone else is quiet, watching Gram work her usual magic on yet another unsuspecting victim.

  I should probably help him get out of here while it’s still safe. “Hunter, shouldn’t you be going to see your friend now?”

  He turns to face me, surprise etched across his handsome face. “You trying to get rid of me?”

  I squirm, but it’s true. “Yes, you’ve bored me to tears. Be gone already!”

  We both laugh.

  “Actually, I should spend some time with him before I have to leave for work.” He holds his hand up to wave. “It was nice meeting everyone.”

  Dru and Dhelia nod, but Aunt Morgan chimes in, “Stop by anytime, Hunter.”

  “Thank you. I just might do that.” He grins, turning back to me. “Miss Chloe, thank you for letting me cheer you up.”

  My legs start shaking. Why am I so nervous now? “Thanks for sitting with me. I had fun.” Way too much fun. So why am I chasing him away? Idiot. “See you later, Hunter.”

  He stops, giving me his adorable sideways smirk. “Stalk you later. I mean . . . see you later.”

  A giggle escapes my lips as he walks down the hallway towards his destination. I take a deep breath, walking back to where my family sits.

  Here we go again.

  Time for them to bombard me with more questions.

  Dru motions for me to sit. “Can I say something?”

  Uh oh. “Well, yeah. Of course, you can.

  “Be careful around him, Sis. I don’t trust him.” He glares like an over-protective father.

  “We’re just friends, Dru, it’s okay. But might I ask why you distrust a guy you’ve only been around for five seconds?”

  “I’m not sure, exactly.” He shrugs. “I just get the feeling he’s hiding something.”

  “Well, I just met him . . . so I’m sure he’s hiding a lot. But you have nothing to worry about anyway.” I open my purse, digging hopelessly for my lip-gloss. “I don’t know anyone around here, so it would be nice to make a new friend.”

  “Just the same, I’d feel a lot better if you keep your guard up. You can both say you don’t want to date, but I could feel the electricity between you two the second you got in the elevator. It almost knocked me over. Literally.”

  Okay. Now it makes sense. “So you knew we were coming up? That’s why everyone had their eyes on the doors when they opened?”

  His lips pinch into a thin line. “Hell yeah, we knew. I told them the second it hit me. You might not realize it, Chloe, but it’s super strong.” He sighs. “Please be careful, okay?” He pauses. “Promise me?”

  “Okay, okay. I promise I’ll be careful. Not that it matters anyway. I’m too young for him, even if we did want to date. He’s twenty-five-fricken-years-old. I think I scared him off when I told him I’m only nineteen.”

  “I can only hope.” His words drip with sarcasm.

  “Oh, unclench! Just promise me you’ll be nice? No matter what, he seems like a good guy . . . and he’s funny. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt any of us to make a new friend. Especially a fireman. You never know when one of Gram’s potion experiments will blow the house up.”

  Everyone laughs and agrees—even Gram. She’s known for creating small explosions every now and then.

  Once everyone stops laughing, I realize I forgot to ask the most important question. “So what’d the doctor say? Did you call the boys yet?”

  “No, not yet,” Aunt Morgan replies in a listless tone. “I’ll call them tonight when they’re done with class. The doctor said your pap’s in stable condition right now, so instead of trying to get the boys here over the next few days, we’ll talk to the dean about getting them here next week. That way they only have to miss a few classes instead of a week’s worth. I’m waiting for the dean to call me back.”

/>   “But what about graduation? They’ll miss it, right?” That sucks. Four years of hard work and they won’t get to walk down the aisle for their diploma.

  “I’ll let them decide what they’d like to do. Worst-case scenario is I fly back with them for graduation. We can come right back when it’s over. I’m not even sure which day it is, but we’ll figure it out. No worries.”

  Yeah, right. “You know me . . . always the worry wart.”

  “Isn’t that the truth?” She laughs, putting her arm around me as I pretend she’s hurt my feelings.

  “I have an announcement to make,” Gram declares. “We are not spending the entire day locked up in this hospital! It’s gorgeous outside, and your pap will never let me live it down if he finds out this is how we’re spending our time. Especially when we know there’s nothing we can do right now. If he wakes up, they’ll call us right away. So let’s go do something. What do you kids say?” She bubbles over with anticipation.

  The five of us are in agreement. We grab our bags and head to the Americana Manhasset to do some shopping since it’s so close to the hospital.

  Just in case.