Read Tethered (The Avenlore Series) Page 7

  Chapter 6

  Liam took a deep breath and nodded once before he began. “Avenlore is ruled by House Connolly of Castle Lux in the East, but only for last two hundred years or so. Prior to their ascent to the throne, the land was ruled by the House Raythen of Castle Knox in the West. They ruled fairly and justly for a century. Then, an heir, Prince Hagin, was born to King Stephan and Queen Kaliope, he was healthy and strong until the age of fifteen when he was struck by a fever that slowly sucked his very life from his body.

  “The castle’s Enchantress and healers worked tirelessly to save the prince, but no spell or herb or potion was able to touch the sickness.

  “Desperate to save his only son, the King summoned a Warlock he’d once crossed paths with as a younger man. He commanded the Warlock to save the prince by any means. The Warlock, called Elan, warned King Stephan that dark magic came at a high price, but the King was beyond reason.

  “The dark magic purged the prince of his sickness, but he awoke a different boy. The King was so overjoyed he couldn’t see the change in the beginning. But, the Queen could. She was horrified, and begged the Enchantress to cure the prince of the darkness. The Enchantress possessed no magical cure for the evil that lived within the prince and begged the King to destroy the boy before it was too late.

  “Rage filled the King at her suggestion and he ordered his guard to take her life instead. The Warlock was appointed to her position and Queen Kaliope feel into great despair.”

  My head was spinning and while I was hanging on every word, he hadn’t come close to answering my question. “While this story is heart wrenching and captivating, I don’t understand its relation to my question.”

  His pale green eyes locked with mine as he spoke. “To understand what is, you must understand what was.” He paused, waiting for my objection.

  “Proceed.” Was my only reply.

  He nodded once and continued. “The cost of black magic is a piece of one’s humanity. The price is paid by the recipient of the magic as well as its wielder. The spell used was so powerful that it drained the Warlock entirely of his humanity, while the prince retained only very little of his own.

  “The severity the prince’s state was made clear when he demanded to resume his combat training only days later. While sparring with a guard’s son in the yard, the prince became enraged when the boy defeated him. He threw down his blunted sword and grabbed a sharpened one, which he drove through the boy’s back.

  “When he was berated and punished by the King, the prince stole into his chambers and slit his throat as the queen slept beside him.

  “The Queen, in her sorrow, threw herself from the castle battlements into the sea the next morning.

  “Hagin’s rule was cruel and ruthless and the land and people suffered greatly for it. He put to death any who opposed him or disapproved of his ways and anyone of their blood, not even sparing children.

  “He raised his sons to be entitled and greedy and though the dark magic had not touched them, they were nurtured to become almost as horrifying as Prince Hagin himself.

  “The people felt defeated and feared to revolt. But whispers of a Lord in the East who had a growing army of men began to circulate. Lord Erik Connolly of Castle Lux had the ability to inspire hope and loyalty in men. A beautiful and powerful enchantress called Soleil aided him and cast upon him and his followers a shield that would protect them from the influence of dark magic.”

  I asked the obvious question. “Why couldn’t the first witch do anything about the dark magic?”

  He shook his head, “She was an enchantress, not a witch. Her powers were quite weak in comparison to Soleil and in any case, shielding one from dark magic and purging the soul of it are entirely different.” He said as if the answer was common knowledge.

  “Huh. So, this Soleil was better wi—enchantress than the first one. Did they go to different w—uh…enchantress schools or something?”

  Liam shot a measured look at me. “Soleil was more powerful for…the same reason some are taller or stronger than others. She hailed from a bloodline of powerful enchantresses.”

  I guess that made sense. “Okay, continue.”

  “The combined forces of Soleil and Lord Connolly were able to defeat King Hagin and Soleil vanquished the Warlock Elan. The people named Connolly King and Soleil remained as the enchantress to Castle Lux.

  “The sons, not quite men at the time, were pardoned and the King put to death. King Erik was merciful and allowed the sons of Hagin to retain Castle Knox.

  “They harbored a grudge against any Connolly and raised their own sons to harbor it as well. It was passed down through the generations and remains to this day.

  “Lord Soren, of Castle Knox at present, still harbors the same grudge. He learned of a prophecy that promised to return the Kingdom to the hands of House Raythen. The prophecy said that a Connolly daughter would be born and by her blood may House Connolly fall and

  House Raythen be returned to power.

  “It was made when she was still an infant, delivered personally by the Castle Knox Warlock called Alec. Lord Soren commanded his men to seek out the girl and bring her to Castle Knox. Most of the Knights and guards did not have the heart to carry out the orders, knowing what it would mean for the baby girl. Those men were put to death and those who remained were rewarded by being spelled with dark magic, making them inhumanly stronger and faster. These men were called the Black Knights of Castle Knox.

  “The prophecy, as it turned out, was interpreted incorrectly, however, and they attacked a lower House of Connolly, taking the wrong girl.” He paused and drew in a breath as he studied the ground. “She is believed to have been killed regardless.”

  Tears started to spill down my cheeks and his eyes seemed to glisten as well as he continued.

  “They burned villages and towns to the ground in their search, leaving little life behind. King Elias responded by beating back the Black Knights with his army and they retreated to Castle Knox, though his army suffered great casualties in the fight.

  “Lord Soren ordered that they discover the location of the child before proceeding further, to ensure they did not fail again. He and Alec set to work enlisting spies and spells to find the girl’s location. They were unsuccessful all these years until a few nights ago. They are still, however, unaware of what the prophecy truly said. You see, the girl they have been searching for is easily identified.” He paused, leveling me with a meaningful look.

  Oh. No, no, no, no, no.

  His eyes burned a hole through me. He took my left hand in both of his and gently turned it palm up. My breath came in quick gasps now, my heart slamming against my ribs, but he was completely calm and that was even more unnerving. Breaking the gaze, he pulled my hand forward gently and traced a circle around my birthmark as I had done so many times before.

  I couldn’t speak or move as he continued to softly trace the skin at my wrist. “You will know her by the sun upon her skin…” He met my wide eyed stare. “I didn’t know what it meant until you reached out to me, but then I was as sure of it as I am my own name.”

  I jerked my hand away and was immediately on my feet. Slowly, I backed away from him, eyes wide, breath ragged, heart attempting to break free of my chest. “How? It’s not ….not possible! I’m…I…I’m not even from here!” My mind worked furiously to fit the pieces together. This was so much worse than I could’ve imagined. My brain demanded that I run, he was a threat, I wasn’t safe. “How do you know these things? What are you…what have you…you’re taking me to them!” I accused as my heart rate ticked higher. My heaving chest was unable to purchase sufficient oxygen from the air and my head began to spin and my limbs started to tingle.

  He was on his feet now, closing the space between us slowly, the horrorstruck look on his face mirrored my own. Then his face fell, heartbreak all but written across his it. “I would never…” He
trailed off in a whisper. “I meant what I said when I told you that I would protect you. I intend to deliver you to Castle Lux, where you will be safe.” Conviction filled his words and something inside of me whispered that I could trust him. He was close enough to touch me now, but he didn’t so much as lift a finger in my direction. He looked into my eyes and spoke in a whisper, his voice pleading. “I beg of you, M…Dani, do not fear me. I cannot bear to be the reason for the look upon your face.”

  The whisper became louder, asking that I trust him. And I believed it, I believed him. In spite of this new, terrifying knowledge, I felt safe with him…at least after the initial shock. I couldn’t manage a verbal response so, I settled for few quick nods.

  Only a foot of space separated us as we stood there, trapped in a mutual gaze. My mind raced with questions, each vying for space at the front of my mind. While I would’ve preferred to stand there and stare into his eyes indefinitely, there were questions that had to be asked, things I had to know.

  “I can’t be a…a daughter of Connolly? No, that’s not possible. I’m not from around here.” I told him again.

  “Yes, I can see you are unfamiliar with the area.” He replied as his eyebrows knitted together.

  I bit my lower lip and studied him. While he knew a lot, it was clear he did not know everything. “No, I mean, I’m not from here at all. It’s like I’ve fallen into a different place in time. Where I’m from, we don’t talk like you or dress like you or live like you.”

  I watched him, gauging his reaction. His full lips thinned and his pale green eyes narrowed. And then a light bulb seemed to click as his face took on a look of wonder. When he spoke it was mostly to himself. “Of course. It was assumed impossible but, that’s why it’s perfect.”

  I shook my head at him and blinked rapidly. “I don’t ---“

  He cut me off, almost excited now. “You crossed realms!” One look at my face and he knew further explanation was required. “Everyone assumed you were cleverly hidden away somewhere, but here, in the Kingdom. But you weren’t, you were sent away to the safest place possible…another realm! That’s why it took Alec seventeen years to discover your location. And that certainly explains the way you talk and your clothing.”

  “To you, maybe.” I was still lost. “Who is ‘they’ and okay…no…just explain that first?” My mind was so muddled the command came out in the form of a question.

  A smile broke across his face. He was happy to deliver this news. “Your mother and father, and Soleil, of course.”

  My mouth opened before the words caught up. “Okay…I’m gonna blow right past the part where you said ‘Soleil’ because by my calculations she should be over two hundred years old and that is insanity. But, hey that just seems to be par for the course now doesn’t it.” He looked as confused by my words as I’d been by most of his. “No, my parents are dead. They died when I was eight months old. You see, I can’t be a Connolly.”

  Liam scoffed, shaking his head and sending his dark waves swaying. “Your mother and father are not dead. They are alive and well.” He argued.

  My breaking point was fast approaching, anymore new information and I would spontaneously combust. I sunk to the ground, drawing my knees to my chest and covered my face with my hands. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Not right now. It’s just, it’s too much.”

  I felt his hand touch my own and I stopped breathing. He moved so quietly I hadn’t even noticed when he knelt down in front of me. He slowly gathered one of my hands in his own and placed it upon my knee. Then, he repeated the action with my other hand, exposing my face.

  “We do not have to. Not until you are ready. Not until you ask it of me will I speak of such things.” His sincerity soaked every syllable. I found it impossible to doubt anything he said when he spoke to me like that, with that look on his face. He looked at me like I was precious and breakable and important. No one, not even Jones had ever looked at me that way.

  Then, he reached his hand tentatively toward my face. When I didn’t flinch, he pressed his palm to my cheek and grazed his thumb across my skin. My eyes closed as I pressed my face to his hand and I heard his sharp exhale, felt it on my face. I drank in the moment greedily, branded this touch into my brain, because this touch was not required. He wasn’t pulling me to my feet or helping onto his horse, he was just…touching me. His hand was rough and calloused and I liked that. His sea mist and sandalwood scent floated on the air.

  I opened my eyes to find him studying my face and once again, I couldn’t remember what I’d been so upset about. This moment was all that mattered and we were the only two people in the world.

  His gaze dropped to my mouth and I wanted so badly for him to close the distance between us. It took every drop of self-control I commanded to keep from asking him to, telling him to. Without warning, he broke the contact and stood up.

  Eyes wide, a multitude of emotions played over his features, finally settling on shock. “I’m so sorry, forgive me.” This time, he spoke to the ground. Just like that the moment was over and he turned on his heel and strode off through the mouth of the cave.