Read That Affair Next Door Page 40



  As I parted with Miss Oliver on Mrs. Desberger's stoop and did not visither again in that house, I will introduce the report of a person bettersituated than myself to observe the girl during the next few days. Thatthe person thus alluded to was a woman in the service of the police isevident, and as such may not meet with your approval, but her words areof interest, as witness:

  * * * * *

  "Friday P.M.

  "Party went out to-day in company with an elderly female of respectableappearance. Said elderly female wears puffs, and moves with greatprecision. I say this in case her identification should prove necessary.

  "I had been warned that Miss O. would probably go out, and as the manset to watch the front door was on duty, I occupied myself during herabsence in making a neat little hole in the partitions between our tworooms, so that I should not be obliged to offend my next-door neighborby too frequent visits to her apartment. This done, I awaited herreturn, which was delayed till it was almost dark. When she did come in,her arms were full of bundles. These she thrust into a bureau-drawer,with the exception of one, which she laid with great care under herpillow. I wondered what this one could be, but could get no inkling fromits size or shape. Her manner when she took off her hat was fiercer thanbefore, and a strange smile, which I had not previously observed on herlips, added force to her expression. But it paled after supper-time, andshe had a restless night. I could hear her walk the floor long after Ithought it prudent on my part to retire, and at intervals through thenight I was disturbed by her moaning, which was not that of a sickperson but of one very much afflicted in mind.


  "Party quiet. Sits most of the time with hands clasped on her kneebefore the fire. Given to quick starts as if suddenly awakened from anabsorbing train of thought. A pitiful object, especially when seized byterror as she is at odd times. No walks, no visitors to-day. Once Iheard her speak some words in a strange language, and once she drewherself up before the mirror in an attitude of so much dignity I wassurprised at the fine appearance she made. The fire of her eyes at thismoment was remarkable. I should not be surprised at any move she mightmake.


  "She has been writing to-day. But when she had filled several pages ofletter paper she suddenly tore them all up and threw them into the fire.Time seems to drag with her, for she goes every few minutes to thewindow from which a distant church clock is visible, and sighs as sheturns away. More writing in the evening and some tears. But the writingwas burned as before, and the tears stopped by a laugh that augurslittle good to the person who called it up. The package has been takenfrom under her pillow and put in some place not visible from myspy-hole.


  "Party out again to-day, gone some two hours or more. When she returnedshe sat down before the mirror and began dressing her hair. She has finehair, and she tried arranging it in several ways. None seemed to satisfyher, and she tore it down again and let it hang till supper-time, whenshe wound it up in its usual simple knot. Mrs. Desberger spent someminutes with her, but their talk was far from confidential, andtherefore uninteresting. I wish people would speak louder when they talkto themselves.


  "Great restlessness on the part of the young person I am watching. Noquiet for her, no quiet for me, yet she accomplishes nothing, and as yethas furnished me no clue to her thoughts.

  "A huge box was brought into the room to-night. It seemed to cause herdread rather than pleasure, for she shrank at sight of it, and has notyet attempted to open it. But her eyes have never left it since it wasset down on the floor. It looks like a dressmaker's box, but why suchemotion over a gown?


  "This morning she opened the box but did not display its contents. Icaught one glimpse of a mass of tissue paper, and then she put the coveron again, and for a good half hour sat crouching down beside it,shuddering like one in an ague-fit. I began to feel there was somethingdeadly in the box, her eyes wandered towards it so frequently and withsuch contradictory looks of dread and savage determination. When shegot up it was to see how many more minutes of the wretched day hadpassed.


  "Party sick; did not try to leave her bed. Breakfast brought up by Mrs.Desberger, who showed her every attention, but could not prevail uponher to eat. Yet she would not let the tray be taken away, and when shewas alone again or thought herself alone, she let her eyes rest so longon the knife lying across her plate, that I grew nervous and couldhardly restrain myself from rushing into the room. But I remembered myinstructions, and kept still even when I saw her hand steal towards thispossible weapon, though I kept my own on the bell-rope which fortunatelyhung at my side. She looked quite capable of wounding herself with theknife, but after balancing it a moment in her hand, she laid it downagain and turned with a low moan to the wall. She will not attempt deathtill she has accomplished what is in her mind.


  "All is right in the next room; that is, the young lady is up; but thereis another change in her appearance since last night. She has growncontemptuous of herself and indulges less in brooding. But herimpatience at the slow passage of time continues, and her interest inthe box is even greater than before. She does not open it, however, onlylooks at it and lays her trembling hand now and then on the cover.


  "A blank day. Party dull and very quiet. Her eyes begin to look likeghastly hollows in her pale face. She talks to herself continually, butin a low mechanical way exceedingly wearing to the listener, especiallyas no word can be distinguished. Tried to see her in her own roomto-day, but she would not admit me.


  "I have noticed from the first a Bible lying on one end of hermantel-shelf. To-day she noticed it also, and impulsively reached outher hand to take it down. But at the first word she read she gave a lowcry and hastily closed the book and put it back. Later, however, shetook it again and read several chapters. The result was a softening inher manner, but she went to bed as flushed and determined as ever.


  "She has walked the floor all day. She has seen no one, and seemsscarcely able to contain her impatience. She cannot stand this long.


  "My surprises began in the morning. As soon as her room had been put inorder, Miss O. locked the door and began to open her bundles. First sheunrolled a pair of white silk stockings, which she carefully, butwithout any show of interest, laid on the bed; then she opened a packagecontaining gloves. They were white also, and evidently of the finestquality. Then a lace handkerchief was brought to light, slippers, anevening fan, and a pair of fancy pins, and lastly she opened themysterious box and took out a dress so rich in quality and of suchsimple elegance, it almost took my breath away. It was white, and madeof the heaviest satin, and it looked as much out of place in that shabbyroom as its owner did in the moments of exaltation of which I havespoken.

  "Though her face was flushed when she lifted out the gown, it becamepale again when she saw it lying across her bed. Indeed, a look ofpassionate abhorrence characterized her features as she contemplated it,and her hands went up before her eyes and she reeled back uttering thefirst words I have been able to distinguish since I have been on duty.They were violent in character, and seemed to tear their way through herlips almost without her volition. 'It is hate I feel, nothing but hate.Ah, if it were only duty that animated me!'

  "Later she grew calmer, and covering up the whole paraphernalia with astray sheet she had evidently laid by for the purpose, she sent for Mrs.Desberger. When that lady came in she met her with a wan but by no meansdubious smile, and ignoring with quiet dignity the very evidentcuriosity with which that good woman surveyed the bed, she saidappealingly:

  "'You have been so kind to me, Mrs. Desberger, that I am going to tellyou a secret. Will it continue to remain a secret, or shall I see it inthe faces of all my fellow-boarders to-morrow?' You
can imagine Mrs.Desberger's reply, also the manner in which it was delivered, but notMiss Oliver's secret. She uttered it in these words: 'I am going outto-night, Mrs. Desberger. I am going into great society. I am going toattend Miss Althorpe's wedding.' Then, as the good woman stammered outsome words of surprise and pleasure, she went on to say: 'I do not wantany one to know it, and I would be so glad if I could slip out of thehouse without any one seeing me. I shall need a carriage, but you willget one for me, will you not, and let me know the moment it comes. I amshy of what folks say, and besides, as you know, I am neither happy norwell, if I do go to weddings, and have new dresses, and----' She nearlybroke down but collected herself with wonderful promptitude, and with acoaxing look that made her almost ghastly, so much it seemed out ofaccord with her strained and unnatural manner, she raised a corner ofthe sheet, saying, 'I will show you my gown, if you will promise to helpme quietly out of the house,' which, of course, produced the desiredeffect upon Mrs. Desberger, that woman's greatest weakness being herlove of dress.

  "So from that hour I knew what to expect, and after sendingprecautionary advices to Police Headquarters, I set myself to watch herprepare for the evening. I saw her arrange her hair and put on herelegant gown, and was as much startled by the result as if I had not hadthe least premonition that she only needed rich clothes to look bothbeautiful and distinguished. The square parcel she had once hidden underher pillow was brought out and laid on the bed, and when Mrs.Desberger's low knock announced the arrival of the carriage, she caughtit up and hid it under the cloak she hastily threw about her. Mrs.Desberger came in and put out the light, but before the room sank intodarkness I caught one glimpse of Miss Oliver's face. Its expression wasterrible beyond anything I had ever seen on any human countenance."