Read That Dog, Young Jae Page 5

  “Your uncle visits us all the time.” Yuna put the sandwiches she was making on a plate and put the fruits in a bowl. “Do you want some coffee or juice?”

  “Coffee is good. Um…, if you don’t mind, can you give some sandwiches to Young Jae? He’s not had anything all morning either.”

  Yuna glanced at him in surprise but he ignored her raised brow. “Sure. Why are you asking about your uncle?”

  He should have known that Yul would visit his mother on a regular basis.

  “What has he promised you?” The question spilled out before he could stop it.

  Yuna glared at him and she would have started yelling if Young Jae didn’t choose that exact moment to knock on the door and walk in.

  “I was hoping to disturb you for a cup of coffee, Ms. Yuna,” Young Jae said with a smile. “It’s been a long day, and I haven’t had much to eat.”

  Yuna huffed and turned to Young Jae returning his smile.

  “I was just about to come get you, Young Jae. Have a seat while I make you a plate. While you’re here, talk to Min. Tell him that he has to learn how to talk to his mother. She would prefer to know more about him instead of talk business all the time.”

  Yuna headed to the counter.

  Min rolled his eyes and gave Young Jae a frustrated glance. It wasn’t his fault that his mother lost her mind every time he talked to her. Young Jae reached under the table and squeezed his knee gently.

  “Min is like that.” Young Jae ignored his glance and focused on Yuna. “He worries a lot about things, so he focuses on the problems. Did you know he likes going to the musical fountain at the Han River Park? We just came from there. He got wet standing in the water, that’s why he changed clothes.”

  “Young Jae,” Min gasped in shock. “That was private.”

  “She’s your mother,” Young Jae said. “You should have seen him. He looked like a drowned cat.”

  “I’m no drowned cat.” Min protested reaching out to poke Young Jae’s right shoulder. “Don’t listen to him; he’s the one who pushed me in.”

  Yuna laughed and Min glanced at her puzzled. “Why are you laughing?”

  “I’ve never seen this side of you.” Yuna smiled taking the plates on the counter. She placed one before Min and the other for Young Jae. “Young Jae, tell me more interesting things about our Min. He doesn’t like to open up often.”

  Min frowned as Young Jae turned to Yuna.

  “He loves eating japchae. (Korean stir-fry) He’s always pestering the chef in the kitchen to make it for dinner. When he’s bored, he can be such a pain. He’ll do anything to get away from his security. A couple of months ago, he escaped them to go play with his friends, just like a kid. I was very angry with him.”

  “Shin, Jihu and Kaori,” Yuna said as she gave Young Jae his coffee. “I’ve only met them once. It was at his eighteenth birthday.”

  “Yes,” Young Jae agreed. “They have gone abroad for a year. Our Min is a bit sad about that.”

  “I’m sitting right here.” Min glared at Young Jae. “I’m not a kid.”

  “You act like one sometimes.” Young Jae flashed him a smile, “Although, he’s surprisingly mature at times. Today, he impressed Mr. Rio enough for the man to promise his support.”

  “Mr. Rio is tough.” Yuna looked at Min, her eyes glowing with pride. “I’m glad our Min was able to win his trust.”

  Min gaped in shock at the expression on his mother’s face. He’d never seen it before. It was even more surprising when she reached over and caressed his jaw gently. Yuna smiled and turned to Young Jae.

  “When our Min was a kid, he used to get bullied by his cousins. He’d run to me crying because his older cousins were messing with him.” Yuna sighed. “I taught him to stand up to them. He was such a strong kid.”

  Min frowned. He actually remembered that. Yul’s son, the one Yul wanted to make the C.E.O. had bullied Min during family get-togethers. Yuna had gotten a hold of him once and threatened him with putting ants in his bed when he was sleeping.

  Min laughed at the memory.

  “I see you remember the ants.” Yuna smiled and shook her head. “Yul’s son is scared of insects. Our Min is stronger than that little twat.”

  “If that is so, help Min,” Young Jae said quietly. “The opposition being built up by Yul is damaging Min’s reputation. He needs your backing. Help him stand up to his uncle’s bullying.”

  “Yul has always been like that. He always wants to be better than Kang. He’s never been happy that Min’s father became a politician. He wants the respect but he doesn’t know how to get it.” Yuna leaned forward to look at Young Jae. “He has a tendency to abuse relationships. He burns bridges and blackmails people to get what he wants.”

  Min’s gaze narrowed when Young Jae looked down at the table. For a moment, he could swear he saw guilt in those eyes.

  “Yul is not a good man,” Young Jae murmured.

  “You’re right. Min,” Yuna said turning to look at him. “I have things I need to explain to you. Things you’ve probably wondered about for a long time.”

  Young Jae pushed his chair back and stood up. “I’ll go back to my work. Ms. Yuna, thank you for the coffee and the sandwiches.”

  “You’re welcome.” She waited for Young Jae to leave before she turned to look at Min. “I didn’t know what you were facing.”

  “That is very hard to believe.” Min pushed his coffee away but Yuna frowned. “What is it?”

  “Finish your food, son.” She pointed to his full plate. “I’ll tell you why I left while you eat.”

  Min picked up a sandwich and took a bite. She got up and refreshed his coffee before she took a seat and sighed.

  “Your father and I have had our differences, but I want you to know that I’ll always love you, Min.”

  Min sipped his coffee. “Then why did you leave?”

  “I got married to your father when I was very young. There were things I wanted to do, but couldn’t while I played the role of the Hanje Group wife. My life wasn’t very easy. I wanted freedom. I wanted a career. So, I decided it was better to leave.”

  “Why didn’t you take me with you?”

  “You’re the first born, Min. Your position in this world was decided long before you were born.” Yuna shook her head in disappointment. “I tried to change that, but I lost my battle. Your father wouldn’t let you go, and the extended family backed him up.”

  “You could have written to me, called me, come to visit me.” Min pointed out unable to understand why his mother would refuse to see him for eight years. Eight long years without a mother, he sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand how you can leave your son behind.”

  “I know it’s hard for you to forgive me, but will you try, Min?” Yuna asked quietly. She reached out to touch his hand gently. “Please, Min. For your sister’s sake, she wants to know you.”

  Min looked at her thinking he’d like to know what it felt like to have a mother.

  “I can try, but I’m not promising anything.”

  Yuna nodded. “I understand. I’ll win your trust, Min. I’ll start with telling you why I talked to the workers. Yul is blackmailing me. He wants to tell everyone that Lara is not your father’s daughter. While that is true, the damage it would do to her standing in our social circle...” She sighed. “I have to protect Lara. Your father won’t bother with us, but we’re part of the Jun family, whether he likes it or not.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Min asked.

  “I didn’t think you’d listen to me.” She sat back in her seat her gaze soft, she studied him. “You’re angry with me, and you’ve refused to talk to Lara. I didn’t know what else to do. I gave Yul what he wanted hoping that you’ll come see me.”

  Min sipped his coffee thoughtfully. “Lara is at Hanje University?”

  “Yes. Your father got her in. He is cover
ing the costs for her Business degree.” Yuna gave him a small smile. “I didn’t think he would, considering she’s not his.”

  Min nodded. “I’ll protect Lara.”

  “Are you serious?” Yuna asked her eyes lighting up. “You’ll get her into your circle of friends?”

  “The circle is currently not in town, but I’ll deal with it.” Min promised.

  Yuna stood up and came to hug him. A cloud of sweet flower scents filled his nostrils as she held him tight.

  “I knew I could count on you.”

  “Omma,” he protested until she let him go. Yuna was grinning widely. “You still have to do something for me.”

  “I’ll retract my statements. I’ll do whatever you want me to, Min,” she declared excitedly. “I’ll even help you. Yul is coming to the gala tonight. We can get him to admit what he’s doing in front of everyone.”

  “That’s dangerous,” Min said, shaking his head. “You can’t call him out like that. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I don’t see another way. I will not step aside and wait for him to bully my son.” Yuna smiled at him. “You’ll always have me on your side, you know that right?”


  Young Jae adjusted his black tuxedo jacket and paced the length of the foyer. His hair was combed back neatly; he reached up to touch his bowtie. He had no idea why he was so nervous. This was just another gala; he’d gone to a million of them. He breathed out nerves and turned to pace back. He stopped when he found Lara standing in his way.

  She was looking up at him with narrowed eyes. “Why are you nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous.” Young Jae turned to keep pacing but she walked around.

  She pressed a finger to his chest. She looked beautiful in a long sparkling grey dress. The fabric clung to her figure, skating down to her feet in a graceful fall. Her hair was pinned in intricate curls on top of her head. It looked like she’d woven some silver glittering thread into the dark glossy curls.

  “Is it because you’re taking Oppa out tonight?” Lara asked her strawberry coated lips curved into a smile. “Shouldn’t you be excited, you’ve been waiting for this forever?”

  “What are you talking about you kid?” Young Jae frowned at her. “You’re the one who should be excited. You’re about to officially enter the Seoul elite society. It’s not all the roses it’s cracked up to be.”

  “I’m getting to spend an entire evening in Oppa’s company. That is all that matters. I think you feel the same way.” Lara shrugged her slender shoulder. “You like him don’t you?”

  “So what if I like him?” Young Jae glared at her.

  She laughed. “I don’t think I deserve that scowl from you, Young Jae Oppa. I’ve supported you every time. Are you sure, you can handle the stress? Min is a bit high maintenance.”

  “He’s Min.” Young Jae turned to keep pacing.

  Min was the reason why this gala was so difficult.

  Young Jae had thought about Min’s uncle Yul all afternoon, and he couldn’t find another out. Min needed to protect his interests, which meant someone had to make a major sacrifice. Young Jae turned to look at Lara. He thought about Yuna.

  Assemblyman Kang had put his trust in Min for a reason. His goals were to reduce the pressure on his political ambitions. Min wanted to protect Hanje Group, so he’d made up with his mother and was even making an effort with Lara. Yuna wanted to be close to her children. Her tactics might be hurtful, but she was doing what she could. Everyone was protecting what mattered. Young Jae sighed deciding it was time he did the same.

  “Young Jae Oppa,” Lara touched his elbow.

  He followed Lara’s gaze to find Min walking down the stairs. He took in a deep breath and stared. His Min looked gorgeous tonight. Min was in a white shirt, white suit jacket with black lapels and black pants. His hair combed back neatly showed off Min’s handsome face. Min adjusted his cuffs as he walked down, the light sparkling off a small silver earring on his left ear. Young Jae smiled. It looked as though Min was getting ready for battle. He only put on jewelry to disarm people.

  “He looks handsome,” Lara said beside him. “Be sure to tell him.”

  Young Jae scowled at her as she went to meet Min.

  “Lara, you look lovely.” Min greeted her. “Are you ready for tonight?”

  “I’ve been waiting forever.” Lara turned to look at Young Jae and winked. “Don’t you think Young Jae Oppa looks great tonight?”

  Min glanced at him, stopping in his tracks. It was hard not to appreciate that hot gaze giving him a slow thorough perusal. He waited until their gazes collided to smile at Min.

  Min blushed and looked away with a small cough.

  “Of course he does,” Min said.

  “You look handsome too.” Young Jae complimented with a satisfied smile.

  “Where is mother?” Min asked his sister.

  “She’s already at the venue.” Lara clutched Min’s right arm. “She said the young people should arrive together.”

  Min turned to him. “If you’re ready, we can go.”

  Young Jae nodded and was about to start for the door when Lara pulled away from Min.

  “Give me a moment; I’ll just get my purse.”

  She looked at him discretely and winked. The little wicked romantic, Young Jae sighed at her antics as she hurried away determined to give them privacy.

  “That girl,” Min sighed and turned to him. “My mother wants to confront Yul tonight. I told her not to, but she seems to have a mind of her own. It’s quite inconvenient.”

  Young Jae chuckled at the comment. It was so typical of Min he couldn’t help it.

  “Humans tend to think for themselves, Min.”

  Min shrugged. “It doesn’t mean it’s good for them.”

  Young Jae closed the distance between them. He placed a hand on Min’s jaw, caressing him gently before he sighed.

  “Min, I have something I need to do tonight.”

  “What is it?” Min asked looking up to meet his gaze.

  Young Jae stared into the trusting dark eyes. He drank in the interest, the heat, the budding love he could see in there. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on Min’s jaw.

  “Whatever happens tonight, I need you to know something.” He let his hand drop to Min’s shoulder and took in a deep breath. He let it out slowly and smiled. “You’re the best part of Hanje, Min.”

  “What’s wrong, Young Jae?” Min asked with a frown. “Is there a problem?”

  Young Jae shook his head and pulled him into a tight hug.

  “No, I’ve taken care of it. Promise to have fun tonight. You deserve it.”

  Min’s arms went around him slowly before he nodded. “I promise.”


  Chapter Seven

  Min paused for a minute right outside the ballroom when they got to the hotel. He turned to look at Lara and smiled. She was nervous; she kept clenching her free hand and shaking her fingers out. She breathed out nervous energy and he bit his lip to keep from laughing.

  Young Jae was right; he’d judged Lara too harshly.

  Young Jae was always right, he thought.

  He placed steadying hands on Lara’s slender shoulders. He met her dark gaze and gave her the best smile he had.

  “Don’t lower your head for anyone. They should give you the respect. You have every right to be here.” He waited for her to nod in agreement before he squeezed her shoulders. “The answer to any insipid questions from the elders is always, ‘Yes, you’re right.’ I’m done with my pep talk; the rest is sink or swim. You’ll do fine, Lara.”

  “You’re such a winning character.” Lara placed her hand on his elbow and shivered slightly. “Do you ever get used to it?”

  “I got indifferent.” Min confessed meeting her anxious gaze. “Don’t worry, Lara. Once we walk in together, whatever wagging tongues you’re afraid of will be chasing afte
r you.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Lara said as he led the way to the door. “What would you do if I turned and ran right now?”

  “Send Young Jae to find you and take you home,” Min answered with a shrug.

  “You’re so practical.” Lara chuckled. That was the picture the guests saw when they walked in.

  Min walked with confidence, his half-sister graceful and beautiful beside him. There was no mistaking that she was family. She clung to his arm tightly as they walked in. Yuna met them once they were inside.

  “I have to get a picture, you two look great.” Yuna exclaimed with cultured enthusiasm. “Mingle, Min, make sure you bid on the items displayed on the stands. We’re going to need support if we’re fighting Yul. He’s been lobbying around, hoping to get support to vote you out. I’m ready to throw him out of the building.”

  Min sighed, Lara fidgeted, and he glanced at her. Her gaze was fixed on a group of young women who stood in a loose circle a few feet away. He narrowed his eyes at the looks they were giving her.

  “Omma, if you’ll excuse me for a moment. I have something to take care of.” He gave his mother a short bow and patted Lara’s hand. “Why don’t you introduce me to your friends?”

  “They aren’t my friends.” Lara’s tone was cold, hiding anger. She shook her head when he started to lead them toward the curious women. “Please, Min. I don’t want to talk to them.”

  “Come on now, it would be rude if the Jun family didn’t welcome all our guests.” Min led her firmly to the loose circle, a charming smile pasted on his lips. “Good evening ladies, I hope you’re enjoying yourselves.”

  “Mr. Jun,” one of them, a skinny model type with brown hair, said. “How are you? And where did you get her?”

  Her tone was condescending as she nodded at Lara. Her eyes rolling around, sizing up Lara’s dress, it was a malicious glance. He squeezed Lara’s hand gently.

  “She’s my sister.” He frowned as he looked at the brown haired model. “Who are you again?”

  “I’m Ling Saito,” she declared with a wide smile. “I work at Hanje Design as a model. We met last year at a fashion show.”

  “I don’t remember.” Min looked to the young woman standing beside the model. “What about you?”