Read That Dog, Young Jae Page 7

“He has a house full of servants.” Young Jae pointed. She was seriously concerned and her worry was hard to take. He didn’t want to think of Min struggling with anything. It made him want to run to Min. “He gets difficult when situations don’t go as he wants.”

  “He’s not acting up right now. I haven’t seen him smile in two months. Is that even healthy for a human?” Lara shook her head and paused as the waiter returned with her order. When the waiter left left, she sipped her juice and continued. “Actually, he smiled today. I think it has to do with Shin.”

  “Shin,” Young Jae prompted. The thought of those two back together made him want to curse. “Is he back from Switzerland?”

  Lara narrowed her eyes at him before she answered. “Yes, they are meeting tonight. I think it’s more than Oppa is telling me. He was too happy about it.”

  He frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “I mean,” she lifted her brow at him. “What do you think? He is a guy who hasn’t been with anyone in a while. Shin is back. Oppa is alone at Jun House. I don’t think I need to explain further.”

  Young Jae gritted his teeth at the thought of Min in Shin’s arms. Tonight, at Jun house where Min was living alone. He shuddered at the thought. Damn it, he still wanted Jun Min Ho. He couldn’t let someone else take what was his.

  “Where is he right now?”

  “If you mean Shin, he’s arriving around seven o’clock. They are supposed to meet at Bar 74. Min looked all wide-eyed about it.” She smiled at him. “It was kind of nice to see him that way.”

  Young Jae looked away from her hoping she didn’t see the blinding jealousy enveloping him. The thought of Shin touching Min—, he fisted his fingers. He tried to squelch that thought and sighed.

  “I’m glad he’s doing better.”

  Lara rolled her eyes at him. “You don’t have to stay away. You can always call and talk to Min. He misses you.”

  Young Jae shrugged. “Why aren’t you in school?”

  She laughed. “Min asked the same thing. I’m doing a project. I don’t need to be in a class until next week. I thought I better try to fix the two of you before Oppa works till he drops.”

  Young Jae reached for his coffee. “There is nothing to fix. I walked away and Min is living his life. There’s nothing to fix, little girl. Why don’t you concentrate on your project instead?”

  Lara gave an exaggeration sigh but she talked about her project for a while. He helped her with a few contacts she needed. An hour later, she stood up ready to leave. She picked up her purse and gave him a sad look.

  “Young Jae Oppa, I know you still care for Min.” She glanced around the café and then leaned down so that she whispered into his ear. “Tell him how you feel; he’ll forgive you everything. Don’t let it go like this.”

  She pressed a chaste kiss on his jaw and left the café in quick short strides.


  Shin was late. Min sat on a stool at Bar 74 nursing a drink. The dimly lit bar suited his mood. He wasn’t feeling festive. Hadn’t in a very long time, and it was starting to get on his nerves. He sipped his drink and stared at the bar counter.

  “I’ll have what he’s having,” a familiar voice said and he glanced up as usual.

  His heart speeding up with hope even though it hurt when he found it wasn’t Young Jae. His gaze settled on the man standing beside his stool.

  “How are you Min?”

  He gasped quietly when his gaze collided with familiar dark eyes.

  “Young Jae,” he whispered. He cleared his throat and sat up straight on his stool. “What are you doing here?”

  “I heard you’d be here.” Young Jae slid into the stool beside his and turned so that they faced each other. He nodded to the glass Min was nursing. “You’re getting serious, is something troubling you?”

  Min glanced at his scotch. “I don’t see how that is your problem. I’m here to meet someone.”

  “If it’s Shin, I called him before I got here. He’s hasn’t landed yet. I told him I’d tell you not to wait.”

  Min frowned, as he’d suspected they’d delayed Shin’s flight.

  Young Jae would know as always.

  Min hated that he missed Young Jae’s thorough ability to manage. Young Jae had organized every aspect of Min’s life to perfection. To the point that he couldn’t make a decision now without thinking what Young Jae would say about it.

  Min tossed back his drink and closed his eyes as it burned down his throat. He slid out of the stool but Young Jae stopped him with a firm grip on his left arm.

  “Don’t leave yet,” Young Jae said, his tone rough. “I came here to talk.”

  “We don’t have anything to talk about.” Min tried to extricate his arm from Young Jae’s hold but he couldn’t. He glared at Young Jae with irritation. “You’ve perfected the art of torturing me. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

  “I can’t.” Young Jae confessed quietly.

  The bar was dim and crowded no one paid attention to them. Min leaned on the counter his gaze on Young Jae.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you and your darned confession. I know you’re talking to Shin, but I’m prepared to fight for you, Min. Please just sit down and give me a moment to explain.”

  “What is there to explain?” Min asked his eyes flashing with anger. The pain filling his heart made him want to lash out. “You didn’t want me. I moved on, end of story.”

  “Can we talk somewhere private?” Young Jae asked. “Please, Min. Give me fifteen minutes, and if you don’t think my explanation is good enough, I’ll disappear.”

  Min winced at the thought of never seeing Young Jae again.

  Min wished he could refuse Young Jae’s suggestion. Listening to Young Jae would leave him with no defense, no armor. He felt himself nod in agreement.

  Young Jae dropped the money for their drinks on the counter and tugged him out of the bar. They walked through the alley to the front street and Young Jae hailed a cab.

  It took more than fifteen minutes to get to Young Jae’s modest apartment. Min removed his shoes at the entrance and stopped. He looked around the bright living area, awed by Young Jae’s home. It looked like a comfortable place to stay. It was full of warmth.

  Young Jae urged him forward with a hand on his shoulder. Min walked to the comfortable brown leather couch in the living room and sat. He suddenly realized he’d never come to visit Young Jae here.

  Young Jae disappeared in what he assumed was the kitchen and returned back a few minutes later carrying two mugs of hot coffee. He placed one on the edge of the wooden coffee table for Min and sat on the other end of the couch.

  Min took the cup and brought it to his lips. The coffee was good. He put the mug on the table and looked at Young Jae.

  “What do you want to tell me?”

  “I’m sorry for not staying.” Young Jae apologized in a quiet tone. “I was protecting you the only way I knew how. Your vetting process needed you clean, free of any scandals. I did the press conference to take the heat away from you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that Yul was blackmailing your family?” Min asked unable to hide the hurt he’d felt at that revelation. “You knew everything about me.”

  “I didn’t think my problems were yours to deal with.” Young Jae shrugged. “It came from habit, I wanted to protect—,”

  “Don’t tell me that again.” Min cut him off. “I’m tired of all the protection you’ve given me. If you think leaving me and being alone is fine then we’re wasting our time.”

  Young Jae sighed and moved closer on the couch so that he could place a hand on Min’s shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Min. I’m trying to explain the best I can, but it’s not coming out the way it should.”

  “You left me!” Min turned his eyes full of accusation. “I begged you to trust me that day. You decided to jump over the cliff alone. I
couldn’t watch that awful press conference you did. Damn it, you should have trusted in me.”

  Young Jae dropped his gaze to Min’s hand on his thigh. He took Min’s hand in his, holding on tight.

  “Tell me how to fix it,” Young Jae begged. “I miss you, Min. I know I won’t be back to work for Hanje Group, but that works out better for both of us. I’ll have more time to spend with you and—,”

  Min shook his head.

  “You’re jumping ahead. We need some rules. First, if anyone is hurting you and your mom, let me know. Even though it is someone close to me, let me know, and don’t ever let it be like that. It hurt not knowing about your family, Young Jae.”

  “I promise.” Young Jae smiled. “I know what you did for my mother. Thank you for getting her house back that was very kind of you.”

  Min nodded and squeezed Young Jae’s hand. “Second, don’t leave me again. You have to promise not to leave me. It gets lonely and I—,”

  Young Jae pulled him into a tight hug. A soft gasp escaped Min as warmth spread through him. He took in Young Jae’s familiar scent with closed eyes and buried his face into Young Jae’s chest. It felt like homecoming.

  “I won’t leave you again,” Young Jae promised. “Any other rules I should know about?”

  Min wrapped his arms around Young Jae’s and held him closer.

  “Only one other rule,” he said in a shy tone.

  “Let’s have it,” Young Jae urged.

  “If I tell you I love you, you’re supposed to reply—,”

  Min never finished his third rule. Young Jae leaned back to press a kiss on his right eye.

  “I’m sorry,” Young Jae said. He pressed another kiss on Min’s left eye. “I love you too. I should have said it that day.”

  Min’s breath hitched and he opened his eyes to look into hopeful dark ones. Young Jae kissed him on his lips. A hungry, desperate kiss that spoke of longing, need and love.

  Min was lost in sensation as Young Jae kissed him with fervor. He’d missed the sensual feel of Young Jae’s tongue stroking and filling his mouth. It made him want to get closer to Young Jae somehow fit his body closer to Young Jae so that he’d never be alone again.

  Young Jae broke their kiss and buried his face in Min’s shoulder. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” Min answered his voice muffled. His heart slammed against his chest as he clung to Young Jae. “Please don’t leave me again.”

  He couldn’t imagine losing this feeling if Young Jae left him again. “Will you say it again?”

  Young Jae ran a hand over his back and lifted his head slightly. He pressed his lips against Min’s right ear and whispered.

  “I love you, Jun Min Ho.”



  It was Min’s birthday. He was turning twenty-five.

  Young Jae held a small black box nervously moving it from one hand to the other. He stood in the foyer at Jun House watching guests arrive.

  Lara led Kaori, Jihu and Shin into the foyer. She smiled wide when she saw him waiting anxiously.

  “Young Jae Oppa is nervous tonight. I think this is the first time he’s been at this kind of party as a guest instead of the person who arranged it all,” Lara said to Jihu.

  “Young Jae Oppa,” Jihu looked at her with a questioning eye and she chuckled.

  Lara and Jihu seemed to have been hitting it off ever since he’d returned.

  “I thought I was the only one you called that.”

  “Keep wishing.” Kaori came to stand beside Young Jae. “Where is the birthday boy?”

  “He’s upstairs getting ready. His father wants to make an official announcement on the board’s decision today. Min will make his first official speech as Chairman of Hanje Group.” Young Jae explained, looking up to meet Shin’s gaze. “He’ll be happy to see you guys here. He’s really missed you.”

  “Not so much though,” Shin said with a small smile. “He had you, right?”

  Young Jae chuckled at the friendship that seemed to be developing between Shin and him. It was still unsettling to see Min be so friendly with the guy, but Shin wasn’t bad.

  “He does have me,” Young Jae said in answer to Shin’s question.

  Kaori patted his arm. “I think you should go rescue birthday boy from himself. He’s probably standing in his closet unsure what he wants to wear.”

  Young Jae shook his head at her accurate assumptions. He left the group of friends and headed upstairs eager to see Min.

  Min’s bedroom was on the second floor.

  Young Jae had moved back in a month ago. It had taken a lot of courage to face Min’s father and declare his intentions for Min. The man had taken their relationship quite well considering his political aspirations. There had been some resistance at first, but between him and Min, they’d convinced Assemblyman Kang. Kang had praised them for telling him the truth and urged them that it was better to keep things in the light than hidden. Hence, Young Jae was now living in Jun House, where he would remain for the rest of his life, or until Min send him away, unlikely as that was.

  In Min’s bedroom, he frowned and adjusted that thought. In their bedroom, Min stood by the bed wearing a towel around his hips. It was hard not to stare at the lean gorgeous body. Min was beautiful to look at.

  Young Jae couldn’t help thinking about Min caught in the throes of passion. His head thrown back, lips parted in a gasp, his eyes closed in ecstasy. Min looked at him at that moment, and he groaned. They were definitely going to be late for the party downstairs.

  “What?” Min asked.

  Young Jae held out the black box he’d been carrying around all day.

  “I know you’ll be receiving loads of gifts downstairs. So, I want you to open my present first.”

  Min smiled a charming cute smile that drew his gaze to perfect curved lips. Young Jae kissed them before he released the box to Min.

  Min opened the box eagerly. He didn’t protest when Young Jae wrapped his arms around his hips and pulled him closer. Instead, his gaze was fixated on the platinum band resting on a bed of blue velvet. Min removed the ring from the box and stared at it. A sparkling diamond in the center of the ring glinted in the light. A soft gasp escaped when the band parted in the middle and there were two rings. One with the stone in the middle, the other without, the stone held the two rings together.

  Min met Young Jae’s gaze.

  Young Jae took the ring with the stone.

  “This is my heart. Keep it safe.”

  Min nodded and held his left hand out for Young Jae to slide the ring on his middle finger. He slid Young Jae’s ring on his left middle finger.

  “Now, Shin will know to keep his hands off you.” Young Jae declared with a satisfied nod.

  Min laughed and wound his arms around Young Jae’s neck. “He calls you, That Dog, Young Jae.”

  “I know.” Young Jae’s hands slid down Min’s bare back to the towel his fingers tangling in the soft white fabric. “I’m glad he knows that I’ll turn rabid if he touches you.”

  He tugged on the towel and it dropped to the floor leaving Min naked.

  Min pulled back slightly to look at him.

  “Do we have time?” Min asked breathlessly as his body filled in anticipation.

  Young Jae turned him toward the bed.

  “We can make time; after all you’re the boss.”

  Min laughed and kissed him as they fell back on the bed.

  The Beginning…


  About The Author:

  Suilan Lee was born in a small town in South Korea. She grew up moving from one city to another. She works with an aide organization, teaching others ways of making their lives better. In her spare time, she loves writing romance stories, set in different cities with characters that live ordinary lives and fight for extraordinary love and happiness. She believes in a happy ending and will always work toward makin
g one happen.

  For more stories, visit her blog:

  Other Stories

  A Rescued Life (Coming Soon)

  Electric Blue & Catnip

  You Make Me…Crazy

  Kiss Me to Spring Time

  Love (Ai)

  Bovian Image

  Blu Dream

  The Precious Teahouse

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