Read The Adventures of Marco and Carla: The Dark Castle Page 1

  The Adventures of Marco and Carla


  Shamara S. Davis

  COPYRIGHT 2012 Shamara S. Davis.

  Story by: Shamara S. Davis

  Cover by: Sandro Lopez

  Sketches by: Illustrador

  Formatted by eBooksMade4You

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  To my son Zayden

  My old friend Ethan Klamka

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  The darkness had already set over the quiet little town that usually wasn’t so quiet. But for some reason tonight was different, a little strange even. No one could really say there was anything strange about the town except the creepy little castle that lied right outside of it.

  But that night there were two adventurous kids still awake. Marco and Carla, brother and sister were at their bedroom window looking outsides wondering why everything seemed so still and why their town had turned into a grave yard. The regulars that usually passed by their window at night had all together disappeared and Marco and Carla wanted to know why.

  “I wonder why no one is out tonight,” said Marco.

  “I know it’s kinda strange, replied Carla. “Usually you would see at least a couple of people passing by the house from the parties by now.”

  “You think something is up?” Marco asked.

  “What do you mean?” Carla replied.

  “I mean the reason why not one single soul is out tonight. Where’s old man Garber? He always walks by here every night like clockwork; you always know its 9 o’clock when he goes by. Something is up and I don’t like it,” Marco said with suspicion.

  “You always think something is going on,” Carla replied. “Shh, I hear what you’re saying but be quiet or you’ll wake mom and dad.”

  “But really I wonder where everyone is?” Marco whispered.

  Little did Marco and Carla know that something strange was happening in their quiet little town that night. People that they usually saw before they went to bed were no longer passing by and there was not a sound to be heard, not even the meows of a stray cat.

  Marco and Carla sat at the window for an hour looking to see a glimpse of someone to ask if they know what was going on, but no one passed by.

  “Marco, I’m tired I want to go to sleep now,” Carla complained.

  “Okay just a few more minutes, someone is…,” Marco said.

  “No Marco! I want to go to bed now so come on,” Carla said in her sternest voice.

  “Okay, Okay” Marco replied.

  “Everyone will be out tomorrow maybe they just decided to stay home for once. But that’s a big maybe.” Carla told him.

  The children went to bed and didn’t think of a thing except Marco who could not forget the unending quiet there was that night. In the morning Marco and Carla arose to find that their town, which was asleep the whole night, had woken up. People walking around and the nose of cars and traffic and people talking made the kids feel a little better.

  “See Marco everyone is awake, nothing to worry about, everyone probably just stayed home last night,” Carla said.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Marco replied.

  But this did not comfort him. He still thought to himself there had to be a reason why no one was around last night.

  “Hey Marco, Carla get downstairs it’s time for breakfast,” called their mom.

  “Okay let’s go, Mom’s calling,” Carla said.

  “We’ll be right down Mom,” yelled Marco.

  Marco and Carla lived with their parents who have been married for a long time. They lived in a small house right the in the center of town. Both children shared a lot of their parent’s features. Marco and Carla both had dark brown hair, and the most beautiful hazel eyes. Marco and Carla’s parents were very entertaining of their children, since Marco always had some mad cap ideas.

  “Good morning mom,” the children said.

  “What no kiss?” Their mom asked.

  “Mom did you hear anything last night?” Marco asked.

  “Well Marco it’s kind of hard to hear anything when your father snores like a tractor. Why do you ask?” His mother inquired.

  “Well Carla and I were looking outside like we usually do before we go to bed and we notice that no one was outside,” Marco explained.

  “Well that’s kind of strange. Let me guess you have some idea of why that is right?” His mother said in a sarcastic tone.

  “Yeah, not even old man Garber passed by and he always passes by at 9 o’ clock,” said Marco.

  “Now that is kind of strange, but I am sure it was just one of those things where everyone decided to have a quiet night. Now eat up and then you can go play,” said their Mom.

  Marco and Carla eat their fill, placed their plates in the sink and dashed out the door. Curiosity still plagued Marco’s mind and he still wanted to know why last night was so quiet, he decided he was going to find out and whether or not if she wanted to Carla was going to help. Out of the alley Marco and Carla heard someone calling their name.

  “Hey Marco, Carla!” yelled a voice.

  Marco yelled, “Hey Sammie, how’s it going?”

  Sammie was Marco’s long time friend since birth. Sammie was a slender kid with red hair and really green eyes. They always went on adventures together and Carla always got dragged along. Sammie lived alone with his father. His mother, Ms. Maidlet, died when he was a kid and his old man was all he had.

  “Hey Marco, you wanna go over to the fort today?” Sammie asked.

  “Sure, come on Carla.”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” yelled Carla.

  “Hey Sammie, how late did you stay up last night?” Marco asked.

  “Not that late, my old man wanted me in bed, because he had to get to work in the morning; didn’t want me keeping him up.”

  “Hey did you see old man Garber pass by last night?” Macro asked.

  “No I didn’t it’s kind of weird.”

  “Yeah I know I wonder what happened.”

  “I don’t know. Want to go investigate?” Sammie said excited.

  “Cool we can play detective.”

  “I wanna be a detective too!” said Carla.

  “Okay Carla you can play too,” Marco said sounding annoyed.

  The kids ran off in the direction of the old abandoned castle at the end of town. No one lived there anymore since the owner had passed away. The owner was an old man that had no kin of his own. After he died the castle became the towns, but they couldn’t sell it
for some reason nor could they even give it away if they tried.

  Some people said that the old man that had lived there really wasn’t dead at all that he had just cut himself off from the world. Some even said that he wasn’t an old man that he was really a vampire, the undying.