Read The Adventures of Marco and Carla: The Dark Castle Page 4

  “Keeping on running the crack is right up a head,” Marco called out.

  “Hurry up man. Those things are right behind us,” Sammie yelled. “Their getting closer, we have to run faster Marco, Carla.”

  The children never slowed down for a minute knowing what would happen if they did. But the vampire’s servants were fast, so Marco told them that they had to hide so that they could get out safely.

  “Listen that vampire is going to figure out that we’re trying to get though that crack so lets hide near that rubble and we they go pass , we will sneak though the crack.

  Carla didn’t look too sure, “Okay Marco, but as soon as they go by we’re out of here, right.”

  “Yes Carla, then we can get help for old man Gerber.”

  “Where are they?” yelled the vampire. “Find them you fools.”

  The zombies crept away from near the crack and the children thought this was their chance.

  Marco took a quick look and same up with a quick plan. “Okay, they are distracted, now is the time to run for the crack in the wall.”

  “They well see us as soon as we get up from here Marco,” Sammie told him.

  Marco took up a rock, “Get ready to run.” Was all he told his sister and Sammie and then through the rock in the opposite direction.

  The children ran towards the wall, but Marco’s distraction did not work for long. They zombies and their vampire master were soon on their heels.

  But the children had a good start and they finally reached the crack in the wall.

  “Come on Carla you first!” said Marco. “Now you Sammie, I’ll keep watch they are still behind us.”

  “Come on Marco, I’m through now get out of there, come on.”

  Marco started to push through the crack but something grabbed on to his leg and started pulling him back.

  “Help me! Help me”, cried Marco.

  “Hold on Marco I’m coming,” yell Sammie. “Give me your hand.”

  Sammie grabbed Marco’s hand and pulled as hard as he could and yelled to Carla to run and get help. Little did Sammie know that help was already on it way. Their parents had already noticed they were missing and asked for help search for them. Others in the town noticed that a few others from the town were also missing. They had looked for them everywhere but one place.

  Someone saw the children going towards the castle earlier and they made their way there with torches in hand not knowing what dangers they would find.

  Meanwhile, Sammie was still holding on to Marco as long as he could. All the time Marco felt the nails of dead clawing into his flesh.

  Carla already ran half way back towards the town. “Carla, Carla,” a voice yelled in joy. It was Marco and Carla’s mother.

  “Mommy, Marco….” The men, the dead men”, she yelled franticly.

  The crowd began to repeat what Carla had said. They all heard the stories and had the feeling that something dwelled in the castle and now they had the proof they needed.

  In an up roar the coward were all in agreement. “Let’s go burn it down”, they all yelled.

  They all ran back to the castle forgetting that Marco was still in danger. They moved towards the castle with their torches in hand ready to burn the castle to burn it down.

  “Wait!” yelled Carla, “You have to help Marco, they have him and Sammie can’t hold on forever.”

  Sammie was still holding on and was just about to lose his grip.

  “Sammie don’t let go, please don’t let go,” Marco pleaded.

  Sammie handle on as tightly as he could, but his hand began to slip and Marco could feel the finger nails of those poor souls clawing at his leg and the evil old man’s voice laughing.

  “Haha I have you now,” a voice said from the behind.

  “I can’t hold on any longer, Marco I’m sorry,” Sammie yelled as he cried.

  Just as he lost his grip a hand shot past Sammie’s face; it was Sammie’s father, he grabbed Marco and ripped him away from the clutches of the poor souls that had already been dealt their faith. Marco’s leg was bleeding and he looked as though he was going to pass out at anytime from the pain.

  One of the zombies stumbled out of the castle, the other villagers finally came and they were horrified at what they saw. The old man came forth seeking his meal, but instead found the villagers, horrified, angry, and with their torches light.

  “Burn the monster,” they cried.

  “Burn the beast,” they yelled.

  “But what about the people inside?” someone asked.

  “Can’t you see they are already lost,” someone replied.

  The monster and his servant crept back into the castle and as soon as he did the town’s people throw their torches upon the old castle setting it ablaze. They all stood there throwing their torches and making sure that nothing escaped. Inside you could hear the moaning that seemed inhuman.

  “Those poor souls,” someone in the crowd said. But even though they had lost some of the towns people, the children were safe and they were glad for that much.

  As the castle burnt, a great ball of fire came from the castle, a pair of red eyes loomed over the castle and a voice roaring out if. “You will never defeat me,” the voice cried, but then the ball of fire exploded and the voice was silenced. The town’s people stayed there until the last piece of the castle was burnt. There was nothing left but ashes and bones.

  “Come children lets go home,” said Carla’s and Marco’s mom.

  They along with the whole town ventured back home with Marco’s mystery now solved.

  Marco how was being carried by Sammie’s father, finally woke up on the walk back to the village.

  “Is it over?” he asked.

  “Yes Marco, it’s all over,” his mother replied.

  Marco’s father the towns doctor, rushed home as soon as he had heard the news about his son. He treated his son’s wounds and gave him medicine to easy his pain.

  Later that night while Marco and Carla lay in their beds they wondered whether it was really over.

  “Marco, do you think he’s really gone?” asked Carla.

  “I don’t know Carla,” replied Marco. They burnt him and the castle so I guess he’s dead.”

  “Hey, Marco.”

  “Yah Carla.”

  “Next time you notice it’s too quiet, how about you go to bed like everyone else. “

  Marco let out a little laugh and looked down at his legs. His father cleaned and dressed his wounds, but he still remembered and the pain was still there despite the medicine. It would be a while before his leg heal completely.

  The children went to sleep that night not looking out the window to see if anyone was walking by. They slept not knowing what other adventures awaited them in the morning.

  Until the next adventure.

  * * *

  Books also by this Author

  The Adventures of Marco and Carla

  The Forest of Faces (Book Two)

  The Adventures of Marco and Carla

  The Monster of Lake Shan (Book Three)

  What Happened To Kerbie Walobee?

  Throw It Back

  (A Very Short Pirate Story)

  Soon to be released

  The Adventures of Marco and Carla

  The Ghost of Black Crow Bridge

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