Read The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle Page 59

  Peregrine meets with Mrs. Hornbeck, and is consoled for his Loss--HisValet-de-chambre is embroiled with her Duenna, whom, however, he findsmeans to appease.

  Everything having thus resumed its natural channel, they dined togetherin great tranquility. In the afternoon, Peregrine, on pretence ofstaying at home to write letters, while his companions were atthe coffee-house, ordered a coach to be called, and, with hisvalet-de-chambre, who was the only person acquainted with the presentstate of his thoughts, set out for the promenade, to which all theladies of fashion resort in the evening during the summer season, inhopes of seeing his fugitive among the rest.

  Having made a circuit round the walk, and narrowly observed every femalein the place, he perceived at some distance the livery of Hornbeck upona lacquey that stood at the back of a coach; upon which he ordered hisman to reconnoitre the said carriage, while he pulled up his glasses,that he might not be discovered before he should have received someintelligence by which he might conduct himself on this unexpectedoccasion, that already began to interfere with the purpose of his comingthither, though it could not dispute his attention with the idea of hischarming unknown.

  His Mercury, having made his observations, reported that there wasnobody in the coach but Mrs. Hornbeck and an elderly woman, who had allthe air of a duenna; and that the servant was not the same footman whohad attended them in France. Encouraged by this information, our heroordered himself to be driven close up to that side of their convenienceon which his old mistress sat, and accosted her with the usualsalutation. This lady no sooner beheld her gallant than her cheeksreddened with a double glow, and she exclaimed, "Dear brother, I amoverjoyed to see you! Pray come into our coach." He took the hintimmediately, and, complying with her request, embraced this new sisterwith great affection.

  Perceiving that her attendant was very much surprised and alarmed atthis unexpected meeting, she, in order to banish her suspicion, and atthe same time give her lover his cue, told him that his brother (meaningher husband) was gone to the Spa for a few weeks, by the advice ofphysicians, on account of his ill state of health; and that, from hislast letter, she had the pleasure to tell him he was in a fair way ofdoing well. The young gentleman expressed his satisfaction at thispiece of news; observing, with an air of fraternal concern, that ifhis brother had not made too free with his constitution, his friends inEngland would have had no occasion to repine at his absence and want ofhealth, by which he was banished from his own country and connections.He then asked, with an affectation of surprise, why she had notaccompanied her spouse, and was given to understand that his tendernessof affection would not suffer him to expose her to the fatigues of thejourney, which lay among rocks that were almost inaccessible.

  The duenna's doubts being eased by this preamble of conversation, hechanged the subject to the pleasures of the place; and, among othersuch questions, inquired if she had as yet visited Versailles. This isa public-house, situated upon the canal, at the distance of abouttwo miles from town, and accommodated with tolerable gardens, for theentertainment of company. When she replied in the negative, he proposedto accompany her thither immediately; but the governante, who hadhitherto sat silent, objected to this proposal; telling them, in brokenEnglish, that as the lady was under her care, she could not answer toMr. Hornbeck for allowing her to visit such a suspicious place. "Asfor that matter, madam," said the confident gallant, "give yourself notrouble; the consequences shall be at my peril; and I will undertake toinsure you against my brother's resentment." So saying, he directed thecoachman to the place, and ordered his own to follow, under the auspicesof his valet-de-chambre; while the old gentlewoman, overruled by hisassurance, quietly submitted to his authority.

  Being arrived at the place, he handed the ladies from the coach,and then, for the first time, observed that the duenna was lame, acircumstance of which he did not scruple to take the advantage; forthey had scarce alighted, and drunk a glass of wine, when he advised hissister to enjoy a walk in the garden; and although the attendant madeshift to keep them almost always in view, they enjoyed a detachedconversation, in which Peregrine learned that the true cause of herbeing left behind at Brussels, whilst her husband proceeded to Spa, washis dread of the company and familiarities of that place, to which hisjealousy durst not expose her; and that she had lived three weeks in aconvent at Lisle, from which she was delivered by his own free motion,because indeed he could no longer exist without her company; and,lastly, our lover understood that her governante was a mere dragon,who had been recommended to him by a Spanish merchant, whose wife sheattended to her dying day; but she very much questioned whether or nother fidelity was proof enough against money and strong waters. Peregrineassured her the experiment should be tried before parting; and theyagreed to pass the night at Versailles, provided his endeavours shouldsucceed.

  Having exercised themselves in this manner, until his duenna's spiritswere pretty much exhausted, that she might be the be the betterdisposed to recruit them with a glass of liqueur, they returned to theirapartment, and the cordial was recommended and received in a bumper; butas it did not produce such a visible alteration as the sanguine hopesof Pickle had made him expect, and the old gentlewoman observed that itbegan to be late, and that the gates would be shut in a little time, hefilled up a parting glass, and pledged her in equal quantity. Her bloodwas too much chilled to be warmed even by this extraordinary dose, whichmade immediate innovation in the brain of our youth, who, in the gaietyof his imagination, overwhelmed this she-Argus with such profusion ofgallantry, that she was more intoxicated with his expressions than withthe spirits she had drunk. When in the course of toying he dropped apurse into her bosom, she seemed to forget how the night wore, and,with the approbation of her charge, assented to his proposal of havingsomething for supper.

  This was a great point which our adventurer had gained; and yet heplainly perceived that the governante mistook his meaning, by givingherself credit for all the passion he had professed. As this error couldbe rectified by no other means than those of plying her with the bottle,until her distinguishing faculties should be overpowered, he promoteda quick circulation. She did him justice, without any manifest signs ofinebriation, so long, that his own eyes began to reel in the sockets,and he found that before his scheme could be accomplished, he shouldbe effectually unfitted for all the purposes of love. He therefore hadrecourse to his valet-de-chambre, who understood the hint as soon as itwas given, and readily undertook to perform the part of which his masterhad played the prelude. This affair being settled to his satisfaction,and the night at odds with morning, he took an opportunity of impartingto the ear of this aged dulcinea a kind whisper, importing a promise ofvisiting her when his sister should be retired to her own chamber, andan earnest desire of leaving her door unlocked.

  This agreeable intimation being communicated, he conveyed a caution ofthe same nature to Mrs. Hornbeck, as he led her to her apartment; anddarkness and silence no sooner prevailed in the house, than he and histrusted squire set out on their different voyages. Everything would havesucceeded according to their wish, had not the valet-de-chambre sufferedhimself to fall asleep at the side of his inamorata, and, in theagitation of a violent dream, exclaimed in a voice so unlike that of hersupposed adorer, that she distinguished the difference at once. Wakinghim with a pinch and a loud shriek, she threatened to prosecute himfor a rape, and reviled him with all the epithets her rage anddisappointment could suggest.

  The Frenchman, finding himself detected, behaved with great temper andaddress: he begged she would compose herself, on account of her ownreputation, which was extremely dear to him; protesting that he had amost inviolable esteem for her person. His representations had weightwith the duenna, who, upon recollection, comprehended the wholeaffair, and thought it would be her interest to bring matters to anaccommodation. She therefore admitted the apologies of her bed-fellow,provided he would promise to atone by marriage for the injury she hadsustained; and in this particular he set her heart at ease by repeatedvows, w
hich he uttered with surprising volubility, though without anyintention to perform the least title of their contents.

  Peregrine, who had been alarmed by her exclamation, and ran to thedoor with a view of interposing according to the emergency of the case,overhearing the affair thus compromised, returned to his mistress, whowas highly entertained with an account of what had passed, foreseeingthat for the future she should be under no difficulty or restrictionfrom the severity of her guard.