Read The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle Page 90

  Peregrine commences Minister's Dependant--Meets by Accident with Mrs.Gauntlet--And descends gradually in the Condition of Life.

  This reception, favourable as it was, did not please Peregrine, who hadtoo much discernment to be cajoled with general promises, at a timewhen he thought himself entitled to the most particular assurance. Heaccordingly signified his disgust to his introductor, giving himto understand, that he had laid his account with being chosenrepresentative of one of those boroughs for which he had beensacrificed. His lordship agreed to the reasonableness of hisexpectation, observing, however, that he could not suppose the ministerwould enter upon business with him on his first visit; and that itwould be time enough at his next audience to communicate his demand.Notwithstanding this remonstrance, our hero continued to indulge hissuspicion and chagrin, and even made a point of it with his patron, thathis lordship should next day make application on his behalf, lest thetwo seats should be filled up, on pretence of his inclinations beingunknown. Thus importuned, my lord went to his principal, and returnedwith an answer, importing that his honour was extremely sorry that Mr.Pickle had not signified his request before the boroughs in questionwere promised to two gentlemen whom he could not now disappoint, withany regard to his own credit or interest; but, as several persons whowould be chosen were, to his certain knowledge, very aged and infirm, hedid not doubt that there would be plenty of vacant seats in a very shorttime, and then, the young gentleman might depend upon his friendship.

  Peregrine was so much irritated at this intimation, that, in the firsttransports of his anger he forgot the respect he owed his friend, andin his presence inveighed against the minister, as a person devoid ofgratitude and candour, protesting, that if ever an opportunity shouldoffer itself, he would spend the whole remains of his fortune inopposing his measures. The nobleman having given him time to exhaustthe impetuosity of his passion, rebuked him very calmly for hisdisrespectful expressions, which were equally injurious and indiscreet;assured him that this project of revenge, if ever put in execution,would redound to his own prejudice and confusion; and advised him tocultivate and improve, with patience and assiduity, the footing he hadalready obtained in the minister's good graces.

  Our hero, convinced of the truth, though not satisfied with the occasionof his admonitions, took his leave in a fit of sullen discontent, andbegan to ruminate upon the shattered posture of his affairs. All thatnow remained of the ample fortune he had inherited was the sum he haddeposited in his lordship's hands, together with fifteen hundred poundshe had ventured on bottomry, and the garrison, which he had left for theuse and accommodation of the lieutenant; and, on the per contra sideof his account, he was debtor for the supply he had received from thereceiver-general, and the money for which he was bound in behalf of hisfriend; so that he found himself, for the first time of his life, verymuch embarrassed in his circumstances. For, of the first half-year'sinterest of his ten thousand, which was punctually paid, he had butfourscore pounds in bank, without any prospect of a farther supplytill the other term, which was at the distance of four long months. Heseriously reflected upon the uncertainty of human affairs: the ship withhis fifteen hundred pounds might be lost; the gentleman for whom he wassecurity might miscarry in this, as well as in his former projects, andthe minister might one day, through policy or displeasure, expose him tothe mercy of his dependant, who was in possession of his notes.

  These suggestions did not at all contribute to the ease of ouradventurer's mind, already ruffled by his disappointment. He cursedhis own folly and extravagance, by which he was reduced to such anuncomfortable situation. He compared his own conduct with that of someyoung gentlemen of his acquaintance, who, while he was squanderingaway the best part of his inheritance, had improved their fortunes,strengthened their interest, and increased their reputation. He wasabandoned by his gaiety and good-humour, his countenance graduallycontracted itself into a representation of severity and care, he droppedall his amusements and the companions of his pleasure, and turned hiswhole attention to the minister, at whose levees he never failed toappear.

  While he thus laboured in the wheel of dependence, with all thatmortification which a youth of his pride and sensibility may be supposedto feel from such a disagreeable necessity, he one day heard himselfcalled by name, as he crossed the park; and, turning, perceived the wifeof Captain Gauntlet, with another lady. He no sooner recognized the kindSophy, than he accosted her with his wonted civility and friendship;but his former sprightly air was metamorphosed into such austerity, orrather dejection of feature, that she could scarce believe her own eyes,and, in her astonishment, "Is it possible," said she, "that the gay Mr.Pickle should be so much altered in such a short space of time!" He madeno other reply to this exclamation, but by a languid smile; and askedhow long she had been in town; observing, that he would have paid hiscompliments to her at her own lodgings, had he been favoured withthe least intimation of her arrival. After having thanked him for hispoliteness, she told him, it was not owing to any abatement of herfriendship and esteem for him, that she had omitted to give him thatnotice; but his abrupt departure from Windsor, and the manner in whichhe quitted Mr. Gauntlet, had given her just grounds to believe that theyhad incurred his displeasure; which suspicion was reinforced by his longsilence and neglect from that period to the present time. She observedit was still farther confirmed, by his forbearing to inquire for Emiliaand her brother: "judge, then," said she, "if I had any reason tobelieve that you would be pleased to hear that I was in town. However,I will not detain you at present, because you seem to be engaged aboutsome particular business; but, if you will favour me with your companyat breakfast to-morrow, I shall be much pleased, and honoured to boot,by the visit." So saying, she gave him a direction to her lodgings;and he took his leave, with a faithful promise of seeing her at theappointed time.

  He was very much affected with this advance of Sophy, which heconsidered as an instance of her uncommon sweetness of temper; hefelt strange longings of returning friendship towards Godfrey; and theremembrance of Emilia melted his heart, already softened with grief andmortification. Next day he did not neglect his engagement, and had thepleasure of enjoying a long conversation with this sensible young lady,who gave him to understand that her husband was with his regiment; andpresented to him a fine boy, the first-fruits of their love, whom theyhad christened by the name of Peregrine, in memory of the friendshipwhich had subsisted between Godfrey and our youth.

  This proof of their regard, notwithstanding the interruption in theircorrespondence, made a deep impression upon the mind of our adventurer,who having made the warmest acknowledgments for this undeserved markof respect, took the child in his arms, and almost devoured him withkisses, protesting before God, that he should always consider him withthe tenderness of a parent. This was the highest compliment he could payto the gentle Sophy, who again kindly chid him for his disdainful andprecipitate retreat, immediately after her marriage; and expressed anearnest desire of seeing him and the captain reconciled. He assured her,nothing could give him greater satisfaction than such an event, to whichhe would contribute all that lay in his power, though he could not helplooking upon himself as injured by Captain Gauntlet's behaviour,which denoted a suspicion of his honour, as well as contempt for hisunderstanding. The lady undertook for the concession of her husband,who, she told him, had been extremely sorry for his own heat, afterMr. Pickle's departure, and would have followed him to the garrison, inorder to solicit his forgiveness, had he not been restrained by certainpunctilios, occasioned by some acrimonious expressions that dropped fromPeregrine at the inn.

  After having cleared up this misunderstanding, she proceeded to give anaccount of Emilia, whose behaviour, at that juncture, plainly indicateda continuance of affection for her first lover; and desired, thathe would give her full powers to bring that matter also to anaccommodation: "For I am not more certain of my own existence," saidshe, "than that you are still in possession of my sister's heart." Atthis declaration, the tear started in
his eye. But he shook his head,and declined her good offices, wishing that the young lady might be muchmore happy than ever he should be able to make her.

  Mrs. Gauntlet, confounded at these expressions, and moved by thedesponding manner in which they were delivered, begged to know ifany new obstacle was raised, by some late change in his sentiments orsituation. And he, in order to avoid a painful explanation, toldher, that he had long despaired of being able to vanquish Emilia'sresentment, and for that reason quitted the pursuit, which he wouldnever renew, howsoever his heart might suffer by that resolution; thoughhe took Heaven to witness, that his love, esteem, and admiration of her,were not in the least impaired. But the true motive of his laying asidehis design, was the consciousness of his decayed fortune, which, byadding to the sensibility of his pride, increased the horror of anotherrepulse. She expressed her concern for this determination, both on hisown account, and in behalf of Emilia, whose happiness, in her opinion,depended upon his constancy and affection; and she would have questionedhim more minutely about the state of his affairs, had not he discouragedthe inquiry, by seeking to introduce another subject of conversation.

  After mutual protestations of friendship and regard, he promised tovisit her often, during her residence in town; and took his leave in astrange perplexity of mind, occasioned by the images of love, intrudingupon the remonstrances of carking care. He had some time ago forsakenthose extravagant companions with whom he had rioted in the heyday ofhis fortune, and begun to consort with a graver and more sober speciesof acquaintance. But he now found himself disabled from cultivatingthe society of these also, who were men of ample estates and liberaldispositions; in consequence of which, their parties were too expensivefor the consumptive state of his finances; so that he was obliged todescend to another degree, and mingle with a set of old bachelors andyounger brothers, who subsisted on slender annuities, or what is calleda bare competency in the public funds. This association was composed ofsecond-hand politicians and minor critics, who in the forenoon saunterin the Mall, or lounge at shows of pictures, appear in the drawing-roomonce or twice a week, dine at an ordinary, decide disputes in acoffee-house, with an air of superior intelligence, frequent the pitof the playhouse, and once in a month spend an evening with some notedactor, whose remarkable sayings they repeat for the entertainment oftheir ordinary friends.

  After all, he found something comfortable enough in the company ofthese gentlemen, who never interested his passions to any violence oftransport, nor teased him with impertinent curiosity about his privateaffairs. For, though many of them had maintained a very long, close, andfriendly correspondence with each other, they never dreamt of inquiringinto particular concerns; and if one of the two who were most intimatelyconnected, had been asked how the other made a shift to live, he wouldhave answered with great truth, "Really, that is more than I know."Notwithstanding this phlegmatic indifference, which is of the trueEnglish production, they were all inoffensive, good-natured people, wholoved a joke and a song, delighted in telling a merry story, and pridedthemselves in the art of catering, especially in the articles of fish,venison, and wild fowl.

  Our young gentleman was not received among them on the footing of acommon member, who makes interest for his admission; he was courted as aperson of superior genius and importance, and his compliance looked uponas an honour to their society. This their idea of his pre-eminence wassupported by his conversation, which, while it was more liberal andlearned than that to which they had been accustomed, was tincturedwith an assuming air, so agreeably diffused, that, instead of producingaversion, it commanded respect. They not only appealed to him, in alldoubts relating to foreign parts, to which one and all of them werestrangers, but also consulted his knowledge in history and divinity,which were frequently the topics of their debates; and, in poetry ofall kinds, he decided with such magisterial authority, as evenweighed against the opinions of the players themselves. The variety ofcharacters he had seen and observed, and the high spheres of life inwhich he had so lately moved, furnished him with a thousand entertaininganecdotes. When he became a little familiarized to his disappointments,so that his natural vivacity began to revive, he flashed among them insuch a number of bright sallies, as struck them with admiration, andconstituted himself a classic in wit; insomuch that they began to retailhis remnants, and even invited some particular friends to come and hearhim hold forth. One of the players, who had for many years struttedabout the taverns in the neighbourhood of Covent Garden as the GrandTurk of wit and humour, began to find his admirers melt away; and acertain petulant physician, who had shone at almost all the port clubsin that end of the town, was actually obliged to import his talents intothe city, where he was now happily taken root.

  Nor was this success to be wondered at, if we consider that, over andabove his natural genius and education, our adventurer still had theopportunity of knowing everything which happened among the great, bymeans of his friend Cadwallader, with whom he still maintained hisformer intimacy, though it was now chequered with many occasional tiffs,owing to the sarcastic remonstrances of the misanthrope, who disapprovedof those schemes which miscarried with Peregrine, and now tookunseasonable methods of valuing himself upon his own foresight. Nay, hewas between whiles like a raven, croaking presages of more ill-luck fromthe deceit of the minister, the dissimulation of his patron, the follyof the projector, for whom he was bound, the uncertainty of the seas,and the villainy of those with whom he had entrusted his cash, forCrabtree saw and considered everything through a perspective of spleen,that always reflected the worst side of human nature. For these reasonsour young gentleman began to be disgusted, at certain intervals, withthe character of this old man, whom he now thought a morose cynic, notso much incensed against the follies and vices of mankind, as delightedwith the distress of his fellow-creatures. Thus he put the mostunfavourable construction on the principles of his friend, because hefound himself justly fallen under the lash of his animadversion. Thusself-accusation very often dissolves the closest friendship. A man,conscious of his own indiscretion, is implacably offended at therectitude of his companion's conduct, which he considers as an insultupon his failings, never to be forgiven, even though he has not tastedthe bitterness of reproof, which no sinner can commodiously digest. Thefriendship, therefore, subsisting between Crabtree and Pickle, had oflate suffered several symptomatic shocks, that seemed to prognosticatea total dissolution; a great deal of smart dialogue had passed in theirprivate conversations, and the senior began to repent of having placedhis confidence in such an imprudent, headstrong ungovernable youth.

  It was in such paroxysms of displeasure that he prophesied misfortuneto Peregrine, and even told him one morning, that he had dreamed of theshipwreck of the two East Indiamen, on board of which he had hazardedhis money. But this was no other than a false vision; for in a fewweeks, one of them arrived at her moorings in the river, and he receiveda thousand in lieu of eight hundred pounds which he had lent upon bondto one of the mates. At the same time he was informed, that the othership, in which he was concerned, had, in all probability, lost herpassage for the season, by being unable to weather the Cape. He wasnot at all concerned at that piece of news, knowing, that the longer heshould be out of his money, he would have the more interest to receive;and, finding his present difficulties removed by this supply, his heartbegan to dilate, and his countenance to resume its former alacrity. Thisstate of exultation, however, was soon interrupted by a small accident,which he could not foresee. He was visited one morning by the personwho had lent his friend a thousand pounds on his security, and givento understand, that the borrower had absconded, in consequence of adisappointment, by which he had lost the whole sum and all hopes ofretrieving it; so that our hero was now liable for the debt, which hebesought him to discharge according to the bond, that he, the lender,might not suffer by his humanity. It may be easily conceived thatPeregrine did not receive this intelligence in cold blood. He cursed hisown imprudence in contracting such engagements with an adventurer, whomhe di
d not sufficiently know. He exclaimed against the treachery of theprojector; and having for some time indulged his resentment in threatsand imprecations, inquired into the nature of the scheme which hadmiscarried.

  The lender, who had informed himself of the whole affair, gratified hiscuriosity in this particular, by telling him that the fugitive had beencajoled by a certain knight of the post, who undertook to manage thethousand pounds in such a manner as would, in a very little time, makehim perfectly independent; and thus he delineated the plan: "One halfof the sum," said he, "shall be laid out in jewels, which I will pawn tocertain persons of credit and fortune, who lend money upon such pledgesat an exorbitant interest. The other shall be kept for relievingthem, so that they may be again deposited with a second set of thosehonourable usurers; and when they shall have been circulated in thismanner through a variety of hands, we will extort money from each of thepawnbrokers, by threatening them with a public prosecution, for exactingillegal interest; and I know that they will bleed freely, rather thanbe exposed to the infamy attending such an accusation." The scheme wasfeasible, and though not very honourable, made such an impression uponthe needy borrower, that he assented to the proposals; and, by ourhero's credit, the money was raised. The jewels were accordinglypurchased, pawned, relieved, and repledged by the agent, who undertookto manage the whole affair; and so judiciously was the project executed,that he could have easily proved each lender guilty of the charge.Having thus far successfully transacted the business, this faithfulagent visited them severally on his own account, to give themintimation, that his employer intended to sue them on the statute ofusury; upon which, every one for himself bribed the informer to withdrawhis evidence, by which alone he could be convicted; and having receivedthese gratifications, he had thought proper to retreat into Francewith the whole booty, including the original thousand that put them inmotion. In consequence of this decampment, the borrower had withdrawnhimself; so that the lender was obliged to have recourse to hissecurity.

  This was a very mortifying account to our young gentleman, who, invain, reminded the narrator of his promise, importing, that he would notdemand the money, until he should be called to an account by his ward;and observed, that, long before that period, the fugitive might appearand discharge the debt. But the other was deaf to these remonstrances;alleging, that his promise was provisional, on the supposition that theborrower would deal candidly and fairly; that he had forfeited all titleto his friendship and trust, by the scandalous scheme in which he hadembarked; and that his treacherous flight from his security was no proofof his honesty and intended return; but, on the contrary, a warning, bywhich he, the lender, was taught to take care of himself. He thereforeinsisted upon his being indemnified immediately, on pain of letting thelaw take its course; and Peregrine was actually obliged to part withthe whole sum he had so lately received. But this payment was not madewithout extreme reluctance, indignation, and denunciation of eternal waragainst the absconder, and the rigid creditor, betwixt whom he suspectedsome collusion.