Read The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle Page 99

  He is surprised with the Appearance of Hatchway and Pipes, who take uptheir Habitation in his Neighbourhood, contrary to his Inclination andexpress Desire.

  Being now regularly initiated in the mysteries of the Fleet, andreconciled in some measure to the customs of the place, he began to bearthe edge of reflection without wincing; and thinking it would be highlyimprudent in him to defer any longer the purposes by which only hecould enjoy any ease and satisfaction in his confinement, he resolvedto resume his task of translating, and every week compose an occasionalpaper, by way of revenge upon the minister, against whom he haddenounced eternal war. With this view, he locked himself up in hischamber, and went to work with great eagerness and application, when hewas interrupted by a ticket porter, who, putting a letter in his hand,vanished in a moment, before he had time to peruse the contents.

  Our hero, opening the billet, was not a little surprised to find abank-note for fifty pounds, enclosed in a blank sheet of paper; and,having exercised his memory and penetration on the subject of thisunexpected windfall, had just concluded, that it could come from noother hand than the lady who had so kindly visited him a few daysbefore, when his ears were suddenly invaded by the well-known sound ofthat whistle which always hung about the neck of Pipes, as a memorial ofhis former occupation. This tune being performed, he heard the noiseof a wooden leg ascending the stair; upon which he opened his door, andbeheld his friend Hatchway, with his old shipmate at his back.

  After a cordial shake of the hand, with the usual salutation of, "Whatcheer, cousin Pickle?" honest Jack seated himself without ceremony; andcasting his eyes around the apartment, "Split my top-staysail," said he,with an arch sneer, "you have got into a snug berth, cousin. Here youmay sit all weathers, without being turned out to take your watch, andno fear of the ship's dragging her anchor. You han't much room to spare,'tis true: an' I had known as how you stowed so close, Tom should haveslung my own hammock for you, and then you mought have knocked down thisgreat lubberly hurricane house. But, mayhap, you turn in double, and soyou don't choose to trust yourself and your doxy to a clue and canvas."

  Pickle bore his jokes with great good-humour, rallied him in his turnabout the dairy-maid at the garrison; inquiring about his friends inthe country, asked if he had been to visit his niece, and, finally,expressed a desire of knowing the cause of his journey to London. Thelieutenant satisfied his curiosity in all these particulars; and, inanswer to the last question, observed that, from the information ofPipes, understanding he was land-locked, he had come from the country inorder to tow him into the offing. "I know not how the wind sets," saidhe, "but if so be as three thousand pounds will bring you clear of thecape, say the word, and you shan't lie wind-bound another glass for wantof the money."

  This was an offer which few people in our hero's situation would havealtogether refused, especially as he had all the reason in the world tobelieve, that, far from being a vain unmeaning compliment, it wasthe genuine tribute of friendship, which the lieutenant would havewillingly, ay, and with pleasure, paid. Nevertheless, Peregrineperemptorily refused his assistance, though not without expressinghimself in terms of acknowledgment suitable to the occasion. He toldhim, it would be time enough to make use of his generosity, when heshould find himself destitute of all other resource. Jack employed allhis rhetoric, with a view of persuading him to take this opportunityto procure his own enlargement; and, finding his arguments ineffectual,insisted upon his accepting an immediate supply for his necessaryoccasions; swearing with great vehemence, that he would never returnto the garrison, unless he would put him upon the footing of any othertenant, and receive his rent accordingly.

  Our young gentleman as positively swore, that he never would considerhim in that light; remonstrating, that he had long ago settled thehouse upon him for life, as a pledge of his own esteem, as well as inconformity with the commodore's desire; and beseeching him to returnto his usual avocations, protested that, if ever his situation shouldsubject him to the necessity of borrowing from his friends, Mr. Hatchwayshould be the first man to whom he would apply himself for succour.To convince him that this was not the case at present, he produced thebank-note which he had received in the letter, together with hisown ready money; and mentioned some other funds, which he inventedextempore, in order to amuse the lieutenant's concern. In the closeof this expostulation, he desired Pipes to conduct Mr. Hatchway to thecoffee-house, where he might amuse himself with the newspaper for halfan hour; during which he would put on his clothes, and bespeak somethingfor dinner, that they might enjoy each other's company as long as hisoccasions would permit him to stay in that place.

  The two sailors were no sooner gone, than he took up the pen, and wrotethe following letter, in which he enclosed the bank-note to his generousbenefactress:

  Madam,--Your humanity is not more ingenious than my suspicion. In vain you attempt to impose upon me by an act of generosity, which no person on earth but your ladyship is capable of committing. Though your name was not subscribed on the paper, your sentiments were fully displayed in the contents, which I must beg leave to restore, with the same sense of gratitude, and for the same reasons I expressed when last I had the honour to converse with you upon this subject. Though I am deprived of my liberty by the villainy and ingratitude of mankind, I am not yet destitute of the other conveniences of life; and therefore beg to be excused for incurring an unnecessary addition to that load of obligation you have already laid upon, madam, your ladyship's most devoted, humble servant, "Peregrine Pickle."

  Having dressed himself, and repaired to the place of appointment, hedespatched this epistle by the hands of Pipes, who was ordered to leaveit at her ladyship's house, without staying for an answer; and in themeantime gave directions for dinner, which he and his friend Hatchwayate very cheerfully in his own apartment, after he had entertained himwith a sight of all the curiosities in the place. During their repast,Jack repeated his kind offers to our adventurer, who declined them withhis former obstinacy, and begged he might be no more importuned onthat subject; but if he insisted upon giving some fresh proofs of hisfriendship, he might have an opportunity of exhibiting it in takingPipes under his care and protection; for nothing affected him so much ashis inability to provide for such a faithful adherent.

  The lieutenant desired he would give himself no trouble upon that score;he being, of his own accord, perfectly well disposed to befriend his oldshipmate, who should never want while he had a shilling to spare. Buthe began to drop some hints of an intention to fix his quarters in theFleet, observing, that the air seemed to be very good in that place, andthat he was tired of living in the country. What he said did not amountto a plain declaration, and therefore Peregrine did not answer itas such, though he perceived his drift; and took an opportunity ofdescribing the inconveniences of the place, in such a manner as,he hoped, would deter him from putting such an extravagant plan inexecution.

  This expedient, however, far from answering the end proposed, had aquite contrary effect, and furnished Hatchway with an argument againsthis own unwillingness to quit such a disagreeable place. In allprobability, Jack would have been more explicit with regard to thescheme he had proposed, if the conversation had not been interrupted bythe arrival of Cadwallader, who never failed in the performance of hisdiurnal visit. Hatchway, conjecturing that this stranger might have someprivate business with his friend, quitted the apartment, on pretence oftaking a turn; and meeting Pipes at the door, desired his company tothe Bare, by which name the open space is distinguished; where, duringa course of perambulation, these two companions held a council uponPickle, in consequence of which it was determined, since he obstinatelypersisted to refuse their assistance, that they should take lodgingsin his neighbourhood, with a view of being at hand to minister unto hisoccasions, in spite of his false delicacy, according to the emergency ofhis affairs.

  This resolution being taken, they consulted the bar-keeper of theco
ffee-house about lodging, and she directed them to the warden; to whomthe lieutenant, in his great wisdom, represented himself as a kinsman toPeregrine, who, rather than leave that young gentleman by himself to theunavoidable discomforts of a prison, was inclined to keep him company,till such time as his affairs could be put in order. This measure hethe more anxiously desired to take, because the prisoner was sometimessubject to a disordered imagination, upon which occasion he stood inneed of extraordinary attendance; and therefore he, the lieutenant,entreated the warden to accommodate him with a lodging for himselfand his servant, for which he was ready to make any reasonableacknowledgment. The warden, who was a sensible and humane man, couldnot help applauding his resolution; and several rooms being at that timeunoccupied, he put him immediately in possession of a couple, which wereforthwith prepared for his reception.

  This affair being settled to his satisfaction, he despatched Pipes forhis portmanteau; and, returning to the coffee-house, found Peregrine,with whom he spent the remaining part of the evening. Our hero, takingit for granted that he proposed to set out for the garrison next day,wrote a memorandum of some books which he had left in that habitation,and which he now desired Jack to send up to town by the waggon, directedfor Mr. Crabtree. He cautioned him against giving the least hint ofhis misfortune in the neighbourhood, that it might remain, as long aspossible, concealed from the knowledge of his sister, who, he knew,would afflict herself immoderately at the news, nor reach the ears ofthe rest of his family, who would exult and triumph over his distress.

  Hatchway listened to his injunctions with great attention, and promisedto demean himself accordingly. Then the discourse shifted to anagreeable recapitulation of the merry scenes they had formerly actedtogether. And the evening being pretty far advanced, Peregrine, withseeming reluctance, told him that the gates of the Fleet would in a fewminutes be shut for the night, and that there was an absolute necessityfor his withdrawing to his lodging. Jack replied, that he could notthink of parting with him so soon, after such a long separation; andthat he was determined to stay with him an hour or two longer, if heshould be obliged to take up his lodging in the streets. Pickle, ratherthan disoblige his guest, indulged him in his desire and resolved togive him a share of his own bed. A pair of chickens and asparagus werebespoke for supper, at which Pipes attended with an air of internalsatisfaction; and the bottle was bandied about in a jovial manner tillmidnight, when the lieutenant rose up to take his leave, observing,that, being fatigued with riding, he was inclined to turn in. Pipes,upon this intimation, produced a lanthorn ready lighted; and Jack,shaking his entertainer by the hand, wished him good night, and promisedto visit him again betimes in the morning.

  Peregrine, imagining that his behaviour proceeded from the wine, whichhe had plentifully drunk, told him, that, if he was disposed to sleep,his bed was ready prepared in the room, and ordered his attendant toundress his master; upon which Mr. Hatchway gave him to understand, thathe had no occasion to incommode his friend, having already provided alodging for himself, and the young gentleman demanding an explanation,he frankly owned what he had done, saying, "You gave me such a dismalaccount of the place, that I could not think of leaving you in itwithout company." Our young gentleman, who was naturally impatientof benefits, and foresaw that this uncommon instance of Hatchway'sfriendship would encroach upon the plan which he had formed for his ownsubsistence, by engrossing his time and attention, so as that he shouldnot be able to prosecute his labours, closeted the lieutenant next day,and demonstrated to him the folly and ill consequences of the step hehad taken. He observed, that the world in general would look upon it asthe effect of mere madness; and, if his relations were so disposed, theymight make it the foundation for a statute of lunacy against him; thathis absence from the garrison must be a very great detriment to hisprivate affairs; and, lastly, that his presence in the Fleet would bea very great hindrance to Pickle himself, whose hope of regaining hisliberty altogether depended upon his being detached from all company andinterruption.

  To these remonstrances Jack replied, that, as to the opinion ofthe world, it was no more to him than a rotten net-line; and if hisrelations had a mind to have his upper works condemned, he did not doubtbut he should be able to stand the survey, without being declared unfitfor service; that he had no affairs at the garrison, but such aswould keep cold; and with regard to Pickle's being interrupted by hispresence, he gave him his word, that he would never come alongside ofhim, except when he should give him the signal for holding discourse.In conclusion, he signified his resolution to stay where he was, at allevents, without making himself accountable to any person, whatsoever.

  Peregrine seeing him determined, desisted from any further importunity;resolving, however, to tire him out of his plan by reserve andsupercilious neglect; for he could not bear the thought of being sonotoriously obliged by any person upon earth. With this view he quittedthe lieutenant, upon some slight pretence; after having told him, thathe could not have the pleasure of his company at dinner, because he wasengaged with a particular club of his fellow-prisoners.

  Jack was a stranger to the punctilios of behaviour, and therefore didnot take this declaration amiss; but had immediate recourse to theadvice of his counsellor, Mr. Pipes, who proposed, that he should go tothe coffee-house and kitchen, and give the people to understand that hewould pay for all such liquor and provisions as Mr. Pickle should orderto be sent to his lodging. This expedient was immediately practised; andas there was no credit in the place, Hatchway deposited a sum of money,by way of security, to the cook and the vintner, intimating, thatthere was a necessity for taking that method of befriending his cousinPeregrine, who was subject to strange whims, that rendered it impossibleto serve him any other way.

  In consequence of these insinuations, it was that same day rumouredabout the Fleet, that Mr. Pickle was an unhappy gentleman disordered inhis understanding, and that the lieutenant was his near relation, whohad subjected himself to the inconvenience of living in a jail, withthe sole view of keeping a strict eye over his conduct. This report,however, did not reach the ears of our hero till the next day, when hesent one of the runners of the Fleet, who attended him, to bespeak andpay for a couple of pullets, and something else for dinner, to whichhe had already invited his friend Hatchway, in hope of being able topersuade him to retire into the country, after he had undergone awhole day's mortification in the place. The messenger returned withan assurance, that the dinner should be made ready according to hisdirections, and restored the money, observing, that his kinsman had paidfor what was bespoke.

  Peregrine was equally surprised and disgusted at this information, andresolved to chide the lieutenant severely for his unseasonable treat,which he considered as a thing repugnant to his reputation. Meanwhile,he despatched his attendant for wine to the coffee-house, and findinghis credit bolstered up in that place by the same means, was enraged atthe presumption of Jack's friendship. He questioned the valet aboutit with such manifestation of displeasure, that the fellow, afraid ofdisobliging such a good master, frankly communicated the story which wascirculated at his expense. The young gentleman was so much incensed atthis piece of intelligence, that he wrote a bitter expostulation to thelieutenant, where he not only retracted his invitation, but declaredthat he would never converse with him while he should remain within theplace.

  Having thus obeyed the dictates of his anger, he gave notice to thecook, that he should not have occasion for what was ordered. Repairingto the coffee-house, he told the landlord, that whereas he understoodthe stranger with the wooden leg had prepossessed him and others withridiculous notions, tending to bring the sanity of his intellects inquestion, and, to confirm this imputation, had, under the pretence ofconsanguinity, undertaken to defray his expenses; he could not help, injustice to himself, declaring, that the same person was, in reality,the madman, who had given his keepers the slip; that, therefore, he, thelandlord, would not find his account in complying with his orders, andencouraging him to frequent his house; and that, for hi
s own part, hewould never enter the door, or favour him with the least trifle of hiscustom, if ever he should for the future find himself anticipated in hispayments by that unhappy lunatic.

  The vintner was confounded at this retorted charge; and, aftermuch perplexity and deliberation, concluded, that both parties weredistracted; the stranger in paying a man's debts against his will, andPickle, in being offended at such forwardness of friendship.