Read The Aeolian Master Book One Revival Page 3


  When making political decisions or taking action the Galaef was not one to hesitate. He knew he had to act quickly, and he assumed no one, not even his personal secretary, knew his motive for taking an interest in Professor Hillar’s project.

  "Myra, considering the facts at hand, what conclusions can be drawn?"

  In addition to her magnetic beauty, Myra had another quality, which was kept confidential and was known only by herself, the Galaef, Thorne, and the confidential storage compartments of the Galactic computer. Though her IQ, for a Galaef's secretary, was relatively low at one hundred and fifty three, she had an innate ability of deducing through facial expressions, muscular movements, other habits, and word usage what a person was thinking, what his motives were, whether he was sincere or not, and other personal thoughts. According to computer tests she was accurate ninety-eight point four six percent of the time.

  Myra calmly punched a button on the keyboard. "The computer reports a seventy-eight percent chance of finding an ancient computer complex beneath the surface of Ar; and less than one percent, at ninety-eight one hundredth, of finding a man; and less than one percent, at sixty-four one hundred billionth, of finding him alive in suspended animation." She paused as she looked up from the computer read out. "With enough Zen I a small computer, or a functional section, could operate nearly three thousand years."

  The Galaef nodded, waiting for Myra to give her opinion on the project.

  She continued after a short, thoughtful pause. "To undertake this expedition, in my opinion, could only meet with success. I have come to this conclusion based on the computer readout and the fact that this Professor Hillar radiates an aura of sustaining accomplishment." She slowly leaned back in her chair and waited for any possible questions.

  Thorne scowled and reddened slightly. "Sire, if I may," and then he continued without waiting for the Galaef's permission. "So, the Professor will make a scientific discovery," He rose from his chair. "That's no reason to personally supervise this expedition. There are more important matters of state to attend to than running off searching for a myth."

  Abruptly, the Galaef asked, "Myra, why is Thorne opposed to this project?"

  Most of the time Myra could predict the Galaef’s next question, but the Galaef noticed, even though it was very subtle, a shocked expression on her face. It disappeared very quickly.

  She became composed and calmly replied that Thorne was uninterested in this type of scientific advancement and that he would rather be involved in more important matters of state.

  “That’s fine,” said the Galaef. “But I have taken a personal interest in this project because I see that it could turn up some very important scientific discoveries." He paused, then said, "And I can make the time when I will it." He waited a moment for further comment, but receiving none, he pushed a button. "Send in the Professor."
