Read The Aeolian Master Book One Revival Page 88


  "Come on, Em," said one of the shadows. And Aeolius followed him through the beautiful green fields toward a large oak tree standing mighty in the distance.

  Ben led Em up the ramp and after getting directions they finally found their way to the conference room.

  Upon entering the room Ben noticed an air of excitement. Dahms, Sam, and three men were sitting at the conference table discussing the events of the day and those which were yet to come.

  One young man was finishing a sentence. " . . . after that I was hoping and praying the Galaef was still alive."

  "Alive and well," said Ben as he made his way to the head of the conference table. Samsung and Jacob stood off to the side.

  Ben had purposely organized the meeting twenty minutes earlier than ordered so he could get to know the officers before the Galaef arrived. He sat down and waited for the rest of them.

  Curt and Sharpie walked in. Sharpie appeared distressed as she looked at Ben. "They're questioning our loyalty to the Galaef," she said in a huff.

  "This is a time when we have to be careful who we trust," replied Ben. "I know the two of you can be trusted, but the rebels don’t know that, yet." He paused and then nodded toward the blond at the other end of the table. "Including Dahms. Come and have a seat. We'll all get to know each other soon enough."

  As they were sitting down Viella entered with Tillo and Sweyn.

  Ben stood up. "According to my count, we have almost everyone here, with the exception of the Galaef and one other, and Roqford, of course, but he'll be coming along at his own pace. So let's get started."

  After they sat down Ben said, "my name is Ben Hillar and I've been appointed as second in command to the Galaef. I don't know how long the appointment will last, and actually I don't care, but while I hold this position I'm going to do the best job I can." The newness of it all was starting to wear off. Ben was beginning to understand the seriousness of his new position. People's lives hung in the balance of his decisions, and nothing was more important.

  "A couple of times it has been brought to my attention that the loyalty of the prison guards is in question." Since Ben had spent a lot of time with the guards, especially Sharpie, he knew what their feelings were toward Hurd and his corrupt government, and he also knew if they were to come together to successfully fight Hurd, they had to have trust for each other.

  Ben was looking at Dahms as he spoke because earlier she was complaining the loudest about the prison guards. "It seems we've had this discussion before, so again I want to assure all of you that the guards whom I've gotten to know during my stay here are—number one, haters of Hurd, number two, did not know the Galaef was a prisoner here, and number three, with the exception of a few that the warden had shipped in from other planets and a few others who were spies for Hurd, the guards were always trying to help the prisoners." He looked around the room at the other men. "I hope this dispels any ideas that the guards are ogres, just waiting for the right moment to kill us. I know from personal experience that this is not the case."

  Dahms leaned back in her chair. Her face seemed to soften a bit. "Let's forget it ever came up," she said, "and get on with the meeting."

  Just then, one of the Galaef's elite guard stepped through the doorway. "Sir," he said, looking at Ben, "the Galaef requests your presence on the bridge."

  "Yeah, alright.”
