Read The Agency Page 1


  Ann Knightingale


  "I'm going to start by dipping your no good sorry butts in this vat of acid," Dr. Sunder cackled. He is a short man that has dark hair and not much of a profile. He has a pretty good beard growing so I can't see most of his face. Of course being hung by my wrists way above his head doesn't help either. I am right now dangling over a vat of green acid, that as soon as he lets me go I will plummet in to the vat and have my skin eaten off my bones all while I am inhumanely conscious. Usually I'm just fighting for an apple or something. Yeah, okay so I'm a street rat. I ran away on cocaine high. Now I along with two other girls am going to be sizzled.

  "You know, if you do that you can't really torture us for information stupid," I shoot at him hopefully able to stall for time till I come up with a plan to save the three of us.

  "Yes, but that doesn't matter to me right now. I can still get the information I desire elsewhere. I can still kill you and not care one way or another, “Sunder shoots back. I still don't understand what information he is talking about. I am still not sure how he found me or where we are. I just know that I couldn't go back home knowing I would be sent to one of those sober up programs and it wasn't even me who slipped Cocaine in to my soda glass.


  I'm about to say something else, and Sunder is about to press the button, when there is a giant crash and part of the stone ceiling came down on top of some of the monitors and control boards. Three people come through the hole they just made, the one girl of the group is dressed in black rubbery suit with a utility belt around her waist. She has long black shiny hair pulled back in to a ponytail. Her belt is slanted from her waist down to her hip.

  All of them are holding different weapons. The two guys jump in to action hitting Sunder in the face and gut while the lady unties the two of the girls bringing them to safety. She hugs them and sends the two to stand out of the way as she unties me.

  "Thanks," I say gratefully before running off to hide in a corner. Once Sunder is knocked out the three take out their guns and shoot them in to the hole. The ropes that come out of the barrels of the guns catch on the edge. The two girls run and grab hold of the two guys. I stand there not sure what to do. Then the lady beckons to me to grab a hold of her. So I do and we shoot up out of the pit.

  The two guys are already up on the surface with the two girls. One is shorter than the other and pale; he has a little muscle and wearing a short sleeved white muscle shirt and has short cropped brown hair kind of like a military hair cut that has grown out a little. He has a defined face with pale pink lips and slender nose; his eyes are a piercing blue. He must be at least 35.

  The other guy is tanned with longer black hair that could easily get into his eyes if it was allowed to grow a couple more inches. He is well muscled and has a black short sleeved muscle shirt to show it off. His face is slender too but had a more defined jaw; his lips are dark as are his dark brown eyes. He’s tall enough that I am only up to his shoulder in height. He must be about 19 or 20 in age.

  They both have utility belts too but they have theirs across their shoulder kind of like a seat belt in a car. The three run to a cave and get out five pairs of skis. Evidently they don't plan on taking me with them. So they save me so that I can perish out here.

  "Sorry sweetie. We didn't know there were more than our girls here. So you’re going to have to rid with one of us," Says the woman, she points to the darker more handsome one," I suggest you ride with him. He is the he is the better skier out of us." I look over at the guy and really don't know what to say. So I act like I understand what the rush is. I really think this guy is cute so I am willing to get on the back of the skis.

  "Hold on," He says. I walk with him to the edge of the cliff where I gasp.

  “Trust me; I don't plan on letting go," I comment shakily. I feel his shoulders shake in a humorous laugh under my hands. If it wasn't of the fact that I am absolutely terrified I would hit him in the back of the head. He leans forward slightly about ready to take off the steep slope. I know that I'm not ready to go.

  "Uh, you never told me your name," I try and stall for time to catch my bearings and maybe find a way out of this little fix.

  "Chester but everyone calls me Chest," Is all he says. Then he leans forward and we both shoot down the slope. I would scream if it isn't for the fact that the quickness of the jump practically takes the breath from my lungs. We speed down the slope looking at everybody’s back.

  I hear Chest's deep muscular voice but can't understand what he is saying. I am about to ask him to repeat himself when all of a sudden he makes a sharp turn and I get flung off the skis. That's when I realize what he said. I fly back and over the cliff rolling down the snowy hillside. I roll myself up in to fetal position trying to protect my head from all the rocks that I hit as I tumble down the hill.

  Finally my head strikes one. It's big and pointed and I hit it full on force to the back of the head. Luckily reaching the bottom doesn't take long. I lay in the cold snow for a minute before looking around. I am on a path so I'm sure someone will come and help me. I don't know how many trails are here but I don't think it would be too many. All I could do was lay there, hope this is the same path that Chest and the others are coming down. I lay my head back down on the ice and I close my eyes. It would be so easy to go to sleep right now. but I can't, I'm afraid of the risk of hypothermia. A few minutes later I think, I really don't know if I fell asleep or not, hear skidding of skis on ice.

  "Don't worry. I'm here your safe. I can get you back to Amy and you will be fine," I hear Chest's voice as he runs and falls to his knees beside me. I feel his strong arms under me as he picks me up off the frozen ground. A sharp pain stabs my head, my eyes half open I reach to the ground and roll out of Chest's arms. He gasps once he feels my weight fall away from his arms. I fall the couple of inches to the ground again with a thump loving the feel of the cool ice, but not the ache of my body. He tries again this time I let him thinking of sleep. My eyes close and I allow my breathing to slow.

  "No, stay with me; tell me your name,” Chest persists.


  “Macey,” I whisper on the verge of blacking out.


  “Don't go to sleep Macey, you have to stay awake," Chest murmurs urgently in my ear. I feel the gentle rocking of his footsteps. My eyes open and I stare at clouds as they skate across the blue sky as we slowly walk forward. Chest's face is part of my view. He smiles at me and reassures me that things are going to be fine. When we reach the others the mom of the group whom I'm guessing is Amy comes and examines me. We were in a parking lot now with a big eight person van beside us.

  "Maria you sit in front in my seat. Elaine you sit in the middle seat. I'm getting in the far back along with the girl. Chest if you please put her in the back when I get in and get things set up, remember to be gentle." Amy instructs. I hear rustling in the back of the van and girls murmuring nervously. I feel Chest step up in to the van and move to the back of it. I feel him kneel down and lay me on the seat. Amy must be by my head because she starts stroking my hair. I open my eyes and see Chest grabbing blankets off the back of the seat and start tucking them around me.

  "Pneumonia has started to set in, luckily you found her when you did. She's dehydrated probably from the loss of blood." Amy states like a doctor.


  "Well I guess it is a good thing you’re a trained doctor and you didn't let Tim convince you that having some medical stuff around was a bad idea." Chest says. I guess he's both reassuring me and praising Amy. I squeak in fear. Sunder had done some pretty nasty things with needles and me over the day or so I was there.

  "Don't worry. We'll be quick. Chest will help me out here please. I need to stop t
he bleeding from the back of her skull," Amy says calmly. I look at him pleadingly but he doesn't look at me.

  He leans over the seat pulling up a bag of clear liquid, a clear line, an IV Case, and some gauze. Amy grabs the supplies and hands Chest the bag. I squirm knowing what she is going to do. I remember from all those crime shows I watch. Amy hold my arm out gently but firmly. She doesn't have to worry I'm too tired to put up much of a fight

  “She's like a hurt and scared rabbit or deer," He speaks to Amy in a quiet tone.


  I would have gotten out of their grip like I did any other doctors but I knew my struggles probably wouldn't affect him. The needle penetrates my skin and the tube on the end fills with my blood. Chest lets go after the needle is inserted in my forearm.

  I wrench back and Amy grabs hold of it to finish the rest of the procedure. She pulls the tube off and inserts the clear line in its place. The end of the line is inserted in the valve on the bag. Chest squeezes the bag and the liquid comes and runs in to my body.

  Amy checks out the back of my head and presses gauze to the wound. She's trying to see if there's any reason to worry about a concussion. She