Read The Agency Page 11

my lap and Tim's voice," I'll take him to bed Chest. Don’t worry about it."

  "I think I'll stay here Tim. Macey looks like she could sleep and I don't want to disturb her too much. She's already been through enough today and I don't think she needs to go through anymore. She deserves to sleep for a while." Chest whispers shifting to where both he and I am laying side by side on the couch. I am propped up on my shoulder by the couch back and by Chest himself. I move my head over to where my head rests on his chest. Not really trying to pun it. That's how I end up falling asleep.

  I wake up the next morning still tired but happy. I blink rapidly clearing the blurriness from my eyes Chest still sits there next to me. He turns and looks at me and I can tell he's deep in thought. Uh, Oh I don't like the look of him thinking so hard. It’s the same face that he had when he made the promise about the bike last night. I roll my eyes at him and give him my 'I-know-that-look-and-the-answer-is-probably-no' look.

  "I've been thinking-" Chest starts.

  "I know, I recognize the face your making." I comment looking at him. I prop my head up with my elbow on the arm of the couch.

  "I think I'll give you some lessons." Chest finishes. We both get up and have a quick breakfast and go outside to get started to practice.

  That night I fall back on to the couch happy to go to sleep. All of my muscles ache from the in vigorous work out. I forget my pain and am able to fall asleep easily. But I wake up not to long later to find Chest sitting on the foot of my bed asleep leaning against the wall. I go back to sleep thinking peacefully about the fact I'll wake up with him sitting there.

  I move around with my eyes closed trying to find Chest but he doesn't seem to be anywhere near me. I jump up looking but still can't find him. I look in his room but he isn't there. I'm on the verge of freaking out. What if the police came and arrested him for helping me? I start running to the kitchen hoping to find at least Amy, she would know what’s going on she always does. No one does anything without her permission without getting in trouble.

  "Amy. Have you seen Chest? I looked in his bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door but there was no answer." I explain to Amy once I find her at the stove. I sit at the table waiting for her to tell me what's going on or to give me an idea on what to do.

  "Go watch out the front window he should be here in a minute. I don't know what he's up to. He left in such a hurry this morning once he crawled off of the couch from beside you. He really didn't want to leave you yet he did. It was so confusing." Amy explains, I can tell that she's confused. I hurry to the front window and stand there enjoying the early morning sun through the window. Chest arrives not to long later in a pickup truck with a black 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250R tied down in the bed.

  Once I see the bike I roll my eyes. I know that he wanted to get me a bike but I didn't expect one so soon, I was willing to wait several months first so I could at least try to talk Chest out of it but I guess it’s too late now. I hurry to my room to change. Quickly I throw on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue T shirt.

  I run out to greet Chest to see Tim coming out from the passenger side of the truck. 'He's in this too? I thought he was on my side' I think to myself. I let out yet another breath like I do when I get irritated and aggravated. I walk out to the door and approach the truck.

  Maria, Elaine, and Amy head out through the back door. I see them coming around the corner of the house unsure of what’s going on. I find myself a little unsure myself. I'm not even licensed to drive a car let alone a motorcycle. But if it makes Chest happy I guess I should let him be happy but I still want to keep my requirements. I want to keep the strings attached that I made. I don't want to take advantage of people, never had really and I plan to keep it that way.

  When I was out on my own I did depend on other people but I didn't take advantage. I wouldn't ask for more than I needed. I wouldn't accept candy or free rides or anything just vegetables, fruits, grains, and some water. The rest of the time I would resort to a little pick pocketing but no more than a few dollars unless they looked like they needed it more than I did. I don't plan on breaking that streak even now when I have no need to do any of those things.

  It takes time for Chest to wheel the bike off of the pickup but he has a big smile on his face. I smile back knowing that I am showing my nervousness with it. With the bike finally on the ground Chest starts it up and revs it a couple of times for good measure. He kicks the kickstand down and turns off the engine, Chest holds up his index finger telling me to wait a moment.

  Excitedly Chest runs around to the passenger side of the truck while Tim stands there grinning happily about his time helping Chest ruin my standard about not taking things I don't need. I understand it’s his good heart that makes him want to do this but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Chest comes back around carrying a bag still grinning widely.

  "Macey, you told me that there where strings attached to buying the bike. But you said nothing about the helmet." Chest grins. I silently curse myself for not thinking about that catch. Normally I think things through pretty thoroughly. Amy smiles too looking ecstatic about the idea of the bike. Elaine seemed to be on the same side as the rest of the family except for Maria. She seemed a little unhappy that I was the one getting the bike that matched Chest's instead of her.

  "Thanks." Is all I can get out. Mostly because I am shocked about how soon he went and got it and how he still managed to get his way.

  "This is so exciting! Just think about it, you can go in to town on your own accord without help from us. We can all help you learn how to ride and take you in to get licensed." Amy starts planning excitedly. I shrug my shoulders moving towards the bike that has (with help of Chest and Tim) wheeled itself to my affections. I really do like this bike even though it’s a little unplanned at the moment. I inspect the motorcycle closely liking the curves it has, and how the colors make it stand out.

  After a few minutes of staring at the bike I walk over to it letting my hand glide down from the handle bars, across the seat, to the rear end where I can have a single passenger. I'd only rode on the back of a motorcycle once before, it was in the rain just on a short trip down to the end of my small home town and back home. It wasn't really all that bad to be honest. I throw my leg over the bike and straddle it seeing how heavy it is. I can touch the ground flat footed while sitting on it and I can hold it up on my own.

  "Chest I wasn't expecting you to take my permission about this so sudden," I say flicking my neck to throw my hair on to my shoulder so I can look at him clearly," But I really do like it, and can't wait to start riding on the roads." Chest is so happy that he comes over and hugs me.

  "And I thought you would be mad at me." I snicker as he whispers in to my ear.

  "We'll talk later." I tell him playfully and quietly. He chuckles in my ear and turns away to talk to Amy.

  Before he can get her away she turns to me," You and I are going to Harley Davidson later to find you some leathers." I groan knowing that this means another long trip to Kolalaya for something that I really don't need. Honestly a pair of jeans and my normal black jacket would work fine if she asks me. But it wouldn't pass for her. She wants me to go all out heavy biker chic. But there is no telling Amy that you don't need to go shopping for more clothes.

  I groan trying to come up with an excuse to get out of the trip. Even though I know that I will have to go to Kolalaya anyway to go and get a motorcycle license soon anyway so really I have no way to get out of going. I sit there waiting for I don't know what. Elaine looks happy and excited but Maria looks absolutely pissed. I know exactly why too. It’s obvious that she's jealous that I have the guy she looked at several times. She glares at me and grits her teeth, she's trying so hard to probably not rip my head off. But I can tell what she's thinking.

  "You know I didn't ask for this Maria, I didn't want to make you angry. Heck the day that Amy first found me with you and Elaine I was trying to help us all escape before they came and
got us out. I didn't mean for Chest to fall in love with me, I didn't mean to get captured the second time, I surely didn't expect him to be the one to save me by the way he acted around me, and I sure didn't mean to take him from you. But he did come after me, He did come and save me the second time, and I really didn't mean to fall in love with him." I explain.

  "I don't care. You just being here is enough to make me angry, now evidently you are to hair brained to figure out that I want you to leave Chest alone so now I'm telling you to." Maria snarls at me. I smirk and snicker as I get off my motorcycle.

  "I'm not going anywhere Maria, I've tried to be nice I've tried staying out of your way, I've even tried brute force. But this time I'm not going to do anything, I am not going to tip toe around you anymore. I'm done with you, finished with all of your crap! So why don't you leave and sulk somewhere." I say dripping venom from my words. Normally I'd feel bad but this time I don't.

  Maria stares at me unbelieving as if she's surprised that I actually am not doing what she wants. I turn my back to her and start to walk away, I feel her grip my hair and pull me back to her. I have to lean backwards as she wrenches my head down farther too where I look up at her face.

  "You don't know who you are messing with wench so I suggest that you back off." Maria whispers sounding menacing. I start to laugh and eventually I am dissolving in laughter, Maria looks at me more sternly not quite sure what to do. Suddenly I stop laughing and elbow her in the stomach. She lets go of me and I bend back to where I'm standing straight. I pick her up from under her arms and lay her on the ground. Before she can get up I put my foot on her chest putting most of my weight on her.

  I lean down and rest my folded arms on my knee, I flip my hair out of my face so she could see me clearly and said in a sweet but dangerous voice," I suggest you don't EVER do that to me again. Understand?! You won't tell me what to do and you. Won't. Threaten. Me. Again. Either. Then we won't have to have this little talk again. Are we clear?"

  "Yes." Maria barely whispers clearly shaken by my outburst and the fact I have her on the ground under my power.

  "I didn't hear you. I said. ARE. WE. CLEAR?" I am shouting now unable to contain my anger.

  "Yes, yes." She all but shouts on the verge of tears. I take my foot off her chest and lend her a hand up. She takes it and walks off without a final word. I put my hands on my hips and lift my chin up smugly when she turns back to glare at me. Maria whips back around and heads forward probably heading to her own little area on the compound. Considering it seems as if everyone has one. No one asks me what happened between Maria and me as I walk to the house.

  I am glad actually that no one approaches me about it, deep down I don't think I could contain my anger from any one and also I don't think that I can keep my measly breakfast in my stomach if I open my mouth. I hurry in to the house and head to the bathroom in the hall. I go in and lock the door behind me, I sink to the floor and pull my knees up to my chest and lay my head on them. I feel like bawling but I can't if I'm going to hold at least a little dignity in this family.

  Breathing deeply I try to hold the contents of my stomach back as I feel it slowly trying to work its way up my throat. Silent tears stream down my cheeks and I can't help remember the fear I had when I had Maria on the ground. I didn't know what to do if she managed to get up. I really don't want to fight her. I like to be the peacemaker not the reason why there's fights in the first place. The bile works itself up higher the more I think about all the things that could have happened if Maria had squirmed free of my grip. None of the ideas were very fun, but all were too likely for my comfort.

  Realizing where my imagination is taking me I immediately close my mind off to any thoughts of Maria and instead focus on other things such as what I'm going to do if the police come and look for me again, how long it is before my feet start to ache from walking around Kolalaya in the next few days, and how Amy's going to go and blow this whole thing out of proportion. Finally I decide that I should probably pull myself together before someone realizes that I'm gone. I slowly rise to my feet and unlock the door. My hands shake as I turn the knob. Will Maria be waiting for me in the hall? Will someone ask me what happened outside?

  Once again I can tell that I'm about to lose it. Before I can chicken out and stay in the bathroom for the next two hours I wrench the door open and throw myself in to the hallway. Luckily for me no one is out in the hallway, I sigh in relief hoping that no one has any idea of what happened. I head in to the living room acting casual as if I hadn't just kicked my new sister's butt just a few minutes before. I go out and kick back on the couch for about an hour.

  Once the hour is over I decide that it’s time to go to bed. I say good night to everyone and kiss Chest lightly on the cheek as I walk by. It only takes me a few minutes once I hit the pillow to fall asleep.

  I wake before sunrise to someone shaking me. I open my eyes groggily to see Amy with her hand on my shoulder. I roll my eyes and close them thinking it’s just my imagination. She shakes me again and I hear her sigh. She shuffles around a little bit and grabs my shoulder again. Before I can defend myself I'm rolled out of bed and on to the floor.

  "Get up Mace. We need to get to the Kolalaya motorcycle shop before it’s packed. The new biking line is coming out today as soon as the door opens. A line is probably already forming." Amy whispers urgently. I moan and groan to eventually sit up. Showing my wish to stay in bed until a decent hour in the morning. Preferably when the sun is up.

  Amy pulls me to my feet and through the house. She opens the back door still gripping my hand and jumps the cement step below the door. My tired mind not comprehending the move I trip and fall only to have Amy pull me back to my feet. She opens the passenger side door to her corvette and rushes me inside. Once the door is closed she runs around and jumps in to the driver’s seat. I honestly think that we were on the way to Kolalaya before she even shut the door and had her seat belt on.

  The sun slowly starts to hit the horizon when Kolalaya comes in sight. The city still looks out of place in the middle of the desert. We park in the same area we did the last time we were here. Amy jumps out of the car and comes around to my side. She effectively pulls me out of the car. She closes the door locking it and her own with a push of a button. She takes a tight hold on my hand and we run off. Well, I'm more dragged off as she runs. But any way we move quickly through Kolalaya. We come to a stop out front of a building that looks just like any other, except the line that wraps around the base of it.

  “Welcome to the best bike shop in the world. Klan Motors has been here for as long as I have known about the city." Amy says in awe. She rushes forward with a grip still on my hand. We get in line and I slump against the building.

  "Amy thanks for everything but I don't need any expensive flashy stuff. Just black and simple will work for me. You all have done way too much already." I explain as she stares down at me. Amy nods in understanding.

  "I've seen the pictures of the new line and it is cheap and not to flashy I promise Mace." Amy says sitting down to my right. Slowly the line moves forward, Amy leaves every few hours to get snacks and go to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom right after she gets back so one of us holds our place in line. Finally around noon we make it in to the store. Amy is right about the new leathers. They are all black with simple stitching and not too expensive.

  "I am not much for the flowery type. But these plain black ones would go well with it." Amy whispers. I nod in agreement. We dig in the box by the showcase and pull out a pair of chaps. The next box has the jacket. The third box has the gloves.

  We check out soon after and head home. Not spending more than $100. This is amazing. But Kolalaya is like that, everything is cheaper than out in other civilizations and looks a lot cooler. Plus there's a lot less crime rate, maybe that’s because almost all of the people that know about the city grew up there. I'm not saying they are all interbred, they leave to marry and go back.

bsp; When we get home I go in to the bathroom (on Amy's orders) and put on the new Motorcycle gear. I leave the helmet on the bathroom cabinet and head in to the hall. Chest waits for me and throws his arm around my shoulders.

  "Feisty little one aren't you?" He whispers in to my ear.

  "Not at all" I act shocked and slightly offended. To punctuate it I grab a hold of his wrist and twist it behind his back slightly. Not enough to hurt but enough that he can't escape. Chest chuckles at my sad joke and I release him. He retaliates by sweeping me up in to his arms in a bear hug not allowing me to reach the floor. Finally I manage to pull away and we go outside. Amy and Tim follow curious. Me being the klutz that I am, I fall to the ground I lay there for a minute remembering that day on the ice. I slowly rise on to my feet and look at Chest. Remembering the day we first met.

  "I want to go back up on to the mountain where you found me. Is that okay? It would be a good time to test out my bike. I just got my license today in town." I tell Chest completely straight faced. Why wouldn't I be? I'm completely serious. I almost died up there, met my new family up there, fell in love there and now I want to add something else.

  "Yeah, we can leave now. Go get your helmet while I get my own leathers on and we'll go. I got something cool to show you there anyway." Chest agrees looking back at the house as if he's remembering too. I go by him and in to the house. He follows me quietly and calmly. I go in to the bathroom as he goes in to his bedroom. I get my helmet and head out to the shed where Chest stored our bikes yesterday. I take my seat on the work table waiting for Chest so we can leave.

  I don't have to wait long before he comes in wearing his leathers that are similar to mine. We get on our motorcycles and turn the keys in the ignitions. Chest backs out first then I follow shortly thereafter. He nods his red helmeted head in the right direction and I nod back pushing the clear plastic shield in place over my eyes.

  I pull my feet up to the foot rests by the back wheel as I push the button on the right hand handlebar to start moving forward. I shoot towards the front gate. I look down in the mirror to see Chest catching up. I twist the grip on one of the handlebars to shift gears and go faster. I beat him to the main road but from there on he has to lead the way since I was unconscious going back to base.

  Chest turns to the left and I obediently follow up behind. We ride for several hours and the sun slowly begins to dip