Read The Air Pirate Page 20

  Chapter 17

  I descended from the airship in silence. Danjuro followed me. Thumbwood was still on guard. The bundle that was Mr. Vargus lay on the ground, and a face like a white wedge of venom stared up at us. There was no sign of the enemy, but I felt we would not be left in peace much longer, and my disappointment at the discovery on board the pirate ship was keen.

  "There is still a chance," Danjuro whispered in my ear. "And with your permission, Sir John, I am going to try it."

  I nodded, and he stepped up to Vargus and pulled him up into a sitting posture, propping him against the barrier.

  "There is a part of the control mechanism of the airship missing," Danjuro said, with silky politeness.

  Vargus grinned suddenly, a momentary rictus that came and went, utterly horrible.

  "And we want that piece of the machine," Danjuro went on.

  Vargus spoke, in his peculiar oily voice. "Then you may go on wanting."

  "I think you will assist us," Danjuro said.

  For answer the man below spat in his face.

  I expected to see Danjuro leap on him and strangle him where he sat. I wouldn't have raised a finger to stop it, but it was not so. The little man stepped aside and carefully wiped his face with a silk handkerchief that seemed to come from nowhere. Then he went behind Mr. Vargus and began to feel his head all over, with quick, delicate movements of his fingers.

  "How can you touch him?" I cried, hardly knowing what I said, for the man was ugly and uncanny beyond belief. Danjuro was like some sinister phrenologist in a nightmare, feeling the bumps of a devil.

  "I know now what I wanted to know about him," Danjuro purred after a moment. "I never doubted his intelligence, Sir John. It is very marked. And there is great energy and courage of a sort. But our friend who spits has one little failing. He is afraid of physical pain."

  "You're not going to...?"

  Danjuro looked me full in the eyes, and in his I saw a stony resolution that I was in no state to combat.

  "I will go and see Miss Shepherd," I said, and turning on my heel I walked quickly to the inner end of the cavern. As I went I heard Danjuro ask Thumbwood for a box of matches....

  I am quite aware that there are lots of soft-hearted people who will say I ought never to have allowed Danjuro to do what he did. Well, they must have their own opinion, that's all. I believe it was nothing like so bad as the cat-o'-nine-tails which is constantly administered in our prisons, and under the circumstances I think it was justifiable. Call me what names you like as you read this -- you have not seen Mr. Vargus and his dogs, nor spent a small eternity in the pirates' cave.

  Constance was wonderfully recovered. I spent a minute or two with her, and then returned to the scene of action.

  Mr. Vargus was speaking in a quick, panting voice, and these were the words I heard. "Gascoigne, Mr. Gascoigne; he has it. He was our second pilot. It was always in his charge."

  Danjuro gave his little weary smile. Then he put his hand gently on my arm and drew me away to the other side of the cave.

  "We will now summon honourable Gascoigne," he said. "He is the young gentleman we saw with late honourable Helzephron at the Mille Colonnes. The little necessary piece of the mechanism in his possession is, I have just learnt, generally referred to as 'the link.'"

  "But how can we...?" I was beginning, when he pointed to a telephone instrument on a screen of tongue-and-groove boarding.

  "This communicates with the house," he whispered. "Mr. Vargus nearly got through recently, you will remember, just before the good Thumbwood caught him."

  He raised the instrument to his mouth and ear.

  In a second or two a bell rang and Danjuro began to speak. I nearly jumped out of my boots. The words were simple enough, but the voice with its oily refinement was the voice of Mr. Vargus!

  "Is that you, Gascoigne? Yes, Vargus speaking. The Chief says you are to come down at once and bring the control link with you. What? No, the others are to wait till they're sent for. What? Oh, yes, quite dead. I wish you could have seen it!"

  It was a triumph of mimicry that I'll never forget, the more so as it was the only occasion on which I heard this marvellous man attempt anything of the sort. Heaven knows what other talents he must have possessed!

  "The young gentleman was asking about you, Sir John. He seemed quite curious about your end!"

  I smiled grimly. "What are you going to do?" I asked.

  In answer he hurried back to the open door and crouched down in the shadow by its side. I motioned to Thumbwood to lie down behind the barrier which was exactly facing the passage, and drawing my automatic pistol which I had regained from Helzephron's room, I retired to the opposite side of the door outside the line of direct vision.

  There was silence for a minute or so, and then far away in the rock I heard a hollow rumble and the clank of a gate. The lift was descending. Gascoigne was on his way. A few seconds afterwards I heard a merry whistle, fresh and sweet, as if the performer had not a care in the world. He was whistling the lilting tune of a popular song which all the street boys were singing at that time:

  "Merry Maudie met her fate at Margate!"

  Callous young dog! In a moment he would not be so cheerful.

  I was leaving it to that concentrated muscle, Danjuro, though I stood ready to help if necessary. But I knew he was a supreme exponent of jiu-jitsu -- demonstrated in the hideous death Helzephron died -- and I had little fear. Indeed, I found myself looking on with a detached and interested curiosity as one might at a prize fight. I wondered if Danjuro would kill him or not. And if you had supped so full of horrors as I had in that awful cave, you would have felt like that, too.

  For a second I saw Gascoigne in the full light from the roof, framed by the archway like a picture. It was the same young fellow with the dissipated face I had seen at the restaurant, though he had not been among the singing pirates at the inn. He was extremely handsome still, with the face of a lost angel.

  Then the squat shadow crouching by the lintel of the door like a monstrous toad, expanded swiftly. Danjuro caught Gascoigne by the right hand with the speed of lightning, and pulled the arm out straight with a jerk. Then, as the young man was falling forward, the left arm of Danjuro shot out under his captive's rigid right, and the hand seized the lapel of Gascoigne's coat. He was powerless. If he made the slightest movement Danjuro would have broken his arm like a pipe stem. He could not swing round and hit with his left, and I saw his mouth open with foolish amazement like the mouth of a fish as his legs were kicked from under him. He fell back with his assailant on the top of him.

  I tied his ankles together with neatness and dispatch, while I listened to a sickening flood of blasphemous profanity that flowed from the clear-cut lips of this former gentleman in a ceaseless stream. More and more I realized what a crew of utter devils Helzephron had got round him.

  At last Gascoigne was bound, and Danjuro took from him a leather box which he wore suspended round his shoulders by a strap. He handed it to me, and opening it I found the control link we sought.

  "You can fit that in all right, Sir John?"

  "Oh, yes, I don't think it presents any difficulty."

  "Very well then, Sir John. In a few minutes we will start -- that is, if you think you can take the ship out of this place?"

  I had already considered that and decided I could. It was a ticklish job enough, and would require the most delicate care, especially with an untried ship. But in the past I had landed on the deck of a moving battleship, and there were few stunts that were not familiar to me. I felt I could do it.

  "I don't think I'll let you down," I said, and hurried to the ship.

  Five minutes showed me I had got the hang of the apparatus and that electrical connection was restored, and I spent a further ten in thoroughly examining and getting accustomed to the controls. Moreover, I made one new and startling discovery.

  There was no need, in this marvellous ship, for mechanics to swing the propellers t
o start each engine in turn. Again, electricity from the ship's dynamo was employed, and the starting device was a miracle of ingenuity, worked from the pilot's cabin.

  Mr. Vargus, though I offered to loosen his bonds at the feet, absolutely refused to walk, and Danjuro carried him up the ladder and threw him on the floor of the cabin like a sack of corn. Gascoigne, now white and silent, was more amenable. It seems that Vargus had acquainted him with everything that had passed as they lay together on the ground.

  "I'll go all right, sir," Gascoigne said to me, as I helped him to his feet.

  As I had the muzzle of my pistol in the small of his back, he couldn't well do anything else, but he lost nothing by being civil.

  "I can't believe the Chief's dead and everything's finished," he said, with a curious sort of sob.

  I realized all sense of right and wrong had left this youth early. He was the true stuff of which criminals are made, incapable of putting himself in the place of his victims; and while bitterly conscious of defeat and punishment to come, incapable of remorse.

  Without a trace of pretence, this man behaved just as if he were an officer captured by the enemy in wartime, and I dare say he felt just like that.

  Morally I felt sure Gascoigne was not a hundredth part so responsible as Vargus. One was born a criminal, and from that point of view insane. The other had once had the capabilities of sainthood, but opened his soul to the Dweller on the Threshold and was doubly lost.

  We went slowly towards the ship. "Good old bird!" he said, as any public schoolboy might have said it. "I expect this'll be the last cruise I ever take in her."

  "Or in any airship at all," I answered. "I suppose you've no illusions as to what's in store for you?"

  "No, I suppose it's a hanging job," he replied, and I assented, though, as you will learn, both his anticipations were to prove wrong.

  Danjuro and I shifted Vargus out of the main cabin into the small one where the tools and spare parts were stored. We didn't want Constance to see him, and he was so well secured that he couldn't possibly do any harm.

  Gascoigne we left for the present on one of the seats, and I hurried to fetch the two women, passing Thumbwood who was still at his post.

  "Everything is arranged," I called out, as I ran through Helzephron's room. "We're going to fly to Plymouth at once in the Pirate Ship."

  The maid Wilson shrieked.

  "Oh, Sir John, that awful ship! I couldn't go in 'er again, not for my life. Let's go in a taxi. Miss, please 'ave a taxi. I couldn't face the ship."

  "You'll lose your life quickly enough if you stay," I said to the yelping woman, though Heaven knows the poor soul had gone through enough to turn her mind entirely. Her mouth grew like a round O, and I was preparing for another shriek when I suddenly thought of something.

  "Miss Connie will be quite safe with me," I said quickly, "and I'll put you in the care of Charles Thumbwood. You remember him? He'll look after you all right, Wilson."

  It acted like a charm. I had remembered Charles's attention to the pretty maid in the train.

  "Ow!" said Wilson. "Is Mr. Thumbwood here, then, Sir John?"

  "Very much so. You'll be his especial charge, and the journey won't take more than three-quarters of an hour."

  The girl picked up the dressing bag which she had dropped on the floor. "Then that will be all right," she said with a flush, and I wondered if she thought Charles was going to pilot the ship himself. How true it is that Faith can move mountains! No doubt Constance felt just the same about me as Mary Wilson did about Charles.

  We had come out into the cave and had walked a few yards towards the looming bulk of the airship, when the telephone bell on the cave-side ahead of us rang furiously. It kept on like an alarm clock. Telling the girls to remain still for a moment, I ran up and unhooked the receiver.

  A voice was bawling at the other end, so loud that the words rang and buzzed one into the other, and I could only distinguish one or two. I heard enough to know what had happened, though.

  "Chief ... coastguard police ... rifles ... all round the house on the moor are coming down ... two of us stay ... hold till last moment...."

  So that was it! Billy Pengelly, the coastguard, had made good. The wires had been at work while we had been about our mole-like warfare underground. The avengers were among the gorse and heather, and the remainder of the pirates were doomed.

  "Come on," I shouted to Connie, realizing that there was literally not a moment to lose.

  When they had come up to me, and I started to run with them towards the ship, there was a sudden thunderous report. Looking to the right I saw that Thumbwood had taken cover, and was lying on his stomach behind the barrier. The open door was but a dim oblong of yellow light at that distance, and I could not see a yard down the passage in the rocks.

  Thumbwood fired again, and the echoing roar had not died away when something went by my ear with a vicious zipp, and I heard the splash of a bullet on the granite.

  The pirates were coming down in force, and had turned at bay. I knew Thumbwood would keep them where they were for a minute or two, and I raced to the ship with Connie at my side. Wilson had fainted, and we had to drag her between us.

  Halfway up the light, steep accommodation ladder Danjuro was waiting, perfectly calm and unconcerned. We handed up the unconscious maid, and he disappeared with her. Then Connie was helped up the ladder, while the whole cavern began to thunder with a fusillade of rapid firing.

  "The police and coastguards are surrounding the house," I shouted, "and the rest of the crew have come down, and are trying to fight their way into the cave."

  "It is what I thought, Sir John. Those gentlemen must be considerably surprised at their reception! We can shoot them all down before they get out of the passage. Perhaps, now that rescue is at hand, we had better wait and do so?"

  His eyes were glistening. I saw the light of slaughter in them. For an instant I hesitated. What he said was sane enough. The risk was comparatively small; it would only be postponing the triumphal flight.

  Then I took a decision -- it rested with me, and I was alone responsible. "We mustn't shoot them all down," I shouted through the din, for bullets were streaming into the cave behind as though they were pumped from a hose. "Some of them must be brought to justice. We had better be off and leave the coastguards and police to deal with them."

  Thus I spoke. I said what I honestly thought was best at the moment, though perhaps my mind was a little influenced by the natural and terrible anxiety to get my girl away from further horrors.

  At any rate, I decided, and all my life long I shall never cease to regret it.

  "Very good," said Danjuro. "Up into the pilot's cabin quickly, Sir John. You are indispensable there. Prepare for an instant start. I will run and fetch Thumbwood. We will have to fire thirty or forty rounds quickly into the passage to keep them back. Of course, they are firing automatic pistols round the bend now, and not exposing themselves any more. After we have fired we must run for the ship. When you hear me shout, start like lightning!"

  He slipped past me, and crouching almost to the ground ran back towards Thumbwood like some great cat.

  I flung myself aboard. Constance was attending to Wilson in the main cabin. Gascoigne was lying bound where he had been thrown, but his eyes were blazing with excitement.

  I put a stop to that at once. "The remainder of your friends are being shot down," I said curtly. "Lucky for you to be here."

  All the animation died out of his face. As I didn't want to leave him alone with Connie -- it seemed a desecration that he should be in the same place with her even for a moment -- I whipped out my knife, cut the bonds at his feet, and pushed him into the pilot's cabin, making him lie on the floor at my side as I got into the swivel chair. I could shoot him dead in an instant if he moved.

  Then I sat rigid, with my hand on the switch which started the engines.

  In reality, I know now that the time of waiting was very short, but it seemed an e
ternity to me. For the first time my nerves felt on the point of giving way. My hand trembled. I began to think of the narrow S-shaped passage between high walls of rock to the sea, and realized the appalling nature of the task before me. A mere touch of the wings on those iron barriers, and all the long struggle would prove unavailing, the triumph turn to a defeat in which my girl and I, the superman Danjuro, and faithful Thumbwood would lose our hard-won lives.

  One touch and the ship would crumple up like paper and fall like a stone into the cruel cauldron of jagged rock and furious waves far below.

  There came a voice from the floor. Had the prisoner divined something of my thoughts?

  "Look here, Sir John, you're up against a nasty job. It's the very devil getting out of here if you don't know the way and haven't practised it."

  Something in the young fellow's voice told me this was not mockery. He was, moreover, the second pilot of the Pirate Ship, trained by Helzephron himself.

  "I didn't ask you to speak," I answered.

  "No, but really it's no end of a feat. The controls are ten times as sensitive as in an ordinary machine. If you were the best pilot living, you'd find it hard to manage in a ship that's new to you, and has all sorts of habits and tricks that no other has."

  He spoke truly enough, and I knew it, but it was none the less unpleasant to hear.

  "I suppose you're afraid for your damned skin," I sneered.

  "Oh, come, draw it mild," he replied. "I only spoke to try and help you. I know when I'm beaten, and I don't bear any malice."

  "If I do take you safely out, it will only mean the gallows."

  "Oh, no, it won't!" he said. "I'll turn King's evidence. There are lots of things I know that no one else except Vargus knows now. I'll get let off with fifteen years. Bet you a fiver, if you like. It's to my interest to help you out."

  I can generally tell when a man is sincere, and I realized that this young villain was, despite -- and perhaps because of -- the baseness of his motive.

  "Help me?"

  "Yes, out of the passage. Once you get in clear air you'll fly her easily enough -- and you'll be astonished, by Jove! But you'd better let me pilot you. It's the lift and the sharp right bank that are so difficult."

  "Get up," I said.

  He scrambled to his feet.

  "Stand there!" He leaned against the wall at my side, his hands tied behind him and his arms tightly bound.

  He was about to speak, when suddenly we both jumped. Something had happened. For a moment I did not realize what it was. Then I knew. The continuous thunder of rifle fire had stopped. Everything was dead silent. I'd hardly become conscious of the fact when there was a loud shout.

  "Let her go, Sir John! Let her go!"

  Danjuro stumbled into the cabin, panting like a whippet.

  I pulled over the switch and then the lever of the starting mechanism.