Read The Angel She Loved - Prequel To Voices Page 1

  Written By:

  Irene Kueh

  Edited By:

  David Terrace & Connie Butts

  Copyright © 2014 Irene Kueh

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  ~ My Angel ~

  I think of you Always

  Every little thing reminds me of you

  Every time I hear the rain, I think of you

  Every time I walk in the woods, I think of you

  Every time I touch a flower, I think of you

  Every time I see a firefly, I think of you

  You're in my heart

  Locked in time


  This book is dedicated to four special Angels:

  Carol Cajigas

  Chrissy Peebles

  June Bourgo

  Patricia Puddle


  All who believe in the existence of Angels

  Chapter One

  To celebrate the first day of summer, I took a stroll down the beach. A handful of white clouds floated in the sky. As I walked, the clouds appeared to follow, white and puffy. I felt they were watching, perhaps keeping me company this beautiful day. I stared up at them and smiled. A happy bark interrupted my thoughts. With its tail wagging, the white puppy chased after a little boy and a little girl. The children's laughter warmed my heart. What a beautiful sight.

  I found a perfect spot under a shady tree and sat down. I didn't feel like catching a tan. As I watched the waves, a quote by Sarah Kay played in my head. "There's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away."

  I wondered if I would ever meet someone as persistent as the waves. Or would I be the persistent waves? Maybe not in this lifetime. I hadn't much luck with love. My best friend, Juliana, said I was picky. Even my family said the same. Of course I disagreed. I believed I was simply waiting for the perfect man − IF there were such a thing.

  I leaned against the tree and direct my gaze towards the beach. Such a hot day. Lots of people, young and adults basked in the sun. Couples walked by holding hands while groups of children built sand castles. Surfers enjoyed the ocean and the perfect waves.

  And then I saw him... The Surfer.

  He was picture-perfect from top to bottom. As he approached, surf board under toned arm, the sun-bathing girls turned their heads to admire the view. I couldn't look away, as he ran his free hand through his wet brown surfer hair. For a second, my breathing stopped. I swore I heard one of those girls moan out loud. Who could blame them? The surfer's six-pack abs demanded attention. A few names came to mind. Ryan Reynolds, Magic Mike, Tarzan... My eyes were tracing every inch of his visible body making comparisons when out of nowhere, a pretty blond girl in yellow bikini ran toward him. He smiled. And that completed the perfect picture!

  But the smile wasn't for me, obviously. He put his arms around the girl's perfect waist. I sighed. The other gals stopped looking too.

  Hey, nothing wrong with admiring something beautiful, I told myself. Everyone needs a little eye candy once in a while. Even if it did only last a few seconds.

  The show had ended. I went back to people watching. My spot provided great views and the tree sheltered me from the dazzling sun. After a few minutes of staring at the same people, my eyes grew tired. Having dozed off a few times I decided it was time to leave. So following a stretch and a few deep breaths, I said goodbye to the beach and returned to my car.

  I wrinkled my brow, and it became apparent my Camry was tilted to one side. I circled around it and froze. The rear tire had a flat! I got down on my knees and stared at it. Yes... It was still flat. My perfect day looked destined to end in the worst way possible.

  I leaned against the side of the car and sighed. It wasn't the end of the world, but I didn't know how to change the tire. Staring at the dark screen on my cell phone, I discovered it was out of battery, and to compound matters I didn't have my charger unit. My friend, Juliana, had it on loan. This really WAS ending badly. I yanked the passenger door open and sat down. Think, Elrenia, think. I would have to use someone's phone, but that wouldn't work either. I didn't know Juliana's number. Who remembers phone numbers these days?

  I stepped out from the car and stared at the flat tire again. No, I wasn't dreaming. This was really happening. Trying to calm myself, I closed my eyes and covered my face with both my hands.

  "Hello, are you all right?" asked a smooth, calm voice.

  I dropped my hand and looked up. A young man stood on the opposite side of my car. His brown hair glittered in the sun. My eyes widened. It was the surfer on the beach. He sounded as good as he looked!

  This time, he had a white button-down shirt with the top two buttons undone. My heart pounded as I tried to resist staring at his tanned chest.

  "Is everything okay?" he asked again.

  I cleared my throat and tried to speak. Nothing came out. I pointed at the tire with my shaky finger. He walked toward me. He took one look at the tire and glanced back at me.

  "Do you have a spare?" he asked.

  My brain froze for a second. What is he talking about?

  "I'll help you change the tire if you have a spare in the trunk," he said with the melting smile.

  "Oh, thank you." I opened the trunk before I made a fool out of myself.

  He grabbed the spare, and I handed him the jack and the tire iron. As I watched him work the wrench, I noticed his hair, still wet from the surf blowing in the wind. His shirt swayed like a sexy dancer. Even doing a simple thing like changing the tire, he appeared so perfect. I felt deeply drawn to him, but had to remind myself of his stunning lady friend. That brought me down to earth. I wondered where she was? I didn't see any sign of her.

  I crouched in front of him, carefully allowing him space to work. "Can I help with anything?"

  He smiled. "Just don't be sad."

  A girl could drown in those blue-green eyes. I smiled back. I could hunker down and stare at his angelic face all day. Are you an Angel? I asked myself.

  While my mind raced through all manner of thoughts, my surfer-mechanic-rescuer got to his feet and put the flat tire inside the trunk. I grabbed the jack and tire iron and closed the trunk. He wiped his hands together.

  I gasped. "Your shirt." I pointed at the black stain on his perfect white shirt.

  He glanced down. "No big deal. It's just a shirt."

  "Please, let me pay you or something," I said.

  "Don't worry about it," he said. "It was my pleasure."

  "I'm Elrenia." I held out my hand.

  He flipped his palm. "I'd love to... But my hand is dirty."

  "I've dirtied your shirt. You can at least dirty my hand." It didn't sound right. Blood rushed to my face.

  He flashed that melting smile again. "All right." He wiped his hands on his shirt.

  I cringed. "Now, your shirt is even dirtier."

  He shrugged. "I'm Andrew." He shook my hand.

  His masculine handshake sent shivers through my body. When he released my hand, I felt a part of me went with him.

  I composed myself. Deep breaths, I reminded myself. "Nice to meet you, Andrew. And thank you."

  "It's my pleasure." He turned to leave and stopped. "Are you going to be okay?"

  "Yes," I said. "Thanks a million. You're an Angel." My Angel, I wanted to add.

p; "That's the nicest thing anyone said to me today."

  Not knowing what to say, I stared at him. There was a pause as if he was about to ask me something, as if he had a question. Or was it my imagination. Or just desire?

  "I'd better get going. Have a good summer, Elrenia."

  My knees wobbled. I leaned against my Camry for support and watched him until he got into his white convertible and drove away.

  My Angel saved my day and now he's gone.

  Chapter Two

  Next morning, I found myself gazing into the fridge, contemplating breakfast and wishing for once there was someone around to make it for me, when out of nowhere someone yelled my name.


  I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Juliana, you have to stop scaring me like this."

  Juliana lived in the apartment next door. We'd exchanged house keys for emergency purposes. She quickly apologized for forgetting the phone charger.

  "I have amazing news," she added as she grabbed a swivel stool and sat herself down. "We're going to a party!"

  I grabbed my coffee mug from the kitchen counter. "We are?"

  "Yeah, remember Michael?" she asked.

  "How could I forget? The guy who won't answer to Mike."

  Juliana rolled her eyes. "Come on, his Mama worked hard to name him Michael."

  I grinned. Juliana stared at me.

  "That didn't sound right, did it?" She laughed. "But you know what I mean."

  I nodded in agreement. "So Michael's having a party?"

  "No, his twin sisters are. They're turning 21."

  As I poured the coffee, I realized I could only vaguely remembered my own 21st birthday party. The one thing I couldn’t forget was my poor head pounding the whole day afterward. And of course, there was the car... I woke up in the backseat. Heaven knows how I got there. Thank goodness all my clothing was intact.

  Juliana jumped from the stool and headed to the fridge. After standing there for a few seconds, she grabbed a Coke.

  She sat back down. "It's next Saturday and you're invited."

  "What if I have something going on next weekend?" I asked.

  Juliana took a large gulp of soda and made me wait. "Then cancel. There's going to be a lot of great games." She grinned. "Michael said so."

  "You know I don't like games," I said. "Remember the last one?"

  Juliana broke into laughter, sending soda in all directions. "Yes, I remember the Dare game. The guy wanted a kiss and you ran."

  I thought back to the moment. It wasn't funny at the time − I seemed to remember this guy wanting MORE than just a kiss − but now I joined the laughter.

  "Oh, we need to shop before the party," she said, grabbing a handful of paper towels and cleaning up the mess she had made.

  "Why?" I asked without lifting a finger to help her.

  Juliana glanced up. "It's a costume party."

  "What! This is June, not October," I said.

  "The twins love Halloween."

  "Then you go with Michael."

  "Oh come on, Elrenia." Juliana threw the paper towels into the trash can. "You only get to be 21 once."

  I recounted my drunken tale of waking up in the car.

  Juliana beamed. "I woke up in a stable with bits of my clothing strewn over the horses."

  We laughed at the idea of my best friend "horsing" around. I didn't remember how Juliana did it, but somehow she managed to convince me to go to a Halloween party in the middle of June.

  On Friday, the day before the party, Juliana and I were at the Suzie's costume store. My zany friend wanted the sexy Cave Woman costume and I approved of her choice. The dress flaunted her every curve - The two layered zig-zag hemmed short skirt displaying her long, tanned legs and held together by a red silk scarf wrapped around her slim waist. The belt was closed with lace.

  I clapped my hands. "It's beautiful, Juliana. You're a gorgeous Cave Woman."

  My friend stared at herself in the full length mirror. "Do you think Michael will like it?"

  "Are you kidding me?" I asked. "He'll love it!!"

  She twirled around several times and went back into the fitting room. When she came out, she said, "Your turn, Missy."

  I grabbed a long black robe with white collar and showed it to her.

  She gasped. "You're not going as a nun."

  I laughed. "I'm just kidding. I'm debating between these two costumes." I held up two gorgeous dresses. One was a Gypsy and the other was an Egyptian Queen.

  The owner, Suzie looked up at us.

  "What do you think, Suzie?" I asked.

  "Try the Gypsy one, Elrenia," she said.

  "I agree," said Juliana as she pushed me into the fitting room. "Go transform yourself into a Gypsy."

  It took me a few minutes to put on the outfit. I looked in the mirror. The loose fitting white top with a wide neckline exposed my bare shoulders. I would need some large necklace and earrings. Around my arms, the short sleeves ended with white laces. The light and colorful petticoat skirt extended just below my knees. A red scarf with imitation golden coins attached to the waist of my skirt with a black corset tied with red laces on the front.

  "Are you okay in there?" asked Juliana.

  I opened the door and stepped out. Juliana covered her mouth with her hand.

  "Is it bad?" I asked.

  She dropped her hand and fanned herself. "You look sexy, Elrenia. Très-chic!"

  Suzie nodded. "The outfit looks real good on you."

  "See," said Juliana.

  "All right, a gypsy I am."

  Chapter Three

  Saturday came, and Juliana drove us to the ranch just outside of Los Angeles. Various sizes of vehicles lined the long driveway. We parked quite a ways from the ranch house and got out of the car.

  "Do we have to walk this long stretch of driveway?" I asked.

  "Michael didn't say anything about this," said Juliana.

  "He's afraid you won't show up," I said.

  "I wouldn't have." Juliana pulled her cell phone from her purse.

  A shuttle van stopped next to our car. The door opened and a young driver in white shirt and shorts smiled. "Need a ride, pretty ladies?"

  Juliana slipped her phone back into the purse. "I was about to call you," she said.

  "Hello, Michael," I said. "What a surprise." I got into the shuttle.

  "Wow, now this is a surprise." He removed his driver's hat, leaned forward, and gave Juliana a kiss. "You're out of this world, Juliana."

  Juliana's face turned red.

  I sat down. "How about me?" I teased.

  He turned to me. "You're fantastic, too, Elrenia."

  I smiled. "Thank you." I stared out the window. "Look at all the cars. How many people are here?"

  "What can I say? My sisters know how to party," said Michael.

  Juliana sat right behind Michael. "Who owns this place?"

  "My sisters' friend's grandfather," he said. "I saw him a few times. He seemed nice."

  "He has to be if he lets us party here," said Juliana.

  "Yeah, he's pretty cool."

  Various sizes of palm trees and tropical plants and flowers lined both sides of the driveway. As we approached the house, I stood. The yellow-orange glow outside and inside the U-shaped ranch house mesmerized me.

  "Wow!" I said. "Enchanting."

  Juliana stood next to me. "I think I'm in love," she said.

  "Hey, I'm right here," said Michael.

  Juliana chuckled. "I love you the most, Michael."

  "That's better." Michael stopped the shuttle and opened the door. "You're going to love the place. Go explore."

  "Are you not coming with us?" asked Juliana.

  "My shift ends in thirty minutes," said Michael. "I'll join you then."

  Juliana nodded and gave him a kiss.

  I stared at the house. "I'll be okay for half an hour. Why don't you go with Michael?"


  "No but, Juliana," I said. "I'll wander outside
. Come find me when his shift's over."

  "Are you sure?" asked Juliana.

  Two girls ran inside the house followed by a Vampire. "As long as there are no real Vampires running around, I'll be fine. Go!" I said.

  "Thank you," said Juliana.

  "Thanks, Elrenia," said Michael. "We'll see you in thirty."

  "Behave," I said, as Michael closed the door.

  I studied the single story house as I inched closer. The cross-gabled roof and large overhanging eaves gave the place a mysterious feel. Dark brown shutters decorated the large glass windows. I ran my fingers along the stucco walls. The bangles around my wrist jangled. At first, I wondered where the sound came from. Then I smiled. Oh yes, I'm a Gypsy Woman.

  The smaller stone driveway leading to the front door also caught my attention. Simplicity could speak volumes. The stones looked simple but stylish. A group of people appeared from around the corner. Their giggles and laughter filled the air.

  They're having fun, I told myself. One guy dressed up as a Bumble Bee waved his beer at me and said hello. I said hello back. I turned the corner to the other side of the ranch house. A small pond sat in the middle of the garden, surrounded with beautiful flowers. A few wooden benches and a swing sat in the backyard. I picked a small bench close to the pond. I peeked inside. Big and small goldfish swam around. Water lilies floated on the surface. I leaned back and enjoyed the peaceful day.

  "There you are!" cried out Juliana.

  I turned around and stood. "Hey, is it thirty minutes already?"

  "Fifteen," said Juliana. "I asked Michael to drop me off. I didn't want you to be alone out here."

  "You don't have to do that," I said. "I'm fine. See I have lots of friends." I pointed to the goldfish.

  Juliana laughed. "Yes, handsome too."

  A frog jumped into the pond. We both jumped and laughed some more.

  "That's your handsome Prince Charming," I said.

  "You should tell Michael later," said Juliana. "Let's check out the garden. They're beautiful."

  We walked around and admired the pretty flowers. Fifteen minutes later, Michael grabbed Juliana from behind and held her up in midair. Juliana screamed bloody murder.

  Standing by the rose bushes, I watched the lovebirds and laughed.

  Chapter Four

  The twins, Michelle and Marilyn, greeted us at the door to the ranch house. Because the twins were identical, I couldn't tell them apart if they hadn't changed the color of their hair and painted their faces. Michelle, the older by one minute, had a fiery red hair with the face of a cute cat. Marilyn colored her hair purple and painted her face with the prettiest of blue butterfly.