Read The Angel of Terror Page 33

  Chapter XXXIII

  "Now explain." His words were a command, his tone peremptory.

  Jean, who knew men, and read them without error, realised that this wasnot a moment to temporise.

  "I will explain to you, Francois, but I do not like the way you speak,"she said. "It is not you I wish to compromise, but Madame Meredith."

  "In this letter I wrote for you I said I was going away. I confessed toyou that I had forged a cheque for five million francs. That is a veryserious document, mademoiselle, to be in the possession of anybody butmyself." He looked at her straight in the eyes and she met his gazeunflinchingly.

  "The thing will be made very clear to you to-morrow, Francois," she saidsoftly, "and really there is no reason to worry. I wish to end thisunhappy state of affairs."

  "With me?" he asked quickly.

  "No, with Madame Meredith," she answered. "I, too, am tired of waitingfor marriage and I intend asking my father's permission for the weddingto take place next week. Indeed, Francois," she lowered her eyesmodestly, "I have already written to the British Consul at Nice, askinghim to arrange for the ceremony to be performed."

  The sallow face of the chauffeur flushed a dull red.

  "Do you mean that?" he said eagerly. "Jean, you are not deceiving me?"

  She shook her head.

  "No, Francois," she said in that low plaintive voice of hers, "I couldnot deceive you in a matter so important to myself."

  He stood watching her, his breast heaving, his burning eyes devouringher, then:

  "You will give me back that letter I wrote, Jean?" he said.

  "I will give it to you to-morrow."

  "To-night," he said, and took both her hands in his. "I am sure I amright. It is too dangerous a letter to be in existence, Jean, dangerousfor you and for me--you will let me have it to-night?"

  She hesitated.

  "It is in my room," she said, an unnecessary statement, and, in thecircumstances, a dangerous one, for his eyes dropped to the bag thathung at her wrist.

  "It is there," he said. "Jean darling, do as I ask," he pleaded. "Youknow, every time I think of that letter I go cold. I was a madman when Iwrote it."

  "I have not got it here," she said steadily. She tried to draw back, butshe was too late. He gripped her wrists and pulled the bag roughly fromher hand.

  "Forgive me, but I know I am right," he began, and then like a fury sheflew at him, wrenched the bag from his hand, and by the very violence ofher attack, flung him backward.

  He stared at her, and the colour faded from his face leaving it a deadwhite.

  "What is this you are trying to do?" he glowered at her.

  "I will see you in the morning, Francois," she said and turned.

  Before she could reach the head of the stairs his arm was round her andhe had dragged her back.

  "My friend," he said between his teeth, "there is something in thismatter which is bad for me."

  "Let me go," she breathed and struck at his face.

  For a full minute they struggled, and then the door opened and Mr.Briggerland came in, and at the sight of his livid face, Mordon releasedhis hold.

  "You swine!" hissed the big man. His fist shot out and Mordon went downwith a crash to the ground. For a moment he was stunned, and then with asnarl he turned over on his side and whipped a revolver from his hippocket. Before he could fire, the girl had gripped the pistol andwrenched it from his hand.

  "Get up," said Briggerland sternly. "Now explain to me, my friend, whatyou mean by this disgraceful attack upon mademoiselle."

  The man rose and dusted himself mechanically and there was that in hisface which boded no good to Mr. Briggerland.

  Before he could speak Jean intervened.

  "Father," she said quietly, "you have no right to strike Francois."

  "Francois," spluttered Briggerland, his dark face purple with rage.

  "Francois," she repeated calmly. "It is right that you should know thatFrancois and I will be married next week."

  Mr. Briggerland's jaw dropped.

  "What?" he almost shrieked.

  She nodded.

  "We are going to be married next week," she said, "and the little sceneyou witnessed has nothing whatever to do with you."

  The effect of these words on Mordon was magical. The malignant frownwhich had distorted his face cleared away. He looked from Jean toBriggerland as though it were impossible to believe the evidence of hisears.

  "Francois and I love one another," Jean went on in her even voice. "Wehave quarrelled to-night on a matter which has nothing to do withanybody save ourselves."

  "You're--going--to--marry--him--next--week?" said Mr. Briggerland dully."By God, you'll do nothing of the sort!"

  She raised her hand.

  "It is too late for you to interfere, father," she said quietly."Francois and I shall go our way and face our own fate. I'm sorry youdisapprove, because you have always been a very loving father to me."

  That was the first hint Mr. Briggerland had received that there might besome other explanation for her words, and he became calmer.

  "Very well," he said, "I can only tell you that I strongly disapprove ofthe action you have taken and that I shall do nothing whatever tofurther your reckless scheme. But I must insist upon your coming back tothe house now. I cannot have my daughter talked about."

  She nodded.

  "I will see you to-morrow morning early, Francois," she said. "Perhapsyou will drive me into Nice before breakfast. I have some purchases tomake."

  He bowed, and reached out his hand for the revolver which she had takenfrom him.

  She looked at the ornate weapon, its silver-plated metal parts, thegraceful ivory handle.

  "I'm not going to trust you with this to-night," she said with her raresmile. "Good night, Francois."

  He took her hand and kissed it.

  "Good night, Jean," he said in a tremulous voice. For a moment theireyes met, and then she turned as though she dared not trust herself andfollowed her father down the stairs.

  They were half-way to the house when she laid her hand on Briggerland'sarm.

  "Keep this," she said. It was Francois' revolver. "It is probably loadedand I thought I saw some silver initials inlaid in the ivory handle. IfI know Francois Mordon, they are his."

  "What do you want me to do with it?" he said as he slipped the weapon inhis pocket.

  She laughed.

  "On your way to bed, come in to my room," she said. "I've quite a lot totell you," and she sailed into the drawing-room to interrupt Mrs.Cole-Mortimer, who was teaching a weary Lydia the elements of bezique.

  "Where have you been, Jean?" asked Lydia, putting down her cards.

  "I have been arranging a novel experience for you, but I'm not so surethat it will be as interesting as it might--it all depends upon thestate of your young heart," said Jean, pulling up a chair.

  "My young heart is very healthy," laughed Lydia. "What is theinteresting experience?"

  "Are you in love?" challenged Jean, searching in a big chintz bag whereshe kept her handiwork for a piece of unfinished sewing. (Jean'sdomesticity was always a source of wonder to Lydia.)

  "In love--good heavens, no."

  "So much the better," nodded Jean, "that sounds as though the experiencewill be fascinating."

  She waited until she had threaded the fine needle before she explained.

  "If you really are not in love and you sit on the Lovers' Chair, thename of your future husband will come to you. If you're in love, ofcourse, that complicates matters a little."

  "But suppose I don't want to know the name of my future husband?"

  "Then you're inhuman," said Jean.

  "Where is this magical chair?"

  "It is on the San Remo road beyond the frontier station. You've beenthere, haven't you, Margaret?"

  "Once," said Mrs. Cole-Mortimer, who had not been east of Cap Martin,but whose rule it was never to admit that she had missed anything worthseeing.

  "In a
wild, eerie spot," Jean went on, "and miles from any humanhabitation."

  "Are you going to take me?"

  Jean shook her head.

  "That would ruin the spell," she said solemnly. "No, my dear, if youwant that thrill, and, seriously, it is worth while, because the sceneryis the most beautiful of any along the coast, you must go alone."

  Lydia nodded.

  "I'll try it. Is it too far to walk?" she asked.

  "Much too far," said Jean. "Mordon will drive you out. He knows the roadvery well and you ought not to take anybody but an experienced driver. Ihave a _permis_ for the car to pass the frontier; you will probably meetfather in San Remo--he is taking a motor-cycle trip, aren't you, daddy?"

  Mr. Briggerland drew a long breath and nodded. He was beginning tounderstand.