Read The Arms of the Watcher Page 17

  Chapter 17; Mav’s Plan Unfolds

  At the end of the pool at the far right eye of the Watcher, the People had constructed a tiny stream. It had been dug longer and longer over the life times of the People. It went along the wall to form another small pool. Trees and bushes had been cultivated all around this new pool until there was a place of privacy. It was the bath area. Large pieces of tent canvas had been cleverly draped over the plant life to create a space for a woman to bathe at one end and a man to bathe at the other. Men usually bathed during the day when the women were gathering and the women would bathe after dinner when the men were busy lying to each other at various fire circles around camp.

  Jin took Mav’s soaps and potions into the tent with her. She washed and dried her hair applying the oils to her hair before weaving it into her personal braid style. From a cleverly constructed, tiny shell of oil, she found a woody smelling perfume. This she applied to every inch of skin. Her own body heat and the heat of the fire would turn her into a cloud of perfume. She said a prayer to the Watcher that the witch’s potion would catch the attention of the man she desperately needed.

  Putting on her newest robes, she made her way to Kiv’s tent. The circles were just forming. Most of the People were still eating their own meals and had not arrived for the stories yet. Lar was off at the edge of the camp saying good night to his mother. She went up to his brother. His giant form dwarfed her like she had never seen before. “Uncle…may I speak with Thee?”

  “Yes, child?”

  “I wish to serve the Watch Man this evening. Will you tell your girls?”

  “Of course, dear.” He smiled to him self as he went off to do her bidding.

  He watched her run off to the cook area. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the little he had witness the other morning. “Please save my dear brother tonight, darling child.”

  He turned to face the Watcher so that no one would hear his prayer, “May the Watcher bless your hunts this day, child. O mein!” he whispered.

  Content in his complicity with her little plan, he greeted the Watch Man as he returned from his mother’s tent. They sat together and discussed the rumors about what jewels were found or yet to be found. The serving girls brought them bowls to wash their hands and feet.

  Lar smelled her before he saw her. He turned and looked down at the beautiful girl before him, “Yes, sister..? Oh, Jin, child…How good it is to see you again.” He filled his nose with her aroma. ‘She’s hunting for a different kind of heart tonight. If only it were mine…’ he said morosely to himself.

  Out loud, he asked, “What can I do for Thee, child?”

  “Please allow me to serve Thee this evening. It would be such an honor.”

  “As thee wish, child.” He was just glad to have her near.

  Without a word, Jin appeared at Lar’s side and began to wash his feet. She dried them carefully. The smell of her was over whelming. She managed to get the oils from her hands on his feet and hands so that even when she was not near him, he smelled her.

  The elders of the People formed the inner line of the story circle. Around them, lovers of stories sat in every space available. At Lar’s elbow, she stayed, a small flame topped figure. She smiled at the stories and laughed quietly at the jokes. All she could think of was the beauty of this man and the depth of sadness in his eyes when he was not talking.

  Once the eating was over, she still remained nearby. By her presence, she had carved out a clear place for herself at her beloved’s side. If any one tried to sit there while she was away getting more food or drink, a look from Kiv would send them scurrying back to their old spot. Kiv knew the plan. Actually, the plan became clear to nearly everyone but Lar. Fairly early in the evening, the die was cast and all were on board. They all loved their Watch man and wanted him to be happy.

  The plan worked beautifully. She stayed near him. Every time he turned around, she was there, smiling and tending his every need. Through the long evening, he began to smile at her as well. It was clear to all that he was more and more comfortable with her inside his first circle. As the evening wore on, she sat and waited. Hugging her woolen cloak about her, she smiled herself to sleep among the others. She awoke from time to time to make sure that he had not left her.

  Again, the party lasted until the gray hours of morning. As the night progressed, people slipped off to their tents and to their women. Seeing the mating dance between lar and Jin had aroused them to thoughts of their own loves. Those that had no one, just curled up where they were and slept.

  Throughout supper, Jin stayed at his side, filling his cup and keeping him stocked with the best pieces of whatever course they were on. Soon, the stories began. With much practiced skill, Lar and Kiv held them rapt with their shared style of story telling. As before, a crowd soon surrounded the two entertainers, filling the edge’s of Kiv’s camp site. Lar sat in the place of honor at the right side of his best friend.

  The people were told the legend of the hunt for each kind of game that was served. If the story did not match the hunt for this piece of meat, then, a story was told about a similar hunt fraught with far more danger. The end of each story, the crowd was left with no doubt that the teller was lucky to be alive at all.

  Again the sides of the main tent were flapped up to let in the cooling evening air and let out the smells of food and smoke that would have stifled the fun. Jin laughed with the rest of the listeners. She applauded for the skill of the two story tellers at the of each tale. Some times they told the stories together. Some times, they competed to out tell the other. The torches began to gutter in the breeze. That was the sign for entertainments to end. Lar took his leave of his cousin and his wife.

  Kiv and Lar paid no attention. They enjoyed each other’s company so much, the night slipped away from them. Again, they were surprised by the impending dawn. Lar staggered to is feet, “Whew…I have sat too long…”

  “Age makes drink stronger…”

  “And age makes the drinker weaker…” they laughed together.

  In the dark space outside of the fire light, he smelled that smell. He saw a shadow move against the trunk of a tree.“Jin?”

  “Lar…” came a soft voice.

  He followed the smell to her soft form in the dark, “You should not be here.”

  “I am free to go where ever I wish.” She pulled him close. He warmed her. She had worn as few clothes as she was allowed. She had been fine in the activity and the fire light, but she had chilled waiting to spring her trap.

  He did not move away from her, “People will talk badly about you.”

  With a two armed shove, she pushed him away. “Keep moving, then…tongues will wag either way. I am sure the sharp eyes of some sharp tongued harpy have spotted us here in the dark. Soon, all will know.”

  He stepped back to enfold her in his arms. “What will they know?”

  “That I love you…” she whispered into his coat.

  “But…I saw that stone… Thee mate with any one Thee wishes… You don’t want an old hermit such as I…This harsh life that I live…You deserve better.” Lar staggered away from her, heading home.

  With out a further word, she took his arm. He could not see who was steadying him. No words were spoken. He went meekly along as the wraith nearly had to drag him across the wadi and up his old steps. Once on the upper level, he was gently laid on the pillows and comforts of his bed. “Thankee, child,” he mumbled, slipping off to alcohol induced sleep.

  Jin sat by his bed holding his hand. He stirred, but did not wake. He squeezed her hand silently. A long, wet tear traced a line down his cheek and into his beard. “Han…”

  She could only look at his beautiful face. She ran her fingers gently through his hair. The sun of Tear Wadi had bleached it many colors from the deep auburn color that she remembered from her youth. Watching the tear slowly course down his face, her heart broke. She wiped the tear from his face, careful not to wake him.

  She was nearly ov
ercome with the need to lay with him and comfort him. “Some day, my sweet love, I will wipe those tears away for ever.”

  She pulled her hand slowly from his, trying not to wake him. He moved his hand around seeking hers. Sadly, she realized that it was most likely not her hand that he sought, but her poor dead sister’s hand. Before she could stand it no longer, she rushed from the room. She stopped in the gray dawn light to check the camp for any early risers who might catch her. Seeing none, she slipped into the bushes that lined the oasis. She crept silently from shadow to shadow so that no one saw her.

  She would be beaten for being found in a man’s bed chamber before they were betrothed. The tongue waggers would just love that. Silent as a shadow, she reached the bottom unseen. She went to her own room and lay down until the gathering would resume. At break fast, she and Mav shared a silent smile as they went through their normal pre-gathering duties.