Read The Arms of the Watcher Page 21

  Chapter 21; The Robbers Return

  When the days numbered four and ten, Gathering Time was over. Jin was in her new favorite spot. It was bright and early on the fifteenth day. She sat in the large stone chair carved into the bridge of the Watcher's nose. She was all wrapped up in a wool cover. Lar came out wiping the last crumbs of his breakfast from his shirtfront, “Different view from up here, eh, my love?”

  “Yes…it will be strange at first, to be alone…but, I have you…” she reached up and put her tiny hand in his large one.

  “And I am very glad that I will have you…” Hand in hand, they watched the last of the camp being struck. People were scurrying everywhere. The remaining Tears were trod upon like any other stones. It was now forbidden to touch any of the Watcher's Tears.

  “Hey…what is that?” she said. She pointed out over the desert. They saw a piercing light shoot out of a dune. They tried to get someone's attention, but everyone was too busy to notice them. They began running down the steps. As they went down they could see a dust cloud forming in the desert and heading toward their home. They ran breathlessly into a crowd of men at the pool. “Father, someone is approaching!”

  “Are you sure, Dear? This is not the season for caravans.”

  Lar added, “These men are heavily armed. The light off of their swords and armor was what showed them to us at first." Lar was breathless from his long run.

  Kal was furious, “This is holy ground. This sacrilege must be punished. What must we do?"

  Lar drew himself up to his full height. He pulled the hood of his robe forward. His face must not be seen when he quoted the Law. From inside the hood, his voice was different. All of the People standing around heard the clear use of the Voice of the Watcher, “Bring my People within my arms. No harm can come to them there. Place a chair in the gate space.”

  Kiv now assumed his role as Weapons Master. The Hunts men formed a barrier of armed men across the gate. Kal looked at two young men just standing there, “You heard him…Get my chair! Circle the wagons inside the arms…” People scurried to comply.

  Lar continued to quote the Law in his Watcher voice. “The first Tear touched by a stranger, that man will be seen no more.” He took a small pile of stones out of his pocket. This amount would be a fortune for anyone but the Watch Man. To him it was nothing.

  Lar uncovered his head. He looked at his cousin. He knew that Kiv was prone to foolishness, “Kiv…put away your weapons.”

  The big man drew himself to full height, “Now, little brother… do not worry… We have dealt with this sort of trash before…” He continued strapping on his leather bucklers.

  Lar got very still. He leaned in to face the giant, “Kiv…”

  Kiv was shaken. He had never heard Lar use the Voice aimed at him before. “Kiv… this is the Watcher’s work. Please keep our tribe in line.”

  Kiv put out his arms. All of his tribe had heard the Voice of the Watcher come from Lar. They all stared at the two men, wondering what to do. Kiv settled it, “Hold! We must obey.”

  Lar left him and went to the mouth of the Wadi to rejoin Kal.