Read The Aslaric Vampire Page 8

  “Marvin, now… This is our night, let’s just dance and enjoy ourselves.”

  “Why didn’t your parents want to take pictures of us together? It’s our senior homecoming dance. We only get one and this is it…”

  Bristol remained silent, for fear of saying the wrong thing. She placed her hands on the small of Marvin’s back and pulled him as close to her as possible. She pressed her face into his chest and took a deep breath. Marvin was enjoying the closeness of her, but he was still searching for answers to his queries.

  “Bristol, be honest with me baby… Are you ashamed of me?”

  “Goodness no! I could never be ashamed of you Marvin, I lo-… care for you too much.”

  Marvin stopped dancing for a minute and looked into her eyes.

  “What were you about to say? You love me? Because I’ve been meaning to tell you that same thing Bristol. It’s true… I love you.”

  Bristol’s heart started pounding harder than she’d ever felt it beat before in her life. She thought she was on the verge of a heart attack before she realized how absurd that thought was.

  What do I say? She thought as she looked around the room with panic in her eyes. If I tell him I do love him, what will happen to me? What will happen to us? Oh my goodness!

  “Bristol, are you o.k.?”

  Think quick! “Yea, I’m fine Marvin; I just had a little heartburn, that’s all. I’m fine now.”

  “Heartburn? Well come with me, let’s step outside and take a walk. I’ll grab us two bottles of water real quick. Don’t go anywhere.”

  He stepped off towards the condiment section before she could say anything.

  What have I gotten myself into? She thought as she stood there scared out of her mind. She considered all of the options she had. I could just run right now, pick up and leave this city. I could leave this relationship behind. I don’t have to break the agreement I have with Lord Aslar if I just go right now. If I do break the agreement, my family will be endangered. I will be endangered. Marvin will be endangered. Blood will shed. People will die. Turmoil and chaos would be rampant not only between me and Lord Aslar, but between me, Aslar, my family; and even Marvin and his family. How do I even know if Marvin will believe me if I told him the truth? Surely he won’t believe such a thing! What do I do?

  “Hellllllllooo… Earth to Bristol; can you hear me?” Marvin had been standing directly in front of her for 20 seconds straight and she hadn’t even noticed him standing there.

  “I’m sorry?” She asked with depression and confusion set deep into her face.

  “Come on girl, let’s take a walk.”

  Bristol and Marvin walked out of the ballroom holding hands while many of their classmates looked on in awe. The black girls were jealous because a white girl had come to their school and showed them what a good man they had been looking over. They weren’t prejudiced, but in that part of Georgia they weren’t used to seeing young interracial couples that were serious about each other.

  When he got close to the door, he saw his former best friend Patrick, walk in with Lucy Pellino. Patrick and Lucy both were wearing two thousand dollar outfits and sporting expensive accessories. They stole the spotlight as soon as they entered, and the you’re a loser smirk that Patrick and Lucy was giving off wasn’t lost to Marvin and Bristol.

  Marvin couldn’t help but to think how much better his life could have been if he hadn’t quit working with Patrick. They kept walking, passing the last row of speakers and going through the metal detectors. When they got outside, the cool night air brushed across Marvin’s skin, causing him to shiver.

  Bristol took a deep breath and instantly sensed danger in the forecast. In the distance, she could smell vampire blood approaching; and she needed to get Marvin back inside the school where it was much safer. She had to think fast though…

  “Marvin, I’m a little cold… I think we should go back inside.”

  Marvin took off his jacket and wrapped it around her body. “There… you need to get some fresh air and drink some water Bristol. I don’t like that you’re having heartburn. I just don’t like that.”

  Mannnn! She thought as she desperately tried to figure out a way to get him back inside.

  “I’m better now Marvin, let’s go back in.” She turned to walk off, but he grabbed her arm.


  She turned around and met his gaze. The stars illuminated the parking lot with a natural seductiveness that neither of them could deny. She loved the night time already, but seeing Marvin in the night did things to her that she couldn’t even explain.

  “What is it Marvin?”

  “You said you were better now… so let me hear you say it. Tell me you love me if you mean it. If you don’t mean it, then don’t say it.”

  And there it was. Marvin had successfully put Bristol on the spot. She no longer had a way to come up with excuses. She couldn’t escape or avoid the question any longer. Here she was after 220 years, with only 5 years to go, and love had caught up with her. She was supposed to be doing this for her family, for her bloodline to continue to get passed on for generations to come; and here she was… failing.

  Failing her mother and father… Her aunt and her uncle. Failing Marvin and falling victim to her own emotions and feelings. She had failed to seize control over the moment. Marvin’s face scrunched up through her silence, and then he turned his back on her.

  “Fine… I understand.” And as he said it, a pain shot through her heart that she had never experienced before. She knew that if she didn’t explain things to Marvin, she was going to lose him. And for the first time ever, she realized that she’d rather lose her life and expose her secrets than to lose her first love.

  “Marvin…” Her voice was soft, her aura suddenly lacking confidence as she switched her weight from one foot to the next.

  “What?” He turned around and stared at the girl he loved, wishing that she would love him in return. He stood there wishing that he could read her mind, but having no clue that she was able to read his. He stood before her running different reasons through his mind about why she hadn’t told him that she loved him; but none of the excuses he thought of was wild enough to equal the truth.

  “Marvin…” she spoke, as tears started to form in her eyes, “there’s a lot about me that you don’t know; and even more stuff than I could ever expect for you to understand…”

  Marvin stood before her, calm and expressionless; waiting for the love of his life to tell him why they could no longer be. She stood there tense, trying to select her words carefully. She took a deep breath, and could smell venomous vampire blood approaching in the distance.

  By her estimates; it, he, or she was still about 25 miles out from the high school. She estimated that she had about 30 minutes before things turned ugly. She swallowed her pride and suppressed her fears long enough to get her words out.

  “If… I told you that I had killed a human being and gotten away with it, would you still love me like you think you do?”

  Marvin frowned up at her in disgust; his look sending volts of terror through Bristol’s body. She was beginning to think that she had already made a mistake by opening up to him too soon.

  Marvin started shaking his head and his lip started to tremble.

  I knew it, she thought, if he couldn’t handle that small info, then I know he won’t be able to handle the truth.

  “Wow… you’re getting angry because I could possibly be a killer?”

  “No. I’m getting angry because you have the audacity to think that you could question my love for you. Bristol… I love you. And I don’t care if you’re a murderer or an angel. But if I continue to love you without you loving me, that’s not healthy. I cannot do that. I just can’t…”

  Bristol had tears running paths through her makeup and dripping off of her face. Her mascara was ruined and her nerves were on edge as she stood
in the moon’s glow. Normally in a tight situation, she would pray to Lord Aslar for assistance. But since she was about to shatter her promise with him, she knew that it would be useless.

  “Bristol baby… please tell me why you’re crying. If I’m putting too much pressure on you, I’m sorry. I never meant to come off sounding desperate. I-”

  “I’m a vampire.” She blurted out suddenly.

  Marvin had no reaction whatsoever; he just stood there staring at her. In the story that her Uncle told her, there had been a stampede in the distance; so she quickly remembered that telling him she was a vampire had been the easiest part of her task. She still hadn’t told him that she loved him.

  “What’s so hard about you telling me that you’re a “vampire” Bristol?”

  She was surprised. She thought his reaction would have been a lot more powerful than that. “So you don’t think I’m crazy or anything? You act as if you’ve met vampires or something.”

  Marvin took her hand and kissed it.

  “Of course I’ve met vampires before. There are cults; entire gangs of people who think they’re vampires. They drink blood and everything, but a few of them end up throwing up because it makes them sick. I have no problem with it Bristol, I’m sure you’ll grow out of it.”

  Bristol was getting furious because she felt like Marvin was taking her for a joke. She saw that another couple had walked outside and was trying to eavesdrop. “Marvin… come with me.”

  She grabbed his arm and pulled him along until she made it to the other side of the school. They kept walking until they got to the softball field and stopped, noticing that the entrance gate had 10 padlocks on it; all locked. She crossed her arms and stared at the man she loved. She knew that this night was going to change her life, for better or for worse; and that worse could mean death, but it was a chance that she was willing to take.

  “I’m not a part of some stupid cult Marvin. I am the real deal…”

  She read his thoughts and saw that he didn’t believe her. “O.K. Marvin, open the locks on this gate.”

  He glanced down and grinned. “That’s impossible, I can’t pick locks. I don’t know how.”

  “No… put your hands on the chain and snap in into two pieces. Use your strength.”

  Marvin shook his head and sighed. Then he grabbed a hold of the heavy chain and pulled as hard as he could. The chain didn’t budge, it seemed to be laughing at him for attempting such a feat. He let go of it and brushed some of the dust off of the arm of his jacket.

  “You knew I couldn’t do that Bristol. That made no sense whatsoever.”

  She had a serious look on her face. “Of course I knew that.” Then she grabbed the chain with her thumb and her index finger, and gave it a tug. The chain ripped away from the padlocks and separated from the fence.

  A lump arose in Marvin’s throat, his eyes were huge as he studied what was left of the chain and padlocks. His heart was beating fast, not because he was scared, but because he knew that there was nothing in this world that could stop him from loving Bristol.

  She had tears in her eyes as she threw the chain onto the grass. “Don’t you see?” She cried. “I’m a freak of nature. I’m not just some innocent 17 year old girl! I’m this… freak! I hate being this way Marvin! See… I didn’t even have to rip the chain off of the gate!” She crouched down and leapt clear over the 18 foot fence.

  She landed on her feet on the other side and took a seat. She sat there and sobbed, knowing that she had lost her first love and exposed her secrets in the process.

  Stunned and dazed, Marvin walked through the fence’s entrance and crouched down beside her. “Baby… why are you crying? That’s the only thing I don’t understand… I mean… I had no clue you were… like that… but… I still like you…”

  “Marvin… being with me could be dangerous. I’m serious…”

  He lifted her to her feet and kissed the tears away from her face. “The only thing dangerous is if I have to be without you Bristol. I don’t know if I want to continue living my life if you’re not going to be in it.”

  Bristol saw that he was telling the truth and it warmed her heart immensely. He placed his delicate human fingers beneath her chin and lifted it up. Then his plump lips connected with hers for the most electrifying moment that they had ever endured. It was the very first kiss for both of them.

  Her first kiss after over 220 years shook her to her core. She experienced a tingle below her waist that she had never felt before, and it seemed as if all of her powers had been taken away from her for a fleeting moment. Her knees felt weak and her body felt as if it weighed nothing.

  Senses had awakened in places that she didn’t even know she could feel. The kiss made her feel like a hundred feathers were tickling her brain. So this is what love feels like, she thought as she wrapped her arms around Marvin’s body.

  “I love you Bristol.” He said with inspired hope in his voice.

  “Marvin,” she whispered, “I love you too.”

  It was a monumental moment. An event. A verbal recognition of true love between complex opposites. Just by her saying those words, it felt like a 200 year burden had been lifted off of her body. She inhaled the scent of Marvin’s body, noting that its fragrance was suddenly sweeter.

  She saw that Marvin was the happiest that he’d ever been, and this made her heart melt. She inhaled deeper, and realized that the vampire that was 25 miles away couldn’t be detected anymore. To her it felt like most of her emotional problems had been solved. She was in love.

  And she was going to do everything within her power to make sure that she protected her love. Even if it meant that she would have to die for him, she would be fine with that. She was aware that everything happened for a reason, and felt that she had lived all those years for this one moment.

  “You don’t care that I’m… some weirdo?” You don’t care that I’m a blood-drinking demon? You don’t even look surprised Marvin. Tell me what you’re thinking about… please.”

  He took a deep breath and looked up at the moonlit sky. “I’m not surprised because I just don’t care. As long as I can be with you forever, I don’t care what your issues are. We’ll work through them”

  Bristol smiled at him. Her smile telling him everything he needed and wanted to hear. He smiled in return. A smile so warm that it momentarily shook her. Briefly it touched her spirit in a way that only a loved one can. And that was when she knew that it was true. That was when she knew that it was going to be them against the word. She would never have to question this thing, this love… Even without questions, she knew that it was the type of love that would constantly demand answers. And she was fully prepared to provide them.

  They slowly walked around to the other side of the school where the Homecoming Dance was being held, and for both of them it seemed as if it was their first time experiencing life. It felt as if it was their very first time ever seeing the world. When they looked at the moon, it was 15 times brighter. When they looked at each other, they seemed 15 times closer, and it seemed that every 15 seconds they fell deeper and deeper into their coma of love.

  It was beautiful. Bristol had finally discovered what all the hype was about with that love word, and she was far from disappointed. The only question she asked herself was why she hadn’t fallen in love sooner. She couldn’t believe that she had missed out on so much. Had she known what love was 200 years ago, there was no way she could have gone 200 years without it.

  She now knew the difference between familial love and incredible love. Her heart was throbbing at a frantic rate and her breathing seemed out of this world. It seemed as if every time she took a deep breath, her lungs inhaled for Marvin and exhaled for them. She had arrived to life; 220 years late, but love was right on time.

  They went back inside and danced the night away. They closed their eyes and embraced each other throughout all of the slow jams. They rubbed the
ir bodies against each other, getting familiar with their other half. Midway through a song, Bristol opened her eyes; and was surprised to see that Marvin opened his at the same time that she did. They stared at each other for a second, then they both leaned in for an earth rattling, soul clenching kiss. The kiss fast became a drug for Bristol; she was addicted, but she wasn’t going to abuse it just yet.

  After they got through taking pictures, they walked into the refreshment lounge to get something to drink. But by the time they made it there, Bristol was clutching her stomach; and doubled over in pain.

  “Bristol, are you o.k.?” Marvin was nervous, but he didn’t think it was anything serious.

  Bristol fell to the floor clutching her stomach. Her mouth opened up and an acknowledgement of pain burst out of there. Marvin picked her up and hurriedly walked through the crowd, on his way to the car. He caught Patrick’s smirk through his peripheral vision and ignored it. He knew that people of hate would always be of hate, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.



  “Bristol, are you o.k.?” He asked her once he had taken her to the car. She was lying in the seat sweating profusely. Her arms were trembling and she couldn’t sit still long enough to take a deep breath. He grabbed his white handkerchief out of his coat pocket and tilted her face up so that he could wipe the sweat away from her face. But when he saw her face, he was instantly alarmed.

  “Bristol! What’s going on with you? What is happening?”

  Bristol frowned, but that frown made everything much worse. “What Marvin? I’m sick, please take me home.”

  “Bristol… look in this mirror!”

  When Bristol looked into the mirror and saw her reflection, she knew exactly what was going on. She was transforming into a human again. Instead of Lord Aslar punishing her the way that he punished her Aunt and Uncle back in the day, he’d came with something unexpected. He had given her the one thing she’d always asked for. He had made her human.

  The downside was that she was going to be a 220 year old human being. Her skin was getting more and more wrinkled by the second. Her hair was turning grayer by the minute. She felt her face slowly start to suck itself in as if there was a vacuum inside of it.