Read The Autumn Reunion Page 2

  Chapter 2


  James spent most of what remained of Sunday morning with his grandmother talking about past times that they that spent together while enjoying each other’s company. In his earlier years it had been his grandmother who had looked after him, after his parents had been killed in a motorcar accident. They had been returning home from a Christmas party when a drunk driver hit their car head on near Boulters Bridge at the southern end of the town.

  Being so young it had been hard for him to understand what had happened. Finding himself in a house with just his grandmother had all seemed strange at first, but later he had accepted it as normal. During those early years he had even called her Mum a couple of times. So it was years later that whenever there was a problem it was always Gran as he called her, who had been there to listen. Now in their older years whenever they got together, which was not very often? It was always a time of remembering the good times and of reminiscing about the things that they had done together, during his grown up.

  Their personal memories were brought to an intrusive abrupt end by the phone ringing in the hall. James jumped up to answer it knowing full well that Gran did not receive many calls; it just had to be for him. It was Adriana still sounding a little worse for wear after the reunion party the night before. She informed James that at the reunion they had both agreed to attend a get together party at Judith’s house in the village of Great Finborough out in the countryside. Apparently there were several people who were at the reunion who would be going with their partners. James was trying to remember but kept coming up with a blank about the invitation, while Adriana was also suffering from the same problem. It had been Judith who had just rung to check that they would still be going.

  James just accepted what she was saying and told her that he would be there, but was further shocked to find out that it was being held that afternoon and evening. With that he tried to wriggle out of it but it was no good Adriana just kept pestering him. She reminding him that he had to go as everybody would think that he had snubbed them. Reluctantly he agreed and made arrangements to pick her up around 3 pm.

  They arrived at the party to be greeted by a large group of old school friends, who had all been at the reunion the night before. Only this time they had to be introduced to all of their partners. The drink was already flowing freely and they were given a glass of wine and a bottle of beer as they walked through the front door. Most of the partygoers were already into the swing of things, as if they had just walked out of one party and into another. The music was pumping out from the large stereo system in the corner of the lounge room. So it did not take long for Adriana and James to also drop into the swing of things and get into the dancing spirit once again. Just a couple of drinks and it was like the hair of the dog, away they went as if there had been no party the night before.

  Adriana once again was very guarded of the fact that James had made a big impression on most of the ex-pupils the night before. She hung onto his arm as if they were glued together. More than once she whispered in to his ear that she wanted him to return home with her once the party was over. She could not remember what had happened the night before, but she was certainly going to remember this night. As far as she was concerned, tonight was the night that she was going to cuddle up to his warm body under the sheets while in her bed. Further more she would make sure that the doors were well and truly locked throughout the house; no nosy neighbour was going to stick their head in and come between her and her sexual ambitions. However, it was still nagging her as to what had really happened last night. Had she slept with James or had he had it away with Janice as she was trying to insinuated. It was still no good asking James as he had earlier told her that he could not remember a thing and that his mind was also a complete blank.

  While Adriana went to the smallest room in house, James made his way into the kitchen to top up his glass. There he bumped into an old classmate who he had not had a chance to talk to the night before. Daniel Harrison and James had been classmates right through their entire time at the school. However, upon finishing their education and leaving they had lost contact with each other. Therefore they were inquisitive as to what they had both been up to over the years. James had pictured him as some sort of Bank Manager or Solicitor or at least something along those lines.

  Daniel soon burst that bubble by informed James that he had been locked away for eight years in one of her Majesties prisons. Gee what for James asked? Arson Daniel replied. Wow that’s a hell of a long time for just striking a match. Yeah, it was my boss’s house. Unfortunately he was in it at the time, but they only got me on a technicality you know, said Daniel. What was that, James asked, Murder, Daniel replied with a laugh. The two of them had a good laugh and topped up each other’s glass and making a toast to the future.

  Prancing into the kitchen Judith immediately walked up to James putting her arm through his and snuggled up to him. Might as well make the best of it while Adriana is not around she said. I thought we might have some unfinished business to sort out. James while trying to be diplomatic, was careful what he said, the last thing he needed right now was a female war in front of all his old friends. Anyway Judith’s husband was watching what was going on, and being a jealous type of person he watched every move towards his wife. James did not want to be known as a marriage breaker, if he had a name like that then it would stick with him wherever he went.

  Can you remember the time you push biked over to see me and we spent some time watching the farmers harvesting the corn? James had to admit that he did, with a smile on his face he added, that would be the time we ended up romping in one of the haystacks. Sure would she told him and added that she had always remembered him whenever she saw a haystack. That would be every harvest time then, he laughed, you are right there she giggled. To his relief Adriana returned to the kitchen rescuing him from Judith’s clutches and her husband’s icy stares.

  Out in the lounge where the party was a great success James along with Adriana made his way over to Ronnie Laflin who had played football with him while in Class 4B. Ronnie had been the suave good-looking Casanova of the school. It was a class room joke that he would have dated anything if it wore a skirt, and it was felt that he would always end up with a good looking wife. Ronnie was sat on the settee between two women who James vaguely recognised. Ronnie stood up to greet him with an out stretched hand. He then introduced his two escorts as the identical Baker twins, Jennifer and Jean. James immediately recognised them and received a kiss on each cheek from them both at the same time. They had been at the primary school together, in fact for a time James had been more than just friendly with Jennifer. Their father was one of the local bank managers and James along with countless other boys in the area had all played in their very big wooded garden in Stowupland road. Both the girls had been very attractive, but James felt that they had mellowed over the years. Thinking that in the beauty stakes they had reached their peak a couple of years earlier. As the women sat down James quietly asked what was going on. Ronnie told him that he had married one of them, but that later he had fallen in love with the other one. So upon agreements being reached, they all moved in together. James told him that he was a lucky bugger to have two of them. Not really Ronnie replied, sometimes it's like listening to nagging in stereo. With that they both burst out laughing, but not Adriana she did not agree with what was happening and thought it all wrong. This did not stop James from telling Ronnie that he was still a lucky bugger, especially to have two good looking partners. Not only that to have identical twins, well that was even more incredible he said especially if they did everything the same way. There must have been times when he was not sure who he was with. James got to thinking that he would not be able to share a secret with one of them, not being sure which one he was talking to.

  James and Adriana continued moving around the room mingling with the other guests. Eventually they came across Angela and Tubby in the corner by the stereo sorting throug
h the piles of records and choosing the dance ones. James congratulated them on the performance the night before. Telling them that he thought it was great and that their harmonies worked perfectly together. Tubby gave him a brief history of the bands that he had played in, and of the musicians that had been members of those bands. Most had moved on to other more famous bands leaving Tubby to keep the flag flying locally, a job he had under taken well having a big following in the local area. He was happy in the thought that he had chosen to turn down many offers of following his fellow musician friends into the big time. He was happy that he had chosen to stay close to his family and friends and had become a very successful local businessman.

  James had always remembered Angela as the shy little girl from out of town. She had also learnt to sing with the local bands, before heading off to France to try her hand in the world of solo singers. Funny but as James remembered it she had not been to good at French while at school and wondered how she got on with a French audience. Then after ten years she had returned to Stowmarket and walked right into the vacancy of harmony singer along side of Tubby.

  Before James could tell Tubby what he had been up to over the years, Judith had grabbed him by his arm and was leading him away to meet somebody else. James found himself calling back to Tubby over his shoulder and telling him that he would hopefully see him later.

  The party was so good that it went on till the early hours of the morning, and as was to be expected by that time most of them were well and truly drunk and well over the limit to drive. A couple of them ordered taxis but the majority who did not have to go to work the next morning, took up Judith’s offer to stay the night. This pleased Adriana who was still hanging on to James’s arm, she then nudged him and when he looked at her she winked. Finally she thought she would now be able to climb between the sheets with him. It wasn’t on her turf but who cares she thought as long as the opportunity presented its self, she was going to take it with both hands.

  Her excitement was short lived as Judith went on to inform everybody that as there was so many of them. She had made up some beds and that all the men had to use the spare bedroom at the back, while the women would use the front spare room. Adriana let out a big sigh and looked at James mouthing the words towards him, not again. He just shrugged and leaned over to her and said don’t worry they’ll be all next week. Then as all of the guests sorted themselves out and started picking up their blankets from Judith. Adriana and James managed a quick kiss and cuddle and then disappointedly followed their own sex to the designated bedrooms.

  Twice during the night Adriana tried to get into the men’s front bedroom in an effort to get to James. On both occasions she walked onto other people whom were all staggering around drunk. All were trying the same thing, to get to their partners. However they were all destined to failure, because once in the other sexes room, it would have been even more chaotic. Both rooms were wall to wall with bodies lying over both beds and also covering the floor.

  In the morning James got up very early in an effort to use the bathroom first. Finding the door unlocked he assumed that he had it all to himself. However, he was wrong, as he walked in there in front of him was a female wearing just her bra and pants facing away from him, but bent over with her head hanging down in the small washbasin trying to wash her hair. James smiled to himself thinking that it was Adriana; he swore blind that he’d recognised the buttocks staring him in the face. Obviously she had not heard him enter the room as she carried on washing her hair. James quietly and slowly placed his hand between her legs and slowly caressed the inside of her upper thigh. With that she jumped up and hit her head on one of the taps letting out a cry of pain. Slowly she raised her head; James who was looking at her through the mirror on the wall in front of her could see that she had a thick covering of soap in her eyes. She calmly said I didn’t know you where up Frankie. I’m not, thought James, as he made a quiet but hasty retreat from the bathroom, suddenly realising that it was not Adriana. The name Frankie told him that it was in fact Judith the host of the party, Frankie being her husband. The end result of the incident was that James had stroked the inside of a women’s leg, and the women had been thrilled by the thought that her Husband had been the lucky one. Whatever was going to happen once both of them had a talk and found out, James had no idea and further more he did not intend hanging around to find out?

  After a light breakfast James and Adriana were in a hurry to leave and start their drive home. Only first they had to say goodbye to everybody especially the host Judith. As James kissed her on the cheek he could not help telling her that she had very smooth milky skin and immediately left before she had time to respond to his remark. He gave a little chuckle to himself thinking that at least now he knew how Frankie and Judith spiced up their marriage.

  On the way home they had a good laugh about what had happened over the sleeping arrangements, and then James told her about the bathroom incident. Oh so at least you got a thrill, that’s more than I got, she said rather grudgingly. Then upon reflection about the coming evening she suddenly brightened up in the belief that they would be able to finally sleep together that night.

  As Adriana’s house came into view they could see somebody on her front door step. Adriana looked shocked as she turned to James saying I don’t believe this.

  Once the car was parked they got out and walked up to the young lad standing by her front door. Where upon Adriana introduced James to her son Ray, who had just arrived home on leave secretly to surprise to his mum. And a big surprise it was, in more ways than one. Adriana knew that now it would not be right for James to sleep in her bed while her son was in the house. Once again she would not be able to climb between the sheets with her big hunk of a friend.

  After entering the house Adriana made them all a cup of tea and they sat around the kitchen table just talking and laughing about different subjects that came up.

  Adriana had been born in Stowmarket and was the same age as James, but they had not met until they had progressed in their education to the Stowmarket Secondary Modern School. Both of them lived within seeing distance of the school but somehow they had never met before then. Mainly because as an infant James had to go to the Primary school while Adriana had gone to a private junior school.

  At the Secondary school they had not only been in the same class, but had been placed so close together that their desks almost touched. With this constant contact and closeness they got to know each other in minute detail.

  During the second of the four years that they were to spend together, a love relationship developed between them that lasted for almost three years. For both of them it was their first time, so it was very special. They were constantly seen out together whenever it was possible, mainly at the Regal cinema at least twice a week. There was nothing smutty about the relationship it was just a case of a cuddle and lots of kissing. There was never any fondling or sex, Adriana had the old style of thoughts on marriage, where sex was never considered until after she was married. The few times that James had tried to coheres her into a little fondling he was told that she wanted to save herself. For what, James would always ask with a big grin on his face. Although at the end of the day he accepted her wishes, but only for the first couple of years of their relationship, but he was getting older and his body was changing. His classmates would constantly be bragging about their sexual conquests of their girl friends. Therefore it wasn’t long before James started to get the urge himself, he did not want to wait until they were married, so gradually he cut down on the amount of times that he picked up Adriana to take her out. He had not the courage to tell her what he was thinking, so instead he started dating a couple of other girls of his age. In an effort that Adriana never found out, he choose girls from the nearby Grammar school. At that time there was not much contact between the schools so he felt safe for the moment.

  By the time that they had finished their education they had just about ceased meeting each other. When James failed to mee
t her at the Galleon café after a visit to his aunts, she had thought that he had called off the relationship, refusing to see him whenever he tried to call her.

  Adriana found it hard to accept the fact that their romance was over, so why did she have to save herself, she would not be marrying him. Once James had left the town it was only a matter of a few months before Adriana met and married a young fellow from the local Royal Air Force station at Wattisham. Because of the brief courting period her whole family had warned her that the marriage would end up by being a complete disaster. Adriana thought she knew better and tried her hardest to make it work. For five years everything seemed to be okay especially with the birth of a son Ray.

  Ray brought a lot of happiness to them but it was short lived especially when her husband Ben was posted abroad on what was called a singles posting, this meant that she would have to stay at home. Their separation period of eighteen months placed a big strain on the marriage and her husband was the first to crack and had an affair with an officer’s wife. At that time officers were allowed to take their wives on tours of duty with them. By the time Ben arrived home it had become common knowledge that he’d fathered a child during the relationship with the officer's wife.

  Adriana had tried to accept his apologies and believe that he would not do it again, but she could not bring herself around to believing him. So they parted company on a sour note, Ray stayed with her while her husband stayed in the Royal Air Force and got himself posted to another area of the country.

  She had tried to get herself into other relationships but it just never worked out for her. Maybe it was a case of expecting too much of the guys she went with. Or maybe the new guys just did not want to take on a ready-made family. Whatever it was Adriana had ended up on the shelf as they say, she had become a wallflower. The real reason was more than likely the fact that she did not indulge in casual sex. To her the old adage she had used with James that it can happen once you are married had once again become her standards, but not of her so called male escorts. So it was that she had not slept with a man since her husband walked out of her life. Now meeting James she was about to drop her guard once again, only this time she was hoping that it would lead her to a better life with a man she had always loved.

  Ray went on and joined the Royal Navy with his mother’s best wishes, and made a good life for himself rising to the rank of Petty officer. He had turned out to be her whole life and she worshiped him, as there was no other male in her life. The career he had made for himself in the forces made her very proud that she had brought him up correctly. Unfortunately his long trips away from home had made her a very lonely person searching for that one shining light, that one-day might just walk into her life. During these lonely evenings that she had constantly spent on her own she had always wondered what had happened to James, and had she had done the right thing by not dropping her guard and letting him have his way with her.

  When she had read James’s message on the school web site a couple of months earlier, it had almost been an answer to her lonely prayers that she had constantly offered. At first she had worried just in case he had been playing her along and that in fact he was married. After all why would a good-looking guy like him not be married? She had thought that he would have been fighting the girls off, as they tried to batter down his front door. Her imagination had never ceased, at times thinking that he was married to a beautiful wife and to have fathered six or seven children. If she could believe his E–mails there was none of this, he was in fact free and available, and she was going to do her best to hang onto him this time, even if it meant getting between the sheets with him on their first encounter.

  She had finally changed her ideas and views on life, no longer did she believe in the old wives tale of saving one's self till marriage. All she wanted to do now was to be seduced by James, and this time the word marriage would not come into the equation. Specially after seeing the photo he sent attached to one of his E-mails. She could not believe how he had weathered the years and still looked as good looking as the day he left the town.

  While at the School reunion Olwin had informed James of her sister's husband Maurice, who was in the Ipswich hospital seriously ill with cancer. Maurice had been the person who had introduced James to music. One night while James was waiting for Adriana to finish night classes at the Secondary School, he had wandered into the Memorial hut on the recreation grounds after hearing music coming from the building. There he walked in onto Maurice who was playing an acoustic guitar, and with him was and a small group of friends who were all trying to sing along with him. James had been captivated by the sound they were achieving and even tried to join in.

  After a while when they took a short break from singing, James walked over and struck up a conversation with Maurice, quizzing him as much as possible about his guitar and how he was playing it. James was amazed when Maurice handed him the guitar and taught him a couple of chords to play. Then to everybody’s surprise James picked it up very easily and thirsted for more tuition. Maurice reckoned he was a natural and that he would be able to play with just a little help but he would have to get himself a guitar first.

  Maurice was home on leave from the Navy at the time and was just about at the end of his leave period. So it was several months before the two of them met up once again.

  That next time seemed an eternity in coming, but finally the big day came around and when James met him, Maurice had some exciting news for him. He had bought himself out of the Navy and he was about to marry Olwin’s sister and settle in the town. Which he did and found himself a job in the local record store. This store was to become James’s second home for almost a year, as he visited Maurice almost every late afternoon on his way home from school. The store became a Mecca for young people and was always full, as they thirsted for the latest hit parade songs and latest releases. All James wanted to hear was how to play the next chord, and Maurice was always there to show him. James would always use Maurice’s guitar that he kept at the shop, while at home he would practice on the beat up old second hand one that he had purchased for himself from his Christmas and birthday present money that he had saved up.

  Once James had mastered most of the major chords, Maurice started to show him how to string them all together and to sing along to the songs. As a present Maurice gave him his old first guitar tutor book that he had purchased. Called 'Play In A Day' by Bert Weedom, it explained how to finger all the chords and how to strum the strings with the right hand, while singing along to a folk song. Most of which he already knew but there was still information to be gained from its pages. This book was used by most of the budding guitarists of the day, attracting the name of the guitarist's bible.

  The next part of the learning was to teach him how to listen to the records and to learn new songs. This part was very easy as the shop had thousands of them and not only that they were the latest releases. This meant that James was always up in his knowledge of the top twenty hit parades that dominated the playground conversation between the young people of the day.

  By the time that James left town he had acquired a small band of followers, to him it was fun discovering that people actually liked his playing. It had spurred him on even more so he played the latest songs of the day, but only at parties and small gatherings of people. He was never what is known as a professional player, but if the hat were passed round he would never refuse any money that was later offered.

  James along with Adriana drove up to the Hospital where they walked in un-announced on to Maurice and his wife Kay. The look on his face was worth a thousand dollars James had claimed during a later conversation. Maurice was lying on his bed looking very weak but managed to stretch out his hand and grab hold of James’s hand. After a brief shake they still kept their hands joined for several minutes as they acknowledge each other with tears running down both their cheeks. It had been years since they had last met and there was a lot of catching up to do. James did his best to keep the conversat
ion light and happy as they swapped stories and jokes. Maurice was more interested to know how his guitar playing had progressed over the years and would he show him.

  Maurice pointed to a guitar standing in the corner by his locker I go nowhere without it he told James. Asking him to play something after assuring him that it was okay the nurses did not mind. He wanted to know just how good his prodigy had become and to see what his teachings had produced. James picked up the guitar and strummed it a couple of times checking to see if it was in tune. Then after adjusting it a little and with a smile at Adriana he proceeded to play a quiet rendition of a Vince Gill’s country style number called 'Pretty little Adriana'. You could feel the atmosphere in that room as James sang the words with great feeling. Tears appeared on Maurice’s face and as they rolled down his cheek, they were not the tears of sadness these where tears of joy, as he acknowledged his suburb guitar playing. Then when James broke into a beautiful lead break Maurice just lay there and closed his eyes savouring the moment. The guitar player had finally come of age and Maurice was proud of him, he imagined that he was playing every note and singing along with him.

  Oh my pretty little Adriana

  Are you lonesome tonight

  Maurice was not the only one with tears in his eyes; Adriana was also having a problem fighting back her own. Knowing that the song was not only for Maurice, but also just for her. By the time he had finished the song several nurses had amassed in the little private room after hearing the singing from outside in the corridor. They were also wiping the odd tear from their eyes.

  Maurice seemed to lapse into a deep sleep so they all decided to let him rest, so they quietly retreated from his room. Kay thanked them both for coming and especially James for giving her husband such a wonderful present. She knew that he would cherish it till the end, as in deed she would. It had been worth a million dollars just to see the look on his face.

  By the time Adriana and James left they thought that Maurice was looking very weak but both of them agreed that he had enjoyed their visit. James just wished that it could have been under better circumstances. He had promised Kay that he would try and visit him one more time before he left town if it were possible.

  On the way home Adriana brought up the subject of their school romance and how it had all ended between them. James was quick to repeat once again what he had told her in his E-mails. That she had read the signs wrong and that if she had believed him they would more than likely still be together.

  James had been sent away to stay with an aunt for a couple of weeks at Little Blakenham. Upon his proposed return on a Saturday, he had promised to meet Adriana in Stowmarket outside of the Galleon café at 2.30pm. He had failed to appear at the agreed time, so Adriana had gone inside for a coffee. She waited for more than an hour on her own. As she was about to leave her school friend Janice came into the Café and sat with her. Adriana then told Janice how she had been stood up by James and did not know where he was.

  Janice then shocked Adriana by telling her that she had seen James with somebody else earlier that day. But that she did not know who it was, she just told her that she was a good-looking blonde. Adriana had then gone home crying and did not surface for a week, even though James had tried to see her, by constantly going round to her house. Unfortunately her mother had always opened the door and just told him that her daughter was not there, and anyway she had told her that she did not want to see him ever again.

  Poor James in returning from his Aunts, he had become the victim of a miss printed bus timetable. Country life was not as up to date as town life and when it came to bus services, well they were very ancient. There were only two buses that day to Stowmarket and James had missed the first one on purpose thinking that the second one would get him home on time. He was wrong, the timetable had said 1400 hrs, but should have said 1600 hrs, and this had been the bus he caught. It was a printing error by the Bus Company and had been on display with the wrong time for almost a year. It seems that everybody in the area knew of the error other than James and his Aunt.

  James had arrived outside of the Galleon café at 4-45 pm and was bitterly disappointed that Adriana had not been there even though he was late. So he had made his way home where he knew his Gran was awaiting his return.

  Adriana suddenly turned to James; she had only just grasped the fact that it had been Janice who had told her the lie about the blonde. She had always been the one who would keep calling her lucky because she was going with James. She had broken them up on purpose, in order that she might be able to win him over and go out with her. However, her plan had gone wrong when James upped and left the town before she could bring her plans into action.

  Where did you go she asked and no lies please? He then told her how he had found himself a job at the local Iron Factory, but that could he not settle down because he had been so upset at her refusal to see him. He had spent the first couple of weeks with no sleep just constantly thinking about her. She had been his first and so far one and only true love, although he did not count the one-night flings he’d had with some of the other local girls. Anyway they had happened before he had become serious with Adriana at least that’s what he told her. He had no idea what to do next, until the day he had gone home from work after meeting up with a guy who had told him to see the world. Why worry about one woman there’s plenty in the sea out there just waiting for you, and the best way to do that was to join the Merchant Navy. He had packed a suite case and his guitar said farewell to his Gran and caught a train to Rotherhide in Kent. Where he made contact with the Everard Shipping Company, just as the guy at work had told him to. Not too many questions were asked and to his surprise he was signed on to one of their coastal freighters, and sailed the following day for Newcastle.

  The Merchant Navy opened up his eyes to the wonders of the world that existed outside of Stowmarket. Just like the guy at work had told him the world was full of pretty young girls. Whenever his ship docked and the day's work was over James would go ashore with his guitar and a couple of his new found friends. There they would find a nearby Pub, order a few drinks and James would take out his guitar and the songs would flow all night. He became an attraction wherever his boat tied up and for him his singing and playing just got better and better.

  Adriana took in what he was telling her and felt a little silly that she had acted the way she had all those years earlier. If only she’d given him the benefit of the doubt. If only she had not listened to Janice, and to think that Janice had been friends with her all these years after spreading those lies. Adriana felt like strangling her if she could get her hands on her. She tried to say sorry to James but could not seem to bring herself round to utter the words. As for James well he had got Adriana out of his every day thoughts and just got on with living, but occasionally he had wondered where she was and of whom she had finally married.

  He had never wanted to return to Stowmarket having got the place out of his system once and for all. He had to admit that once he’d seen her name on the School reunion notice board that he’d been intrigued and all of the old memories about her had come flooding back. He could not help himself in wanting to contact her. She had E-mailed him her photo and he had been very surprised to see that she was still a good-looking woman, and anyway if it did not work out he could use the excuse that he was returning to see his Gran. James had also sent Adriana an E-mail photo of him and was honest when he told her that he did not have a wife. The subject had then been put to rest. Adriana thought that there would be plenty of time to talk once they were together. She had also been very impressed by his good looks, and that old urge of liking him, that was deep inside had started to surface once again.

  Upon arriving home at Adriana’s it was just bad luck that as they walked up to her front door Janice was standing by her door and tried to start a conversation with them. Adriana was quick to cut her short by saying that it’s a beautiful day Janice, made even better by the fact that we are about to get married. With tha
t Adriana grabbed James by the hand and rushed past her and into the house, before Janice had chance to ask more questions. That will bring her up with a jolt and put her into place Adriana told him. He replied by adding that she still has the upper hand, because she knows exactly what happened Saturday night and that’s more than we do.

  They had only just put the kettle on for a cup of tea when there was a knock on the door. There’s nobody here go away shouted Adriana, but the knocking persisted. Grudgingly Adriana opened the door and was not surprised to find that it was Janice, just thought I’d pop in for a cuppa, I see your got the kettle on anyway. Adriana just came straight out with it asking what she had been doing in her house Sunday morning. The tone of her voice changed the atmosphere within the house, as everybody went quiet taking glancing looks at each other. Janice turned and walked out explaining that she had changed her mind and that she did not want a cup of tea after all. As she went through the door she could not resist making a remark about a mole James has on his right buttock. The door finally shut, Adriana and James just looked at each other. Adriana broke the silence, she’s at it again, and she’s not going to get away with it this time I’ll sort her out. Then looking back at James she asked him if he did have a mole. James just nodded his head and quietly said yes, she must have seen it as I lay on the settee Saturday night. I’m sure if she had slept with me I would have remembered. Then he walked over gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her that he would see her later in the week, as he wanted to take his Gran out for a couple of days.

  James had decided to spend some time with his Gran taking her around to see some of her family members who lived in the area. It was also a chance for him to catch up on the family gossip and anyway he loved his Gran’s company, and this was a chance for them to spend some time together. It had been several years since he had last visited the area so to him it was like arriving at a new town and he wanted to see everything and go everywhere.