Read The Awakener Page 45

  Eden plodded behind Damon at the back of the line. She would have passed him but she found his behavior fascinating. Damon ran his hands along the corn leaves, speaking in hushed tones. He stopped and examined a cornhusk, and she slowed her pace. His mouth moved again. He must just talk to himself.

  The crop was dense. She could only see Damon; the rest of the group was swallowed up by the stalks. She was content to stroll behind him though. When he smiled at the corn, she was shocked to see his eyes crease, his expression soften. He must really like corn.

  A few feet later, he frowned and stopped to study the leaves again. That’s when she noticed the stalks were bowing. Wonder if Vern knows his crops aren’t getting enough water out here. The leaves had brown on the edges. Or maybe there’s a beetle or worm eating the crop.

  She stepped closer to Damon. “What’s wrong?”

  He glanced at her. “They’re weeping.”

  She stared at him.

  He straightened up and moved on.

  Weeping? She regarded the crop. It’s shriveling up. I suppose it looks sad.

  Damon was almost out of sight by the time she scurried after him. Her feet slipped a little as the ground began to slope downhill. It was gradual at first, and then the grade became steep and arduous. She clutched at the cornstalks to keep from falling.

  What the heck? Aren’t cornfields flat? I’m scaling a cliff here.

  When it finally leveled off, she breathed a sigh of relief. Peeling her eyes from her shoes, she gasped. The corn was now parched and dead. Damon touched a leaf and it turned to powder in his fingertips.

  Damon scowled and she took a step back. I’m never going to understand him. Why’s he so mad about dying corn?

  She rounded him carefully, and hurried to catch up with the others. Willow’s long, black hair became visible through the withered stalks. She increased her pace, reaching Willow just as she halted.

  Running into her backside, Eden mumbled, “Sorry Willow.”

  Willow didn’t turn around though, just stared straight ahead. Eden peered around and saw why. In the middle of the dead stalks, stood a stone wall, perhaps eight feet high. She couldn’t tell where it began or ended because the corn hugged it tightly in both directions. Everyone was congregating around it, with Micah running his hands along the stones. Trent was close to Micah, gazing at the ground, kicking at the dirt with his shoe. His body language didn’t bode well with Eden.

  The wall appeared ancient; the stones crafted to fit together. She stepped back and stared. The builder of the wall had used different colored stones, and studying it, she saw a pattern emerging. The faded, red stones were positioned to create large, horizontal ovals, which repeated over and over. She was amazed someone would’ve taken the time to add such embellishments.

  Revulsion in her eyes, Willow backed away, whispering, “Micah, what is this—?”

  Micah cut her off. “It’s ok. I know what you sense, but we can’t run away. It’s time to take a stand.”

  Willow stared at Micah, shifting her weight between her feet, looking like a doe ready to bolt.

  Eden was surprised that is was Damon who spoke next. “Willow, Micah needs us.”

  Willow’s eyes searched Damon’s face, and then she nodded her head. “Ok.”

  “What is this place, really?” Andrew asked, “Last I checked, cornfields didn’t have old stone walls in them, or crazy hills either.”

  Micah glanced around at them. “What I’m going to ask of each of you might seem strange, but I need you to trust me. There’s an opening in this wall,” he gestured to the right, “down there. Inside here, there’s a well.” No one said anything and Micah continued, “This well’s extremely important. It’s been here for a long time. It always had water in it, until recently. For seventy years now, it’s been dry, and because of it, the land around it died. You probably noticed the corn.” Eden thought it funny Micah thought seventy years was recent. How old is this place?

  “I need to fix the well, and I need all of you to do it. I know you have questions and I promise when we’re done, I’ll explain everything. But I can’t yet. I just ask that you trust me.” Micah’s tone was pleading.

  Trent came to life. “Micah needs our help. Let’s get this done.”

  She noticed Andrew and Caitlyn whispering to each other. After Caitlyn nodded, Andrew said, “All right, not sure what you want me to do, but I’ll help.”

  Willow’s voice was strained. “I trust you, Micah. And I trust that you know what you’re doing.”

  Damon had already shown his allegiance to Micah, and Eden realized everyone’s eyes were now on her. She gazed back at Micah. “I don’t know anything about wells, but I’m with you, Micah. You know that.”

  He gave her a reassuring smile, his eyes lingering a moment, before turning to go. Aware her heart was galloping in her chest now, she watched the procession follow after with Damon and Trent first, and Andrew and Caitlyn stepping in next. Willow hesitated and then jogged after, leaving Eden once again in the back of the pack.

  Alone, she whispered, “Gabriel, what’s going on? Feels like we’re walking into some kind of trap.”

  “It’ll be ok, Eden. I’m with you.”

  She jumped; his voice had been so clear. Spinning around, she gasped.

  Gabriel stood behind her, smoke radiating from his sheathed sword.

  “You’re here! Wait, why? You only come when I’m in danger, like serious trouble…”

  “It’s good to see you too.” His tone didn’t sound tense.

  Maybe not everything’s as bad as I think.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for you to come more often,” she said quickly.

  He steered her shoulders around, pushing her forward. “You need to stay with the group.” Then he was gone.

  She sprinted after Willow, panicking that she could no longer see her. As she followed along the wall in the direction they’d left, she soon collided with the group. They’d stopped in front of a tall archway, the opening covered in dry, dangling vines.

  Micah voice was firm. “It’s important we stay together.”

  He moved to go through, but Trent shoved him out of the way, taking the lead. Eden knew Trent was trying to protect his cousin. The sick feeling came back as Micah and Damon disappeared through the tangled vines.

  Andrew peered at Caitlyn. “What do you think?”

  Caitlyn chewed on her lower lip. “It’s ok. We should do what Micah said.”

  Andrew glanced at Eden. He’s probably remembering what I looked like prom night. Everyone could feel something wasn’t right. Willow’s behavior acted like a warning beacon. She wanted to nod at him, but she wasn’t exactly sure what they’d find on the other side of this wall.

  Caitlyn plunged through the vines. Andrew hesitated and then trudged after her. Willow, however, didn’t budge.

  Remembering Gabriel’s instruction, she linked arms with Willow. “We’ll be fine. Let’s stay together, okay?”

  Willow sighed and then nodded. Once through the scratchy vines, Eden saw they were in a large, enclosed area with the stone wall encircling them. The area looked to be about the size of a football field. The ground was barren, devoid of cornstalks, grass, or even weeds.

  Damon dropped to one knee and ran his hand through the soil. “It’s totally dry, almost sandy,” he commented.

  Only Eden heard him. Everyone else stared at the well, sitting dead center. It appeared to be just an ordinary well, as far as she could tell. Crafted from the same stones the wall was, she admired the oval pattern running around its circumference. There was no cover, and she wondered if perhaps the original one had weathered away.

  Willow glanced at Micah. “Are you sure about this?”

  Micah’s voice was calm. “It’s ok, Willow. Just trust me.”

  Damon stood up, retaining some of the dirt in his hand as he moved to stand next to Micah.

  “So, that’s the well, huh? How do we fix it???
? Andrew asked.

  Eden thought he sounded tense. Like he’s thinking, let’s fix this thing and get out of here.

  “Good question. Now, everyone listen. I need you to stay together. You’re going to see frightening things.” He glanced at Eden and her skin crawled with goose bumps. “However, if you stay close, you’ll be safe.”

  I really don’t like the sound of this.

  Andrew stepped toward her, closing the gap. Grasping her arm, he pulled her close. “Something’s not right here. Do you know what’s going on?”

  She shook her head no, and glanced at Micah.

  Andrew followed her gaze. “What do you mean, we’ll see frightening stuff?” he asked, but Micah was looking at Damon.

  “Damon, it’s time.”

  Andrew released Eden’s arm, his grip a little too tight for her comfort. He strode over to Micah and then halted when Damon spoke.

  Eden strained to understand. It was definitely unlike any language she’d ever heard before. The words flowed, the rhythm and tones pleasant to hear. What caught her off guard was the way they made her feel physically. It filled her with a strange longing, like trying to remember a forgotten dream.

  A biting gust of wind smacked her face and, being too close to Willow, she was buried by both of their locks. She stepped a foot away and secured her own hair in her hand. The wind was howling, the sky producing black clouds right before her eyes. She gasped at the size of the thunderheads rolling in. Within seconds, the afternoon sun was blocked, leaving them in a gray shadow.

  Trent was next to her. “What just happened?” she asked.

  But his eyes were fastened on the stone well, like he was waiting. She glanced at Micah on the other side of him. His eyes were locked on the same thing.

  This can’t be good.

  Then she heard it.

  One long shriek, followed by another and another, until it became a chorus of wails, screeches, and chortling laughter.

  Everyone whirled around in circles, trying to find the source of the awful sounds. It was hard to tell the origin because it reverberated off the stones surrounding them.

  Willow, Andrew, and Caitlyn pulled away from the group, making a run for the exit. Eden was tempted to join, but her feet felt stuck to the ground where she stood.

  When the screaming halted, leaving them in an eerie silence, Micah’s voice boomed, “Stop! It’s not safe over there!”

  Willow doubled back. “We’re surrounded, aren’t we?”

  Andrew marched back to Micah, Caitlyn on his heels. “Why would you trap us like this?” he demanded.

  Damon stepped between Micah and Andrew, pushing on Andrew’s chest. “Back down. We have to trust Micah. Our lives depend on it.”

  Andrew’s eyes flashed. “Our lives?”

  Caitlyn placed a hand on his arm. “It’s ok,” she soothed. “We’re all going to be fine.”

  Andrew glanced at Caitlyn, his jaw muscles bulging. Grunting, he moved a few feet away from Micah, turning his back to him.

  Everyone was scared. She could see it in their faces, except perhaps Micah and Damon. Damon’s brown eyes were enraged, but it wasn’t like Andrew’s. He appeared ready to attack whatever came their way. Micah’s mouth was set in a grim line, his eyes narrowing.

  More than anything, she wanted to call out to Gabriel, to beg him to appear. Then she realized, None of my friends know they have guardians too.

  She was going to say something to try to calm everyone, but the shrieking began again and, instinctively, they huddled closer. The sound was suffocating, coming at them from all angles. A subtle chill was infusing the warm air. The tip of her nose felt cold. The smell of dirt was replaced with an acrid, sulfur stench.

  I know what’s coming.

  Andrew and Trent both swore under their breath when she saw it.

  Long, black claws reached over the side of the well, a bony hand protruded, followed by another hand, and then two leathery arms. An ugly, black head popped up, its red eyes glittering back at them.

  It was the first time Eden had seen one so clearly. The other two experiences had been at night, in blackness. Now she could make out details, though she wished she couldn’t. Its disintegrating flesh nauseated her, reminding her of all the crime shows she’d watched where the victim was little more than bones and rotten flesh. Only this flesh was moving, its mouth sneering.

  “Stay together!” Micah commanded.

  The demon crawled over the side of the well, resting on its hands and feet, like a caged animal ready to attack. The wailing rang in her ears. There’s more coming, lots more.

  Caitlyn gasped and Willow clutched at Eden’s arm. More claws reached over the side of the well. Demon after demon climbed out, gnashing their sharp teeth and shrieking. But they stood their ground, not advancing.

  “Behind us,” Andrew called out.

  Eden turned to see what she had feared, demons climbing down the wall, the stones covered in black movement. Trying to escape the approaching army, her friends pressed their backs against each other. She knew she should feel the panic she saw in Willow’s eyes. Micah grabbed her hand and she glanced over.

  He still stared at the well. He didn’t appear to be fazed by the demons now scaling the walls around them. It sent a chill through her. He’s still waiting for the enemy to appear.

  “What are they?” Caitlyn whispered, as the black bodies rapidly filled the dirt, clawing and hissing at them.

  “Demons,” Trent answered.

  “Demons?” multiple voices cried out.

  “They’re going to destroy us,” Willow moaned.

  “We’re not alone. It’s going to be ok; there are others with us,” Micah reassured.

  “Others?” Willow’s eyes widened and then she mumbled, “That must be what I’m feeling.”

  Micah pulled Eden behind him at the same time Damon stepped in front of Willow. Andrew followed suit with Caitlyn, and the three girls were encased by the guys. Though it was a brave move, Eden knew it was futile. None of them were armed. They had nothing to defend themselves with. The demons would tear through them in seconds. She unconsciously rubbed her wrist.

  Row after row, the demons lined up, the space separating them getting smaller, until it was only a few yards. Their snarls were terrifying. One reared its head back and howled, sending spit flying towards them. It splattered against Micah’s legs.

  Eden felt and heard a deep drumming come from the well. Like a car stereo with its bass pumped up, it made the ground vibrate with each beat.

  This is feeling way too much like prom.

  She was halfway expecting another red-faced demon to pop out of the ground, when the demons lunged forward.

  One lunged for Micah, its yellow teeth biting the air.

  She screamed, “Gabriel!” at the same time the demon burst into flame and ash before her eyes. The flaming sword decimated it. Gabriel’s here! As was Sage and others.

  Their tight circle was surrounded by angels now. Her friends stumbled back, gawking at their guardians. As the angels destroyed the advancing army, Eden knew her friends were realizing they were here to help them. They were the good guys.

  Eden’s first impression of Willow’s guardian was Egyptian princess; the woman’s black hair was swept up in a knot. She was adorned with a golden tiara and matching armbands. Her silky, cream dress hugged her body, moving with her lunges. The jewels on her necklace flashed as she struck demons with golden daggers. Eden was in awe at the poise she did it with. Her moves were graceful, even in battle.

  Damon’s guardian was hard to miss. He towered over the rest of them by several inches. With short, black hair and a solid build, he swung his long arms out, sending multiple demons flying with his double-sided battle-axe. When he turned, Eden stared at his eyes. The shade of blue so light, it was almost a milky white.

  In front of Trent, a heavier set man stood. She hardly could tell where his beard ended and his face began. All she could see was thick,
red hair, leaving only a small opening for his features. Muscle builder meet lumberjack. His meaty arms shot out, crushing demons with a hammer and spiky mace.

  If they were not in the middle of a precarious battle, she would have laughed at Trent’s bewildered expression. He knows he has a guardian. Why’s he staring at his like that?

  Moving swiftly down the line, she took in the young man standing in front of Andrew. His brown hair hit his shoulders in waves and his clothes were similar to Gabriel’s, with short sleeves revealing tan arms. Instead of wielding a sword, he sent arrows shooting out. His agility fascinated her. He stashed his bow and pulled out a wide, metal sword.

  At the last guardian, she did a double take. Fighting for Caitlyn was a girl who could’ve been plucked straight out of high school. She looked to be seventeen, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Her blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail, with a long braid whipping around her back as she moved. Then, seeing what was in her hands, Eden knew no teenager could fight like that. Double-ended spear blades graced her hands like Japanese fans. Only these weren’t the kind with calligraphy; they cheese grated the demon’s faces with each move the girl made.

  Hot air slapped Eden’s body. She peered around Micah, who still stood guard over her. Their tight circle was enclosed by an even larger span of angels wielding flaming swords. There’s definitely more than twenty-four. Gabriel doesn’t want to take any chances this time.