Read The Awakener Page 49

  Good stuff? I’m still trying to get my knees to stop shaking. Micah glanced in her direction and winked. Now her body felt weak for another reason and she had to resist the urge to run into his arms and smother him with kisses. Trent joking again was a good sign. Maybe the worst is over.

  Her jeans felt stiff and cold as she plodded through the mud. Moving closer to the well, she slipped. Throwing her arms out, she smacked Andrew across the chest.

  “Oh sorry,” she breathed out, unaware he had been so close.

  “I think I’ll live,” he answered. He squinted at her. “Are you hurt at all from before?” His blue-green eyes swept her body up and down.

  Embarrassed, she said, “No, I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’m fine.” He straightened up. “Just checking if you needed anything… you know, healed. Glad you’re ok.” He quickened his pace as he stepped away.

  Not sure how to take his concern, she looked up to see Willow was now kneeling next to the well, running her hands along the stones. So now that it’s demon-free, she’s captivated by it.

  “I owe you all an explanation,” Micah stated.

  “Yeah, a big one,” Andrew muttered.

  Micah glanced at him. “You’re right. You have every right to hate me. Let me explain things and then maybe you’ll all forgive me for today.”

  There were a few murmurs.

  “To start, this well’s no ordinary well.”

  “You think?” Caitlyn whispered to Eden. Eden smiled back at her.

  “It’s been here for thousands of years and marks a very sacred location. For a long time, the demons have set up camp here. You all saw the freaky demon with the robes?” There were nods from everyone. “That was Astaroth, a prince in the demon world.” Micah glanced around and said, “To fix the well, we had to rid it of all the demons. Tell you what, I’ll tell you more once we get inside.”

  Inside what? Surely not the well…

  There were murmurs of confusion. “Oh,” Micah blurted, “and since we purged this place, it’s special again. You know, sacred. So we all need to take our shoes off.”

  “Say what?” Andrew asked. Eden stifled a laugh. It was a strange request.

  “I know it sounds funny, but it’s holy ground again. So let’s follow Willow’s good example.” Micah pointed at Willow’s feet. Sure enough, they were bare.

  Eden complied and everyone tossed their shoes aside. A few of them wore socks still. Well, wherever we’re going, we’re going to get it muddy. But seeing Damon’s clean socks ahead of her, she thought, Maybe this land is special. His feet aren’t mud pies.

  Trent dropped down next to Willow, who moved over to give him space. “What does this mean?” Willow asked, pointing to a stone that had some kind of hieroglyphics on it.

  “Well of Enoch,” Trent answered.

  “Who’s that?” Andrew asked.

  Micah didn’t answer, but instead threw his leg over the side of the well. What’s he doing?

  “Like I said, I have a lot to tell you, but first, we all need to go down there.” He pointed at the bottom of the well.

  “Are you serious?” Willow asked, standing up.

  Trent grabbed Micah’s arm and Eden hoped he would talk some sense into him. Instead, he griped, “Why do you get to go first?”

  Micah grinned. Grabbing the side of the well with both hands, he tossed his other leg over. What, is he going to just fall to the bottom? He didn’t sink. He seemed to be standing on something.

  “There’s a ladder built into the stones on the inside. Don’t worry; your guardians won’t let you fall.” Then Micah’s stepped down. Trent swung his leg over and followed. Eden caught eyes with Caitlyn.

  “This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger,” Caitlyn said, shrugging her shoulders. Damon was next, but seeing Willow behind him, he took her arm and helped her over the edge.

  “Thanks,” she murmured. “I’m not great with heights.”

  Damon followed her. When Andrew disappeared, and it was only Caitlyn and her left, Eden realized Gabriel was gone.

  After Caitlyn scaled down, Eden whispered, “Where did you go? Do you still have to hide from me?”

  He appeared. “No, but it’s easier for me to keep you from falling if I’m in my own spectrum. You don’t have the best balance, Eden.” Then he was gone.

  She teetered, with one leg over the edge.

  “You better be holding on tight then,” she said through gritted teeth. Couldn’t he just carry me down?

  The well was dark, and the stones, though they protruded, didn’t have the best handholds. She was still drenched from all the rain. Relieved, she felt her feet finally touch the ground. The area was much larger than the well’s girth.

  “Eden, over here,” Caitlyn hollered.

  “Ok,” she called back, and then whispered, “You can come back now, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel’s bright form lit up the area. He took her arm and guided her to the small hole in the wall the others must have gone through. He gestured for her to lead. Crawling through, she fought the sensation of claustrophobia, thankful it was only a few yards long. Climbing out, she searched behind for Gabriel. She felt his hands hoist her up.

  She smiled up at him and said, “Cheater.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. She peered around the small cavern they were in now. It was perhaps ten by ten, with earth making the ceiling, walls, and floor. She inhaled. It smelled like a summer garden. Then she noticed everyone staring at her. Did I take too long?

  “Good, we’re all here,” Micah said, glancing at her. Guess I did.

  Since Sage and Gabriel were the only guardians left, their warm, yellow light cast deep shadows off everyone else. Wonder if the other guardians are watching.

  As if reading her mind, Micah clapped his hands together. “Ok, first things first. Introductions. Guardians, can you join us?”

  Instantly, the already-crowded space got tighter as the guardians appeared, brightening the room. Her friends gaped at the angels.

  “So I think it’s safe to say we all believe in demons and angels now, right? Ok, so these wonderful angels are your guardians. They’ve been assigned to protect and guide you for your entire life. They know you pretty well. So let’s have you meet them.” Micah gestured to Sage. “This is Sage. She’s my guardian.”

  The man with the red beard, standing behind Trent, boomed in a deep voice, “My name’s Brutus.”

  Trent shot a glance at Sage, “By redhead, I didn’t mean Captain Red Beard.” Sage pressed a finger over her lips, hiding a smile.

  The guardian with the milky blue eyes, towering over Damon, said, “I’m Seth.” Damon studied Seth’s face and then nodded slowly.

  “Daniel,” the man with the bow and arrow said. Andrew struck out a hand. “Nice to meet you, man.” Daniel appeared surprised and then slowly took the proffered hand, giving it a firm shake.

  “Caitlyn, I’m Alaina,” the girl with the long braid said softly.

  Caitlyn smiled back. “You look like you’re my age.”

  Alaina’s smile twitched slightly, the smallest glimmer of sadness sweeping her baby blue eyes. “I am your age.”

  Caitlyn cocked her head sideways, obviously wanting to ask more, but the woman with the gold tiara was saying, “I’m Esther.”

  Willow’s face beamed. “You’re who’ve I’ve been feeling! It makes so much sense now!”

  Esther inclined her head forward with a regal nod. “Yes, it has been me you have felt.”

  “Eden knows who I am,” Gabriel cut in.

  Micah glanced at Gabriel and then said, “Ok, great. Any questions?”

  “I have one for Sage,” Trent grumbled. “What part of hot didn’t you understand? Because I was picturing someone with a few more curves and a lot less flannel, if you know what I mean.” Trent glanced at Brutus. “No offense.”

  Brutus appeared nonplussed. Eden was startled to hear Sage’s laughter roll through the room;
it was a beautiful sound. Micah joined her, chuckling. “Any other questions?”

  “Micah, she didn’t answer me,” Trent pointed out.

  “Any others?” Micah repeated, ignoring him.

  “Well, yeah,” Andrew butted in. “I sort of get clearing the demons out of here, sort of, and that these angels are here to protect us. But why us? And why are we standing in the bottom of a well?”

  “Great, good questions,” Micah said, not really answering them.

  “And, don’t forget to tell us who Enoch was,” Willow piped in.

  “Yes, perfect. Any others?” When no one said anything, he said, “Let’s start with the why you’re all here. I bet you’ve all noticed you aren’t exactly normal, right?”

  Eden peered at her friends. That’s definitely true of Andrew and Damon, but what about the rest of them? No one said anything as they glanced at each other.

  “You’re gifted. The Captain handpicked you, giving you power and abilities far beyond your own. You have jobs to do. Some of you did your part already. Others of you may still be figuring yourselves out, and that’s ok. The Bible talks of gifts of the spirit; prophecy, healings, faith, the gift of tongues, and more.”

  That’s what I read in the Bible! Gifts of the spirit.

  Micah continued, “The Captain named me His Seer. There’ve been many Seers over time. It means I receive information from the Captain through dreams and visions. The visions let me know what I need to do, and what’s going to happen in the future.”

  “Trent’s,” Micah pointed at his cousin, “my Interpreter. He can understand pretty much every language and helps me decipher what my dreams and visions mean. He keeps me,” he paused, “sane.”

  Trent gave Micah a smug look.

  “Damon’s gifts are extremely rare, only given a few times before. I think we all witnessed how powerful it is. He has the gift of tongues. That doesn’t just mean he can speak Spanish or Italian. He knows an ancient, powerful language, the pure language of Adam. Yes, the Adam and Eve, Adam. He can speak to animals, bugs, plants, pretty much anything, and they understand one another. As we saw today, he can also command the earth.”

  Damon shifted under everyone’s gaze. All the times she’d thought he was talking to himself, he’d actually been conversing.

  “Andrew can heal with just the touch of his hands. Anything can heal, unless the Captain doesn’t want it healed.” Micah shot a glance at Andrew. “You can do a lot of good with your gift.”

  Micah turned next to Willow. “Willow has the gift of discernment. It not only warns her of danger, but helps her sense her surroundings and see what’s really happening. Willow, as you learn how to use it, you’ll find it does even more.”

  Willow grinned, her blue eyes dancing.

  “Caitlyn.” Micah’s gaze rested on her. “Your gift is… well, amazing. You have the gift of pure faith. The Captain trusts this to hardly anyone, truthfully. It’s pretty limitless in what you can do. And Caitlyn,” Micah’s tone softened, “don’t worry, you’ve done everything perfectly so far.”

  Caitlyn’s downturned lips flickered into a small smile. Wonder if she doubted herself before?

  Eden knew she was next. She honestly thought Micah would have to make something up, because as far as she could tell, she hadn’t done anything miraculous lately. She waited for Micah to say her name, but he didn’t.

  Instead, he said, “The Captain picked you, but you can still choose to go your own way. It’s up to you if you want to be a part of this. I will tell you this—He knows each of you personally, and you’re all very special to Him.”

  Eden knew Micah was saying something important, but all she could think was how stupid she felt at the moment. Many of her friends were still staring at her, obviously wondering what her gift was. Did he bring me along simply because he likes me? She’d always thought there was nothing special about her, but being in a room full of gifted people, when she was not, really nailed it in. Don’t cry, don’t cry…

  “What about Eden?” Willow asked. Eden’s face flushed. “I know what I see in her. What’s her gift?”

  Micah locked eyes with Eden, and she resisted the urge to duck her head. He’s probably searching for something nice to say.

  “She’s the reason we’re all here today,” Micah replied. She inhaled sharply. Say what? “And the best part is—she has no idea why.”

  You got that right.

  “Our gifts don’t just come naturally. They need someone to turn them on. They need an Awakener.”

  All eyes were on her now, but she had no idea what Micah was talking about.

  “Eden,” Micah’s voice was velvet. “You’re the Awakener, the final and last Awakener.”

  Huh? Final and last what? She glanced at Gabriel, who nodded back at her.

  Micah continued, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am becoming as sounding brass … and though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, … and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

  I read those exact verses!

  “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, … but the greatest of these is charity,” he finished.

  She stared at him, lost.

  “Your true gift’s Charity, the pure love that never fails. Because you have pure love, you’re the Awakener. Your touch awakens others to their true potential. The beautiful and ironic thing is, your gift’s the greatest, but you’d never know it unless I told you, because yours is love. You awaken in others what they didn’t know was possible, with no glory for yourself.”

  She resisted the urge to push up her glasses, something she hadn’t done in a long time.

  “Micah, I didn’t touch—” She stopped. All those hugs! She laughed aloud as she gaped at Gabriel. “It was you.”

  Gabriel grinned. “I may have helped you a little with that.”

  “When the time was right, you only had to embrace us,” Micah explained.

  She took in her friends faces, each one of them holding a piece of her heart with them. She swallowed down the lump forming. She needed to change the subject or she’d break down and blubber. “I had no idea. I just thought I was making a fool out of myself.”

  There was some laughter. Damon stifled a grin.

  Micah chuckled and then said, “I better keep explaining things.”

  “Yeah, I’d like to know why we were sitting ducks up there.” Andrew’s tone was hard.

  “Andrew.” Caitlyn placed a hand on his arm.

  “It’s ok. You’re right, Andrew. I need apologize to all of you. I couldn’t warn you beforehand. You see, we needed all the demons to come out, not just Astaroth, to really clean the place out. Unfortunately, I was great leverage for Astaroth, but the other demons—”

  “We were live bait, in other words,” Andrew finished.

  “Because you’re gifted, you attract demons like crazy,” Micah said quietly. “The plan was for you all to stay behind the angel barrier and be fine, albeit terrified.”

  Andrew stared at Micah. “I can see why you didn’t tell us. There’s no way I would have come. But then again, if I knew you needed me to heal you…” Andrew sighed. “Ok, but next time, a little warning.”

  Trent snorted. “Next time?”

  “You have my word, Andrew. Next question, who’s Enoch? Let’s start with something familiar. Everyone’s heard of Noah’s ark, right?” There were murmurs of yes. “I’m going to tell you the story behind that story. Around 3400 BC, there was a prophet, named Enoch. He kept a record known as the Book of Enoch, which Trent and I studied from in Rome. Where we stand, all this land was Enoch’s. Being a master builder, Enoch knew the secrets to building, and he created a city like no other. When he was 365 years old, he and his entire city were lifted up to heaven—no one ever tasting death.”

  Micah glanced around. “So why is that all important to know? Because Enoch’s great grandson was
Noah. And like the story you heard when you were a kid, with Noah’s Ark, there was a flood. Enoch’s city was saved from the flood, because they were lifted up, gone before it even came. The only thing left behind of Enoch’s city, was his underground temple.” Micah pointed at the ground. “This well marks the entrance to his temple.”