Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 11

  Aedan, Imogene, Mac and Nuada were all listening intently to Morgan’s plans for the attack. They had joined up at last and were running through the strategy for that evening. They sat around in the shade of a tree, posing as travellers passing through the countryside. Hidden in the nearby forest, concealed to the naked eye was the entire Great One’s army ready to move at nightfall.

  ‘I’m feeling a little nervous,’ Imogene said, ‘but I can’t wait to see my children again and see the Dark Lord defeated once and for all.’

  ‘Hear, hear,’ said Aedan. ‘That is something we all look forward to and by tomorrow we will be celebrating their return.’ The sound of an approaching horseman reached their ears. ‘Quiet,’ Aedan said. ‘Remember we are just passing through Griswold. Imogene and Mac, hide your faces in case you are recognized.’ Imogene quickly pulled her cape hood over her head and Mac pulled his cap down low over his eyes. It would not do to be recognized now. The horseman approached and they recognized him as an official herald from the Dark Lord’s castle by his attire.

  ‘Good morning,’ the herald said. ‘Are you on your way to the castle for the execution today?’ Aedan tried to keep his tone neutral and nonchalant.

  ‘No Sir, we are just passing through Griswold. We know of no execution’

  ‘Well if you are looking for a good meal then attending the execution will ensure you feast well tonight. It may be worth your while to delay your travel through Griswold till tomorrow.’

  ‘Who is being executed?’ Nuada asked feigning curiosity.

  ‘He is a traitor to the Lord of Griswold. The execution takes place at the ninth hour. You would be most welcome. ’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Aedan politely, trying his hardest not to let his anguish show. He knew the ‘traitor’ was Ziah and his heart was pierced to the core. The herald clicked his heels and his horse moved off down the path to pass on the grim news to others in Griswold.

  ‘What are we going to do?’ Morgan was incredulous at this new piece of information.

  ‘If we go in tonight it will be too late to save Ziah, but if we go in during daylight we will risk many more lives. What should we do?’ Nuada asked. He knew how close Aedan was to Ziah and could see the look of pain on his face. He felt it too, as Ziah was like a brother to him. He had to consciously push down the resentment and bitterness he had pushed down all the years ago toward the Dark Lord. He would not become like that man! He had worked too hard to choose goodness in his life. They all looked to Aedan for the answer. This was a twist of events that none of them had anticipated.

  ‘I will seek the Great One’s advice.’ Aedan strode off into the forest to speak with the Great One and get his counsel. The rest of the group said nothing - each of them plagued with their own thoughts and imaginations.


  Aislinn tried to still her shaking hands and nerves. It would take all her strength not to vent her rage at the Dark Lord. Oh how she hated him, yet she feared him all the more He was the personification of evil. She looked at the tea tray and wished she had a vial of poison to throw into the pot. She thought again of little Mitchell and wondered if he would be all right. She sent a mental prayer to the Great One as a lone tear trickled out her left eye. She brushed it away angrily – now was not the time to let her emotions overwhelm her. He was the reason her family had been torn apart – he had killed her parents and taken her baby brother and now she was to do his bidding while her other brother lay desperately ill and alone. If anything happened to Struan she vowed she would personally kill him.

  ‘Hurry lass, the Master won’t wait forever for that tea and Cook will have your head if he takes it out on her.’

  ‘Aislinn scooped up the tray, her hands still shaking; this time from rage as she exited the kitchen.


  Aislinn carried the tea tray up the stairs to the Dark Lord’s chamber. She always dreaded coming in here, a knot of fear twisting her stomach. As she walked down the corridor to his chamber she heard a whisper calling her name from a side niche.

  ‘Aislinn… Aislinn!’ the voice called urgently. She looked around unsure where the voice had emanated from.

  ‘In here,’ the voice echoed off the stony facade. She slipped into the niche and came face to face with Regent.

  ‘Regent!’ she squealed in delight almost spilling the tea. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘We have an important task ahead of us Aislinn and we need your help,’ he said.

  ‘I’ll do anything to help you,’ she replied eagerly.

  ‘It will be very dangerous for you,’ he cautioned, ‘but….’ He was silenced by her.

  ‘Nothing will prevent me helping you to overcome the Dark Lord,’ she whispered fiercely. ‘He has stolen every precious thing from me. I want justice!’ He knew she was serious as her eyes flashed in anger and the glimpse of pain he saw there made him catch his breath.

  ‘So be it,’ he said. ‘They are going to execute the Great One’s son today at the ninth hour and we need to get hold of the set of keys they took from him when he arrived here. They are very distinct keys, shiny gold and unlike any other keys you will see.’ She gasped. ‘I know those keys. I have seen them. The Dark Lord was very curious about them and has locked them safely away in his treasure box.’

  ‘Do you think you could get them?’ Regent asked.

  ‘He keeps the key for the treasure box around his neck and never lets it out of his sight.’ She was dismayed.

  ‘We’ll think of something,’ Regent encouraged. ‘You had better get him his tea before he gets suspicious. Keep your ears open for any information you might hear in his chamber. I’ll talk to you later.’ With that he was gone. Aislinn picked up the tray and hurried down the corridor to the chamber.

  ‘About time,’ Legion shouted as she entered the chamber. ‘I was beginning to think you were harvesting tea leaves it was taking so long.’ His sarcasm was not lost on her and she apologized politely for the delay. She did not want to anger him - she needed to be in the chamber to see what information she could gather. She had to put aside any feelings of loathing she had for him, and focus on her task. I must not think of Mitchell now, or I will ruin everything, she kept telling herself silently.

  ‘Is there anything else I can do to help?’ she asked sweetly. A cunning plan had formulated in her mind. ‘I imagine you will be receiving some important guests at your castle today from what I have heard. Perhaps you would like me to tidy your chamber so it is ready to receive guests?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve been so busy making plans for the execution that I had not thought about receiving guests in here. Go ahead and tidy.’ He watched her as she busied herself, liking what he saw more and more each time they met. Aislinn kept busy with general tidying, her eyes scanning the room for the Dark Lord’s treasure chest. Eventually she spotted it in the corner of his chamber securely locked. She stole a quick glance at him and sure enough, the key was around his neck. Tap, tap, tap. A knock on the door caused her to raise her eyes.

  ‘Come in,’ bellowed Legion in a voice that sounded cheerful even for him.

  ‘Master, you seem in good spirits. I hear that plans are going well for you?’

  ‘Wizard Falstaff,’ exclaimed the Dark Lord. ‘Back from the druids already? What can you tell me about those keys?’ Aislinn kept her ears tuned while appearing busy with her work.

  ‘Very interesting,’ said Falstaff glancing briefly at her. He looked at the Dark Lord unsure whether to continue with this stranger in the room.

  ‘It’s all right Falstaff,’ he continued sensing his unease with Aislinn in the room. ‘You can speak freely.’

  ‘It appears those keys are the keys to life and death and that they hold amazing powers. The problem is how to unlock those powers. The druids are not sure, but they are working on a solution. One thing is certain though – they are extremely valuable and should be protected with all you are worth.’

  ‘Hmmm…,’ said Legion t
houghtfully. ‘Perhaps keeping them here in my treasure chest without protection is not wise. I have a very important scroll in there too that I intend to use in the future. Perhaps we should move this chest to the west tower and place Draco inside to protect it. No one will dare attack a dragon to retrieve it.’

  ‘That is wise, Master,’ Falstaff concurred. ‘Hopefully the druids will have an answer for us soon.’ Aislinn finished her task and exited the chamber. Her heart was pounding with what she had heard, but it also made it impossible to get hold of the keys Regent needed. Why couldn’t things get easier? It seemed new challenges mounted at each turn.


  Aedan met with the Great One – their plan of action was risky and heartbreaking, but it had to unfold this way. There would be too many people lost if they attacked the castle in daylight - they had to attack at night. The Great One knew Ziah would be dead then, but he also knew that this was the only way to ultimately defeat Sephtis. He needed to let the Dark Lord believe that he had won and in so doing he would take that victory and turn it on its head. Aedan broke the news to the others. ‘We will go to the execution posing as travellers who are there to feast. While everyone is distracted with the execution, Mac and Imogene, you must use this opportunity to find that scroll and your children and free them. You are to escape down the secret tunnel. We don’t want any risk to your children when we attack later.’

  ‘But that means Ziah will die?’ Imogene posed the question no one else wanted to. Aedan smiled reassuringly at her.

  ‘Don’t worry Imogene, it will be all right.’ Each had a heavy heart for their beloved friend Ziah and none of them understood how things could ever be all right again.


  The executioner and his team of torturers were also busy preparing themselves for the afternoon’s events. They sharpened their swords and axes and checked the chains to make sure they were strong and sturdy. Their tools looked frightening. There were sharp steel hooks and tools that could gouge your eyes or intestines out. The rack they used to lay their victim upon was checked and oiled. This would be used to stretch the victim’s torso and dislocate their body parts little by little. It was a cruel and evil torture designed to bring a very slow and painful death to the unlucky victim.


  The girls returned to the tower for lunch where they would stay locked up for the remainder of the day. The sadistic side of Legion wanted to make them watch the execution, but his reason to try and win them over won in the end and he knew if he enforced this, they would hate him forever and he would lose the ground he felt he had gained. He falsely believed that Aislinn was being won over as she was showing an interest in him and she was sweet and kind. Arriving back in the tower, Aislinn rushed to Struan’s side. To her dismay she discovered that his fever had soared and he was delirious again.

  ‘No,’ she cried. ‘I don’t believe it – not again!’ She found the cloth and wiped his face gently. He really needed help. If these wounds weren’t properly cared for they would become gangrenous and he would die. She felt his presence even before she heard Maddy squeal in delight.


  ‘Hello little friend,’ he said affectionately to Maddy, scooping her up in his arms and spinning her around.

  ‘Regent,’ Aislinn said worriedly. ‘Struan needs help. He can’t go much longer without it.’

  ‘I know,’ he said, ‘and help is on its way.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘During the execution today, you will be rescued, so be ready,’ he warned.

  ‘Who is coming for us?’ Aislinn asked, extremely curious now.

  ‘That I can’t tell you,’ Regent replied. ‘Now did you find out anything more regarding that key?’

  ‘Yes, but it’s not good news I’m afraid. The Dark Lord has discovered from the druids how important the keys are, so he has sent his treasure chest up to the west tower to be guarded by a dragon called Draco.’

  ‘Now that is a nuisance,’ said Regent, ‘but not an impossibility.’

  ‘Surely fighting a dragon is impossible!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Nothing is impossible for those who believe,’ he smiled at her.

  ‘But how will you fight it?’ she challenged.

  ‘Not all battles have to be won by physical strength you know,’ he said. ‘Sometimes just outwitting your enemy can make all the difference. A dragon is not the smartest creature. It is well known that dragons have a vulnerable spot and that is where we need to focus our attack.’

  ‘Where is it?’ Maddy asked, totally enraptured by the tale of dragons and battle. She did not quite understand that it was reality they were talking about.

  ‘The vulnerable spot is between his eyes. A dragon has a small horn between the eyes and when it is pierced, it makes him blind.’

  ‘How on earth are you going to get close enough to pierce it?’ Aislinn asked. ‘It’s not like you’ll be able to wander in and ask him to sit still while you thump him on the head.’ They all giggled at the thought of this, the laughter medicine to them all. The more they tried to contain it, the more it welled up inside of them and flowed out of their bellies in peals of laughter. Tears ran down their cheeks and they clutched their stomachs as though they were in pain. It was the best thing that had happened to them in a while.

  ‘Enough already,’ Regent said trying to be sober, as they all burst into laughter again.


  A constant flow of people streamed into the castle as the hour of the execution drew near. Travellers and villagers from throughout the kingdom, curious about this traitor and the promise of a feast ventured out. It was not often the Dark Lord was generous enough to offer a feast to his subjects; it was an opportunity many would not miss.

  In the dungeon Ziah heard the preparations being made for his execution. He had been mocked and jeered by the guards and they relished telling him about the torture and death that awaited him later in the day. ‘You are doomed,’ some of them shouted at him.

  ‘Only an idiot would turn down power from the Dark Lord. Your brains must have been scrambled when we beat you,’ they laughed.

  ‘Good thing too,’ another interjected. ‘You won’t want your wits about you when they begin to torture you.’ Ziah turned away, trying to shut out their chanting and mocking.

  ‘Father,’ he whispered, ‘I’m not sure where you are, but I trust you completely to do what is best for everyone in our kingdom. If you can, please rescue me but if that is not possible then please give me strength to endure what is coming. I love you.’ Ziah knew his father well. He knew his father would act out of wisdom in this circumstance. As he reflected he became aware of Ryder in the corner of his cell. ‘How are you doing Ziah?’ he asked.

  ‘Ryder, it’s good to see you my friend.’

  ‘We have tried to get your keys but there is no chance of that right now as the Dark Lord has them securely guarded.’

  ‘What does my father say?’

  ‘He wants you to know that he loves you and that no matter what you endure today you will be victorious. Most of all, he wants to know if you will trust him?’

  ‘I trust him – even with my life.’


  Struan continued to weaken and his face began to pale further. His breathing was ragged and shallow, his skin cold and clammy. Aislinn knew the end was coming soon and she cried out to the Great One for mercy. For the first time she felt as though he were not there.

  Mac, Imogene, Nuada, Morgan and Aedan entered the castle gates together with a number of other curious villagers and travellers. They looked around and found themselves a place where Mac and Imogene would be able to slip off unnoticed into a courtyard that would lead them to the south side of the castle. They had no idea where to look for the scroll, but they knew their children were in the south tower as Ryder had passed on this information. They settled themselves down and Mac peered into his saddlebag to check that he had brought his special glasses, r
ing and oil. They would definitely need these to safely release the children. The buzz of excitement in the castle sickened them, but to appear part of the mass group they had to join in and pretend to be excited at the afternoon’s events. The great courtyard filled up – every inch with morbid onlookers.

  Legion preened and admired himself in his mirror. He wore his finest clothing and a cloak that made him appear more fearsome than he was. This was the moment of his glory - he hoped the Great One was watching every painful moment of it in that mirror of his. His hatred grew as he thought of the Great One and his hunger to inflict revenge upon him was insatiable. ‘Let the games begin,’ he said to his reflection in the mirror.

  Trumpets blasted and people craned to see the Dark Lord as he appeared on his balcony. They pushed and shoved to get a closer view. Mac and Imogene held back – they had no desire to be recognized as it would ruin all their plans and they would need to slip off as soon as the proceedings got under way. Aedan, Nuada and Morgan moved closer to the torture bench. They wanted Ziah to see them, to draw strength from them in his time of need – he must not feel alone.

  A cheer erupted from the crowd.

  ‘Announcing the Master, Legion - the Dark Lord himself,’ a herald announced. Legion waved, arrogance oozing from every pore, smiling at the cheering crowd. Clearly, he was relishing his moment of glory - Aedan clenched his fists. His eyes turned to sparkling emerald, his hair glinting in red fury.

  ‘Calm down,’ Nuada whispered to him, ‘you’ll draw attention to us with your hair blazing like that. The time will come when you will have an opportunity to face him.’

  ‘I’m looking forward to that,’ he whispered hoarsely.

  ‘Welcome everyone. It is not every day in Griswold where we find ourselves confronted by things that are contrary to our values and beliefs. I have a duty to protect every single one of my subjects from this deception that has tried to invade our kingdom. As your Master I swear to keep you safe from this heresy – to make this a place where we all abide by the rules so that we can live harmoniously side by side. When a stranger comes into our midst and threatens the Lord of Griswold, then it has to be dealt with accordingly.’