Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 14

  ‘Let me go into the Dark Lord’s chamber to see if the treasure box is there? Aislinn asked the Great One.

  ‘No Aislinn, It’s far too dangerous.’ Mac could not bear the thought of losing her again.

  ‘Papa, the Dark Lord trusts me in his chamber, and I can say that I was sent to make sure he has everything he needs before bedtime. He will not be suspicious that we have escaped if he sees me and it will give us more time.’

  ‘That is a very courageous offer young lady,’ the Great One smiled, ‘but not one we require you to make.’

  ‘I think it makes perfect sense,’ Ziah said quietly. ‘I trust you Aislinn to do this if you want to, but only if you want to, not because you have to.’

  ‘I do want to Ziah,’ she said emphatically. ‘I have learned today that we lay down our lives for the ones we love and I love all of you. Besides, Great One, you have just told us that evil will never overcome goodness if there are people to stand up against it. That’s what I’m doing.’

  ‘Good girl, but you won’t have to lay down your life tonight – we will be here to protect you.’ The others hid in the niches outside the Dark Lord’s chamber while Aislinn steeled herself to enter the room.

  ‘Here is something for you to use should you need it,’ the Great One said handing her a vial of powder. ‘This will send him into a drugged sleep if you get the opportunity to use it, but don’t endanger yourself.’ She tucked the vial into her tunic pocket and headed for the chamber. She knocked quietly on the door. At first there was no response and she wondered if he were in there. She knocked again a little louder this time. She heard the frustrated growl of the Dark Lord inside and her heart hammered in her chest. Take deep breaths and keep calm, she thought. The door was yanked open by Legion. He was ready to abuse whoever was there but when he saw Aislinn he held back the rebuff. What a pleasant surprise.

  ‘Well, well, who do we have here? Are you missing me young Aislinn?’ he said sardonically and a little flirtatiously.

  ‘I was sent up to check that you have everything you need before you retire, Sir,’ she said sweetly. ‘If you like I can add more wood to your fire and turn down your bed for you, or perhaps you would like a little more wine poured?’ The attention of a young and beautiful girl seeing to his comfort was the crowning glory of his victory and the Dark Lord ushered her in. His vanity was piqued. Regent clenched his fists in fury and anger. ‘Did you see the way he was looking at her?’ he ranted. ‘I’ll wipe that smile off his face if he dares lay a hand on her.’

  ‘Calm down Regent,’ Ryder said. ‘She will be fine.’

  ‘She’s good,’ Nuada chuckled, ‘she has him completely fooled.’ Inside the chamber Aislinn added some wood to the fire all the while scanning the chamber for the treasure box. She did not see it in the seating area of the chamber so she assumed it must be near the Dark Lord’s writing desk or next to his bed. She made her way over to the bed to turn down the covers when she felt his stare upon her back. Fear crawled up her spine like a spider up a web and her stomach turned into a knot. Her courage must not fail her now. She spun around, forcing a winsome smile to her lips.

  ‘Would you like more wine, Sir?’ she asked praying that he would agree.

  ‘Don’t be so formal Aislinn. I would prefer you to call me Legion. I’ll have some wine if you join me,’ he said eyeing her up and down as though she were a tasty morsel to eat.

  ‘I’ve never had wine before,’ she said, ‘but I’m willing to try a little bit if it pleases you Sir… I mean Legion.’ His name rolling off her tongue felt like a mouthful of sticky molasses.

  ‘There are many new experiences I wish to teach you Aislinn – wine is just one of them. Let me pour you some my dear.’

  ‘No Legion,’ she said charmingly, ‘it is my job to serve you. Why don’t you sit down and I will get it for us. It would be an honour for me to serve the master of this castle.’ Legion was completely won over by her flattery. His arrogance and pride clouded his judgement - he allowed himself to believe that this sweet, innocent girl was attracted to his power and wealth. He knew that having power would change his world and this was just the beginning. He added some more wood to the fire then made himself comfortable in the armchair as Aislinn went to pour their drinks. She reached into her pocket and brought the vial out, tipping the contents into his goblet. Then she poured the wine over the powder and prayed that he would not notice it as it dissolved. She poured herself a small goblet of wine and carried it over to the fire near him.

  ‘Sit here with me,’ he urged pointing to the chair opposite him. ‘I could get used to this Aislinn. I can offer you wealth and prestige if you were by my side.’ Aislinn tried not to choke on her wine in revulsion at the thought. She smiled nervously at him and replied, ‘That is very kind sir, but I need time to get to know you first.’

  ‘We have plenty of that he said,’ sipping his wine greedily. Making her his queen would be a double arrow to the Great One’s heart – the daughter of one of his followers becoming his – how the Great One would hate that – he smiled at the thought. His eyes began to water and feel blurry. He rubbed them as though he were in a dream and shook his head as though to clear it. He kept seeing more than one of her. What was happening to him? His mind felt foggy and wouldn’t work very well. He could hear her chatting to him but he could not make out the words she was saying. Then he was swallowed up in inky blackness! Aislinn moved quickly, opening the chamber door. She waved to the others who were awaiting her signal. Mac breathed a sigh of relief to see her safe. It was the hardest thing to do, letting her go into that chamber but he was proud of her courage and strength. They entered and looked around for the treasure box. It was under his bed and after retrieving the key from around his neck they opened it up. Ziah picked up the keys that belonged to him and put them into his tunic pocket. Mac looked into the box, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of the scroll. He lifted it out and opened it up, his heart aching again as he saw the condemning words inscribed on it. He quickly closed it – he had verified it was the right scroll, but he would never read it again as it was the past - he did not want to relive it. They made their way out of the chamber and headed back to the tunnel. For tonight, they had achieved their goal and won a great victory. The Dark Lord would be furious.


  In the forest Imogene paced up and down restlessly waiting for their return. Maddy had only just gone to sleep – she had been unable to tear herself from the safety of her mother’s arms and had eventually fallen asleep curled up in her mother’s lap. Struan lay feverishly wrapped in a fur pelt and Imogene had to bathe his forehead every few minutes. She tried to stop herself thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Her sixth sense kicked in, making her aware of another presence in the forest. She scanned the thicket floor for a large piece of wood, snatching it up to defend her children from any other perils.

  ‘Who’s there?’ she called out, trying not to sound afraid.

  ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the voice said. Imogene strained her eyes to see into the darkness. It was a woman’s voice. She stepped out into the firelight and Imogene caught her breath. She was beautiful, radiating colour and light. She seemed familiar, although Imogene knew that they had never met.

  ‘My name’s Serena,’ she said to Imogene, continuing, ‘I have met your children Aislinn and Maddy.’ Imogene became fearful again. How could this woman have met Maddy and Aislinn - they had been in captivity? Was she one of the Dark Lord’s subjects sent out in the guise of beauty to capture them again?

  ‘How can that be?’ Imogene asked, still not relinquishing her hold on the wood.

  ‘I met them in the tower of the Dark Lord’s,’ she said smiling. ‘The Great One sent us to encourage them and keep their spirits up.’

  ‘How can I believe you,’ she asked, not sure what to do.

  ‘There’s nothing I can do to make you believe me, except to ask why you are so afraid to believe that the things you have seen and e
xperienced the last few days are real? The kingdom you visited when you met the Great One is not a dream, nor is it a place you will go to one day, Imogene. It’s a place you can go to whenever you need the Great One. He does not want you separated from him by time or space. Your imagination is the key to the door of his kingdom when you believe you can enter in anytime.’

  ‘How did you know we were there?’ Imogene asked.

  ‘Because I come from there,’ Serena replied simply.

  ‘Why are you here now?’ Imogene asked still suspicious.

  ‘Because I am the Protector of Gifts,’ she replied.

  ‘There are no gifts or treasures here,’ Imogene said, more suspicious now than ever.

  ‘Imogene, you and the children are the gifts – you are extremely precious to the Great One- he loves you more than you will ever comprehend. Even if you never do another thing for him, it won’t change how he feels. You are precious gifts to him and I am here to protect you until they return.’ Imogene felt the wood slip from her hands. Two large tears rolled down her face and then wracking sobs followed as she comprehended Serena’s words. She had experienced the love of the Great One – they were precious gifts, treasures to the Great One. For years they had pioneered and worked hard in their community. For years they had laid down everything in the hope of pleasing him and receiving his favour; and now it hit her with full force that he never required that of them. He did not need their service to make himself great and they did not need to earn his favour. All he wanted was for them to know his love and be happy. Imogene sobbed out all the striving, all the pain, all the frustration and rejection that she felt as Serena held her, watching her heart heal a little more. The two women sat at the fire talking about the Great One.

  ‘Why don’t more people want to follow him?’ Imogene asked.

  ‘Because they don’t know how good he is. Stories have been told over time about the Great One and people think he is going to judge them and punish them for not following him. They don’t realize that he loves them all and that nothing they do will ever keep his love from them. The Great One does not separate himself from anyone – his love and Lionsgate is open to all.

  ‘Then why does the Dark Lord have so much control over people?’

  ‘The Dark Lord loves to deceive people into believing that the Great One will punish those who don’t listen. Fear is a great weapon and leads man into many false truths. Fear can never lead you to love the way you should.

  ‘How sad,’ Imogene said, yet in her heart she and Mac had done the same thing. They had subconsciously feared the Great One, believing they had to work hard to please him. She was determined they would never make that mistake twice.

  The group alighted from the forest into the clearing where the two women were sitting. Mac held up the scroll triumphantly to Imogene. She was delighted to see them all, especially Ziah. She expected a sombre group to arrive back at the camp carrying his broken body. Seeing everyone together and in good spirits lifted her weary soul. The troubles were still not over – Mitchell was missing and Struan was feverish and had serious infection in his wounds, and yet despite all this Imogene felt peace and assurance that it would all be okay. The Great One delved deep into the pocket of his robe and pulled out the vial of healing oil. He laughed at their look of confusion.

  ‘Thank you for this but I didn’t need it for Ziah as I’m the one who grants life. The fact that you were willing to lay down everything, even your son’s life for me speaks of incredible love. This is true living – that we love in greater measure and that love would conquer all and usher in truth and life. Use the oil to heal your son’s wounds.’ Imogene threw her arms around the old man. Words failed her. In the last few days they had learned more about this wonderful person than they had known in all the years they followed him. Somehow it felt right and okay to embrace him this way. Ziah watched them, love reflected in his dark, beautiful eyes. He had been through pain and torment, and yet there was no evidence of the brutality he had endured. He watched Mac and Imogene gently apply the healing oil to Struan, the boy immediately responding to the miraculous potion. Struan sipped his broth hungrily while his parents explained all that had happened over the last few days. Ziah smiled – this family’s world had been turned upside down – they had seen things they would never have dreamed possible. This was something they would walk in more and more in the future, secure in the knowledge they were loved by the entire kingdom of Lionsgate.

  The morning began to dawn and the group readied themselves to move off. It was vital for them to leave this part of the Dark Lord’s kingdom before it was discovered that Ziah and the Hamilton children were gone from the castle. The Great One chuckled to himself imagining Sephtis’ confusion then fury as this was discovered. They gathered themselves together and began the journey back to Lionsgate. The trip was long, but triumphant as they made their way to the Glass Sea that would ultimately take them home to the majestic gates of the Great One’s kingdom.



  ‘Ooh my head feels as though it is going to explode.’ Legion tried to clear his fuzzy head. It felt as though pins had been poked into his eye sockets and his thoughts were sluggish and muddled. What had happened last night? He remembered sweet Aislinn as she sipped her wine. He recalled vague memories of Ziah in his chamber, but that was impossible - the man was dead! Surely he couldn’t have indulged in so much wine that he had passed out in front of the young girl? He felt a little embarrassed at the thought of this. He would go up to the tower and see her himself to apologize. He decided he wanted her no matter what and if he had to offer some comfort and privileges to her bratty brother and sister to achieve that, then he would. Once she was his queen, she would soon forget about them and he could send them away. After all, he had everything else, all he needed now was someone to share it with. The romantic dream formulated in his head making him smile. A knock at the door had him groaning again as he held his aching head in his hands.

  ‘Come in,’ he called.

  ‘Good morning Master. I trust you had a wonderful night’s sleep?’

  ‘What is it Falstaff? My head is splitting and I need some quiet.’

  ‘The druids sent word about the keys Master. They have discovered the secret of them.’ Legion forgot all about his headache, leaning forward in anticipation.

  ‘The keys can only be used if there is true love in a man’s heart. Without it they are of no use.’

  ‘Thank you Falstaff,’ he replied. It was more important than ever for him to make Aislinn his queen now. It was the only way he would ever be able to use those keys! His dream was short lived as there was shouting coming from the courtyard. What on earth was happening - why was there such a fiasco? Didn’t these people know he was in pain! Before long there was urgent knocking at his door. ‘What now?’ he called tentatively, holding his pounding head. The door swung open revealing Morelock and Deception, each looking sickly green. They were nervous and frightened and each looked to the other hoping they would be the first to speak.

  ‘What the devil’s happening?’ Legion asked, irritated.

  ‘We have a problem Master,’ Deception plucked up the courage to speak.

  ‘Well what is it?’

  ‘It seems Ziah’s body was stolen during the night and replaced by some other drunken sod,’ he nervously said.

  ‘Is that all?’ he mocked. ‘What difference does it make? He was as dead as a doornail and won’t be going anywhere. Maybe the vultures carried him off. Frankly, it is a blessing – saves us having to dispose his body.’ Legion’s nonchalant attitude caught them by surprise. They had never seen him like this before. The truth was his thoughts were consumed by the sweet, innocent young girl, trapped up in the tower of his castle. He wanted to see her as soon as possible and this conversation was wasting his time.

  ‘There’s more,’ Morelock muttered urgently. ‘The Hamilton children are gone from the tower – they’re nowhere to b
e seen.’ This news caught his attention, his face clouding over.

  ‘Have you checked the kitchen?’ he asked. ‘Perhaps they are helping Cook with the clean-up.’

  ‘We have checked everywhere Master. They are gone.’ Legion seemed momentarily confused. He had seen the young girl just the night before. She had shown such interest in him pouring him wine… The realization that she had outwitted him dawned on him making him feel sick to his stomach. He had not passed out from too much wine - she had drugged him causing his blackout and this monstrous headache he was battling. Most of all, he was angry with himself for being deceived by her sweetness. Where did she get the potion from? Someone must have given it to her. He racked his brain trying to remember the foggy haze of the previous night’s events. Again he recalled Ziah’s voice in his chamber. Rushing over to his treasure box he silently cursed himself for his stupidity. Flinging the lid open, his trepidation was confirmed. The keys and scroll were gone and the emptiness mocked him.

  The roar that emanated from his chamber reverberated around the stony walls of the castle and sent Falstaff, Morelock and Deception running in fear from his room. They all knew what this meant. He had been outwitted again by the Great One and this would make their Master angrier and meaner than ever before. This was not a good day for Griswold. Legion paced backwards and forwards in his chamber. His affection for Aislinn was quickly replaced with deep hatred for her. He laughed sarcastically as he thought how she had outsmarted him at the game he was so adept at playing. How could he have been such a fool? This was Ziah’s fault –he should have known the Great One would revive him. He had put her up to it – he was sure.

  ‘You think you’ve won?’ he shouted to the invisible Great One. ‘I will never give up trying to defeat you,’ he snarled. Now he had no hold over the Hamilton family either. The scroll and the keys were both lost to him. He was furious that he had lost the keys that held the power of life and death. They would truly have made him the most powerful person in the kingdom. He felt embarrassed that he had so little control over the circumstances. He would let his wizards and followers believe that Ziah’s body had been stolen – if anyone found out that he was alive he would be the laughing stock of Griswold.