Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 20

  ‘I think,’ she said slowly, terrified she may have the wrong answer, ‘that it’s a lie. I trust the Great One, and I believe he will keep me safe and that nothing will be impossible for me as long as I believe.’ Legion flushed. He was furious. He hadn’t reduced her to an insecure wreck. She still believed in the Great One and had chosen him above anything else despite all she had gone through. He had failed again. She had secured her freedom with her belief. There was no more he could do to her – she had made herself one with them and he could not touch her any longer. His hatred grew deeper – he had lost the one thing he truly wanted besides the Great One’s power. Ziah hugged her fiercely, delighted at her insight and being brave enough to follow her heart.

  ‘Remember,’ he whispered, ‘no one can plan your future. What you believe and declare will bring it into being.’

  ‘Get out of my castle.’ Legion could not bear to look at them one moment longer, his fury barely disguised. He had been defeated by the faith of a young girl – it was a bitter blow and a huge humiliation.

  ‘We’ll leave, but if you ever try and attack the Hamilton family again, we will be back and we won’t be so tolerant the next time.’

  ‘By the way Legion,’ Aislinn added, ‘Cillian did not kill my parents – you couldn’t even get that right. The Great One saved them because he is one who loves greatly. You are not half the man he is.’ Legion turned, marching out of the courtyard, back to his chambers where he would replay the events over and over in his head. He needed a strong glass of wine to quench the growing feeling of humiliation and defeat that his subjects had witnessed. He would have strategize a new plan of action. He would never give up – his hatred ran too deep, even though deep down he knew that he could never win.


  The group approached Lionsgate, chatting animatedly about all they had experienced over the last few weeks. It had been an adventure and Aislinn was pleased it was coming to an end. She felt exhausted, exhilarated and grateful for the companions she travelled with. Ziah shared the news that Mitchell was safely back with their family in Lionsgate and the weight of guilt she felt eased.

  ‘Why couldn’t the truth ring give me an answer for the future?’ she asked Ziah when she had a moment alone with him as they wandered behind everyone along the footpath.

  ‘The ring can tell us only what is present or past truth, but it doesn’t predict the future because each person creates their own destiny through their thoughts and beliefs. The Dark Lord wanted you to believe the worst and to live in fear for your future. That’s what he does – he tries to bring fear to man so that their future is one of hopelessness and pain.’

  ‘Does that mean I control my destiny?’

  ‘Yes it does, with the choices you make, so dream big Aislinn,’ he said smiling. ‘Many people believe that their future and destiny is a very narrow path – a bit like this path we are on,’ he said pointing at the stones.

  ‘In fact even your parents believed that until recently,’ he chuckled.

  ‘What is our future like then?’ she asked keen to know the answer.

  ‘It’s so much bigger than that Aislinn. It’s like living in a beautiful garden with amazing trees and plants and places to explore but then being told that you may not step off the path to experience the soft grass under your feet or to smell and pick flowers. Some people are so busy following the rules that they never leave the path and they miss out on so many amazing experiences. Don’t let anyone tell you where you can play in the garden of life Aislinn. You make your choices and decide who you are. You are meant to be an individual. How else can you make a difference and love those around you unless you are free to be yourself.’

  ‘I’ve also been wondering why we had to complete those challenges to defeat the Dark Lord. Aedan alone could have taken them all out.’ He smiled at her. She already knew the answer as she had lived it out.

  ‘Yes, we could have beaten him in battle, but sometimes fighting is not the answer. When you discovered who you are, you won the greatest battle of all. You made it impossible for the Dark Lord to hold you in fear and this brings great freedom. No man should ever have control over another. We are all valuable Aislinn.

  ‘Thank you Ziah – for being there for me. I love you.’

  ‘And I you,’ he said suddenly smiling and swinging her around in a circle. They fell onto the soft grass laughing as they watched the clouds.

  ‘Knowing you is fun,’ she sighed content.

  ‘Just enjoy the whole garden Aislinn.’

  The reception that greeted them as they entered the great hall was jubilant. Trumpets sounded and cheers of joy greeted them from every corner of the hall. Mac and Imogene rushed to their daughter, embracing her as though they would never let her go. They had been so worried for her and now they realized how much she had matured and grown in the last few weeks. She had been a young girl a few weeks ago and now she was a young woman – she had made them proud.

  The Great One watched them joyfully, pleasure in his heart. He considered them all his family – each and every one of them. The greatest joy to him though, was that the Hamilton family had discovered treasures that went beyond riches. They had been on a quest – not of their own choosing, but they had found what they were looking for. Each of them had experienced an awakening. They had found their real selves – each family member in a different way, but each richer for who they had become. They had discovered relationship with one another in greater measure but even more so with the Great One himself. They had also discovered freedom to be themselves and to live in it. They had found the ability to dream bigger than they ever imagined or expected. Yes, there would be many adventures to come and many challenges too, but they had found truth and strength to move forward from the past. They had found true friends in Lionsgate.



  ‘Where do you want me to put this thatch Mac?’ Eion asked as he staggered forward, his arms laden with the golden stalks.

  ‘Just there will do fine.’ Mac smiled at the enthusiastic young man. It had taken them a while to rebuild a life and home for themselves, but with the help of their new friends it had been made a lot easier. Now, they lived in a quiet place called Sherbrooke. Mac had gone back to thatching once they had left Griswold and he felt satisfied and content with their life. Eion was a worthy apprentice who worked hard, and each day the two men began work before the sun was up so that they had time to talk and build their friendship over the evening meal the families always ate together. They were very fond of this young couple who had courageously followed their hearts and consciences. Eion, previously known as Morelock, had decided he wanted a new name. He no longer wanted to be known by his old name - that man was ‘dead’ – someone who was a pawn in the Dark Lord’s evil chess game. He and Rozanne had settled on the name Eion, after his great-grandfather. It was especially relevant as it meant The Great One is gracious – something they had seen firsthand from the day they had arrived in Lionsgate and they still saw it every day of their lives. It was a new name for a new life and a fresh start. He had once been a man who had used his power for darkness and evil – helping to build the Dark Lord’s kingdom – that is until he met the Great One. They had decided to make their new home in the same village as Mac and Imogene so that they could learn as much as they could from them about the Great One. This was all so new to them and they were hungry for truth which Mac and Imogene couldn’t satisfy fast enough. They had found more than friendship with the Hamilton’s – they had acceptance for who they were.

  Rozanne was swollen with the baby that she carried and everyone was excited about the precious gift that would soon come. They had been amazed when she had fallen pregnant after years of barrenness, but Imogene had put it down to the fact that Lionsgate was a place of life and love – a place where dreams are made. They learned again of the Great One’s goodness in granting them the dream they had yearned for. That’s what they loved so much about hi
m – he never held their past against them – he only ever encouraged them to a greater hope and future.

  ‘Mac,’ a voice called from behind. It was a welcome interruption from binding straw.

  ‘Aedan,’ he exclaimed spinning around at his friend’s voice. ‘It’s so good to see you again?’

  ‘Good to see you too my friend,’ He hugged Mac fiercely to his broad chest.

  ‘You look well! Are you ready to come with us on a new adventure? We need your help – there’s a family that have lost everything in a fire and we thought we could give them a hand to rebuild their home.’

  ‘Well I can relate to that,’ Mac laughed. ‘I’ll be with you in a moment. I just need to let Imogene know. I’ll see if we have any leftover bread and some blankets to spare too.’

  ‘Send her our love,’ Aedan shouted after him as he raced into the house, eager anticipation written all over his face. He was living the dream now. He loved helping the Great One, working side by side with Aedan and his friends. This was what he had been created for. Never again would he lead a community with laws and rules for living – instead he was determined to live life with people as friends and to laugh with them in joyous times and cry with them when they needed it. The Great One had taught them the meaning of true love, true faith and true hope. That was the way it was always meant to be. Helping people in a practical way was far more beneficial than teaching laws and lessons for life. Actions really did speak louder than words and Mac and his family were determined that this was how they would live their life now.

  It’s strange, Mac thought, how the prophecy had turned out to be true after all. Initially they understood it to mean they would teach people how to live when what they really needed to do was just live and let people learn by their example. He chuckled as he entered the house at how things had worked out after all.

  Imogene watched from the doorway of the thatched cottage as the men made their way over the hill – off on another adventure. Each day was different and each adventure taught them something new. There was no expectation other than the sense of satisfaction they got from every person they cared for and helped. She felt grateful as she watched her husband and best friend walking with the red-haired Aedan and dark Regent. He was a different man now – no longer needing to prove his success. He had found security in knowing who he was and walking in it each day at a time. The sun rose up over the hill in a ball of glory and warmth. The past was gone and could never be changed, but she would not have wished to alter one detail of their journey and the love they had gained. It was another new day dawning for them all - each day a new awakening of living a life of truth and love.


  The Great One looked in His mirror and smiled knowingly. They were following their dreams – it had been a painful process for them but they had faced the challenges and conquered their fears, insecurities and rejection and awakened to a new hope and a new future. He had not caused this path to unfold – that occurred simply through the greediness and selfishness of man, but he had used the obstacles to help them find themselves again. They were a delight to him.

  He wandered over to the golden book, thumbing the thick pages open. He looked at the empty pages that lay ahead for their lives. They would write their own story - a story full of hope, joy and love - a story that would change the world.


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  Caroline Hemingway


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  Caroline Hemingway lives in Melbourne Australia with her husband Hamilton and their four children. The Destiny Chronicles were birthed when she undertook putting pen to paper as a therapeutic exercise, discovering in the process a love of writing. This was followed by short stories and children’s books she hopes yet to publish. She and her family are Foster carers to children who are at risk in the community and she is passionate about human rights. She is also an enthusiastic blogger and loves all things creative. Read more on her website.

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