Read The Baby Trap Page 1

  The interview

  By Oyebanjo Damilola

  Copyright 2014 Oyebanjo Damilola

  Revised Edition

  Cover picture by Orezie Arts

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book maybe reproduced, downloaded or redistributed in any form without the permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction and all characters, organizations and events described in this work are figment of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any event organization or person, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Oyebanjo's blog

  Warning: this work contains sexual scenes and not suitable for minors.

  The Baby Trap

  Casey ran a trembling hand through her thick mane of golden hair as the truth stared back at her from the pregnancy kit. She had known, even felt it all along and her first thought was, John. How was she going to tell him? They had never gotten around to talking babies, she didn't even know if he liked them. Consumed by their whirl wind romance that was fueled by their instant attraction to each other, she had ignored the commitment question.

  “Found you."

  Casey smiled as John suddenly appeared at the bathroom door, a wide grin plastered to his face. "You scared me."

  "It is probably because your mind was so far away." He stepped in further. "What’s that?"

  Too late she remembered the pregnancy kit lying on the bathtub. He had it in his hands before she could even think to grab it.

  "I'm pregnant." The words came out slowly, barely more than a whisper in the silence.

  "Figures," he said. "You've been filling out so much, and I was beginning to think it was too good to be true." He waved the pregnancy kit. "This confirms it." Then he dropped to his knees. "This is great Casey, we could get married."


  "Yes, for the baby."

  Cassey felt the beginning of what would have been a smile froze on her face at his words. "For the baby?" She ignored the confused look in his eyes and stood up from the water closet. "Wait, so you want to marry me because of the baby, not because you want to?"

  "Come on babes that is the most logical thing to do. You can't deny that we are so attracted to each other, the baby is a good evidence of that. So let's get married, you will see it will be fun."

  Cassey chuckled, leave it to John to think of marriage only in terms of fun. "My point still, it's not all fun, not all the time anyway. This baby is going to be a part of our lives, what happens if it is no longer fun between us or the sex is…"

  "Shush." He cut in, and expertly avoided her attempt to side step him before she let him pull her into his arms. The cheat, using the one thing he knew she couldn’t resist, himself. "It won't happen, I promise. I really want to have this baby, and it's kind of exciting to know that I will be a father, almost as exciting as stealing kisses from you."

  "Hmm-mm?" She stepped out of his embrace and arched her brows at him.

  "Yeah," he answered and then he brought his lips down to hers. Then he stopped to ask, "Kissing doesn't affect the baby, right?" Cassey let out a giggle which he must have taken for an answer as he enveloped her lips in a deep kiss.

  Involuntary her hands swept down his back, tracing the hard plane. Without breaking the kiss, she guided his hands to the hem of her gown, and moaned in pleasure when he slid his hands beneath. She whimpered in anticipation as he slowly slid his hands up her tights, deepening the kiss as his fingers briefly skimmed across her panties, then mercilessly stroked her through them. She let out a protesting moan and pressed her mould against his hand, then sighed in relieve when he finally pulled down the restricting panties. Desire seeped up her body as he traced his fingers through her curls. He rubbed repeatedly at her centre before sheathing a finger within her tight opening. She moaned softly as he slid in and out creating a steady rhythm as she felt the pleasure building up, and then she came, squeezing his hands with her tights at the intensity.

  She leaned into him spent as he maneuvered her out the bathroom and towards the bed, then slowly trailed kisses down her body. She stared up at the ceiling through steamy eyes, all protesting thoughts disappeared as he parted her legs and placed loud smacking kisses on her clit. Stopping short of licking, he continued to tease with kisses that felt like pecks as he created a rhythm that had her bowling her hips forward. She clutched the bed-sheet in pleasure and almost screamed when he finally took a long slow lick. Sheer determination held her in place, as he further spread her legs while his fingers held open the lips of her pussy. Cassey whimpered at the tingling breeze he blew with his lips and finally screamed when he took another long lick.

  "Oh, baby." But he didn’t stop. He continued to torment her clit in the most erotic way possible. "I need to come, again." She held on to his shoulder as he increased the pace and waves of pleasure gripped her. Where it not for his hands holding her in place she might have buckled off the bed as he continued to make her come over and over with his tongue sapping up everything. He reached out and squeezed her breast, pulling at the sensitive bud with his thumb, and she could only moan at the intense pleasure he created. He replaced them with his lips, sucking thirstily before doing the same to her lips. His hardened member pressed against her core and she spread her legs further, and he thrust in to the hilt. They both moaned in pleasure and her four walls squeezed him tight as he slowly began to move, building the pleasure and then he came.

  He rolled off and the room became filled with sound of their breath.


  The phone rang, cutting him off. "Sorry." He grabbed the phone off the mantel.

  "Who is it?"

  He held the phone away and mouthed,"Sam."


  He finished the conversation and said, "He called to remind us about dinner."

  "Yeah I totally forgot, can't we just skip it." She really didn’t feel up to going anywhere.

  He smiled. "You know we can't, we staying overnight you know and it will be a good opportunity to tell him that I am going to be a father."

  Cassey signed and leaned into the pillow. "I don’t think your brother approves of me, he rarely smiles, always so guff and he treats Meredith like shit."

  "Don’t say that, he is just still sad from the loss of their baby, you didn’t know him before then, and he wasn’t like this. You know the baby was the one reason why he and Meredith got married."

  Yeah, just like we are about t, she thought to herself, theirs was also not a love match.

  "Come, here," he pulled her into his embrace and maneuvered himself back on top. "Where were we?"

  "John, we are going to be late," She protested as he took her nipple in his mouth. Yet she couldn’t help but spread her legs to give his curious hands access.

  "Hmmm," he moaned.


  "Hmmm." He didn’t stop, but increased the frequency of his tongue. The pleasure from the friction was so exotic, it was almost painful. Then he stopped, just for a second and murmured against her breast. "Don’t worry, we will be in time."


  They were just in time, with Sam scowling at her like he knew first hand that it was her fault they arrived late. Meredith greetings were much warmer, as always and she ushered them into the rosy colored living room. On her few visit, Cassey had always though this part of the house reflected Meredith's personality.

  "Something smells nice," John commented and then rubbed his stomach. "Today's activities left me ravenous."

  Sam's scowl deepened as he observed the direction of John's gaze and Cassey felt herself blush pink, cursing her fair skin.

  "Let's get some food in you then," Meredith said. Cassey's stomach growled in agreement and all eyes turned to look at her.

; "What, I am also hungry."

  Then they all burst into laughter and she shared a knowing look with John."

  "Alright, seems like I have very hungry people today. You guys come take a seat," She gestured to the dining. "Thank God I set the table already."

  "Wow, my favorites, these streaks look yummy, Meredith. No wonder my brother has been fattening up since you guys got married. I can't wait to join the clique."

  Cassey knew the moment when John's words had effect, because she saw Sam give him a pointed look as they sat down.

  John must have been aware of how nervous she felt because he held her hands and when Meredith took a seat announced. "Cassey and I are expecting a baby."

  Cassey noted Sam's reaction from the corner of her eyes. He slowly nodded, his chicken inches from his mouth already forgotten as he stared across the table at them.

  "Well I guess you guys are going to get married?" Meredith asked and got another scowl out of Sam.

  "It’s not everyone that gets married because of a pregnancy, like we did."

  Those words must have hurt but Meredith didn’t let it faze her and Cassey had to admire her for that.

  John cleared his nose nosily beside her and said, "Actually Sam, Meredith was right, we are getting married."


  "We are getting married," John repeated and Cassey had to wonder if he was deliberately ignoring his brother's not so warm reaction or was simply so used to Sam's mood that he didn’t notice. After muttering some barely heartfelt congrats, Sam continued with his food, refusing to join in the conversation.

  Dinner was a strenuous affair after that, at least for her and Cassey jumped at the chance to leave by offering to help Meredith clean up in the kitchen. She could feel Sam's eyes follow her as she left the dining room.

  After some minutes of silence in the kitchen, Meredith cleared her throat and Cassey knew the other woman wanted to say something

  "Just ignore Sam," She finally said as she accepted the dish Cassey held out and then placed it in the dishwasher.

  "I know."

  "He wasn’t always like this, the loss of the baby hit him very hard and he always seems to be angry these days."

  Cassey didn’t know what to say so the silence ragged on as they worked.

  "Thank you for the help," Meredith said when the last of the dishes were cleared away.

  "You are welcome that was little compared to that lovely dinner."

  "And thanks for listening, you didn’t have to but you did."

  Cassey smiled and nodded. "It is going to be ok, you guys should talk, clear whatever it is that is going on between you two."

  "I know, I also want to see a marriage counselor."

  "Meredith." Cassey reached for her hands. "I honestly believe that it is a step in the right direction."

  "Yes, thanks so much."

  "You are welcome." Cassey let go of her hands. "Since we are done here, I should probably go and join the boys, before John comes in here looking for me."

  "True, you will probably find them in the game room, arguing over basket ball or something."

  Cassey arched her brows questioningly. "Aren't you coming?"

  "I will join you, want to get some juice."

  "Ok." Without thinking she enveloped the Meredith in a tight hug, and made her way out of the kitchen. Cassey felt closer to her and truly hoped she could finally have a happy marriage with Sam. Meredith was just too nice to deserve less.

  The door to the game room was wide open and the room in pitch darkness, illuminated only by the light from the large plasma. It was the snippy voice of Sam that had her stopping. Not that she wanted to eavesdrop but she thought she heard Sam say her name. Coming from his lips she intuitively knew that it couldn't be good.

  "You guys haven't even known each other for that long," he was saying, not even bothering to lower his voice.

  John was much quieter but she heard him say, "We are attracted to each other." And Sam snorted before saying, "Oh yeah, look where that got me. Do you love her? Aren't you just marrying her because you don’t want to be like dad who skipped out on us and left mom to bring us up. Ok answer this, are you marrying her because of the baby yes or no?"


  Cassey shut her eyes against the pain that erupted through her like a volcano at his answer. Despite the fact that she knew already, it hurt that he could actually tell someone else.

  "Do you love her?"

  She couldn’t, didn’t even want to hear what she already knew the answer to. She backed away from the entrance and almost collided with Meredith and the tray she held.

  The look of apology and pity in her eyes confirmed to Cassey that she must have heard everything also. Cassey shook her head to silence whatever she must have wanted to say and hurried toward the room she shared with john. The tears finally came behind closed doors and she made her way to the bed as the pain doubled in intensity. Of course he didn’t love her, not once had he ever said 'I love you'. But to actually hear him say he didn’t out loud would have just killed her. Theirs would always be a loveless marriage, a marriage of necessity, just like Meredith and Sam. Like Sam he might come to resent that kind of life, perhaps even blame her for trapping him with the baby.

  No way, tomorrow she would tell him she wasn’t going to marry him, she wiped at her face with her right hand. Then held it out in front of her, he hadn't even given her a ring. There was no need for him to know she overhead the conversation. At least her pride would be intact even if her heart wasn’t.


  Cassey woke up with memories of the night before, she'd cried herself to sleep and hadn't even been aware of when John came in. Given the winkle of the pillow, he must have at some point in time anyway. Glad for the privacy his absence offered she took a quick shower and packed her cloths then made her way down to the living room after calling the taxi company. Meredith saw her first and sent her a questioning look when she saw the back but she ignored it.


  He looked away from the television and finally noticed her. Then he took in the duffel bag she carried and asked. "Where are you going to?"

  She ignored it. "We need to talk."

  He leaned back into the cushion. "Ok."


  "Sam, let's give them some privacy." It was Meredith that spoke this time around and the two of them left the room.

  "What is up?" he patted the space beside him in invitation but she didn’t buckle, rather she stepped towards the front door. He must have realized the seriousness of the situation because he stood up and came over.

  "John I am leaving."

  "I can see that, but isn't it too early? We haven't even had breakfast yet."

  "I am leaving alone, and I'm not marrying you."

  "What? Why?"

  "I don’t love you." Cassey felt guilty at the lie when his eyes lost their glow. Could she had been wrong, and then she stiffed her resolve, it was just better this way. "You will always be a part of our baby's life but I really don’t think marriage between us would work. I am not ready for commitment, I'm so sorry john. Truth is I don’t want what Sam and Meredith have, I couldn’t live like that."

  He stepped forward and she took a step back. "You don’t have to," he pleaded. "Please Cassey."

  "Do you love me?"

  He paused, and then started to answer, but it was all the answer she needed. No matter what he said, that pause already answered it all. He didn’t love her.

  "Don’t." she raised her hand, cutting off whatever he wanted to say.

  "I lied. I know it sounds crazy and it's not even been up to three months since we met, but I love you in ways that I have never thought myself capable of. It hurts to know that you don’t feel that way. I don’t want a one sided marriage, I can't do that to any child of mine. I can't throw them into a loveless marriage. I want the real deal and I don't think you are ready for that, I know I deserve better." She closed her eyes against the tears that threat
ened to drop and wished she was really as strong as she sounded.

  "Cassey I am so sorry, it so easy to say the words but I need to be sure first. You do things to me that I have never felt before but I don’t know.

  She nodded. "Ok then, when you know, we can talk about marriage."

  The horn of a car sounded and she turned away towards the front door but he reached out to stop her by grabbing her arm. "Where are you going?"

  She shrugged off his hands. "Anywhere but here." She gripped the doorknob, opened it and stepped out into the cold morning. Her back felt stiff from trying not to glance back at him as she tried to keep walking away, towards the taxi parked at the end of the drive way.

  Once inside, she finally gave in and stared out the back window as the taxi drove away. There was nothing to be seen, he hadn't even come out the front door.

  The ride to the apartment building was relatively short and she took the elevator up.

  Loud running steps had her turning towards the staircase as she stepped out of the elevator. The door to the stair cased slammed open and John came running out.

  "Cassey." He struggled for breath as she stared at him in surprise. "Cassey I am so sorry. I want more than what we had before, I want to be by your side every step of the way, I want to experience life with you, I think a lot about you, about us and if all of that means love, then yes I do. I love you. I love you and not because of there is a baby involved, although I love our baby also but I'd rather have you. It took me all of the minute you steeped out that front door to realize it, please give me another chance. You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to but I would really love you to."


  "Cassey, just tell me that you love me."

  "I do."

  The words were barely out before he wrapped her in a tight hug and then he began trailing kisses all over her face. "Thank you," he whispered. "Will you marry me?" he dropped to his knees and brought out a small box. He opened it to reveal a simple elegant ring adorned with a stone. "It's my grammas ring, I borrowed it from Sam's safe." He answered the question already forming in her mind. "Marry me."

  "Yes I want to marry you, I love you so much baby."

  "I do too."

  The end.

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? Thanks! Oyebanjo Damilola.