Read The Baby Trap Page 3

  Oh, what the hell was going on with him? All he had planned for the day was to run for miles the length of the beach, have a long swim and be dead to the world by evening time but now all his senses were filled with only one mission, to bed the beautiful stranger.

  Automatically his legs set out on their own towards the woman, covering the distance with ease and in no time, oblivious to the inviting smile sent his way by other scantly clad women.

  She was a real beauty up close and her eyes were closed in a beautiful expression of enjoyment, while a dark sunglass dangled from her fine looking hands. For a moment he questioned what he was about to do but then his attraction won the fight.


  “Good day beautiful, enjoying yourself?” A voice Rena thought to be too male, melodious and tempting asked. It broke into her quiet reverie and made her to swallow a soft swear word under her breath. Didn’t anyone understand the word, privacy?

  She opened her eyes and looked up. She stared into the most beautiful thickly lashed brilliant blue eyes she had ever seen. Her own sea blue eyes scanned the face looking down at her and she thought to herself, oh what a handsome looking man. Her gaze left his face to trail down his naked chest.

  He was, was handsome in a rakish way, his body six feet two or three inches of well toned muscle and high beautifully shaped cheekbone. He was covered with a beautifully tanned skin, taut and terrific as he stood in the direction of the sun, with sweat or was it water, dripping down his bare chest. Rena felt herself prickle with awareness which was very unlike her and respond to the man as if she had never seen a half naked man in tennis shorts before. Her eyes involuntary traveled back to his face, he had very black hair, broad chest and lean legs that made him look like an Adonis reborn. Just taking in the gold splash of hair on his chest that went in a v-line down his chest and disappeared under the waistband of his shorts was enough to bring wicked thoughts creeping into her mind.

  Who was he anyway?

  “When you are through staring at me, you can tell me,” he teased with a wicked grin that made butterflies flutter deep in Rena’s stomach. He stared down at her just as steadily as she stared up at him. He also made a point of looking her over, very obviously, without been subtle and his grin widened at the redness that stole up her face. It was one of the misgivings of being fair skinned. Rena tried directing her thought away from the handsome man who stood in front of her. God knows what he wanted with her, she questioned silently.

  “Can I join you?” He asked. Without waiting for her answer, he took an empty sun lounge and settled comfortably beside her. Apart from the fact that he was very handsome, he was also overconfident, Rena decided as she watch him sit, but the weird thing was that she liked it. She didn’t even feel annoyed at his assuming attitude but instead was filled with a wonder about him.

  “Where are you from?” He asked as a way to engage her in a conversation and turned towards her. “Surely not from here?” He smiled as he continued with his questions, not at all aware of how the smile made him more handsome and revealed a wicked dimple on his much tanned cheek.

  Rena felt herself burn under his gaze and thought on how to answer him. She didn’t want to assume too much and from the way he talk he didn’t give any indication except that he was just trying to make friends like every other tourists on the beach. “How do you know that I’m not from here?” She asked in what she hoped was a friendly voice, baring no resemblance to her normally weary voice and tried to sound unaffected by him his easy going attitude.

  But the truth was that this stranger had her curious about him. Wasn’t it just strange that he would pick her out of the crowd on the beach, when there were women around in less than skimpy bikini and more beautiful than she was. Maybe she was just thinking too much, he would just turn out to be a nice tourist, she told herself.

  “It is because of your accent but I can’t place it, even when I know that you are not from around here.” He shifted to a more comfortable position and shows of muscles were reviewed as he waited for her answer.

  “I’m from the big apple.” He gave a nod like he had thought as much. If this had been a subway or in a bar back in New York City, she would not have given the man a second look. For all she knew, he could be some kind of freak or an escaped convict, he could be anyone. Yet there was something different about this one, maybe it was the way he smiled at her as if finding her interesting. It had been a long time since she found a man interesting, a long time. Rena mentally shook her head, she couldn’t possibly be harboring sexual ideas about a stranger.

  His rap like voice snapped her out of her reverie for the second time.

  “Really, you’d be surprise to know that almost all New Yorkers come here for their holidays,” he commented, and glanced around the beach.

  Rena followed his gaze and could bet what he saw, girls in skimpy bikini with killer shapes that had probably gone under the knife, playing around in the beach-waves, while the wind carried their laughter. She had a nice shape alright and was beautiful with clear sea blue eyes and her glossy brown almost black locks of hair that looked like an advertisement for a hair product. She knew because of her male admirers who never hesitated to tell her so, but she couldn’t help but sometimes long for her eighteen years old figure, nothing could ever compete to that. And why would she even need to compete, she found herself questioning. It wasn’t as if she and this man had exchanged anything more than a few sentences. She glanced back from the girls and caught him looking at her, patiently waiting for her answer with an amused expression on his face as if he could tell what she had been thinking.

  “So I’ve noticed." She was starting to like this man and his quick assessment of things. “Are you also from New York?” She asked. He certainly looked like the type with just the right charisma for someone that might be a high rising executive in a multibillionaire firm.

  “Yes, and like you I came here to enjoy myself and meet new friends,” he drawled, using his free hand trail through the beach sand. That simple gesture of his hand had Rena thinking of how it would feel to have such powerful hands on her body, teasing and cuddling, just the thought alone was arousing.

  Alarmed at what she was beginning to envision in her mind, she gave a nervous laugh and smiled. “I really love it here.” She took a good sniff of the fresh gentle wind and continued, “Far away from Wall Street, the traffic jam of New York City and of course the pressure of work.”

  “What made you decide to come to Hawaii, the travel agency?”

  “No, my friend Jenny, she moved here some couple of years back and has been talking nonstop about how beautiful her new home is. Once I needed a break from work, it just seemed like the place to come.”

  “Means you are not just some lone tourist, like me you also know some native of the island. What type of work do you do, back in New York?” He emphasized. His smile was warm, sending delicious shiver down her body. It was impossible not to respond to it, it was the kind that invited people to let down their guard or just stop to admire a natural beauty.

  “I’m an interior and exterior decorator.” She watched the play of surprise on his handsome face. What had he expected her to be? Whatever it was, it probably wasn’t to discover that she was a working class woman.

  “Wow, such a coincidence.” He appeared genuinely glad, a dark twinkle appearing in his blue eyes as she observed him.

  “Are you also a decorator?” She asked as he continued to smile in surprise. It was her turn to be surprised as she waited for him to answer. But something about his self-confidence told her that she was wrong even before he corrected her. She couldn’t even beginning to picture him in the middle of client’s properties, planning designs and amidst rows of furnishings and things that needed to be arranged. He just wasn’t the type, she could bet that he’d just feel choked up in a closed office, or designing a room for the hours that i
t took.

  He shook his head as if the thought appalled him and his damp hair shook water on Rena. She couldn’t blame him, male decorators were stereotyped and Rena could guess that the name would not go down well with him. His answer proved her first assumption right.

  “Not really but I’m an architect.” Now why didn’t that surprise her?

  The job just seemed to fit his personality and she could bet her next holiday tickets that he didn’t just draw the plans of a building and sit in a comfortably and well furnished air-conditioned office, while the contractors did the work. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Those muscles of his couldn’t have been gotten from working in an office all day, not at all.

  “That is a nice job,” She said. An image of him with sweat dripping down his bare back on a site came rushing into her mind. A tremor went through her as she realized where her thoughts had led. What the hell was wrong with her? Were her hormones going into overdrive or what? Why the hell was a perfect stranger giving her ideas that even those closest to her hadn’t been able to create? There had to be an explanation for this. Maybe she was relaxing too much or was she just plain over reacting.

  “We’ve being talking for a while and yet I don’t know your name.” It was an invitation and she knew it.

  “Revena MacAlasi,” She said, after a moment of pause.

  “That is a funny surname for such a beautiful woman like you, Revena,” he observed and smiled in such a way that it stole her breath away. She wasn’t one to go for a weekend fling but this handsome stranger was making her do a rethink. He attracted her in a way that no man ever had and she felt more curious about him. He could be a great lover.

  Rena blushed at what was racing through her mind, and with much annoyance. Within the short space of time that she had met this handsome stranger she had been blushing like a virginal maiden something very unlike her. And his amused expression as he glanced at her was only adding to it. “It is a combination of a Scottish and an African name,” she explained when she was able to put a stop to her growing reverie. How could she be attracted to a man she knew nothing about? It was impossible.

  “It is also very nice,” he commented and held her gaze. “Permit me to call you Rena?”

  He could call all her anything and she wouldn’t mind as long as it was her that he called. “Yes you can, almost everyone I know calls me that.” She didn’t bother to say that does everyone only included her secretary, some close employees and few friends that had known her for ages. She could believe she was flirting with a man she knew nothing about, it was unbelievable but it also felt nice. It made her feel very feminine, especially with the way his heated gaze followed her every move and gesture. By now her sunglasses was removed and beside her on the sun lounger as she chatted with him.

  He was amusing, entertaining and very relaxed as he talked to her and he didn’t go out of his way to be nice he was just was Rena would say ‘being himself’ and that was what she liked most about him.

  “Can we go for a swim, Rena?”

  “Sure, I will race you.” Her eyes gleamed in challenge even when she knew that there wasn’t any chance of her winning. His physical features left no doubt of that in her mind as he stood up and let out a hand to also help her up.

  “Not on your life.” His grip was solid, comforting and not at all sweaty. She gave a disbelieving snort before making a face at him and started towards the beach water with him on her heels.


  They came back about thirty minutes later, talking with so much excitement and dipping from the salty beach water. Swimming with him had been fun, they retraced their steps back to their shade and were both deeply absorbed with their discussion.

  “That was so much fun,” Rena said, sitting down on her sun-lounger and sighing with pleasure. She fished out a towel from her gym bag and he did the same.

  “I’m starving Rena,” he moaned. One hand clutched his stomach in fake pretence and he looked quite funny doing that.

  “We can go to one of those beautiful beach restaurants,” she suggested. She truly hoped he would agree for she wasn’t ready to leave his company.


  They made their way hand in hand towards one of the restaurants that lined the beach area. It was filled up with tourists wearing different holiday clothes and laughing with their various companions.

  A red haired waitress dressed in a beautiful Hawaiian print uniform with a huge cleavage appeared instantly to attend to them as they settled in a corner of the restaurant. She had a big smile when she set her eyes on Tred and Rena could see why the waitress taken in by his smile.

  When their order had been taken and the already infatuated waitress gone, he asked, “How long are you planning to stay on this island?” Totally unaware of the waitress admiration of him.

  “One month or so, I was thinking of going on a tour to see this island from the air, people say that it is more beautiful from the sky,” she declared and absently played with a strand of her hair.

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Yes but I will let you be the judge of that. Did you rent a condominium?” He inquired as he combed a stubborn and damp hair back into place.

  “Yes I did.”

  “Many islanders never leave to go to other places and they love the tourists, especially when they buy lots of things,” He said with a deep chuckle and fixed her with an interested look as if trying to read her mind.

  “Yes, I noticed that, do you always come here for your holidays?” She tried to direct the conversation towards him and she succeeded.

  “Not always, Hawaii isn’t the only place with islands like this but I have a condominium that I bought years ago, I love this place and come when I get the chance,” he revealed.

  The waitress returned with their food and Rena settled to eat but not before looking around again at the interiors of the restaurant. The place was no longer as crowded as before and Rena was able to get a nice view of the interior structure. It was a habit she had developed over the years, to always study the work of others.

  The restaurant was beautiful and cozy, a far cry from the usual sophisticate and impersonal restaurant she frequented in New York. It was spacious, and romantic songs came from the small band playing on the dance floor not too far from them. The red chairs and tables with candle holders built-in wine glass set a romantic feeling, the candles weren’t lit of course as it was not yet dark or close to it but the setting impressed Rena.

  “Rena so do you own the company?” he asked, claiming her attention.

  She looked at him, surprised by his intruding questions and for a moment wanted to tell him to mind his business but she didn’t. “Yes, how about you?” She asked.

  “Nope, I work for a very big and successful construction company,” he replied easily and didn’t look up from his plate. “Is there anyone waiting for you back in New York City?”

  His attention was still on his food, but Rena knew he was also waiting for her answer and she took her time before answering, “Yes, my daughter Faye.” She watched him carefully to notice his reaction, most men stayed clear off when they learnt about Faye. So it came as a surprise to her when he didn’t even ask any question but continued eating his food as if she had just told him the time. She soon followed his example and busied herself with eating, the oyster and salmon in gravy was delicious and she concentrated on it.

  The same red-haired waitress cleared their table and placed half a bottle of red wine on their table. ‘On the house’ she had explained at Rena confused look.

  “I guess you are surprised to know that I have a child?” She asked after a while of comfortable silence.

  He took his time in answering, maybe considering what to say or the right word to say it. Then he said, “Yes, in fact I’m still surprised, because you don’t look like you might have been preg
nant before or even given birth. I’m not blind and during our short acquaintance I have discovered that you have a great figure. I can bet that your daughter is just as beautiful as you are.”

  She hadn’t expected such complement and she pretended to sip her wine in other to hid her smile.

  It was evening by the time they left the restaurant and they decided to take a long trek down the beach to exercise their legs. The evening air was cool, and it carried Rena hair as they walked hand in hand along the beach, letting the wave to crash in on their feet.

  It suddenly drawn on Rena that she didn’t know much about him, not even his name. Only that he lived in New York and that she considered him as a friend. “We’ve been together for almost five hours and I still don’t know your name.”


  That was all he offered. So much for thinking they were friends. No surname, but his name was nice and felt like chocolate on her tongue when she said it. They continued in silence and the only conversation they had was to ask directions to her condominium. Tred’s condominium she soon discovered was in the same neighborhood and on the third floor of a tall building that he claimed had a nice view of the golf course and the little but beautiful woodland around.

  They arrived at her condominium, Rena was still trying to decide if she should invite Tred in for coffee or not, but when they got out of the elevator and arrived at her door, the decision was taken out of her hands.

  Tred leaned in, pecked her and said, “Have a pleasant sleep, Rena.” He made a slight gesture with his hand and left after she closed the door. She could hear him whistling and the sound of the elevator as he left and went straight to the phone to call her secretary. It was past time anyway and she should have called Fiona days ago.

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