Read The Baron & the Clockmaker's Daughter Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Jasper was enjoying his role of cat. He toyed with Irene when he sensed she was in her most vulnerable state. He caught her once in her dressing gown going to the water closet and saw her hesitate as to whether she should continue or return to her room. Her hair hadn’t been brushed and looked a bit wild. In fact, it looked delightful, but he knew that she would feel at her disadvantage because of it. So he held her in trite conversation in the corridor. She’d finally made an excuse to return to her room.

  He noted that she tried to avoid her children whenever possible. That suited him, because he had never had the slightest inclination to have anything to do with any human under eighteen. His little assaults on her had stimulated him, but his bouts of lust didn’t trouble him particularly as they had always heightened the final and ultimate assault accorded to the victor.

  He made no obvious attempts to find her, although he was quite subtle keeping track of her movements. He had known that she was going to ride with a groom so he’d made a point of being in the stables long before she arrived, so it would seem that he’d had the idea before her. As they were both out to ride, it seemed a good idea if they rode together. Jasper made a point of telling the groom that he would still be needed, leaving it unsaid that it was because he didn’t wish to compromise Madame.

  Jasper was perfectly confident of the image he gave when on horseback. It was one of his favourite pastimes and he mounted exceedingly well. His clothes were tailored to perfection for him, and his command of any horse drew looks of admiration or envy. It was what he did second best in life, but not everyone would know what he did best. Only those fortunate women whom his choice had fallen upon could vouch for his outstanding prowess as a lover.

  He was surprised to see how well Irene rode. She looked so feminine that it was hard to imagine her anywhere near a horse or manure or mud. When he complimented her, she admitted that it was the way she escaped from the impression of being enclosed. She needed to feel that she controlled her own freedom. Jasper registered the remark, because he knew that Quentin would be happy to hear it. It meant that taking on her two children would certainly curtail her freedom, and he didn’t believe for a second that she had any intention of doing that.

  Putting himself in her place for the briefest instant, the idea of having two young children hanging onto a leg or a neck made him sympathise with her. He would have run away too. He suddenly looked at her with different eyes. She had been lucky to be so young when she’d had the children. Her body had definitely recovered its youthful shape and riding had toned her muscles. She didn’t look her age and her wardrobe flattered her, being of the highest quality and in extremely good taste. Jasper himself favoured Italian fashion over French. This line of thought led him to his desire to tour Europe. He looked sideways at Irene surprised by the idea that he might enjoy touring with her. Stranger things had been known to happen to him, so he mustn’t discard the idea without giving it a chance.


  Now that Jasper was in residence at Marshalswick House, dinner automatically included him. Quentin and Faith alone would have been able to arrange for their meals to be ‘intimate’ but Jasper’s presence changed the equation. He was a guest and had to be catered to and the by-product was that Irene attended the dinners in the dining room too.

  One often imagines the worst only to find that reality is never quite that bad. This was the case with the dinners. Both Faith and Quentin managed to get through the first dinner in Irene’s presence, without any outstanding unpleasantness.

  Faith later said to Quentin that she thought that Jasper acted as a buffer. Irene didn’t seem as virulent with him present. Perhaps she was trying to impress him or rather, trying not to make a bad impression? It was apparent, though, that Quentin spoke as few words to her as possible and certainly never engaged her in conversation, but Jasper made up for any awkward moments with his charming wit.

  Once again, Faith found herself wondering why he wasn’t married. He showed no signs of leaning towards the company of men and the occasional remark made by Quentin left her with little doubt about his skill with the women of his choice.


  Mrs. Welby continued to work as nursemaid to the children while Faith relayed with her, spending time on their education. It actually seemed to be the perfect solution for all concerned.

  Mrs. Welby found that she had more free time to herself than had been planned, so it made her very amenable to everyone. Faith too had more time than had originally been organised so she was able to devote more time to Quentin without the worry of the children. The children now found that they were surrounded by people who cared, and it made Faith happy to see how Christopher seemed to have some of the spirit that came to Helen so naturally. She sometimes heard brother and sister laughing together.

  They both got on very well with the Brosnan children, so they took turns visiting each other whenever it was convenient.

  They continued with their naughty ways, but Irene had realised it did no good to complain. No one listened to her.

  On one occasion they had tied her door handle to that of the adjacent door. It meant that she couldn’t get out of her room even if she went through the dressing room. The servants that were present counted that she pulled the bell-rope in her room at least ten times before giving up. Rose, the maid, finally went up to open the door asking ‘why she hadn’t used the bell-rope to call someone…?’

  “Mrs. Wolfe growled.” she told everyone later with a giggle.

  Jasper’s presence did mean that Irene was on her best behaviour. They were both seen to go riding a lot and of course the servants will talk, especially as they were now going without a groom.

  Quentin and Faith had gone to see the vicar about publishing the banns. Quentin was thrilled to have a date for their marriage. It was to be on Saturday, 12th of November, which was less than a month away.

  As Faith had no desire to go to London for the new clothes that Quentin insisted she have, it was arranged that she go into St Albans and have herself measured for anything she wanted. He even said he would go with her if it would please her, although he had no real idea about today’s fashion for women. He was sure that the dressmaker would be perfectly up to date with current fashions, being so near to London.

  They made a list of people they would like to invite for the wedding breakfast. Then they crossed off most of them. They were both happy with keeping it ‘intimate’. Faith would invite her aunt and Nessie, and Ciaran and Lydia. He would invite Henry and Eloïse Brosnan, hoping that Eloïse would feel well enough to attend. James Reed and Jasper would be the only others he wanted. When they had both agreed that the list included the people that counted for them, they looked at each other with the unspoken question concerning Irene. They could only suppose that she would still be there, so she would no doubt invite herself. Of course, they both wanted the children to share the meal with them even if they didn’t stay the whole time. That meant that they included Kate and Ben Brosnan in the invitation as well. That way it would be a special day for all the children.

  Faith wrote the invitations and they both signed them. It was best to get them sent as soon as possible so that everyone could plan to be there. She put in a note with her aunt’s and the Curzon’s invitations telling them that they would be expected to stay with them at Marshalswick House and they would be happy to send transportation to pick them up if they needed it. The invitations were sent the next day.

  There was a delicate balance needing to be found between the life as it was before Faith agreed to marry Quentin and the life afterwards. If too many changes took place, it could only lead to altering the people involved. That was the last thing that Quentin wanted. He loved Faith as she was and didn’t want to risk upsetting the balance. However, there was one thing he felt should be added to help Faith and that was her own personal maid. He broached the subject with her.

  She was to become a baroness with a certain standing wi
th all the tenants and workers that depended on them for their jobs. The neighbours would be looking at her critically as well, and although there was no need to exaggerate, it would be important that she have a wardrobe of clothes for formal occasions that would most certainly occur once they were married. Her clothes would need to be a little more sophisticated than the ones she presently owned.

  There would be all manner of underclothes, corsets, stockings, shoes, slippers, dresses, shawls, pelisses, bonnets and gloves and so on, that would make up her wardrobe. A personal maid would handle her wardrobe making sure that there were no stains, tears or wrinkles. If need be, the maid would also know how to create hairstyles. She would be as discreet as Faith would like, but hopefully, she would be someone that was pleasant enough that Faith would appreciate her and her skills.

  Faith was reluctant to complicate her life, but he finished by insisting saying that she would soon get used to the advantages. He suspected that for all her vivacity, she would nevertheless feel out of her depth in the beginning, even if they didn’t socialise a lot.

  As his status changed from that of a bachelor to a married man, Quentin knew that he and Faith would find themselves invited to all sorts of gatherings that would be difficult to refuse. He was also the only titled man in the region, so invitations would also come from people wishing to include their local aristocrat in their venue. It was best she began their married life with the help and knowledge that a well-trained maid could bring. Servants knew all the other servants in the area and in consequence, all the gossip. It was best to know where not to misstep, and a maid would be able to discreetly direct her mistress.

  Faith was a little taken aback by the idea, but she did see the usefulness, if she were to do honour to her husband. Quentin was also imagining that she would soon be carrying his child and a maid would be needed to help her as she increased.

  So that was settled. It just needed them to decide if one of the maids in the household would suit or if they needed to bring in someone new for the job. Faith asked him if she might have a word with Millie before they took any other action and he agreed, although he frankly preferred bringing in someone who already had experience.

  When Eloïse received the wedding invitation, she came to see Faith as soon as she could.

  The enormous smile on her face told Faith that the news had pleased her, which she soon confirmed verbally. She joked with Faith saying that she had kept her secret very well, as no one had imagined that she and Quentin had feelings for one another.

  Faith had to laugh as she replied, “We didn’t know either until we were separated.”

  Of course Eloïse confirmed that they would all be happy to come to the wedding breakfast. If, she felt she couldn’t make it, Henry and the children would be there regardless, as she was counting on someone to tell her all about it.

  Faith felt she could ask her how she was managing now that there were only about six or seven weeks before the baby was due. She was relieved to hear that Eloïse felt very well, although she found she was bigger this time than she’d been the other two times. Her mother had reassured her that it often happened. Each time one had another baby, one seemed to be larger. Eloïse was grateful that her mother would be there when her time came near. Her mother had had six children which gave her some authority on the subject.

  “Some women have ten babies or more. Can you imagine how big they must get? I wonder that they can even walk around. They probably end up by rolling around,” Eloïse said with a laugh.

  Together they spent an agreeable afternoon talking of wedding clothes and the children. They parted saying that they would try to see each other the following week.

  Quentin came home in the evening in time to have a bath before the evening meal. He’d been helping to clear some of his property of fallen timber. A portion of it had been rotten because of lying in a mire of undrained land, and he felt sure he must smell like a troll from a bog.

  He came down to the evening meal looking shiny clean and handsome. He’d washed his hair and combed it back and then shaved because it seemed silly not to do everything properly. He’d dressed for the meal in a black coat and trousers with a pristine white shirt and neckcloth. The clothing was plain but it suited him. Faith’s breath caught in her throat as she suddenly saw him in a different light. He had always impressed her with his physique, but now he looked positively beautiful to her. She could hardly wait for the dinner to be over to drag him away and tear off all those flattering clothes.

  Jasper raised an eyebrow as they left before the dessert.

  Faith didn’t know what was different. Perhaps nothing was, but she desired him as she never had before. As soon as they were locked in their bedroom, she pulled him to her and began sniffing him. He looked at her like she was mad until she licked his jaw and then his mouth, his lips and inside his mouth, intruding with her tongue, savouring his flavour. He groaned as he tasted her. She put her hand down to his pantaloons in the most provocative way. He grabbed her hand while he caught his breath. She laughed into his mouth and he groaned again.

  “Don’t do that Faith or I’ll be finished before I’m undressed.”

  “You’d better hurry then, Mr. Wolfe as I don’t intend to wait more than two minutes,” she threatened.

  “That will teach me to dress for you,” he complained lightly. “Why didn’t I come to the table naked? It would have saved a lot of time.”

  She had shed her clothes and stood before him helping him shed his.

  “Your two minutes have gone,” she said, putting her hands inside his unbuttoned shirt to caress his chest before putting her arms around him to hold him tight. He picked her up effortlessly and carried her to the bed kissing one of her breasts tenderly. He laid her there while he stripped his remaining clothing and left it in a pile on the floor. Then he joined her.

  It was as the first time. They were both awed by the depth of their sentiments and the wonderful sensations that carried them away yet again. When Quentin returned to reality, he reached down with one hand and pulled the sheet and covers up before taking her in his arms again.

  “You have made me very happy,” he whispered softly.

  He seemed to sleep as he said it. Faith knew that his day had been exhausting, and yet he had been tender and affectionate. How she loved him.

  She went to sleep feeling satiated and happy.