Read The Beast Prince (The Fairy Tale Series Book 1) Page 3

  Lisa turned to look at her with a serious expression. “I honestly don’t know,” she admitted. “I’m still trying to figure out if I’m dreaming all of this.”

  “You’re not,” the queen replied with a heavy sigh. “I hope that you can help us… him,” she added, looking carefully at Lisa. “I fear you are our only hope.”

  Lisa shook her head. “No, there is always hope,” she said. “You just have to believe. That’s what my mom always says. She said if you believe hard enough, anything is possible. Of course, she also writes books for kids and works at The Renaissance Adventures dressed as the Fairy Queen, so who knows if it really works or not.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful woman,” the queen responded.

  “Yeah, she is,” Lisa replied, stepping into the room after a servant appeared out of the shadows and opened the door.

  The room was huge, bigger than most of their house back home. There was a large, four poster bed set against the far wall in a room attached to the one they were standing in. This room held a long, narrow couch, two chairs and several low tables. In front of it was a fireplace large enough for her to stand up in. A row of glass doors lined the far side of the room and led out onto a covered balcony.

  “Nice,” Lisa said, shifting again.

  “I will leave you to freshen up,” the queen replied, turning back toward the door before she paused. “I will have someone escort you to the family’s private dining room in half an hour.”

  “Thank you,” Lisa whispered, suddenly feeling both exhausted and overwhelmed at the same time.

  The queen didn’t reply as the door opened again for her and she stepped out. Lisa walked through to the bedroom once she was alone, staring at all the finery. She paused a moment before releasing a tired breath and walked into the bathroom. She was surprised to see a gown that actually looked like it might fit her hanging on a hook just inside the door. Deciding that was a subtle hint to dress in something nicer than jeans and a T-shirt, she quickly shed her clothes and showered. She felt refreshed after the warmth of the water soothed her aching muscles. Drying off, she quickly dressed in the clean clothes that had been laid out for her.

  She jumped when she stepped back into the living room area and saw Sharden standing in front of the long row of windows. He was staring out over the gardens that were lit by a series of torches. She couldn’t help but admire him. His hair was a dark blonde and cut short. His shoulders were wide and his hips… She swallowed. He had a really cute butt. He stood at least a head taller than her own five feet seven foot frame. She liked that. He had a chiseled jaw, a nose that looked like it might have been broken at least once, and light gray eyes that brimmed with intelligence. She also found him to be reflective, mature, and she really loved his quirky, dry sense of humor.

  Deciding she had gawked long enough, she cleared her throat to let him know that she was there. A self-conscious smile curved her lips as she held out the soft blue gown she was wearing. She felt like she was going to the prom all over again. Personally, she thought twice in one lifetime had been enough, though she had to admit the appreciative look that came into his eyes was worth it.

  “You look lovely,” he said, walking toward her.

  Lisa could feel the blush rising in her cheeks and grinned. “I feel like I’m ready for my High School Homecoming dance again,” she admitted, fingering the material with her right hand. “I thought she was sending someone to escort me to the dining room.”

  “I sent them away,” he murmured, stepping closer.

  Lisa’s breath caught in her throat when he reached up and ran his fingers lightly along her cheek. Instinctively, her head turned closer to his touch. She wanted more.

  “Lisa,” he whispered before his hand slid along her jaw.

  Lisa stepped closer at the same time as he did. Their lips connected in a soft kiss that quickly grew heated. She ran her hands up his chest and around his shoulders as his own arms quickly slid down to wrap around her waist. Her lips parted and her fingers threaded through his hair as she responded to his passion.

  A soft moan escaped her when he reluctantly pulled back. She hadn’t realized that her eyes had closed during their kiss. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment before she stared up at him with a slightly dazed expression.

  “I shouldn’t have…,” he started to say before stopping and releasing a deep breath. “Yes, I should. I want you to know that even though we’ve just met, you make me feel things that I have never felt before. I want you to know how much it means to me before…”

  Lisa lifted her left hand off his shoulder and tenderly brushed his cheek when she saw the sad look that came into his eyes. She stroked the lines at the corner of his mouth with her thumb, a look of concern in her eyes when he closed his eyes. There was something he wasn’t telling her; something very important.

  “What is wrong?” She asked.

  “Tomorrow,” he began, opening his eyes to stare down at her again before his voice faded and he shook his head. “Tomorrow, I would like to take you out to see the kingdom.”

  “I’d love that,” she replied. “Sharden, everything will be alright. You’ll see. We’ll figure out how to break the stupid curse. You have to believe that.”

  He leaned forward and pressed another hard kiss to her mouth just as a knock sounded at the door. “You make me want to believe,” he said in a low voice. “Come, my parents are waiting for us. They are curious about you.”

  “Great!” Lisa replied with a roll of her eyes. “Only the second day in a strange world and I’m entertaining royalty. Who would’ve thought?!”

  Sharden chuckled. “They will love you as much as I do,” he teased, sliding his arm around her when the door opened.

  A warm glow swept through Lisa at Sharden’s teasing comment. Walking beside him, she felt more like she was floating. Deep in her heart, she knew that things would work out. For the first time in her life, she finally felt like she had found her place in the world.

  Chapter 9

  Late the following afternoon, Sharden laughed as Lisa discussed the different seasonings the Breadmaker used in his breads. She had fallen in love with the hot, crusty rolls and sweet cream butter combined with a spicy cheese. The smile on his face died as he glanced up at the sky. It would be dark in a couple of hours. Regret poured through him. He only had a few hours left to spend with Lisa. He quickly discovered this morning that the more time he spent with her, the more he wanted.

  He knew he should have told her the whole truth, but deep down, he had hoped that she was right, that everything would work out for the best. Suddenly, he wanted to spend the last few hours alone with Lisa. Those precious hours would have to hold him for the rest of his life. Stepping forward, he wrapped a possessive arm around Lisa and gave the Breadmaker a stiff smile.

  “I apologize for cutting your conversation short, but we must leave,” Sharden interrupted the Breadmaker. “Thank you for your delicious meal.”

  “My pleasure, Prince Sharden,” the Breadmaker said with a pleased smile. “I will send a basket of fresh bread, cream, and cheese to Lady Lisa tomorrow morning.”

  “Awesome!” Lisa said, pulling away from Sharden long enough to hug the Breadmaker. “Thank you so much!”

  Sharden chuckled again at Lisa’s enthusiasm and the Breadmaker’s suddenly red face. Reaching out again, he wrapped his arm around her waist once more, this time holding on with a firmer grip, and turned them away. They quickly stepped out of the roomy shop and onto the bustling sidewalk outside.

  “Where are we going now?” Lisa asked as Sharden helped her onto his mount.

  Sharden quickly slid into the saddle behind Lisa. “There is one last place I would like to take you before we return to the palace,” he said in a husky voice. “It is the one place I go when I need time alone.”

  Lisa glanced over her shoulder at him and wrapped her hands over the one he had wound protectively around her waist. He saw the question in her gaze, but he ignored it.
He wasn’t ready for the magic of the day to end and the nightmare that would be the rest of his life to begin.

  Pressing his heels to the side of the beast under him, they quickly traveled out of the village at the base of the hill leading up to the palace and into the countryside. It was a little further than he would have liked to have gone, but he wanted her to see the one place he thought was special before…

  “Where are we going?” Lisa asked, bringing him back to the present.

  “To the one place I find peace,” he murmured, reining the huge animal under them to the left and down a long, tree-covered path. “I found it shortly after my fifteenth year.”

  The path narrowed and appeared to disappear at the base of a large rock cropping. Sharden dismounted and helped Lisa down. He tightly held her hand and led her to the thick vines covering the front of the rock. Reaching out with his free hand, he pulled the curtain of green vines to the side to reveal a narrow opening. He stepped inside, pulling Lisa through the entrance behind him.

  He knew the path by heart as he came here right before and shortly after the ‘change’. He stepped lightly through the inky darkness, weaving his way by memory. Soon, the glimmer of light from the other side lit their way.

  Stepping out of the cave, he drew Lisa to his side and waited for the magic of this hidden valley to wash over her. It wasn’t very large, less than a mile long. In the center was a small hut that he had found and rebuilt. The hut sat near a crystal clear lake that was fed by the waterfall at the other end of the valley. A scattering of trees and tall, golden grass swayed in the light breeze that blew down from the mountain.

  “It’s so beautiful,” Lisa whispered, staring around her with wide eyes. “How did you ever find it?”

  “I was scared after the first time I changed,” he admitted, turning to look down at her upturned face. “My parents told me about the curse and how they’d hoped it wouldn’t come true. I was furious with them. I didn’t understand why I should be punished for a deed that was no fault of my own.”

  “I don’t blame you,” Lisa whispered, touching his face. “I would have been upset, too.”

  Sharden turned his face just enough to press a kiss to the palm of her hand. “I ran, thinking if I put enough distance between my parents that it would change things,” he continued, turning to stare down at the small hut. “I discovered you cannot run from who you are. I met an old woman along the road. One of the wheels on her cart had broken, spilling the vegetables she was taking to the market to sell. She asked if I would help her. I fixed the wheel and helped her pick up the vegetables, she gave me a few pieces of food and told me to take this path. I did and came to the cliff. I tried to climb it, but the walls were too steep. I finally discovered the entrance hidden behind the vines and it led me here.”

  “Well, if you think of it,” she murmured, gazing down at the valley. “If you hadn’t changed, then you wouldn’t have run away and you wouldn’t have met the woman who told you about the path.”

  Sharden shook his head. “And if the cliff hadn’t been so steep, I would have missed the cave,” he added with a chuckle. “You always look at things from a strange perspective, Lisa.”

  “I know,” she replied with a shrug. “Can we go down to the hut?”

  “Of course,” he replied in a husky voice. “That is why I brought you here.”

  A light flush rose in her cheeks, but she didn’t resist when he began guiding her down the path. The remaining daylight hours were theirs. He planned on making every second they had together, one that neither of them would ever forget.

  Chapter 10

  The light filtered through the curtains and streamed through the window, waking Lisa several hours later. She blinked sleepily, her hand reaching out to search for Sharden. Her head turned and she frowned when she saw the empty space beside her. Sitting up in the bed, she pulled the sheets up around her and tucked them in as she searched the moonlit room.

  Sliding her legs over the side of the bed, she rose, pulling the sheet with her and wrapping it around her toga-style. A frown creased her brow when she saw that the hut was empty. There were only three rooms in it; one bedroom, a small bathroom, and the living/kitchen area. Stepping into the living room, she saw that the fire Sharden had started earlier was now just a pile of embers. Shivering, she walked over to the narrow door and opened it.

  The light from the full moon shone down on the lake, making the surface glitter as if a million diamonds had been scattered like bird seed over it. Fireflies danced in the breeze. It was breathtaking except for one thing – Sharden wasn’t there. Holding on to the sheet, Lisa stepped outside and looked desperately for Sharden. She could feel a sense of growing panic build inside her when all she heard was the wind in the trees and the distant sound of water from the waterfall.

  Turning, she hurried back to the bedroom. Dropping the sheet back on the bed, she quickly dressed. Pulling her dress over her head, she tugged it down over her hips before pulling on her stockings and the low boots. Wiping at the tears running silently down her cheeks, she pushed her hair away from her face.

  They had come down to the hut. He had shown her the outside before they stepped inside. By the time they had made it to the bedroom, she had known what would happen next. They had spent the rest of the afternoon exploring more than the house, they had explored each other. The soft caresses turned more desperate, more heated, until they had exploded in a passionate lovemaking that had stunned both of them.

  Lisa had stared up at Sharden as he came deep inside her, knowing that they were meant to be together. Locked together, she had held him as he shuddered and collapsed on top of her, mumbling that he would love her forever.

  “Remember that,” he had urgently told her. “Never forget that you are my heart, my life, my love.”

  “I love you,” she remembered whispering in return. “I love you, Sharden, who you are in here.” She slid her hand up between them and pressed it against his heart. “I want you to never forget that.”

  He had kissed her again as if he would never get enough of her. Over and over again, they had come together as if trying to make the afternoon last for a lifetime. She had eventually fallen into an exhausted sleep in his arms. It was the fear at the thought of never feeling them around her again that drove her forward. She opened the door to the hut, only to fall back with a gasp when she saw a dark figure standing in front of it.

  “Oh!” Lisa exclaimed, raising a hand to cover her racing heart. “Who are you? I have to go. Sharden….”

  “The young prince has returned to the palace,” the old woman said, stepping in when Lisa fell back another step at her words.

  “How do you know? Who are you?” Lisa demanded, pushing at her hair in irritation when it fell forward again.

  “Do you love him?” The woman asked, stepping closer.

  Lisa scowled at the woman. “What business is that of yours?” She asked suspiciously. “Listen, I don’t know who you are, but I really have to go. If you need a place to stay for the night, make yourself at home, but I must go. I have to get to the palace.”

  “Do you love him, Lisa?” The woman asked again, this time in a softer voice.

  Lisa paused, about to tell the woman to just get the heck out of her way, but something held her back. Swallowing, she nodded. Perhaps, Sharden had told the woman something.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Yes, I love him.”

  The woman stepped forward again until she was standing eye to eye with Lisa. “Even if he is a beast?” The woman asked in a barely audible voice.

  Lisa’s eyes softened as she thought of Sharden. “He will never be a beast to me,” she whispered. “It doesn’t matter what the witch did to him, we’ll work it out. It is only for a few nights each month. It isn’t like I don’t have a few bad days either.”

  “Did he tell you that on his twenty-fifth year, the curse would become permanent?” The woman asked.

  Lisa frowned. “What are you talking about?
He said he only changes during the full moon,” she said, confused.

  “Until his twenty-fifth year,” the woman said. “Then, he would remain a beast.”

  “But… Why?” Lisa asked, shaking her head in denial.

  The woman sighed and started to reach out one gnarled hand before pulling it back, letting it drop to her side. “A curse that is as powerful as the one the witch cast does not come without consequences. The witch realized this after she uttered the spell. She would lose her own child because of her anger. She did not learn her lesson, though. The pain of losing her child was too great a burden and she cast yet another spell, this time sealing the fate of the queen and king’s son.”

  “But… Why?” Lisa asked in frustration. “The Queen and King looked for the young witch to beg her forgiveness.”

  “Yes, I know,” the old woman replied, turning away from Lisa and stepping toward the door. “As I said, all dark spells come with a consequence. Unfortunately, the young witch did not learn her lesson as quickly as the King and Queen.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Lisa asked, following the woman as she opened the door. “How can I break the spell?”

  The woman glanced over her shoulder at Lisa with a sad smile. “It depends on if the goodness in your heart can overcome the darkness that once filled the young witch’s, Lisa,” the woman replied in a quiet voice. “Can you love a beast?”

  Lisa watched as the woman stepped outside. Could she love a beast? How could she not if that ‘beast’ was Sharden? No matter what he became on the outside, he was still the man she loved on the inside. He needed her. That was all that mattered now.

  “Yes,” she said, stepping through the door. She paused when she realized the old woman was gone. “Yes, I can love him.” A smile curved her lips as she felt the power of that love, sweep through her. Her face lit with her determination. Turning, she shut the door behind her. “YES! I CAN LOVE HIM!” She yelled up at the moon. “He’s mine! Do you hear me! I LOVE HIM!”