Read The Beautiful White Devil Page 2



  The night was sweltering hot, even for Hong Kong. The town clock hadjust chimed a quarter-past ten, and though the actual sound of thestriking had died away, the vibration of the bells lingered for nearlyhalf a minute on the murky stillness of the air. In spite of theexertions of the punkah coolie, the billiard-room of the OccidentalHotel was like the furnace-doors of Sheol. Benwell, of the ChineseRevenue cutter _Y-Chang_, and Peckle, of the English cruiser_Tartaric_, stripped nearly to the buff, were laboriously engaged upona hundred up; while Maloney, of the San Francisco mail-boat, and I,George De Normanville, looked on, and encouraged them with sarcasmsand utterly irrational advice. Between times the subdued jabbering ofa group of rickshaw coolies, across the pavement, percolated in to us,and mingled with the click of the billiard balls and the monotonouswhining of the punkah rope; then the voice of a man in the verandahupstairs, singing to the accompaniment of a banjo, drifted down, andset us beating time with our heels upon the wooden floor.

  The words of the song seemed strangely out of place in that heathenland, so many thousand miles removed from Costerdom. But the wail ofthe music had quite a different effect. The singer's voice wasdistinctly a good one, and he used it with considerable ability:

  "She wears an artful bonnet, feathers stuck all on it, Covering a fringe all curled; She's just about the neatest, prettiest, and sweetest Donna in the wide, wide world. And she'll be Mrs. 'Awkins, Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins, Got her for to name the day. We settled it last Monday, so to church on Sunday, Off we trots the donkey shay.

  "Oh, Eliza! Dear Eliza! If you die an old maid You'll only have yourself to blame. D'ye hear Eliza--dear Eliza! Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins is a fust-class name."

  Half a dozen other voices took up the chorus, and sent it rolling awayover the litter of sampans alongside the wharf, out to where the redand blue funnel boats lay at anchor half a mile distant. The twoplayers chalked their cues and stopped to participate.

  "Oh, Eliza! Dear Eliza! If you die an old maid You'll only have yourself to blame. Oh, Eliza! Dear Eliza! Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins is a fust-class name."

  The music ceased amid a burst of applause.

  "Sixee, sixee--sevenee-three," repeated the marker mechanically.

  "Give me the rest, you almond-eyed lubber," cried Peckle with suddenenergy; "we'll return to business, for I'll be hanged if I'm going tolet myself be beaten by the bo'sun tight and the midshipmite of abottle-nosed, unseaworthy Chinese contraband."

  Maloney knocked the ash off his cigar on his chair-arm and said, byway of explanation, "Our friend Peckle, gentlemen, chowed last nightat Government House. He hasn't sloughed his company manners yet."

  Benwell sent the red whizzing up the table into the top pocket, pottedhis opponent into the right-hand middle, by way of revenge, and thengave the customary miss in baulk.

  "A Whitechapel game and be hanged to you," said Peckle contemptuously."I'll bet you a dollar I----Hullo! who's this? Poddy, by all that'shuman! Watchman, what of the night? Why this indecent haste?"

  The newcomer was a short podgy man, with a clean-shaven red face,white teeth, very prominent eyes, large ears, and almostmarmalade-coloured hair. He was in a profuse perspiration, and so muchout of breath that for quite two minutes he was unable to answer theirsalutations.

  "Poddy is suffering from a bad attack of suppressed information," saidBenwell, who had been examining him critically. "Better prescribe forhim, De Normanville. Ah, I forgot, you don't know one another. Let meintroduce you--Mr. Horace Venderbrun, Dr. De Normanville. Now you'reacquent, as they say in the farces."

  "Out with it, Poddy," continued Peckle, digging him in the ribs withthe butt of his cue. "If you don't tell us soon, we shall besorrowfully compelled to postpone our engagements to-morrow in orderto witness your interment in the Happy Valley."

  "Well, in the first place," began Mr. Venderbrun, "you must know----"

  "Hear, hear, Poddy. A dashed good beginning!"

  "Shut up, Peckle, and give the minstrel a chance. Now, my Blondel,pipe your tuneful lay."

  "You must know that the _Oodnadatta_----"

  "Well--well, Skipper--Perkins, martinet and teetotaller; chiefofficer, Bradburn, otherwise the China Sea Liar! What about her? Shesailed this evening for Shanghai?"

  "With a million and a half of specie aboard. Don't forget that! Wentashore in the Ly-ee-moon Pass at seven o'clock. Surrounded by junksinstantly. Skipper despatched third officer in launch full steam forassistance. Gunboat went down post haste, and, like most gunboats,arrived too late to be of any use. Apologies, Peckle, old man! Skipperand ten men shot, chief officer dirked, first saloon passengers ofimportance cleaned of their valuables and locked up in their ownberths. The bullion room was then rifled, and every red cent of themoney is gone--goodness knows where. Now, what d'you think of that fornews?"

  "My gracious!"

  "What junks were they?"

  "Nobody knows."

  "The Ly-ee-moon Pass, too! Right under our very noses. Criminy! Won'tthere be a row!"

  "The Beautiful White Devil again, I suppose?"

  "Looks like it, don't it? Peckle, my boy, from this hour forward thepapers will take it up, and--well, if I know anything of newspapers,they'll drop it on to you gunboat fellows pretty hot."

  "If I were the British Navy I'd be dashed if I'd be beaten by awoman."

  "Hear, hear, to that. Now for your defence, Peckle."

  "Go ahead; let me have it. I'm down and I've got no friends; but it'sall very well for you gentlemen of England, who sit at home in ease,to sneer. If you only knew as much as we do of the lady you wouldn'tcriticise so freely. Personally, I believe she's a myth."

  "Don't try it, old man. We all know the Lords Commissioners will standa good deal, but, believe me, they'll never swallow that. They've hadtoo many proofs to the contrary lately."

  I thought it was time to interfere.

  "Will somebody take pity on a poor barbarian and condescend toexplain," I said. "Since I've been in the East I've heard nothing butBeautiful White Devil--Beautiful White Devil--Beautiful White Devil.Tiffin at Government House, Colombo--Beautiful White Devil; club chow,Yokohama--Beautiful White Devil; flagship, _Nagasaki_--Beautiful WhiteDevil; and now here. All Beautiful White Devil, and every yarndiffering from its predecessor by miles. I can tell you, I'm beginningto feel very much out of it."

  Each of the four men started in to explain. I held up my hand inentreaty.

  "As you are strong, be merciful," I cried. "Not all at once."

  One of the silent-footed China-boys brought me a match for my cigar,and held it until I had obtained a light. Then, throwing myself backin the long cane chair, I bade them work their wicked wills.

  "Let Poddy tell," said Peckle. "He boasts the most prolificimagination. Go on, old man, and don't spare him."

  Venderbrun pulled himself together, signed for silence, and, havingdone so, began theatrically: "Who is the Beautiful Devil? Mystery.Where did she first hail from? Mystery. What is her name, I mean herreal name, not the picturesque Chinese cognomen? Mystery. As far ascan be ascertained she made her first appearance in Eastern waters inRangoon, July 24, 18--. Got hold of some native prince blowing thefamily treasure and blackmailed him out of half a million of dollars.A man would never have come out of the business alive, but she did,and what is more, with the money to boot. Three months later the_Vectis Queen_ went ashore, when forty-eight hours out of Singapore,junks sprang up out of nowhere, boarded her in spite of stubbornresistance on the part of the ship's company, looted her bullion roomof fifty thousand pounds and her passengers of three thousand more."

  "But what reason have you for connecting the Beautiful White Devilwith that affair?"

  "White yacht hanging about all the time. Known to be hers. Signalspassed between them, and when the money was secured it was straightwaycarried on board her."

; "All right. Go on."

  "Quite quiet for three months. Then the Sultan of Surabaya chanced tomake the acquaintance in Batavia of an extraordinarily beautifulwoman. They went about a good deal together, after which she lured himon board a steam yacht in Tanjong Priok, presumably to say good-bye.Having done so, she coaxed him below, sailed off with him there andthen, kept him under lock and key until he had paid a ransom of overfour hundred thousand guilders, when he was put ashore again. Twomonths later, Vesey--you know Vesey--of Johore Street, probably therichest man in Hong Kong, met a woman staying at this very hotel. Shepretended to be just out from home, and no end innocent. Well, Veseywas so awfully smitten that he wanted to marry her--bad as all that.She took him in hand, and one day got him to take her for a cruise inhis yacht. Of course he jumped at the chance, and off they sailed. Outat sea they were met by a white schooner. I believe Vesey was in themiddle of protesting his undying love, and all that sort of thing, youknow, when my lady clapped a revolver to his head, and bade himheave-to. A boat put off from the stranger, and both lady and friendboarded her. The long and the short of it was, when Vesey was releasedhe had signed a cheque for fifty thousand pounds, and, by Jove, themoney was paid on the nail. Chinese Government have a score againsther for abducting a Mandarin of the Gold Button. They tried to catchher but failed. English cruiser went after her for two days and losther near Formosa. Silence again for three months, then new Governorand wife, Sir Prendergast Prendergast, were coming out here on the_Ooloomoo_. Her ladyship, whom you know was mixed up in thatBelleville business, had her famous diamonds with her--said to beworth thirty thousand pounds. There was also eighty thousand in goldgoing up to Shanghai. It is supposed that the purser must have beenbribed and in the business; at any rate when they arrived at Hong Kongboth bullion, diamonds, and purser were mysteriously missing. Couldn'tfind a trace of 'em high or low. Whether they went overboard in a fog,whether they were still stowed away on board, nobody ever knew. Theywere gone, that was enough. The Governor was furious, and worried theAdmiralty so with despatches that two cruisers were sent off withinstructions to look for her. They pottered about, and at last sightedand chased her to the Philippines, where they lost her in a fog. Thoseare the principal counts against her, I believe. Rum story, ain't it?"

  "Extraordinary. Has anybody ever seen her?"

  "I should just think so. Sultan of Surabaya, Vesey, Native Prince, andall the people staying at this house when she was here."

  "What description do they give of her?"

  "Quite a young woman--eight-and-twenty at most. Tall and willowy.Beautiful features, clear cut as a cameo--exquisite complexion andrippling golden hair--a voice like a flute, figure like Venus, andeyes that look through yours into the uttermost depths of your soul."

  "Bravo, Poddy! The little man's getting quite enthusiastic."

  "And isn't she worth being enthusiastic about? By Jove! I'd like toknow her history."

  "And do you mean to tell me that with the English, American, French,German, Chinese, and Japanese fleets patrolling these waters, it'simpossible to catch her?"

  "Quite--up to the present. Look at the facts of the case. She's hereto-day, and gone to-morrow. White yacht seen near Singaporeto-day--copper-coloured off Macassar on Thursday--black with whiteports near Shanghai the week following. The police and the poor oldAdmiral are turning gray under the strain."

  "By Jove! I'd like to see her."

  "Don't say that or you will. Nobody ever knows where she'll turn upnext. It is certain that she has agents everywhere, and that she's inleague with half the junk pirates along the coast. Glad I'm not a manworth abducting."

  "But in spite of what you say, I can hardly believe that it's possiblefor a woman to carry on such a trade. It's like a romance."

  "It's not _like_ it, it _is_ a romance, and a pretty unpleasant onetoo. Sultan of Surabaya and poor old Vesey were glad enough to see thefinal chapter of it, I can assure you. You should just hear thelatter's description of the yacht and its appointments. He used tomake us creep when he told us how this woman would sit on deck,looking him through and through out of her half closed eyes till hebegan to feel as if he'd have to get up and scream, or sit where hewas and go mad. He saw two or three things on board that boat that hesays he'll never forget, and I gathered that he doesn't want any moreexcursions in the lady's company."

  "He must be a man without imagination."

  "He's a man blessed with good sound common sense. That's what he is."

  "All the same, as I said before, I'd like to see her."

  "Well, I shouldn't be surprised if your wish is gratified before long.They're simply bound to catch her; the wonder to me is that theyhaven't done so months ago."

  "It seems incredible that she should have escaped so long."

  Peckle took up his cue again.

  "Hear, hear, to that. And now, Benwell, my boy, if you don't want togo to sleep in that chair, turn out and finish the drubbing you'vebegun. I must be getting aboard directly."

  Benwell rose, and went round the table to where his ball lay under thecushion. The imperturbable marker called the score as if there hadbeen no pause in the game, and the match was once more getting underway, when the swing doors opened and an elderly man entered the room.He was dressed in white from top to toe, carried a big umbrella, andwore a broad-brimmed solar topee upon his head. Once inside, he pausedas if irresolute, and then, looking round on its occupants, saidpolitely:

  "Forgive my intrusion; but can you tell me where I can find agentleman named De Normanville?"

  "I am that person!" I said, rising from my chair.

  "I hope you will not think me rude," he continued, "but if you couldallow me the honour of five minutes' conversation with you I should beobliged."

  "With pleasure."

  I crossed the room to where he stood, and signed him to a seat nearthe door.

  "Pardon me," he said, "but the business about which I desire toconsult you is of a highly important and confidential nature. Isthere any room in the hotel where we can be alone?"

  "Only my bedroom, I'm afraid," I answered. "We shall be quite freefrom interruption there."

  "That will do excellently. Let us go to it."

  With that we went upstairs. All the way I was puzzling my brains tothink what he could want with me. The man was so mysterious, and yetso palpably desirous of pleasing, that I was becoming quiteinterested. One thing was certain--I had never seen him before in mylife.

  Arriving at my room, I lit a candle and pushed a chair forward forhim; having done so I took up my position beside the open window. Downin the street below I could hear the subdued voices of the passers-by,the rattle of rickshaws, and the chafing of sampans alongside thewharf. I remember, too, that the moon was just rising over themainland, and to show how unimportant things become engraved upon thememory, I recollect that it struck me as being more like the yolk of ahard-boiled egg than ever I remember to have thought it before.Suddenly I remembered the laws of hospitality.

  "Before we begin business, may I offer you some refreshment?" Iasked--"B. and S.? Whisky?"

  "I am obliged to you," he answered. "I think I will take a littlewhisky, thank you."

  I put my head out of the door. A servant was passing.

  "Boy, bring two whisky pegs."

  Then returning to my guest, I said: "Do you smoke? I think I can giveyou a good cigar."

  He took one from the box and lit it, puffing the smoke luxuriouslythrough his nose. Presently the pegs were forthcoming, and when I hadsigned the _chit_ I asked his business.

  "You are a stranger in Hong Kong, I believe, Dr. De Normanville?" hebegan.

  "Not only in Hong Kong, but you might say in the East generally," Ianswered. "I am out on a tour to study Asiatic diseases for a book Iam writing."

  "You have achieved considerable success in your profession, I believe.We have even heard of you out here."

  I modestly held my tongue. But so pitiful is the vanity of man thatfrom this time forward I began
to look upon my companion with a morefriendly air than I had hitherto shown him.

  "Now, forgive my impertinence," he continued, "but how long do youcontemplate remaining in the East?"

  "It is very uncertain," I replied; "but I almost fancy another sixweeks will find me upon a P. and O. boat homeward bound."

  "And in that six weeks will your time be very importantly occupied?"

  "I cannot say, but I should rather think not. So far as I can tell atpresent my work is accomplished."

  "And now will you let me come to business. To put it bluntly, have youany objection to earning a thousand pounds?"

  "Not the very least!" I answered with a laugh. "What man would have?Provided, of course, I can earn it in a legitimate manner."

  "You have bestowed considerable attention upon the treatment ofsmall-pox, I believe?"

  "I have had sole charge of two small-pox hospitals, if that's what youmean."

  "Ah! Then our informant was right. Well, this business, in which athousand pounds is to be earned, has to do with an outbreak of thatdisease."

  "And you wish me to take charge of it?"

  "That is exactly what I am commissioned to negotiate."

  "Where is the place?"

  "I cannot tell you!"

  "Not tell me? That's rather strange, is it not?"

  "It is all very strange. But with your permission I will explainmyself more clearly."

  I nodded.

  "It is altogether an extraordinary business. But, on the other hand,the pay is equally extraordinary. I am commissioned to find a doctorwho will undertake the combating of an outbreak of small-pox on thefollowing terms and conditions: The remuneration shall be one thousandpounds; the doctor shall give his word of honour not to divulge thebusiness to any living soul; he shall set off at once to the affectedspot, and he shall still further pledge himself to reveal nothing ofwhat he may have heard or seen when he returns here again. Is thatclear to you?"

  "Perfectly. But it's a most extraordinary proposition."

  "I grant you it is. But it is a chance that few men would care to letslip."

  "How is the person undertaking it to find the place?"

  "I will arrange that myself."

  "And how is he to return from it again?"

  "He will be sent back in the same way that he goes."

  "And when must he start?"

  "At once, without delay. Say twelve o'clock to-night."

  "It is nearly eleven now."

  "That will leave an hour. Come, Dr. De Normanville, are you preparedto undertake it?"

  "I don't really know what to say. There is so much mystery about it."

  "Unfortunately, that is necessary."

  I paced the room in anxious thought, hardly knowing what answer togive. Should I accept or should I decline the offer? The thousandpounds was a temptation, and yet, supposing there were some treacherylurking behind it, that, in my innocence of the East, I could notfathom--what then? Moreover, the adventurous side of the affair, Imust own, appealed to me strongly. I was young, and there wassomething supremely fascinating about the compliment and the mysterythat enshrouded it.

  "Look here," I said at length. "Pay me half the money down before Istart, as a guarantee of good faith, and I'm your man!"

  "Very good. I will even meet you there!"

  He put his hand inside his coat and drew out a pocket-book. From thishe took five one hundred pound Bank of England notes, and gave them tome.

  "There, you have half the money."

  "Thank you. Really, I must beg your pardon for almost doubting you,but----"

  "Pray say no more. You understand the conditions thoroughly. You arenot to divulge a detail of the errand to any living soul now or whenyou return."

  "I will give you my word I will not."

  "Then that is settled. I am much obliged to you. Can you arrange tomeet me on the wharf exactly at midnight?"

  "Certainly. I will be there without fail. And now tell me something ofthe outbreak itself. Is it very severe?"

  "Very. There have already been nearly a hundred cases, out of whichquite fifty have proved fatal. Your position will be no sinecure. Youwill have your work cut out for you."

  "So it would appear. Now, if you will excuse me, I will go out andendeavour to obtain some lymph. We shall need all we can get."

  "You need not put yourself to so much trouble. That has been attendedto. To prevent any suspicion arising from your asking for such athing, we have laid in a stock of everything you can possibly need."

  "Very well, then. I will meet you on the wharf."

  "On the wharf at twelve o'clock precisely. For the present, adieu!"

  He shook me by the hand, picked up his hat and umbrella, anddisappeared down the staircase, while I returned to my room to pack.