Read The Beautiful White Devil Page 4



  When I opened my eyes again I found myself, to my intenseastonishment, lying, fully dressed, in a comfortable hammock beneath awell-constructed awning. The canvas walls of my resting-placeprevented me from seeing anything more of my surroundings than mytoes, but when I lifted myself up and peered over the side, it was notthe junk's evil planks that I saw before me, but the deck of ahandsome, well-appointed yacht. My hammock was seemingly swungamidships, and judging from the side upon which I looked--save the manat the wheel and a couple of hands polishing brasswork forrard--Iappeared to have the entire deck to myself. Whose boat was she? Howhad I come to be aboard her? And how long had I been there? But thoughI puzzled my brains for an answer to these questions I could findnone. My memory refused to serve me, and so, feeling tired, I laidmyself back again upon my pillow and once more closed my eyes.

  I had scarcely done so before I heard a noise on the other side whichcaused me to look over again. How shall I describe what I saw there?Three years have passed since then, but I have the recollection ofeven the minutest detail connected with the picture that was before meat that moment just as plainly engraved upon my memory as if it hadoccurred but yesterday.

  Seated in a long cane chair, one elbow balanced on the arm-rest andone tiny hand supporting her dimpled chin, was the most beautifulwoman--and I say it advisedly, knowing it to be true--that I had everor have ever beheld, or shall ever behold, in my life. Though she wasseated, and for that reason I could not determine her exact height, Iwas convinced it was considerably above the average; her figure, asmuch as I could see of it, was beautifully moulded; her face wasexquisitely shaped; her eyes were large, and of a deep sea-blue; whilethe wealth of rippling hair that crowned her head was of a naturalgolden hue, and enhanced rather than detracted from the softness ofher delicate complexion. As if still further to add to her generalfairness, she was dressed entirely in white, even to her deck shoesand the broad Panama hat upon her head. Only one thing marred thepicture. By her side, presenting a fitting contrast to so muchloveliness, crouched, his head resting between his forepaws, aferocious white bulldog, who ever and anon looked up with bigbloodshot eyes into her face as if to make quite sure that there wasno one within reach whom she might wish him to destroy.

  She was evidently absorbed in her own thoughts, and presently the handthat was hanging down beside the chair found the dog's head, and begansoftly to stroke his tulip ears. Then her eyes looked up, caught mine,and seeing that I was no longer asleep she rose and came towards me.

  "So you are awake at last, Dr. De Normanville?" she said with a smile.And as I heard her it struck me that her voice was even more beautifulthan all her other attributes put together. "You have had a longsleep. Twelve hours!"

  "Twelve hours?" I cried in amazement, at the same time gazing at herwith admiration only too plainly written on my face. "You don't meanto say that I've been twelve hours asleep? I can hardly believe it.Why it seems only a few minutes since we were aboard that rascallyjunk. And what has happened since then? Is this the vessel we leftHong Kong to meet?"

  "Yes. This is the boat. We were just beginning to grow anxious aboutyou when the junk was sighted. I am afraid, from your companion'saccount, you must have had a desperate time on board her."

  "I should not care to go through it again, certainly," I answeredtruthfully. "One such experience is enough to last a man a lifetime.By the way, how is my companion? I hope he is none the worse for hisadventures."

  "You need have no fear on that score; he is accustomed to that sort ofthing and thrives on it, as you may have noticed. He is below atpresent, but as soon as he comes on deck I will send him to you. Nowyou had better lie down again and try to get some more sleep. You mustremember that your strength is of the utmost value to us."

  "I don't think I quite understand. But before we go any further willyou tell me what yacht this is and to whom I am indebted for myrescue?"

  "This yacht is called the _Lone Star_," she answered, "and I am theowner." As she said this she looked at me in rather a queer sort of away, I thought. But I let it pass and asked another question.

  "I am very much afraid you will think me pertinacious, but is itpermissible for me to know your name?"

  "You may certainly know it if you wish to!" she answered with a shortand, I could not help thinking, rather bitter laugh; "But I don'tthink you will be any too pleased when you hear it. My real name isAlie, but by the benighted inhabitants of this part of the globe I amcalled by another and more picturesque cognomen."

  She stopped, and I almost caught my breath with excitement. A lightwas breaking upon me.

  "And that is----" I said, trying in vain to keep my voice down to asteady level.

  "The Beautiful White Devil," she answered, with another of herpeculiar smiles, and then, calling her bulldog to her, she bowed tome, turned on her heel, and went slowly aft along the deck.

  I laid myself back in my hammock, my heart--why, I could notsay--beating like a piston-rod, and tried to think the situation out.So my thoughtless wish was gratified after all: I had now seen theBeautiful White Devil face to face, and, what was more to the point, Iwas likely to be compelled to see more of her than I should considernecessary for my own amusement. Like the Sultan of Surabaya and Veseyof Hong Kong, I was now her prisoner. And by what a simple ruse I hadbeen caught! By all that was reasonable in woman, however, whatpossible advantage could she hope to gain by abducting me? At the verymost, I could not lay my hands on more than three thousand pounds, andwhat earthly use could that be to a woman who was known to deal inmillions? But perhaps, I reflected, it was not money she was after;perhaps she had some other desperate game to play--some other move inthat wonderful life of hers in which my science could be of use to herand the nature of which I could not be expected to fathom. Situated asI was, she could compel me to do her bidding if she pleased, or makeit extremely awkward for me if I felt it my duty to refuse.

  You will doubtless have noticed that I had quite abandoned the idea ofthe small-pox epidemic. The notion of that island with the ragingpestilence probably only existed in the fertile brain of the man whohad been sent to induce me to leave Hong Kong. But in that case--andhere the original argument wheeled back upon me--what possibleadvantage could accrue to her through abducting me? There werehundreds of richer men in Hong Kong. Why had not one of them beenchosen? But as the more I thought it out, the farther I seemed to befrom getting at the truth of it, I gave the problem up and turned mythoughts in another direction.

  As I did so I heard somebody coming along the deck. This time it was aman's footstep, so I looked out to see who it might be. It wasWalworth, the individual who had visited me in Hong Kong and enticedme away. He was dressed in European habiliments now, and carried acigarette in his hand. Seeing that I was aware of his presence he cameacross to the hammock and held out his hand.

  "Good morning, doctor!" he said cheerily enough. "I'm glad to seeyou're better. All things considered you've had a nasty time of itsince you said good-bye to the Victoria Hotel--haven't you?"

  "A pretty cheeky way of putting it, considering he was the cause of itall," I thought to myself. "However, I'll give him a Roland for hisOliver! He shall not think I'm wanting in pluck."

  "You have certainly contrived a good many stirring adventures for myentertainment, I must say," I answered aloud. "But will you tell meone thing? Why did you not let me know in Hong Kong who my hostesswould turn out to be?"

  "Because in that case you would probably have informed the police, andwe should not then have been able to give ourselves the pleasure ofyour company and assistance."

  "Well, all I can say is, I am sorry you didn't try for higher gamewhile you were about it. For even with that five hundred you gave me,your leader will only get a sop for her pains. You can't force bloodout of a stone, can you?"

  He seated himself in the chair she had occupied, and lit a freshcigarette. Having done so, he continued:

p; "I don't know that I quite follow you!"

  "Well, I don't think I could make it much plainer without beingabsolutely rude. The long and the short of it is, Mr. Walworth, ifit's money you're after--why not have gone in for a pigeon betterworth plucking?"

  "But then we're not after the money, you see. Why should I have paidyou that five hundred else? No! Dr. De Normanville, you need have nofear on that score--our motive was perfectly honest. We are on our wayto the island now where the small-pox exists, and believe me, whenyour work is accomplished, you will be conveyed safely back to yourhotel. I can't say more than that. Play fair by us and we'll playfair by you. In the meantime we shall hope to make your stay with usas pleasant as possible."

  I breathed freely again. I was not abducted. I was only wanted in myprofessional capacity after all. Well, that was a relief. I was in aunique position, for it was evident I was not only to be permitted theopportunity of making the Beautiful White Devil's acquaintance, but Iwas to be well paid for doing so. In the first freedom from anxiety Ibegan to look forward with almost pleasure to what lay before me.

  "Don't you think you could get up for a little while?" Walworth said,when he had finished his smoke; "it would do you good. Let me helpyou."

  With his assistance I scrambled out of the hammock into a cane chairalongside the companion hatch. I was still very weak, and incapable ofmuch exertion. There could be no doubt that I had lost a good dealmore blood than I had at first imagined.

  Once seated in the chair I looked about me. I was now permitted a fulland uninterrupted view of the vessel, and was able to make good use ofmy eyes. Roughly speaking, that is to say as far as I could tell, notbeing a nautical man, she must have been a topsail schooner of aboutthree hundred tons burden, with auxiliary steaming power, for I couldsee the funnel, which was not in use just then, lying along the deck.In what part of the world she had been built I could not tell; butwherever it was, she did credit to her designer, for her lines wereperfection, and nothing short of it. If ever a boat were built forspeed she was that one, and I said as much to my companion, wholaughed.

  "There can be no doubt about that," he answered. "But then, you see,no other boat but the fastest built would suit her ladyship. Believeme, there are times when even the _Lone Star_ is pretty well put to itto throw dust in her enemies' eyes. If you feel strong enough, shallwe take a walk round and examine her?"

  There was nothing I should have liked more, so, taking the arm heoffered me, we set off. The first thing that attracted my attentionwas the spotless neatness and cleanliness prevailing. The decks, whichwere flush fore and aft, were as white as curds; the brasses on thewheel, capstans, masts, skylights, belaying pins, shone till you couldsee your face in them. Not a detail seemed to have been overlooked.Even the great sheets of canvas, bellying into balloons above ourheads, appeared at first sight to have been lately washed, while thevery ropes were white and, when not in actual use, flemish-coiled uponthe decks. She carried six boats, an unusually large number for acraft of her size; two were surf-boats, I found on inspection; twowere uncollapsible lifeboats; one was an ordinary ship's gig, whilethe other was a small steam launch of excellent build and workmanship.For a craft of three hundred tons her spars were enormous: her topmasthead must have been a hundred and fifty feet from her deck, if aninch, while from her rig forrard I could guess the amount of extracanvas she was capable of carrying. Walking to the side, I discoveredthat she was painted white, with a broad gold stripe a little abovethe water-line; below this she was sheathed with copper, which shonelike gold whenever the water left it.

  Inside the bulwarks, and reaching to within an inch of the scuppers,were some contrivances that caused me a considerable amount ofcuriosity. At first glance they looked like reversible shop shuttersmore than anything else, being about six feet long by three wide, andwere attached to the rail of the bulwarks by enormous hinges. On myasking for what purpose they were intended, my guide again laughed,and said:

  "You must not ask too many questions, my friend, for obvious reasons.In this case, however, and since you have given your word not to tellwhat you may see, I will explain."

  Detaching the catch of one, he lifted it from the deck and threw itover the side, where it hung, just reaching to the top of the copperbelow water.

  "Do you grasp the idea?" he continued. "The next one fits into that,and the next one into that again, and so on all round the boat. Yousee, they can be attached in no time, and when they are once fixed,the shape of the masts altered, the funnel differently cased or doneaway with altogether, the character of her bows and stern changedbeyond recognition by another appliance, she can be three differentcrafts inside of twenty-four hours."

  This then accounted for the number of different vessels the BeautifulWhite Devil was supposed to possess. I began to understand themarvellous escapes more clearly now.

  "And whose idea was this ingenious invention?" I ventured to ask.

  "Like most of our things, her ladyship's own," he replied. "Andwonderfully successful it has proved."

  "And shall I be presuming too much on your good nature if I seek tolearn something of the lady herself?"

  "Ah! I'm afraid there I cannot satisfy your curiosity," he answered,shaking his head. "We have strict instructions on that point, andthere's not a man aboard this ship who values his life so little as todream of disobeying. One piece of advice I will give you, however, forthe sake of what we went through together yesterday. Take care how youbehave towards her. In spite of her quiet demeanour and frank, artlessmanner, she sees, takes in, and realises the motive and importance ofeverything you say or do. If you act fairly towards her, she will actfairly by you; but if you play her false you're a dead man. Rememberthat. Now you must excuse me if I go to my duties. My absence in HongKong has delayed my work sadly. And there goes eight bells."

  As the silvery voice of a bell chimed out from the fo'c's'le, he leftme and went below. Hardly knowing what to do with myself, I went backto my chair. A tall man with a gray beard close-cropped, sharpglittering eyes, and a not unhandsome face, marred, however, by whatlooked like a sabre cut extending from the left temple to his chin,resigned the deck to another officer and went below.

  While the watch was being changed I had an opportunity of examiningthe crew; they were nearly all natives, smart, intelligent-lookingfellows, and excellently disciplined. Whether they were Dyaks orMalays, however, I had not sufficient experience to determine, and,for more than one reason, I did not like to ask.

  It was a lovely morning; the sea was as blue as the sky, a fresh windwas driving the schooner along at an exhilarating pace, and, lookingover the side at the line of foam extending from either bow, I wasafforded a very good idea of what an exceptional sailor the _LoneStar_ really was.

  Being a little tired after my perambulations, I lay back in my chair,and shutting my eyes, fell to ruminating on the queer trick Fate hadplayed me. So far I could hardly accept my position as real. It wasdifficult to believe that I, George De Normanville, unromantic,plodding student of Guy's,--now M.D., of Cavendish Square, London,whose sole aim in life, a year ago, had been to put a brass plate uponhis front door, and collect wealthy hypochondriacal ladypatients,--was now medical adviser to a mysterious female, whoperambulated Eastern waters in a chameleon craft, blackmailing rajahs,abducting merchants, levying toll on mail boats, and bringing down onher devoted head the wrath of all sorts of nations, principalities,and powers. And then another point struck me. While outwardly so fair,what sort of a woman was she at heart? From Walworth's warning I hadgathered that I must be careful in my dealings with her.

  But at that moment my reverie was interrupted by the appearance of aneatly-clad steward, who in broken English presented me with aninvitation from her ladyship to tiffin in the saloon in half an hour.This was an unexpected honour, and one which, you may be sure, I didnot hesitate to accept. I wanted, however, to make a suitable toiletfirst, but where to do it puzzled me, for so far as I knew no cabinhad yet been apportioned to me. I placed m
y difficulty before anofficer who was standing near me. He said something in native dialectto the steward, who replied, and then turned again to me.

  "Your traps have been placed in a cabin next to Mr. Walworth's, hesays, and if you will follow him he will conduct you to it."

  I followed the steward down the main companion (I afterward discoveredthat the one aft was sacred to her ladyship) as requested, and foundmyself in a large mess-room, in which three officers were seated atlunch. On either side a number of fair-sized berths were situated. Theone set apart for me was nearest the companion, and contained a bunk,a small settee and locker combined, a wash-hand basin, and a place forhanging clothes. The first operation was to shave, a bath followed, towhich another steward conducted me, after which I returned to myberth, dressed my wound, and, having selected a clean suit of whiteducks, attired myself and repaired on deck.

  Punctual to the stroke of two bells (one o'clock) I was summoned tothe after-saloon by my first messenger. I followed him, and descendingthe companion, the scantling of which was prettily picked out in whiteand gold, found myself in her ladyship's own quarters. There was noone present, and I must own I was glad of that, for I wanted anopportunity to look about me. In the small space I can allot to it, itwould be difficult to do adequate justice to the cabin in which Ifound myself, but for the better understanding of my story I mustendeavour to give you some description of it. In the first place, youmust understand that the companion-ladder opened directly into thesaloon itself. This otherwise commonplace effect, was, however,rendered most artistic by a heavy pile of carpet which covered thesteps, and by the curtains which draped the entrance and theportholes. More of the same noiseless carpet covered the floor, whilelight was supplied from ports on either side, and from a richlydecorated skylight in the deck above. The effect of the thick butt ofthe mainmast was entirely taken away by a number of artfully contrivedand moulded Japanese mirrors, which, besides fulfilling their originalpurpose, gave an additional air of light and elegance to the room. Thewalls, which were exquisitely panelled and moulded in ivory and gold,were loaded with bric-a-brac of every description, including muchchina and many pictures of rare value, while deep chairs and couches,Turkish and Indian divans, piles of soft cushions and furs werescattered about here and there, as if inviting the cabin's occupantsto an existence of continual repose. A grand piano stood in onecorner, firmly cleated to the deck; on the bulkhead above it was anexquisitely inlaid Spanish guitar, and a Hungarian zither, while abovethem again were several fine specimens of the old Venetian lute.Altogether a more luxurious and beautifully furnished apartment it hasnever been my good fortune to behold, and I settled myself down in acomfortable chair prepared to spend a really critical and enjoyabletime. Then a daintily-bound volume, open on a cushion near where Isat, attracted my attention. I took it up to find that it was a volumeof Heine's poems in the original.

  "So my lady understands German, and reads Heine too, does she?" I saidto myself. "I must----"

  But I was prevented saying what I would do by the drawing aside of acurtain that covered a door at the further end of the saloon, and theentrance of my hostess herself. If she were capable of such aweakness, my astonishment must have flattered her, for, prepared as Iwas to see a beautiful woman, I had no idea she would prove as lovelyas she looked then. She had discarded the close-fitting white dressshe had worn earlier in the day, and was now attired in some softclinging fabric of a dark colour, which not only brought out all thelines of her superb figure, but rendered her even more attractive thanbefore. There must have been a quantity of jet scattered about thecostume, for I was conscious of a shimmering sensation whichaccompanied her every movement. She carried herself with a truly regalair, and I had a better opportunity permitted me now of seeing what abeautiful face it really was, and how exquisitely her head was setupon her shoulders. Her hands and feet were very small, so was hermouth, while her ears were like shells tucked into fragrant nestsagainst her head. But the glory that eclipsed all others was thewealth of golden hair that crowned her. Such hair I have never seenbefore or since. It seemed to have caught all the sunshine of theworld and to be jealous of dispersing it again.

  Once more, as if to afford as great a contrast as possible to so muchloveliness, the same ferocious bulldog followed at her heels, and,when she approached me, stood regarding me with calmly scrutinisingeyes.

  "Welcome to my cabin, Dr. De Normanville," she said, coming over to meand holding out her tiny hand with a frank gesture. "I am delighted tosee that you are looking so much better."

  "I'm feeling quite strong again, thank you," I answered, completelycarried away by the charm of her manner. "I cannot think what made mebreak down in that undignified fashion. I'm afraid you will despiseme for giving such an exhibition of weakness."

  She seated herself in a deep chair beside me and slowly fanned herselfwith a black ostrich plume, at the same time stroking the dog's uglyhead with her little foot.

  "I don't really see why I should," she said seriously, after amoment's pause. "You must have had a terrible time on that horriblejunk. I feel as if I was personally to blame for it. However, I shallhave more to say on that subject later; in the meantime let us bethankful that you came out of it as safely as you did. I do not likethe Chinese!"

  I saw a little shudder sweep over her as she said this, so to turn theconversation into a pleasanter channel, I commented on the sailingqualities of her schooner. The subject evidently pleased her, for hereyes sparkled with a new light.

  "There is no boat like her in the wide, wide world," she criedenthusiastically. "I had her built for me on my own lines, and I havetried her on every wind, and in every sea, till I have come to knowher better than a rider knows his horse. She is the most beautiful andthe swiftest craft in the world. And there are times, Dr. DeNormanville,"--here she sank her voice a little, and it seemed to meit trembled,--"when it is of the utmost importance to me that I shouldmove quickly. She has saved my life not once, but a hundred times. Canyou wonder, therefore, that I love her? But I'm afraid you are tooprejudiced against me to have much sympathy in my escapes."

  "I hope you will not think so. I----"

  "Forgive my interrupting you. But don't you think it would be betterif we sat down to table instead of discussing my unfortunate self?"

  She pressed an electric bell in the woodwork by her side and orderedtiffin. When it was served we went over to the table and the mealcommenced.

  I am not going to tell you what we ate, for, to confess the honesttruth, within half an hour I had forgotten what it was myself. I onlyknow that it was admirably cooked and served. As it proceeded wechatted on various minor matters, literature of all nations, music andpainting, and it was not until we had finished, and the cloth had beenremoved and we were alone together, that my hostess touched upon thereason of my presence on board.

  "You know, of course, Dr. De Normanville," she said, ensconcingherself in a big chair when we had left the table, "why I sent foryou?"

  "It was explained to me by your messenger. But I must confess I do notquite understand it yet. He said something about an island."

  "And he was quite right. An outbreak of small-pox has occurred on theisland which I make my depot. Where that island is, I cannot of coursetell you. But you will see it for yourself soon enough. In themeantime I may inform you that the havoc wrought by the disease hasbeen terrible, and it was only when I found that I could make noheadway against it myself that I determined to send to Hong Kong forassistance. To get hold of you was a piece of good fortune I did notexpect."

  I bowed my acknowledgment of the compliment she paid me, and asked ifshe herself had been much among the cases.

  "Why, of course!" she answered. "My poor people call me their mother,and naturally turn to me for assistance in their trouble. It went tomy very heart not to be able to help them."

  "But were you quite wise, do you think, to run so much risk?"

  "I did not think of myself at all. How could I? Do you think of therisk y
ou run when you are called in to an infectious case?"

  "I take all proper precaution, at least. When were you vaccinatedlast, may I ask?"

  "In Rome, in June, 1883."

  "Then, with your permission, I'll do it again, and at once. You cannotbe too careful."

  Receiving her assent I went off to my cabin, where I had noticed thata large portion of my medical outfit had been stored, and havingobtained what I sought, returned with it to the saloon. Alie, for bythat name I must henceforward call her, was waiting for me, her armbared to the shoulder. Never, if I live to be a hundred, shall Iforget the impression that snow-white arm made upon me. It seemed likean act of basest sacrilege to perform even such a simple operationupon it. Beelzebub, the bulldog, evidently thought so too, for hewatched me attentively enough during the whole of the time it took me.However, it had to be done, and done it accordingly was. Then, when Ihad put my paraphernalia back into its case, I bade her good-bye, andturned to go. She stopped me, however, and held out her hand.

  "Do you know, Dr. De Normanville, I want to make you like me. I wantyou to forget, if you can,--while you are with us, at any rate,--thestories you have heard about me. Some day, perhaps, I will attempt toshow you that I am not altogether as bad as people have painted me."

  For the moment I was so completely carried away by her outburst ofgirlish frankness that I hardly knew what to say.

  "'Pon my soul, I really don't believe you are!" I blurted out, like aschoolboy.

  "Thank you for that, at least," she said, smiling at my earnestness;and then, making me a little curtsey, she turned and disappearedthrough the door by which she had first entered the saloon.

  Putting my case into my pocket, I looked round the room once more, andthen went up on deck, not knowing what to think. It seemed impossibleto believe that this frank, beautiful girl, whose eyes were so steadyand true, whose voice had such a genuine, hearty ring in it, could bethe notorious criminal of whom all the East was talking. And yetwithout a shadow of a doubt it was so. And if it came to that, whatwas I, staid, respectable George De Normanville, doing, but aiding andabetting her in her nefarious career? True, I might salve myconscience with the knowledge that I had been drawn into itunconsciously, and was only acting in the interests of humanity, butit was nevertheless a fact, and one that I could not have disputed ifI had wanted to, that I was the paid servant of the Beautiful WhiteDevil.

  It was just two bells in the first dog watch when I came on deck, andhard upon sundown. The great round sun, which had been so busy all daylong, now rested in a bed of opal cloud scarcely a hand's breadthabove the edge of the horizon. The breeze had moderated, since midday,and now the water around us was almost without a ripple, but glorifiedwith flakes and blotches of almost every colour known to man. Near athand it was a mixture of lemon and silver, a little further almost alilac-purple, further still a touch of pale heliotrope meetingsalmon-pink and old gold, while under the sun itself a blotch of red,fierce as a clot of blood, worked through the cloud till it got backto gold, then to salmon-pink, then through purple up again to thelemon and silver sky. It was a wonderful sunset, and a fittingtermination to an extraordinary day.

  After dinner, of which I partook in the officer's mess-room, Ireturned to the deck. It was nearly eight o'clock, and as fine a nightas I had seen since I came into the East. Lighting a cigar I walkedaft, and, leaning upon the taffrail, scanned the quiet sea. Situatedas I was, it is not to be wondered at that a variety of thoughtsthronged my brain. I tried to think what my dear old mother would havesaid could she have seen the position my over-rash acceptance of atempting offer had placed me in. From my mother, who, with my father,had been dead nearly five years, my thoughts passed on to otherrelatives--to a girl whom I had once thought I loved, but who hadjilted me in favour of a brother student. The old heartache was almostgone now, but it had been a most unfortunate affair; since then,however, I flattered myself, I had been heart-whole, and I deludedmyself with the notion that I was likely to remain so.

  Since dinner the breeze had freshened, and the schooner, with all sailset, was now slipping swiftly through the water. I turned, and,leaning against the rail, looked aloft at the stretch of canvas whichseemed to reach up almost to the stars, then back again at the wakeand the wonderful exhibition of phosphorised water below the counter.

  Suddenly I became aware of someone standing by my side, and turning myhead, I discovered it was none other than the Beautiful White Devilherself. She was still dressed in black, with a sort of mantilla ofsoft lace draped about her head.

  "What a supreme fascination there is about the sea at night, isn'tthere?" she said softly, looking down at the sparkling water. Inoticed the beauty of the little white hand upon the rail as I repliedin appropriate terms.

  "I never can look at it enough," she continued almost unconsciously."Oh, you black, mysterious, unfathomable depths, what future do youhold for me? My fate is wrapped up in you. I was born on you; I wasbrought up on you; and if my fate holds good, I shall die and beburied in you."

  "At any rate, you need give no thought to that contingency for verymany years to come," I answered bluntly. "Besides, what possiblereason can you have for thinking you will end your days at sea?"

  "I don't know, Dr. De Normanville. It would puzzle me to tell you. ButI feel as certain of finding my grave in the waves as I am that Ishall be alive to-morrow! You don't know what the sea has been to me.She has been my good and my evil genius. I love her in every mood,and I don't think I could hope for a better end than to be buried inher breast. Oh, you beautiful, beautiful water, how I love you--how Ilove you!"

  As she spoke she stretched her arms out to where the stars were palingin anticipation of the rising moon. In any other woman such a gesturewould have been theatrical and unreal in the extreme. But in her caseit seemed only what one might expect from such a glorious creature.

  "There is somebody," she continued, "who says that 'the sea belongs toEternity, and not Time, and of that it sings its monotonous song forever and ever.'"

  "That is a very beautiful idea," I answered, "but don't you thinkthere are others that fully equal it? What do you say to 'The seacomplains upon a thousand shores'?"

  "Or your English poet Wordsworth, 'The sea that bares her bosom to thewind'?"

  "Let me meet you with an American: 'The sea tosses and foams to findits way up to the cloud and wind.' Could anything be finer than that?There you have the true picture--the utter restlessness and thestriving of the untamed sea."

  "'Would'st thou,' so that helmsman answered, 'Learn the secret of the sea? Only those who brave its dangers Comprehend its mystery!'"

  "Bravo! That caps all."

  For some seconds my companion stood silent, gazing across the deep.Then she said, very softly:

  "And who is better able to speak about its dangers than I, whose homeit is? Dr. De Normanville, I think if I were to tell you some of thedangers through which I have passed you would hardly believe me."

  "I think I could believe anything you told me."

  "I rather doubt it. You see, you have no idea what an extraordinaryexistence mine is. Why! my life is one long battle with despair. I amlike a hunted animal flying before that hell-hound, man. Do you knowhow near I was to being caught once? Let me tell you about it, and seeif it will convey any idea to you. It was in Singapore, and I wasdining at the house of a prominent police official, as the friend ofhis wife. I had met her some months before under peculiarcircumstances, and we had become intimate. During the meal my hostspoke of the Beautiful White Devil, and commented on her audacity.'However, we have at last received a clue concerning her,' he said.'She is not far away from Singapore at the present moment, and I haveevery reason to believe that in forty-eight hours she will be in ourhands.' I had a full glass of champagne in my hand at the moment, andit is a compliment to the strength of my nerves to say that I raisedit to my lips, before answering him, without spilling one drop."

  "And did he never suspect?"

>   "No, indeed. To tell the truth, I doubt if he knows to this day howclose the Beautiful White Devil really was to him. Yet one moment'shesitation might have cost me my life. Another time I attended aViceregal ball in Colombo in the capacity of an heiress from England.In the middle of the evening the partner with whom I was dancing, ayoung inspector of police, apologised for having to leave me. He saidhe had received information concerning the Beautiful White Devil, whowas known to be in the town. During supper he had been telling meabout his prospects, and the girl who was coming out from England tomarry him when he got his step. 'It will be a good thing for you ifyou catch this woman, won't it?' I inquired. 'It will get mepromotion, and that will mean the greatest happiness of my life--mymarriage!' he answered. 'Won't you wish me luck?' I did wish him luck,and then went off to dance the lancers with His Excellency theGovernor."

  "Do you think it wise to run such awful risks?" I asked, amazed at heraudacity.

  "Perhaps not; but in that particular case I could not help myself. Istood in need of some important information, and could trust nobody toobtain it but myself."

  "It must have been a terrible five minutes for you."

  "Yes; I almost fainted after the dance. His Excellency apologisedprofusely for the heat of the room."

  As she finished speaking, the moon lifted her head above the horizon,and little by little rose into the cloudless sky. Under her glamourthe sea became a floor of frosted silver, till even the spangled gloryof the phosphorus was taken from the curdling wake.

  "I expect you have been told some very curious stories about me, Dr.De Normanville?" my companion said, after a little while. "I wish Icould induce you to tell me what you have heard. Believe me, I have avery good reason for wanting you to know the truth about me."

  "That is easily told," I answered. "I have heard a great manyvariations of the same story, but knowing how news travels out here, Ihave placed very little credence in any of them."

  "You have heard, perhaps, about the Sultan of Surabaya?"

  I intimated that I had.

  "At first you must have thought that rather a cruel action on my part.And yet, if you knew all, your blame would probably turn toadmiration. You do not know, perhaps, what a character that man borein his own state, the life he led, his excesses, his constant crimes,his tyranny over his unfortunate subjects. I tell you, sir, that thatman was, and is, one of the greatest scoundrels upon the face of thisearth. I had heard over and over again of him, and when I discoveredthat his people could obtain no redress for their grievances, Idetermined to meet him on his own ground. I arranged my plansaccordingly, abducted him, made him disgorge a large sum of money,half of which I caused to be anonymously distributed amongst the poorwretches he had robbed, and at the same time told him his characterfor the first and only time in his heathen existence, promising him asI did so that if he did not mend his ways, I'd catch him again andsilence him for ever. Punishment was surely never more fitly earned.Then there was a merchant in Hong Kong, by name Vesey. I expect youhave heard of him and the trick I played him? Well, that man made anassertion about me in a public place to the effect that I was---- Butnever mind what it was. It was so vile that I cannot repeat it to you,but I made a vow I would be revenged on him for it, sooner or later. I_was_ revenged, and in the only way he could be made to feel--thatis, through his banker. He will never forgive me, of course. Now, whatelse have you heard?"

  "Pardon my alluding to it," I said, "but--the _Vectis Queen_--the_Oodnadatta_."

  "So you have heard of those affairs? Well, I do not deny them. I musthave money. Look at the expenses I have to meet. Look at thisboat--think of the settlement I maintain, of the hundreds ofpensioners I have all through the East, of the number of people whoseservices it is necessary for me to retain. And, pray do notmisunderstand me. To you it may seem that such transactions make meneither more nor less than a thief--a common cheat and swindler. Inyour eyes I may be that, but I must own I do not look upon it in thesame light myself. I am, and have been all my life, at war with whatyou call Society--the reason I may perhaps explain to you some day. Iknow the risk I run. If Society catches me, in all probability my lifewill pay the forfeit. I know that, and I am naturally resolved not tobe caught. One thing is certain, I prey only on those who can affordto lose, and, like the freebooters of romance, I make it my boast thatI have never knowingly robbed a poor man, while, on the other hand, Ihave materially assisted many. There are those, of course, who judgeme harshly. Heaven forbid that they ever find themselves in theposition in which I am placed! Think of it! I am hunted by allmen--every man's hand is against me; I am cut off from country andfriends; a price is put upon my head, and for that reason I am obligedto distrust everyone on principle. Think of having the knowledgecontinually before you that if you are not constantly on the watchyou may be caught. And then----"

  "And then?"

  I heard her grind her little white teeth viciously.

  "There will be no _then_, Dr. De Normanville, so we need not talk ofit; while I live they will never catch me, and when I am dead itcannot matter who has possession of my body. Good-night!"

  Before I could answer she had left me and vanished down the companionladder. I turned to the sea and my own thoughts. The ship's bellstruck four (ten o'clock), the lookout at the fo'c's'le-head cried,"All's well!" silence reigned, a wonderful quiet broken only by thehumming of the breeze in the shrouds, and the tinkling of the wateralongside. I leant against the rail and considered the life of theBeautiful White Devil as I had heard it from her own lips.