Read The Best Laid Plans Page 1


  A Seemly Sex Story



  This story, like all Seemly Sex Stories, is pure fiction, an imaginary concoction of the seemly but mischievous mind of BobbyB. Any resemblance to any actual person or situation is completely coincidental.

  Copyright 2015 seemlybobbyb

  Best Laid Plans

  Gary Bartak and Grace Barton are similar names. As a result, shortly after Gary started work at the distributor company's Shipping department he mistakenly got a memo intended for Grace. When he showed it to his supervisor he was told it needed immediate attention and he should take it right upstairs to Billing, the department where Grace works. That's how Gary and Grace met. They were attracted to each other on sight. So much so that whenever either has any plausible excuse for contacting the other's department he or she does so in person just for the opportunity to be pleasantly stimulated by the other's presence. Shipping and Billing, of course, are intertwined operations, so there usually is need for these two chummy coworkers to consult on some company matter a few times every workday.

  But Gary and Grace have to be careful, for their company has a strict policy against any kind of worker fraternization which might adversely impact productivity. This policy resulted from an incident that happened about a year before Gary came to work at the company when a friendship between a pair of employees blossomed into something potentially productive, or at least potentially procreative, but obviously not the kind of product a distribution company distributes. A female data entry clerk and a male bookkeeper took a strong liking to each other and started to clandestinely cuddle in the janitorial closet. When the big boss's secretary accidentally spilled coffee grounds and went to the closet to get a broom to clean up the mess, she found the couple engaging in an activity not included in either's job description. The big boss blew his cork, fired the pair, and instituted the company's Employee Fraternization policy. He also had a lock installed on the janitorial closet.

  Grace was an employee when all this happened, so she knows the whole story. During the first couple weeks Gary was with the company she snickeringly filled him in on all the salacious details as asides to their work related conversations. That isn't particularly remarkable. Office gossip is common and customary in all organizations. But there is other chitchat she might have shared. That Grace chose to dwell on this particular story shows she had a sexual interest in Gary from the start. That Gary hung on her every word shows he fully reciprocated her libidinous interest. Before long the two began to look on the closet couple as role models.


  Both Grace and Gary are married. And happily so, at least by some standards. Neither wanted to be involved in anything which might be marriage damaging. But, of course, if no one else ever knew about it, nothing they might be involved in would be. Thus the pair started trying to devise a plan for a secret tryst or two.

  Fooling around away from work is the way many other such couples go about this. The employee fraternization policy wouldn't apply away from work. But that isn't possible for these two. They live on opposite sides of a big city. It would require a major chunk of time away from their home and family just to get across town. Even the most fanciful fabricated excuse wouldn't give them enough extra time to discreetly get to and rent some by-the-hour motel room. Nor could they fool around just before or right after work. Both carpool. If their dalliance were to be kept secret, they couldn't very well keep their carpool companions waiting while they dallied. So they decided the only way they could fulfill their friendship was to circumvent the Employee Fraternization policy and do it at work during work hours.

  They quickly figured out how to steal enough time from their jobs. At a predetermined time each would leave his/her work station on the pretext of ascending/descending a floor to the other's work station on what their coworkers and supervisors would consider simply another routine Shipping/Billing matter. Instead, however, they would go to their trysting place and play. But where could this be? Obviously, the janitorial closet was out, even if it weren't locked.

  Over the next weeks the two wannabe playmates searched out every accessible nook and cranny in the six story warehouse-office building. The location they sought had to provide secure, uninterruptible privacy. And both considered it necessary to have something enabling the customary, recumbent approach to their amorous activity. Neither considered the twisted upright posture which office rumor says the janitorial closet players had been found in to be suitable for any but professional contortionists.

  Office gossip knows an ideal location, one not only securely private, but also suitably furnished. However, freeing it up from its usual use, secretly getting into and out of it, and not getting caught while playing therein, were all formidable problems. So formidable, it is a mark of the intensity of their mutual libidinous intentions that they considered it for even a moment. In the big boss's office, clearly to be seen whenever his door is open, is a couch, a big, luxurious, overstuffed leather sofa ample and serviceable for amorous action. Indeed, there's reason to believe such action frequently occurs thereupon. As office rumor has it, one particularly buxom young bleached blonde's rapid climb up the company ladder has been accomplished by an even more rapid willingness to lie down on that couch. Such reclining, of course, is strictly against the company's Employee Fraternization policy. But then the big boss isn't really an employee. And this friendship didn't harm productivity. In fact, it had already produced a couple promotions for the blonde.

  Gary devised an elaborate scheme for getting the boss out of his office for a time long enough for he and Grace to play therein, and both of them were sure it would work. Unfortunately, although each conjured up several scenarios, they weren't satisfied that any of their plans would reliably get the boss's secretary out of the way so they could sneak into and out of his office. The only time she is ever away from her desk for more than a minute or two is when she's in the office with him. (At which time, other office gossip claims, the couch is in use.) So Gary and Grace had to abandon the office idea and leave the boss's couch to him and whomever he might share it with.


  Grace and Gary's multi-week intense scouting of the company building was a complete failure. They found nothing even remotely suitable for the activity they had in mind. In sad frustration they decided their relationship would, of inescapable necessity and unavailable privacy, forever be platonic. Then a stroke of luck revealed to Gary a perfect location, one which by remarkable coincidence with their role models' love nest also was a facility intended for the company's janitorial functions.

  Their company's business is distribution. Every day trucks with wholesale amounts of product arrive at their building where it is unloaded, unwrapped, unpackaged and warehoused until, in smaller amounts it is repackaged and rewrapped then shipped to retailers and/or end users. All this unwrapping and rewrapping, unpackaging and repackaging, produces considerable waste. To dispose of it, the company has its own dumpster secured away from weather and vandals in a ground floor room. This room has big industrial garage doors opening onto the alley so trucks can back right in to remove or replace the giant trash receptacle. At the back of the room is permanent scaffolding which the dumpster sits against. This platform is designed so janitorial staff do not need to lift trash up and over the side of the container. They simply wheel their collection carts to the edge of the scaffolding and tip it in. At one end of the scaffolding a narrow passageway branches off at a right angle, leading to a door opening onto the second floor's main hallway. This door is always locked, and only janitorial staff have access to the key because, after all, nobody else has any reason to get into the
dumpster room.

  One day, a couple weeks after Grace and Gary had reluctantly decided they'd probably never be able to get together in the particular, passionate way each so much wanted, a minor problem occurred in Shipping. Their waste containers had not been emptied the previous night, so before noon they were all overflowing. The supervisor called the head janitor and got an apology and an explanation. The night before a cleaning lady had dropped a bottle of strong cleaning fluid which had shattered, splashing the fluid into her eyes. They had to rush her to an Emergency Room for sight saving first aid. She was OK, but the accident had completely messed up the previous night's cleaning operations. The head janitor said at the moment he had no available staff, so he couldn't send anyone to remove Shipping's trash. However, if they could send one of their people to him, he would provide a cart, instructions on how and where to dispose of the trash and the key to the dumpster room. In order to investigate a part of the building previously closed to him, Gary volunteered for the job.


  When Gary unlocked the dumpster room and opened the door he found he