Read The Big Tomorrow Page 2

open--wide. He opened his mouth to speak. Hefailed, tightened his throat and tried again. "You came here after_what_?"

  "Money. I'm broke, Lee. I haven't enough to meet my payroll."

  "You expect me to bail you out--clean up your debts--put you clear?"

  "I came after more than that. Merely bailing me out wouldn't help a bit.I need three hundred thousand to put my rocket in the air."

  Gorman collapsed gently back into his chair like a balloon mercifullyrelieved of some of its content. When he spoke, it was with a slow,controlled viciousness. "I've heard of guts, Joshua. I've heard ofgall--plain unmitigated nerve. But this tops anything--why, man, youthrew me out! You robbed me! You left me standing in the street with abookful of names and addresses under my arm--nothing more. Now you comehere and ask for money!"

  "I'm glad you've done well, Lee. There was nothing personal in what Idid. I'm glad you've gone on to even bigger things than we would haveachieved together."

  "You're glad I've done well! Why, you pious hypocrite! I ought to haveyou thrown through the window instead of merely ordering you out!"

  "There is no reason why I should expect any better treatment, Lee. But Ihad to come here. You were my last hope. I had to ask."

  Joshua turned slowly from the desk. He had taken but three steps whenLee Gorman said, "Wait a minute. I'm curious. Are you _really_ still atit--beating your brains out against that stone wall?"

  "It's my dream, Lee. I've got to be the first man to put a rocket on themoon."

  "But now you're broke--washed up. What's with the dream now?"

  "I guess it's finished." Joshua turned and took another step; but Gormanwas loath to let him go.

  "Tell me," Gorman said. "What have you got in that briefcase?"

  "Progress reports. Plans. I wanted to show them to you."

  Gorman grinned. "All right. I've got a few minutes. Come and do it."

  Joshua Lake retraced his steps. He sat down in a chair next to Gorman'sdesk. He laid his hat on the desk and snapped open the case.

  "No," Gorman said. "Stand here by my elbow. The chair is for people Imeet on even terms."

  Joshua got obediently to his feet and placed himself as directed.

  "And your hat," Gorman added. "You'd better hold that. You might forgetit when you leave."

  "Of course, Lee."

  It was a ludicrous, pitiful sight but, withal, a grim note ran throughthe scene. Joshua supporting the case against his thigh, got out a sheafof papers. "These are the progress reports to date. These, the projectedplans."

  "And when these plans are carried out you expect success?"

  "Yes. Great foresight has been used. They will carry us through."

  "And you expect me to loan you money on the strength of this--thisday-dreaming on paper?"

  "It's far more than that, Lee. You'll find the plans sound."

  Lee Gorman didn't give a tinker's hoot for the plans. He was onlyenjoying an interview--a vengeance--he was loath to terminate. "Youhaven't even begun to show me what I'd need before I even consideredloaning you a dime."

  "I'll bring you anything you want."

  "Even if I promise to turn you down after I've gone over it."

  "You're calling the dance, Lee."

  "All right--I'll call it. Bring me your payroll records; your costsheets; the background reports on the key men in your organization."

  "As soon as I can get them. I need some money immediately to meet mypayroll."

  "Then what are you waiting for?"

  "I'll be back this afternoon." Joshua was halfway out the door when LeeGorman called. "And bring the deeds to your plant--the bills of sale toyour machinery and equipment."


  Joshua left and Lee Gorman sat motionless staring at the surface of hisdesk. There was a Mona Lisa smile on his rugged face.

  * * * * *

  "It's not worth it, Joshua," Myra said, hotly. "You won't be able totake his brow-beating and badgering day after day. And that's hisintention. That's what he's giving you the money for--for the pleasureof humiliating you day after day."

  "Of course, my dear. I'm fortunate that Lee is that kind of a man. Hewants his revenge and he's willing to pay for it. I was hoping it wouldbe that way--praying for it. It was my last weapon. The last weapon Ihad with which to beat the Moon."

  A man and his dream....

  "I want you to sign these papers, Joshua." Lee Gorman held out a pen andpushed the papers across the desk.

  "Certainly, Lee."

  "Four copies."

  Joshua pushed the papers back, looked at them and smiled.

  "Do you know what you signed?"

  "A power of attorney, I believe. And I've signed the plant over to you.There is a large mortgage against it, however."

  Lee Gorman sat back, narrowed his eyes as he looked at the wizenedlittle man with the giant obsession. "Joshua, I think you've workedbeyond your time. You've slipped your gears completely. Do you realizethat with these papers I can put you in the street? That all I have todo is raise my hand and you're done?"

  "I realize that, Lee."

  "Then why on earth did you sign them?"

  "I had no alternative."

  "But what kind of an alternative is this? Giving away everything you'vegot?"

  Joshua sighed. "You haven't raised your hand yet, Lee. I can surmount mydifficulties only as I come to them. I'll think about that one when itgets here."

  "Well--I've got news for you. The time to think about it is--" Gormanstopped in mid-sentence. He studied Joshua Lake for a long minute. Thenhe took a checkbook from his desk and wrote rapidly. "There's money tomeet your payroll. The exact amount. Take it to the bank. Then, I wantyou in this office every day at four-thirty with a complete report ofwhat's gone on. Don't overlook a thing. And bring any bills with youthat want paying, together with material orders and projected costs. Isthat clear?"

  "I understand, Lee." At the door, Joshua Lake turned for a moment."And--thank you--thank you very much."

  After Joshua had left, Lee Gorman pondered one of those last words. Ifthey contained any bitterness, it was well hidden. "A strange man,"Gorman muttered. "A very strange man."

  If that constituted a weak moment on the part of Lee Gorman, his dikeswere repaired well in time to present a hostile front....

  "This twelve thousand to American Chemical--what are you doing--runningan experimental laboratory on the side. I won't pay it."

  "I've never questioned Coving's judgment in these matters, Lee. He'sdone brilliant work for us. The man has to have materials to workwith."

  "Well, you certainly should have questioned him. He's been satisfyingevery whim of curiosity that pops into his mind. Send the stuff back."

  "But that would be fatal to the project. The fuel _must_ bepower-charged to safely handle the weight and time quotients. Covingcan't work with salt and baking soda."

  "I don't care what he works with. Cut three thousand off that bill."

  "Very well, Lee."

  A man and his dream....

  "This payroll's out of all reason. Cut fifteen men off immediately."

  "I'll see what I can do."

  "Cut fifteen men off immediately."

  "Of course."

  "Here's a check for the interest on the last note. Take it over to thebank."

  "Yes, Lee."

  Joshua Lake came and went as directed. He stood with his hat in hishand, took orders, carried them out. His shoulders drooped a littlemore; his face became more pinched; he retreated deeper and deeper intohimself.

  But as the days went on, his eyes brightened and there was abreathlessness in his expression when he turned his face to the sky.

  Some three months after the day Joshua walked into Lee's office, thelatter said, "The four men who are going with the rocket. You'veselected them?"

  "Yes. They're waiting for the day. It was a long slow process, selectingthe best equipped men."

  "Bring them here tomorrow afte

  "I'll check with them. If they all can't make it, would a later date--?"

  "I said tomorrow. See to it they _can_ make it."

  "Yes, Lee."

  Joshua brought the four young men to Lee Gorman's office the followingday. Lee had a buffet table set up. He was the smiling, genial,expansive host. "Sit down