Read The Billionaire's Intern, Book One: Life in a New City Page 4


  When Emily got home, she flopped onto the couch in the living room, staring at their window, which looked directly at a brick wall. Fantastic view, Emily thought glumly, still dwelling on missing her shot to speak to Alec about his magazine. She didn’t know much about city life, but she knew enough to know she needed to jump at this chance. Billionaires didn’t walk through anyone else’s establishment on a regular basis. If she didn’t snatch this chance and missed out on seeing Alec…

  “What are you doing, Amish Country?”

  Emily looked up to see Sareh had walked out of her bedroom, her hair swept up in a crazy hairstyle, with deep red makeup on her face. Her dress matched her makeup and was a dark red with glitter at the top and all over her high heels. She looked dressed to kill.

  Emily propped herself up on one arm, “Look at you. You look amazing. Where are you going?”

  “This club in the meatpacking district. It’s called Rough Tsunami.” She eyed Emily critically, “I’d invite you, but even with my VIP access, you wouldn’t be allowed in.”

  “I’ve never been to a club.”

  “I figured. Not sure if it’s your scene anyway. Mostly rich people going there. My friend wants to go because some billionaire guy is supposed to be there in the VIP area tonight and she thinks she can win him over or some crap.”

  Emily sat up straighter, “Billionaire?”

  Sareh nodded as she pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, “Yeah. Some real estate guy? Maybe? No idea. He has the last name of Richard something.”

  “Alec Richardson?”

  Her eyebrows shot up, “Yeah. Geez. Who is this guy if you know about him and I don’t?”

  Sareh’s phone rang then and she snatched her phone off the counter, talking to someone before heading into her room. Emily stared at the brick wall out the window. He would be at this club tonight. She had to go. This opened up a ton more possibilities than just what the coffee shop could. She could talk to him under the guise of somewhat knowing him. Except clubs were totally out of her element.

  Sareh came back and Emily spoke up, “Can I come with you?”

  Sareh eyed her, “Sure, but we have to do something with…every article of clothing you have on.”

  Emily nodded. That was all Sareh needed to whisk her to her bedroom and begin her makeover.

  A limo came to get them. Emily felt instantly out of her element, but tried to talk herself down from the urge to run back inside. She also felt uncomfortable in the clothes Sareh had let her borrow. Unlike her roommate, who looked and acted as if her clothes were simply a second skin, Emily felt as if hers were sticking to her and letting every horrible part of her stick out. Her dress showed off her cleavage as well, which she had never shown before. Her heels were already making her feet ache.

  But Emily was determined to see this through. She had to, for the sake of landing a job as a magazine writer.

  The limo ride was overwhelming. The limo was packed to the brim with people, all seemingly Sareh’s friends. It stunk of weed and people were already doing shots. She did one in an attempt to fit in, but ended up falling silent for the rest of the limo ride, merely observing.

  “Yo, Sareh,” said a guy who looked as if his entire hair was made strictly from hairspray, “Your parents write you back in the will yet?”

  “No.” She rolled her eyes, “They’ll get over it.”

  “This your roommate?” said another girl with neon blue hair.

  “I’m Emily.”

  “You’re quaint. It’s cute.”

  Emily forced a smile as the limo finally stopped in front of the club. The group spilled out into the cool night air. Music thrummed along the street, which was packed with people waiting to get in. Emily’s heart beat along with the music. Sareh led the group to the front door and spoke in the bouncer’s ear. The bouncer nodded and moved to let the group in. People called after them, but Emily couldn’t hear them. The music rushed over her, so loud she was worried for a moment that her ears would pop. The walls were vibrating. They weren’t even in the main room yet, Emily realized, as Sareh grabbed her hand and took her through the foyer.

  They broke through a small cluster of people and Emily found herself staring at a dimly lit dance floor. The walls were decorated to look as if they were underwater. Near the top of the ceiling were waves, as if the top of the ocean was just above their heads. The lighting effects made her eyes water. Dark blues shone all over the floor, followed by lights that blinked in so many colors she had to shut her eyes for a second. Music pumped through the air and the dance floor had so many bodies dancing tightly together, in manners that looked more like making out than actual dancing.

  “Come on!” Sareh yelled at her, giving her arm a tug as they made their way through the crowd towards a staircase.

  There was a bouncer here as well, but he didn’t even stop to talk to Sareh, and just let her through. The group trailed after her. They walked up a spiral staircase to the second floor. It overlooked the dance floor but the tables were farther back, allowing for conversation. Chains of beads dangled from the ceiling in a green color that Emily took as them making it look like seaweed. Most of the tables were full. They headed to one in the corner which had an aquarium in the table, full of fake fish that bobbed around. Emily had never seen such a thing.

  The group crowded into the table, jamming Emily in the middle, which was the last place she wanted to be. She instantly began to scan the area for Alec. A hostess came over and the group shouted drink orders. Sareh ordered a bottle of something. Bubbles were wafting through the air somewhere, floating over the table. The entire club was a sensory overload.

  “What do you think?” Sareh nudged her, “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “Sareh said you’re Amish?” Said the blue-haired girl again.

  “I actually have to use the bathroom. Sorry.”

  The girl shrugged and pointed down where they had come from. Emily could see the bathroom near the stairs. After struggling to move everyone from the table so she could escape, she marched away towards the bathroom. She stepped inside, seeing two girls talking in the corner in fast and low voices, barely glancing at her as she went inside a stall. Once inside, Emily took deep breaths, trying to control her nervousness. The hyperactive energy of the night club was a far cry from the world of Missouri.

  She left the stall. The girls were gone and the bathroom was empty. Even here, the underwater theme existed. The walls were a pale blue, with countertops made from blue stone. Emily wanted to splash water on her face, but knew she couldn’t because of all the makeup Sareh had put on her face. Her clothes felt as if they were showing every part of her body that she hated.

  Emily pushed the thoughts from her mind and stepped back out onto the club floor. She scanned the room as she slowly walked back to the table. She had no desire to go back there. The neon blue-haired girl made her feel as if she were a quaint fashion accessory and not a human being.

  “Look who it is.”

  Emily stopped and looked to her right. A table was there, with four people sitting at it. They looked refined and elegant. An Asian woman in a red dress was typing away on a phone next to a man who was taking a sip of his drink. There was another man who was staring at Emily in interest, his blonde hair plastered against his head. And in the middle was Alec.

  “Mr. Richardson!”

  “Didn’t think I would see you here.”

  “Why, because I make coffee for a living?”

  Alec’s eyebrows shot up and the man next to him laughed, “Oh, she’s saucy. Where’d you find her?”

  “He didn’t find me, because I’m a human being and cannot be collected.”

  The man grinned, “I like her.”

  “Excuse my friend. This is Gareth. He’s too crass for his own good. This is Nick, my busine
ss partner and his wife, Ayumi.”

  Nick gave a little wave but Ayumi didn’t bother looking up, more engrossed in her cellphone than the club around her.

  “I’m Emily.”

  “What brings you here?” Nick asked.

  “I’m with my roommate.” Emily pointed down to the table at the end of the room.

  At this, Ayumi looked up, “You’re at Serah’s table?”

  “Uhm, yeah. She’s my roommate.”

  Ayumi smiled, a slow smile, “Is she really?”

  Emily didn’t like the way she was being looked at and decided to look back at Alec, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m part owner. Just a night out, making sure the club is moving smoothly. You ever been here?”

  “No. It’s amazing, though. The theme is really killer.”

  Alec smiled and it shot warmth all through her, “Glad you like it.”

  The conversation was going to stall soon if she didn’t grab attention somehow. The last thing she wanted was to be dismissed right now at this moment.

  “Hey!” Someone slurred, and someone from Sareh’s group barreled over.

  Soon the entire group was over, and all of them were talking to Alec’s table. Ayumi’s eyes seemed to light up when she saw Sareh march over, and for a reason Emily didn’t understand. Alec was getting up now, saying goodbye to the others. Emily felt a surge of panic go through her. This was going to be a missed chance if she didn’t grab onto it.

  No one else noticed Alec was leaving. They were all too busy talking to the others. Gareth was hitting on the blue-haired girl and Ayumi was slinking up to Sareh. Nick was chatting with someone else that Emily didn’t know. She took the chance to follow Alec as he made his way to the stairs.

  “Hey!” She blurted out, unsure of what to say.

  Alec turned to look at her with those electric eyes of his, “Are you following me?” He grinned.

  “No. Sorry. Listen, I wanted to ask you something.”

  Someone wiggled past Alec, which moved him closer to her. He was only a few inches from Emily now, and she could feel the heat of him, radiating off his body. Emily took a step back and was pressed against the wall, slightly hidden from view. Alec moved closer to her, looking at her differently than he had before. He said something, but she shook her head to indicate that she couldn’t hear him over the sound of the music.

  Alec moved closer to her, lowering his head to whisper in her ear, “What did you need to ask me?”

  Goosebumps popped up along her skin, “I wanted to ask about your magazine.”

  “And why does my magazine interest you?”

  His voice was soft and slinking up her spine. Warmth seemed to spread across her body and he was staring at her in a way that made her want to do something crazy. Emily swallowed back the urge.

  “I’m a…” Alec trailed one hand down her side, along her bare arm, and she shivered, “I’m a very good writer.”

  His eyes flashed, “Are you?”

  “Yes.” She breathed.

  Their eyes met, and once again, Emily could feel shivers working their way through her body.

  “Tomorrow. My office at ten.”

  “Yes. Okay. Thank you, sir.”

  Alec smiled again and moved away from Emily suddenly, walking down the stairs. Her heart was beating as fast as the music that was playing. But she had done it. She had an interview tomorrow with him.

  Emily just hoped she could control the tension between them when she saw Alec again.