Read The Billionaire Princess Page 13


  Multicolored lights from the stage flashed over the crowd as the sound of an electric guitar riff filled the night air. Prepared for the show, Christopher turned so his back rested against the stone wall. The popular LA based band played everything from classic Elvis songs to top-forty hits as well as their own songs. People gathered on the park grass and sidewalk to listen and dance as the group moved from one song to the next. Christopher could see why they'd done so well on the reality show. Not only were the members of the band musically talented, but they also had great charisma with the crowd.

  Next to him Sara swayed to the music. Every once in a while her arm brushed against his. Since the music began they hadn't spoken, but he never forgot that she was there. And he wasn't the only male present who knew Sara was at the show. So far he'd seen countless men look over in her direction. Some just passed an approving glance over her. Others outright ogled her. Whether they did it because they recognized her or because she was a beautiful woman he didn't know. Their attention accomplished one thing though. It had him looking in her direction repeatedly. From her outward appearance, Sara seemed oblivious to the attention she got from the men in the crowd.

  Perhaps she was used to it. It'd probably been happening to her all her life. Maybe she'd learned to ignore it.

  On the stage the group launched into what sounded like a remake of a classic rock ballad, the first slow song they played all night.

  "I love this song. They performed it on Do You Have What It Takes.” Sara turned toward him.

  "Interested in a dance then?" He didn't love to dance but he wasn't above using the opportunity as an excuse to get her in his arms again. He still could remember exactly how it felt when they danced in Hawaii.

  Sara stepped toward him and took his hand. "Love to."

  He led them into the crowd where other couples danced. Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her toward him as they began to move to the music. "This sounds a lot like a Foreigner song," he said as they moved to the music.


  "You've never heard of them?" He pulled back to look at her.

  Sara shook her head and Christopher decided that at some point he needed to instruct her on classic rock bands. But now wasn't the time. As the lead singer's words filled the air, he felt her body come in contact with his. He was uncertain whether she'd moved closer or he had. Honestly he didn't care. He liked the way she felt pressed against him. Having her in his arms felt natural. Gradually, one slow song flowed into another, and neither made any effort to move. Even when the band switched and played their last song, one with a faster beat, neither immediately moved. As the lead singer's vocals blasted over the crowd, Christopher dropped his hands and took a step back.

  “Let’s move out of the way.” The need to fill the silence between them drew out his words.

  Sara reached for his hand and moved toward where they'd been standing earlier.

  The crowd around them remained even though the band had stopped playing and started to pack up their gear. Christopher didn't blame the people for hanging around. The ocean breezes kept the temperatures hovering around seventy degrees and a large full moon hung over the ocean. With no clouds in the sky it was a perfect night for fireworks.

  “Let's go for a walk. I know a great place where we can watch the fireworks." He reached for her hand again and led her through the crowd toward the beach.

  "Almost forgot about them," she said softly, falling into step next to him.

  Even though they had broken away from the crowd he continued to hold her hand, not wanting to lose the physical contact with her. He already missed the feel of her body pressed up against his while they danced.

  When they reached the spot he wanted, Christopher sank down onto the sand and pulled Sara down next to him. At first he felt her reluctance and guessed she didn't want sand on her outfit, however, she eventually sank down onto the sand next to him.

  "What did you think of the show?" Sara tucked her legs under her.

  "Not bad. Several of the songs were remakes of classics from bands popular in the seventies and eighties." While they did a good job with the songs, he preferred bands that played their own original songs.

  "Really? I didn't recognize any of them."

  He couldn't stop himself from leaning closer. "Then you don't listen to the right music. I'll have to introduce you to some good music."

  The moon provided just enough light for him to see her eyes searching his face for something. "I might hold you to that," she said teasingly.

  His eyes dropped to her lips, and he watched as her tongue darted out to moisten them. Overhead the first volley of fireworks exploded, but the sound barely registered through the haze surrounding him. Christopher leaned toward her as if pulled by an invisible magnet.

  "Anytime." He tried to remember all the reasons he shouldn't kiss her again, but his brain refused to concentrate on anything except her lips. Lips he had every intention of tasting again unless she stopped him. It hadn't been his plan for this evening. He wanted her to have time and space to consider things. Yet he knew it was now inevitable. Only two things would prevent it, Sara herself or the end of the world.

  Another firework exploded overhead but neither turned to look. Both focused only on each other. Reaching out he placed a hand on her shoulder, her skin warm and smooth like velvet beneath his palm. Slowly he pulled her toward him. "If you want me to stop, tell me now." He managed to get out as he lowered his head toward Sara.

  She answered with a simple shake of her head.

  "Good," he spoke the single word before settling his lips on hers.

  Her mouth tasted like the strawberries she'd had for dessert. Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her closer. The scent of her perfume teased his senses as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him. In the night sky fireworks exploded, bathing the sky in color. Each explosion mimicked the ones going off in his head. Needing to deepen the connection, he teased the seam of her lips with his tongue until she opened them and then plunged in. Slowly, their tongues explored and mated while at the same time he dug his fingers into her thick silky hair.

  As the firework display approached its finale, the sounds of the cheering crowd gradually penetrated the desire engulfing his mind. He needed to stop while he still could. One didn't make out with a woman like Sara Sherbrooke in the middle of a very public beach surrounded by onlookers. There was no way to know who was watching. So even though it took almost all his determination, Christopher pulled his mouth away and let his hands drop to her shoulders. For a moment Sara's eyes remained closed and her lips slightly apart. When she did open her eyes, he saw the total confusion and he knew the exact moment she realized where they were and what they'd been doing.

  "I've been thinking a lot since yesterday," Sara said, her eyes not meeting his.

  "And?" He wanted her to look at him, but still she looked off down the beach. Lifting his hands off her shoulders, he moved so they were face-to-face.

  "I'd like to see where things go." She reached out and put her hand on his neck. The slight touch had his body craving more but he held back. "But I don't want to rush out and tell everyone, okay?" she added as her forehead furrowed with concern.

  For once having four younger sisters was coming in handy. He'd seen his sisters confused enough about their emotions to know a lot of uncertainty and fear lurked behind Sara's decision.

  "No one needs to know." His body hummed with excitement. Before he could stop himself he leaned forward and brushed his mouth against hers again. Nowhere near as intense as the kiss they'd just shared, it still warmed his insides.

  The crowd walked around them, exiting the beach when the fireworks ended. He let his lips linger against hers for a few seconds but then pulled away while the kiss still remained light. "Do you have to leave at the end of the week?" He knew theirs would have to be a long distance relationship, but since she was already in California maybe the
y could extend their time together on this visit.

  Sara tilted her head to one side and narrowed her eyes a little. He could almost see her running through her calendar in her mind. "I think David will survive for a little longer without me," she said with a tiny smile lifting the corners of her mouth.

  Christopher gripped her free hand in her lap. "Good, then when we're finished with the commercial why don't you stay out here for a few days?" He couldn't think of a better way to further develop their relationship. When she didn't answer right away though, he wondered if he'd spooked her by trying to rush things.

  "We can stay here in LA or go up to my place in Alicante or head down to San Diego, whatever you want," he added. In the long run it didn't really matter where they were as long as they had the time together.

  Sara's smile grew wider. "I'll let David know I'm staying for a few extra days when we finish and we can play it by ear.”

  She leaned closer again and kissed him. Although not a high intensity kiss, it managed to call up the hunger he barely had contained. Without a second thought he lifted her up and settled her on his lap. If people saw them and recognized them, they could deal with it tomorrow.

  Sara pulled her mouth away from his, but her fingers continued to trace the skin on the back of his neck. “Why don't we go back to your apartment? Maybe you can play those original songs for me.”

  Did she have more than his music collection in mind or was he misreading her? “Are you sure? It's late.”

  Sara briefly broke eye contact. “Perhaps I can spend the night. On the way to the studio in the morning we can stop at my hotel so I can change.” Pausing she dropped a kiss on his check. “But if you're tired and not up for company tonight, I understand.”

  Not up for company? Evidently she had no clue as to how a guy's brain worked. “I'm not even close to tired. Do you want to grab anything to eat on the way?”

  Chapter 7