Read The Billionaire Princess Page 32


  Later that evening an untouched cup of tea sat on the end table. A knot the size of a boulder sat in her stomach and only continued to grow as little details from the past couple of months came to mind.

  At the time she hadn't thought anything of it when Christopher said he played golf with the senator just before Jake's wedding but now she couldn't stop thinking about it. What if, during that game, David told Christopher how she refused to publicly endorse the plan? What if Christopher had agreed to get Sara on board in exchange for the government contract? A contract she hadn't even known he had bid on. True she'd received a list of all the companies who submitted bids, but she hadn't read it and he'd never once mentioned it.

  If Christopher had made such an agreement with David perhaps the whole night in Hawaii hadn't been unplanned on his part. Maybe he'd set out to seduce her that night and she'd blindly fallen for it. And what about his sudden appearance at the fundraiser in Providence? Maybe that too had been part of his plan to get close to her so he could convince her to link her name to the education initiative.

  Sara pinched the bridge of her nose as memories of their first meeting in DC came to the forefront. He'd suggested and eventually convinced her to do the ad campaign with him. The only reason her name became associated with the initiative was because of him. Worse yet the only reason Callie's name was attached to it was because of him. If not for his encouragement Sara never would have reached out to her.

  Sara wiped the single tear that slipped down her cheek and reached for her tea. Miriam Walker was right. Prior to her support many hadn't expected the initiative to even squeak though the Senate. Yet in the end it passed by a landslide in both the House and Senate. That was no coincidence and now Hall Technology was reaping the benefits.

  As she sipped her tea, Sara leaned her head back against the sofa cushion. She wished she could turn her brain off for the night. It literally hurt to think. Ideas and assumptions kept going through her mind. Every conversation she'd had with Christopher since that night in Hawaii replayed in her head. Had he used her to get what he wanted? Had his true reason for supporting the education initiative been more about getting the lucrative government contract rather than wanting improvements in schools?

  Christopher ran a billion dollar company, which meant he was a businessman first and foremost, but she'd believed he was more than that. At least he acted like more than that. Had she been taken in by another man who wanted to use her for his own gain? She didn't want to believe it, but she couldn't stop reaching that conclusion. All the evidence pointed in that direction. How could she have been so stupid again? Squeezing her eyes tighter, she bit down on her lip. Another teardrop slipped down her cheek and soon she stopped wiping them away.

  The doorbell rang a second time, but Sara remained on the sofa. She'd sat in the same spot for over an hour preparing what she wanted to say when Christopher arrived.

  When the doorbell echoed through the room a third time she took in a deep breath. Get up and answer it. Avoiding him wouldn't change anything. It would only put off the inevitable. With a heavy heart she stood and, with her back straight and head held high, moved toward the door.

  “Did your other boyfriend need time to sneak out the window?” Christopher asked when she opened the door. “I hope he knows you're busy all weekend.” Without waiting for an answer, he moved toward her removing his jacket.

  Sara took a single step toward him before catching herself. Conflicting emotions raged inside her. Her body ached to be close to him, to be wrapped in his arms, but her head knew she couldn't allow that.

  Tossing his jacket onto his suitcase, he reached for her. “Are okay tonight? You look like you've been crying.”

  “No.” Sara took a step backward putting just enough space between them so he couldn't touch her.

  The easy-going smile vanished from Christopher's face. “What's the matter?” Confusion mixed with concern came through his voice.

  She'd mentally prepared what she planned to say, but now with him here the words wouldn't come.

  “Sara?” He took another step toward her.

  The hammering of her heart echoed in her ears. “When we met with David you insisted I do the commercial with you.” Okay, not the exact way she planned to start the conversation but it worked.

  Christopher stared at her, his forehead scrunched with confusion. “I thought your endorsement would boost support. Before that it looked as if the vote could go either way.”

  She crossed her arms across her body. “Why did you want it to pass?” She already suspected the answer, but she needed to hear him say it.

  “You know why. If the US is going to keep up with the rest of the world, US schools need improvement. Standards need to be higher. There needs to be more emphasis on math and technology.” Christopher ran a hand through his hair. “What's this about Sara? You're not making any sense tonight.”

  “You knew I didn't want my name attached to it, but you insisted anyway. You wanted the contract connected to the plan and knew without the support of my family name the initiative wouldn't pass. You used me to get what you wanted.” Anger nearly choked her as the words tumbled from her mouth.

  His eyes searched her face for something. “I didn't think my support alone would be enough and I felt the initiative was important—that it could make a real difference, so yeah I tried to change your mind. I don't see how that was using you,” he answered sounding defensive.

  “Then why didn't you mention the bid?”

  Christopher shrugged. “It wasn't my main reason for getting involved. Besides, I didn't think it was a big deal.”

  “You really expect me to believe that? Do you want to know what I think?” Sara didn't give him the opportunity to answer. “I think you promised David my support before you came to Hawaii and planned on getting me into bed after Jake's wedding,” she said, her voice rising with each word. Why couldn't he be honest with her now? His charade was up so it no longer mattered. “What else do you hope to gain by being with me?”

  “Where the hell are you getting these ideas?” Christopher's face exploded with color. “If you really believe this crap maybe I should leave now.”

  Tightening her arms around her, she met his glare. “Yeah, I think you should.”

  The words hung in the air between them. Christopher's lips parted to speak but then he nodded once, picked up his suitcase, and left.


  She thinks I used her. How the hell did she come to that conclusion? Christopher balled his shirt up and tossed it on the closet floor. After leaving Sara's townhouse, he drove around for a little while before checking into a hotel. The words from their conversation echoed in his mind. How could she think he'd used her for his personal gain? He'd known the family for years and never once used his association to enhance himself or his company.