Read The Bishop's Secret Page 12



  Although the palace was so near Beorminster, and the sphere of Gabriel'slabours lay in the vicinity of the cathedral, Bishop Pendle did notjudge it wise that his youngest son should dwell beneath the paternalroof. To teach him independence, to strengthen his will and character,and because he considered that a clergyman should, to a certain extent,share the lot of those amongst whom he laboured, the bishop arrangedthat Gabriel should inhabit lodgings in the old town, not far from TheDerby Winner. It was by reason of this contiguity that Gabriel becameacquainted with the handsome barmaid of the hotel, and as he was a moreweak-natured man than his father dreamed of, it soon came about that hefell in love with the girl. Matters between them had gone much furtherthan even Cargrim with all his suspicions guessed, for in the skilfulhands of Miss Mosk the curate was as clay, and for some time he had beenengaged to his charmer. No one knew this, not even Mrs Mosk, for thefair Bell was quite capable of keeping a secret; but Gabriel was firmlybound to her by honour, and Bell possessed a ring, which she kept in thedrawer of her looking-glass and wore in secret, as symbolic of anengagement she did not dare to reveal.

  On Sunday evening she arrayed herself in her best garments, and puttingon this ring, told her mother that she was going to church. At first MrsMosk feebly objected, as her husband was away in Southberry and wouldnot be back all night; but as Bell declared that she wanted someamusement after working hard at pulling beer all the week, Mrs Mosk gaveway. She did not approve of Bell's mention of evening service asamusement, but she did approve of her going to church, so when the younglady had exhibited herself to the invalid in all her finery, she wentaway in the greatest good-humour. As the evening was hot, she had put ona dress of pale blue muslin adorned with white ribbons, a straw hat withmany flowers and feathers, and to finish off her costume, her gloves andshoes and sunshade were white. As these cool colours rather toned downthe extreme red of her healthy complexion, she really looked very well;and when Gabriel saw her seated in a pew near the pulpit, behaving asdemurely as a cat that is after cream, he could not but think how prettyand pious she was. It was probably the first time that piety had everbeen associated with Bell's character, although she was not a bad girlon the whole; but that Gabriel should gift her with such a qualityshowed how green and innocent he was as regards the sex.

  The church in which he preached was an ancient building at the foot ofthe hill, crowned by the cathedral. It was built of rough, grey stone,in the Norman style of architecture, and very little had been done toadorn it either within or without, as the worshippers were few and poor,and Low Church in their tendencies. Those who liked pomp and colour andritual could find all three in the minster, so there was no necessity tohold elaborate services in this grey, cold, little chapel. In her heartBell preferred the cathedral with its music and choir, its manycelebrants and fashionable congregation, but out of diplomacy she cameto sit under Gabriel and follow him as her spiritual guide.Nevertheless, she thought less of him in this capacity, than as a futurehusband likely to raise her to a position worthy of her beauty andmerits, of both of which she entertained a most excellent opinion.

  As usual, the pews were half empty, but Gabriel, being a devout parson,performed the service with much earnestness. He read the lessons, lenthis voice to the assistance of the meagre choir, and preached a shortbut sensible discourse which pleased everyone. Bell did not hear much ofit, for her mind was busy with hopes that Gabriel would shortly inducehis father to receive her as a daughter-in-law. It is true that she sawdifficulties in the way, but, to a clever woman like herself, she didnot think them unconquerable. Having gone so far as to engage herself tothe young man, she was determined to go to the whole length and benefitas much as possible for her sacrifice--as she thought it--of acceptingthe somewhat trying position of a curate's wife. With her bold goodlooks and aggressive love of dress and amusement, Bell was hardly thetype likely to do credit to a parsonage. But any doubts on that scorenever entered her vain mind.

  When the service was over, and the sparse congregation had dwindledaway, she went round to the vestry and asked Jarper, the cross oldverger, if she could see Mr Pendle. Jarper, who took a paternal interestin the curate, and did not like Miss Mosk over much, since she stintedhim of his full measure of beer when he patronised her father's hotel,replied in surly tones that Mr Pendle was tired and would see no one.

  'But I must see him,' persisted Bell, who was as obstinate as a mule.'My mother is very ill.'

  'Then why don't ye stay t'ome and look arter her?'

  'She sent me out to ask Mr Pendle to see her, and I want none of yourinsolence, Jacob Jarper.'

  'Don't 'ee be bold, Miss Mosk. I hev bin verger here these sixty year, Ihev, an' I don't want to be told my duty by sich as you.'

  'Such as me indeed!' cried Bell, with a flash of the paternal temper.'If I wasn't a lady I'd give you a piece of my mind.'

  'He! he!' chuckled Jarper, ''pears as yer all ladies by your own way ofshowin'. Not that y'ain't 'andsome--far be it from me to say as youain't--but Muster Pendle--well, that's a different matter.'

  At this moment Gabriel put an end to what threatened to develop into aquarrel by appearing at the vestry door. On learning that Mrs Moskwished to see him, he readily consented to accompany Bell, but as he hadsome business to attend to at the church before he went, he asked Bellto wait for a few minutes.

  'I'll be some little time, Jarper,' said he kindly to the sour oldverger, 'so if you give me the keys I'll lock up and you can go home toyour supper.'

  'I _am_ hungry, Muster Pendle,' confessed Jarper, 'an' it ain't at mytime of life as old folk shud starve. I've locked up the hull church'ceptin' the vestry door, an' 'eres th' key of't. Be careful with thelight an' put it out, Muster Pendle, for if you burns down the church,what good is fine sermons, I'd like to know?'

  'It will be all right, Jarper. I'll give you the key to-morrow.Good-night!'

  'Good-night, Jarper!' chimed in Bell, in her most stately manner.

  'Thankee, Muster Pendle, good-night, but I don't want no beer fro' youthis evening, Miss Bell Mosk,' growled the old man, and chuckling overthis exhibition of wit he hobbled away to his supper.

  'These common people are most insolent,' said Bell, with an affectationof fine ladyism. 'Let us go into the vestry, Gabriel, I wish to speak toyou. Oh, you needn't look so scared; there's nobody about, now that oldDot-and-carry-one has gone'--this last in allusion to Jarper's lameness.

  'Bell, please, don't use such language,' remonstrated Gabriel, as heconducted her into the vestry; 'someone might hear.'

  'I don't care if someone does,' retorted Miss Mosk, taking a chair nearthe flaring, spluttering gas jet, 'but I tell you there is no one about.I wouldn't be here alone with you if there were. I'm as careful of myown reputation as I am of yours, I can tell you.'

  'Is your mother ill again?' asked Gabriel, arranging some sheets ofpaper on the table and changing the conversation.

  'Oh, she's no better and no worse. But you'd better come and see her, sothat folks won't be talking of my having spoken to you. A cat can't lookat a jug in this town without they think she's after the cream.'

  'You wish to speak with me, Bell?'

  'Yes, I do; come and sit 'longside of me.'

  Gabriel, being very much in love, obeyed with the greatest willingness,and when he sat down under the gas jet would have taken Bell in hisarms, but that she evaded his clasp. 'There's no time for anything ofthat sort, my dear,' said she sharply; 'we've got to talk business, youand I, we have.'

  'Business! About our engagement?'

  'You've hit it, Gabriel; that's the business I wish to understand. Howlong is this sort of thing going on?'

  'What sort of thing?'

  'Now, don't pretend to misunderstand me,' cried Bell, with acerbity, 'oryou and I shall fall out of the cart. What sort of thing indeed! Why, myengagement to you being kept secret; your pretending to visit motherwhen it's me you want; my being obliged to
hide the ring you gave mefrom father's eyes; that's the sort of thing, Mr Gabriel Pendle.'

  'I know it is a painful position, dearest, but--'

  'Painful position!' echoed the girl, contemptuously. 'Oh, I don't caretwo straws about the painful position. It's the danger I'm thinkingabout.'

  'Danger! What do you mean? Danger from whom?'

  'From Mrs Pansey; from Mr Cargrim. She guesses a lot and he knows morethan is good for either you or I. I don't want to lose my character.'

  'Bell! no one dare say a word against your character.'

  'I should think not,' retorted Miss Mosk, firing up. 'I'd have the lawon them if they did. I can look after myself, I hope, and there's no manI know likely to get the better of me. I don't say I'm an aristocrat,Gabriel, but I'm an honest girl, and as good a lady as any of them. I'llmake you a first-class wife in spite of my bringing up.'

  Gabriel kissed her. 'My darling Bell, you are the sweetest and cleverestwoman in the world. You know how I adore you.'

  Bell knew very well, for she was sharp enough to distinguish betweengenuine and spurious affection. Strange as it may appear, the refinedand educated young clergyman was deeply in love with this handsome, boldwoman of the people. Some lovers of flowers prefer full blown-roses,ripe and red, to the most exquisite buds. Gabriel's tastes were thesame, and he admired the florid beauty of Bell with all the ardour ofhis young and impetuous heart. He was blind to her liking forincongruous colours in dress: he was deaf to her bold expressions anddefects in grammar. What lured him was her ripe, rich, exuberant beauty;what charmed him was the flash of her white teeth and the brilliancy ofher eyes when she smiled; what dominated him was her strong will andpractical way of looking on worldly affairs. Opposite natures are oftenattracted to one another by the very fact that they are so undeniablyunlike, and the very characteristics in Bell which pleased Gabriel werethose which he lacked himself.

  Undoubtedly he loved her, but, it may be asked, did she love him? andthat is the more difficult question to answer. Candidly speaking, Bellhad an affection for Gabriel. She liked his good looks, his refinedvoice, his very weakness of character was not unpleasing to her. But shedid not love him sufficiently to marry him for himself alone. What shewished to marry was the gentleman, the clergyman, the son of the Bishopof Beorminster, and unless Gabriel could give her all the pleasures anddelights attendant on his worldly position, she was not prepared tobecome Mrs Gabriel Pendle. It was to make this clear to him, to clinchthe bargain, to show that she was willing to barter her milkmaid beautyand strong common sense for his position and possible money, that shehad come to see him. Not being bemused with love, Bell Mosk wasthoroughly practical, and so spoke very much to the point. Never wasthere so prosaic an interview.

  'Well, it just comes to this,' she said determinedly, 'I'm not going tobe kept in the background serving out beer any longer. If I am worthmarrying I am worth acknowledging, and that's just what you've got todo, Gabriel.'

  'But my father!' faltered Gabriel, nervously, for he saw in a flash thedifficulties of his position.

  'What about your father? He can't eat me, can he?'

  'He can cut me off with a shilling, my dear. And that's just what hewill do if he knows I'm engaged to you. Surely, Bell, with your strongcommon sense, you can see that for yourself!'

  'Of course I see it,' retorted Bell, sharply, for the speech was notflattering to her vanity; 'all the same, something must be done.'

  'We must wait.'

  'I'm sick of waiting.'

  Gabriel rose to his feet and began to pace to and fro. 'You cannotdesire our marriage more than I do,' he said fondly. 'I wish to makeyou my wife in as public a manner as possible. But you know I have onlya small income as a curate, and you would not wish us to begin life on apittance.'

  'I should think not. I've had enough of cutting and contriving. But howdo you intend to get enough for us to marry on?'

  'My father has promised me the rectorship of Heathcroft. The presentincumbent is old and cannot possibly live long.'

  'I believe he'll live on just to spite us,' grumbled Bell. 'How much isthe living worth?'

  'Six hundred a year; there is also the rectory, you know.'

  'Well, I daresay we can manage on that, Gabriel. Perhaps, after all, itwill be best to wait, but I don't like it.'

  'Neither do I, my dear. If you like, I'll tell my father and marry youto-morrow.'

  'Then you would lose Heathcroft.'

  'It's extremely probable I would,' replied Gabriel, dryly.

  'In that case we'll wait,' said Bell, springing up briskly. 'I don'tsuppose that old man is immortal, and I'm willing to stick to you foranother twelve months.'

  'Bell! I thought you loved me sufficiently to accept any position.'

  'I do love you, Gabriel, but I'm not a fool, and I'm not cut out for apoor man's wife. I've had quite enough of being a poor man's daughter.When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. That'sas true as true. No! we'll wait till the old rector dies, but if helasts longer than twelve months, I'll lose heart and have to look aboutme for another husband in my own rank of life.'

  'Bell,' said Gabriel, in a pained voice, 'you are cruel!'

  'Rubbish!' replied the practical barmaid, 'I'm sensible. Now, come andsee mother.'