Read The Black Douglas Page 22



  The combat of the third day was, by the will of the Earl, to be of apeculiar kind. It was the custom at that time for the _melee_ to befought between an equal number of knights in open lists, each being atliberty to carry assistance to his friends as soon as he had disposedof his own man. On this occasion, however, the fight was to be betweenthree knights with their several squires on the one side, and an equalnumber of knights and squires on the other.

  As the combat of the previous day had decided, young James Douglas ofAvondale was to lead one party, being the successful tilter of the dayof single combat, while the Earl himself was to head the other.

  The chances of battle must be borne, and whatever happened in theshock of fight was to be endured without complaint. But no blow was tobe struck at either knight or squire in any way disabled by wound.

  To Sholto's great and manifest joy the Earl, his master, chose the newcaptain of his guard to support him in the fray, and told him to makechoice of the best battle-axe and sword he could find, as well as toprovide himself with the shield which most suited the strength of hisleft arm.

  "By your permission I will ask my father," said Sholto.

  "He also fights on our side as the squire of Alan Fleming," said theEarl; "if Laurence had not been a monk, he might have made a thirdMacKim."

  Then was Sholto's heart high and uplifted within him, to think of thevictory he would achieve over his brother less than two days afterthey had parted, and he hastened off to choose his arms under thedirection of his father.

  The party of James of Avondale consisted of his brother William andyoung John Lauder, called Lauder of the Bass. These three had alreadyentered their pavilion to accoutre themselves for the combat when atrumpet announced the arrival from the castle of the ambassador ofFrance, who, being recovered from his sickness, had come in haste tosee the fighting of the last and greatest day of the tourney.

  As soon as he heard the wager of battle the marshal cried: "I alsowill strike a blow this day for the honour of France. My quinsy hasaltogether left me, and my blood flows strong after the rest. I willtake part with James of Avondale."

  And, without waiting to be asked, he went off followed by his servantPoitou towards the pavilion of the Avondale trio.

  Now as the Marshal de Retz was the chief guest, it was impossible forJames of Avondale to refuse his offer. But there was anger andblasphemy in his heart, for he knew not what the Frenchman could do,and though he had undoubtedly been a gallant knight in his day, yet inthese matters (as James Douglas whispered to his brother) a week'ssteady practice is worth a lifetime of theory. Still there was nothingfor the brothers from Douglasdale but to make the best of theirbargain. The person most deserving of pity, however, was the younglaird of the Bass, who, being thus dispossessed, went out to the backof the lists and actually shed tears, being little more than a boy,and none looking on to see him.

  Then he came back hastily, and besought James of Douglas to let himfight as his squire, saying that as he had never taken up theknighthood which had been bestowed on him by the Earl for his journeyto France, there could be nothing irregular in his fighting once moreas a simple esquire. And thus, after an appeal to the Earl himself, itwas arranged, much to John Lauder's content.

  For his third knight the Douglas had made choice of his cousin Hugh,younger brother of his two opponents, and at that William and James ofAvondale shook their heads.

  "He pushes a good tree, our Hughie," said James. "If he comes at you,Will, mind that trick of swerving that he hath. Aim at his rightgauntlet, and you will hit his shield."

  The conflict on the Boat Croft differed much from the chivalrousencounters of an earlier time and a richer country. And of this moreanon.

  It chanced that on the borders of the crowd which that day begirt thegreat enclosure of the lists two burgesses of Dumfries stood ontiptoe,--to wit, Robert Semple, merchant dealing in cloth and wool,and Ninian Halliburton, the brother of Barbara, wife of Malise MacKim,master armourer, whose trade was only conditioned by the amount ofcapital he could find to lay out and the probability he had ofdisposing of his purchase within a reasonable time.

  It would give an entirely erroneous impression of the state ofScotland in 1440 if the sayings and doings of the wise and shrewdburghers of the towns of Scotland were left wholly without achronicler. The burghs of Scotland were at once the cradles andstrongholds of liberty. They were not subject to the great nobles.They looked with jealousy on all encroachments on their liberties, andhad sharp swords wherewith to enforce their objection. They had beenendowed with privileges by the wise and politic kings of Scotland,from William the Lion down to James the First, of late worthy memory.For they were the best bulwark of the central authority against thepower of the great nobles of the provinces.

  Now Robert Semple and Ninian Halliburton were two worthy citizens ofDumfries, men of respectability, well provided for by the success oftheir trade and the saving nature of their wives. They had comewestward to the Thrieve for two purposes: to deliver a largeconsignment of goods and gear, foreign provisions and fruits, to thecontroller of the Earl's household, and to receive payment therefor,partly in money and partly in the wool and cattle; hides and tallow,which have been the staple products of Galloway throughout hergenerations.

  Their further purposes and intents in venturing so far west of thesafe precincts of their burgh of Dumfries may be gathered from theirconversation hereinafter to be reported.

  Ninian Halliburton was a rosy-faced, clean-shaven man, with a habit ofconstantly pursing out his lips and half closing his eyes, as if hewere sagely deciding on the advisability of some doubtful bargain. Hiscompanion, Robert Semple, had a similar look of shrewdness, but addedto it his face bore also the imprint of a sly and lurking humour notunlike that of the master armourer himself. In time bygone he had kepthis terms at the college of Saint Andrews, where you may find on thelist of graduates the name of Robertus Semple, written by thefoundational hand of Bishop Henry Wardlaw himself. And upon his body,as the Bailie of Dumfries would often feelingly recall, he bore thememory, if not the marks, of the disciplining of Henry Ogilvy, Masterin Arts--a wholesome custom, too much neglected by the present regentsof the college, as he would add.

  "This is an excellent affair for us," said Ninian Halliburton,standing with his hands folded placidly over his ample stomach, onlyoccasionally allowing them to wander in order to feel and approve thepile of the brown velvet out of which the sober gown was constructed."A good thing for us, I say, that there are great lords like the Earlof Douglas to keep up the expense of such days as this."

  "It were still better," answered his companion, dryly, "if the greatnobles would pay poor merchants according to their promises, insteadof threatening them with the dule tree if they so much as venture toask for their money. Neither you nor I, Bailie, can buy in thelowlands of Holland without a goodly provision of the broad goldpieces that are so hard to drag from the nobles of Scotland."

  The rosy-gilled Bailie of Dumfries looked up at his friend with aquick expression of mingled hope and anxiety.

  "Does the Earl o' Douglas owe you ony siller?" he asked in a hushedwhisper, "for if he does, I am willing to take over the debt--for aconsideration."

  "Nay," said Semple, "I only wish he did. The Douglases of the Blackwere never ill debtors. They keep their hand in every man's meal ark,but as they are easy in taking, they are also quick in paying."

  "Siller in hand is the greatest virtue of a buyer," said the Bailie,with unction. "But, Robert Semple, though I was willing to oblige yeas a friend by taking over your debt, I'll no deny that ye gied me africht. For hae I no this day delivered to the bursar o' the castle o'Thrieve sax bales o' pepper and three o' the best spice, besides muchcumin, alum, ginger, seat-well, almonds, rice, figs, raisins, andother sic thing. Moreover, there is owing to me, for wine and vinegar,mair than twa hunder pound. Was that no enough to gar me tak a 'dwam'when ye spoke o' the great nobles no

  "I would that all our outlying monies were as safe," said Semple; "buthere come the knights and squires forth from their tents. Tell me,Ninian, which o' the lads are your sister's sons."

  "There is but one o' the esquires that is Barbara Halliburton's son,"answered the Bailie; "the ither is her ain man--and a great ram-stam,unbiddable, unhallowed deevil he is--Guid forbid that I should say asmuckle to his face!"