Read The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIIIth Century Page 2



  "Sir Anthony Ferndale" sat before the dressing-table in his room at theWhite Hart, idly polishing his nails. A gorgeous silk dressing gown layover the back of his chair, and, behind him, Jim was attending to hiswig, at the same time hovering anxiously over the coat and waistcoatthat were waiting to be donned.

  Carstares left off polishing his nails, yawned, and leaned back in hischair, a slim, graceful figure in cambric shirt and apricot satinbreeches. He studied his cravat for some moments in the mirror, andlifted a hand to it. Salter held his breath. With extreme deliberationthe hand moved a diamond and emerald pin the fraction of an inch to oneside, and fell to his side again. Salter drew a relieved breath, whichbrought his master's eyes round to himself.

  "No trouble, Jim?"

  "None at all, sir."

  "Neither had I. 'Twas most surprisingly easy. The birds had no morefight in them than sparrows. Two men in a coach--one a bullying rascalof a merchant, the other his clerk. Gad! but I was sorry for that littleman!" He paused, his hand on the rouge pot.

  Salter looked an inquiry.

  "Yes," nodded Carstares. "Very sorry. The fat man would appear to bullyand browbeat him after the manner of his kind; he even blamed him for myadvent, the greasy coward! Yes, Jim, you are right--he did not appeal tome, _ce M. Fudby_. So--" ingenuously, "I relieved him of his cash-boxand two hundred guineas. A present for the poor of Lewes."

  Jim jerked his shoulder, frowning.

  "If ye give away all ye get, sir, why do ye rob at all?" he askedbluntly.

  His whimsical little smile played about my lord's mouth.

  "'Tis an object for my life, Jim: a noble object. And I believe itamuses me to play Robin Hood--take from the rich to give to the poor,"he added, for Salter's benefit. "But to return to my victims--you wouldhave laughed had you but seen my little man come tumbling out of thecoach when I opened the door!"

  "Tumble, sir? Why should he do that?"

  "He was at pains to explain the reason. It seems he had been commandedto hold the door to prevent my entering--so when I jerked it open,sooner than loose his hold, he fell out on to the road. Of course, Iapologised most abjectly--and we had some conversation. Quite a nicelittle man.... It made me laugh to see him sprawling on the road,though!"

  "Wish I could have seen it, your honour. I would ha' liked fine to ha'been beside ye." He looked down at the lithe form with some pride. "I'dgive something to see ye hold up a coach, sir!"

  Haresfoot in hand, Jack met his admiring eyes in the glass, and laughed.

  "I make no doubt you would.... I have cultivated a superb voice, atrifle thick and beery, a little loud, perhaps--ah, something to dreamof o' nights! I doubt they do, too," he added reflectively, and affixedthe patch at the corner of his mouth.

  "So? A little low, you think? But 'twill suffice--What's toward?"

  Down below in the street there was a great stirring and bustling:horses' hoofs, shouts from the ostlers, and the sound of wheels on thecobble-stones. Jim went to the window and looked down, craning his neckto see over the balcony.

  "'Tis a coach arrived, sir."

  "That much had I gathered," replied my lord, busy with the powder.

  "Yes, sir. O lord, sir!" He was shaken with laughter.

  "What now?"

  "'Tis the curiousest sight, sir! Two gentlemen, one fat and t'othersmall! One's all shrivelled-looking, like a spider, while t'other--"

  "Resembles a hippopotamus--particularly in the face?"

  "Well yes, sir. He do rather. And he be wearing purple."

  "Heavens, yes! Purple, and an orange waistcoat!"

  Jim peered afresh.

  "So it is, sir! But how did you know?" Even as he put the question,understanding flashed into Jim's eyes.

  "I rather think that I have had the honour of meeting these gentlemen,"replied my lord placidly. "My buckle, Jim.... Is't a prodigious greatcoach with wheels picked out in yellow?"

  "Ay, your honour. The gentlemen seem a bit put out, too."

  "That is quite probable. Does the smaller gentleman wearsomewhat--ah--muddied garments?"

  "I can't see, sir; he stands behind the fat gentleman."

  "Mr. Bumble Bee.... Jim!"

  "Sir!" Jim turned quickly at the sound of the sharp voice.

  He found that my lord had risen, and was holding up a waistcoat ofpea-green pattern on a bilious yellow ground, between a disgusted fingerand thumb. Before his severe frown Jim dropped his eyes and stoodlooking for all the world like a schoolboy detected in some crime.

  "You put this--this monstrosity--out for _me_ to wear?" in awful tones.

  Jim eyed the waistcoat gloomily and nodded.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Did I not specify cream ground?"

  "Yes, sir. I thought--I thought that 'twas cream!"

  "My good friend, it is--it is--I cannot say what it is. And pea-green!"he shuddered. "Remove it."

  Jim hurried forward and disposed of the offending garment.

  "And bring me the broidered satin. Yes, that is it. It is particularlypleasing to the eye."

  "Yes, sir," agreed the abashed Jim.

  "You are excused this time," added my lord, with a twinkle in his eye."What are our two friends doing?"

  Salter went back to the window

  "They've gone into the house, sir. No, here's the spider gentleman! Hedo seem in a hurry, your honour!"

  "Ah!" murmured his lordship. "You may assist me into this coat. Thanks."

  With no little difficulty, my lord managed to enter into the fine satingarment, which, when on, seemed moulded to his back, so excellently didit fit. He shook out his ruffles and slipped the emerald ring on to hisfinger with a slight frown.

  "I believe I shall remain here some few days," he remarked presently."To--ah--allay suspicion." He looked across at his man as he spoke,through his lashes.

  It was not in Jim's nature to inquire into his master's affairs, muchless to be surprised at anything he might do or say. He was content toreceive and promptly execute his orders, and to worship Carstares with adog-like devotion, following blindly in his wake, happy as long as hemight serve him.

  Carstares had found him in France, very down upon his luck, having beendischarged from the service of his late master owing to the pennilesscondition of that gentleman's pocket. He had engaged him as his ownpersonal servant, and the man had remained with him ever since, provingan invaluable acquisition to my Lord John. Despite a singularly woodencountenance, he was by no means a fool, and he had helped Carstares outof more than one tight corner during his inglorious and foolhardy careeras highwayman. He probably understood his somewhat erratic master betterthan anyone else, and he now divined what was in his mind. He returnedthat glance with a significant wink.

  "'Twas them gentlemen ye held up to-day, sir?" he asked, jerking anexpressive thumb towards the window.

  "M'm. Mr. Bumble Bee and friend. It would almost appear so. I think I donot fully appreciate Mr. Bumble Bee. I find his conduct rather tiresome.But it is just possible that he thinks the same of me. I will further myacquaintance with him."

  Jim grunted scornfully, and an inquiring eye was cocked at him.

  "You do not admire our friend? Pray, do not judge him by his exterior.He may possess a beautiful mind. But I do not think so. N-no, I reallydo not think so." He chuckled a little. "Do you know, Jim, I believe Iam going to enjoy myself to-night!"

  "I don't doubt it, your honour. 'Twere child's play to trick the fatgentleman."

  "Probably. But it is not with the fat gentleman that I shall have todeal. 'Tis with all the officials of this charming town, an I mistakenot. Do I hear the small spider returning?"

  Salter stepped back to the window.

  "Ay, sir--with three others."

  "Pre-cisely. Be so good as to hand me my snuff-box. And my cane. Thankyou. I feel the time has now come for me to put in an appearance. Pray,bear in mind that I am new come from France and journey by
easy stagesto London. And cultivate a stupid expression. Yes, that will doexcellently."

  Jim grinned delightedly; he had assumed no expression of stupidity, andwas consequently much pleased with this pleasantry. He swung open thedoor with an air, and watched "Sir Anthony" mince along the passage tothe stairs.

  In the coffee-room the city merchant, Mr. Fudby by name, was relatingthe story of his wrongs, with many an impressive pause, and muchemphasis, to the mayor, town-clerk, and beadle of Lewes. All three hadbeen fetched by Mr. Chilter, his clerk, in obedience to his orders, forthe bigger the audience the better pleased was Mr. Fudby. He was nowenjoying himself quite considerably, despite the loss of his preciouscash-box.

  So was not Mr. Hedges, the mayor. He was a fussy little man who sufferedfrom dyspepsia; he was not interested in the affair, and he did not seewhat was to be done for Mr. Fudby. Further, he had been haled from hisdinner, and he was hungry; and, above all, he found Mr. Fudby veryunattractive. Still, a highroad robbery was serious matter enough, andsome course of action must be thought out; so he listened to the storywith an assumption of interest, looking exceedingly wise, and, at theproper moments, uttering sounds betokening concern.

  The more he saw and heard of Mr. Fudby, the less he liked him. Neitherdid the town-clerk care for him. There was that about Mr. Fudby that didnot endear him to his fellow-men, especially when they chanced to be hisinferiors in the social scale. The beadle did not think much aboutanything. Having decided (and rightly) that the affair had nothingwhatever to do with him, he leaned back in his chair and stared stolidlyup at the ceiling.

  The tale Mr. Fudby was telling bore surprisingly little resemblance tothe truth. It was a much embellished version, in which he himself hadbehaved with quite remarkable gallantry. It had been gradually concoctedduring the journey to Lewes.

  He was still holding forth when my lord entered the room. Carstaresraised his glass languidly to survey the assembled company, bowedslightly, and walked over to the fire. He seated himself in an armchairand took no further notice of anybody.

  Mr. Hedges had recognised at a glance that here was some _grandseigneur_ and wished that Mr. Fudby would not speak in so loud a voice.But that individual, delighted at having a new auditor, continued histale with much relish and in a still louder tone.

  My lord yawned delicately and took a pinch of snuff.

  "Yes, yes," fussed Mr. Hedges. "But, short of sending to London for theRunners, I do not see what I can do. If I send to London, it must, ofcourse, be at your expense, sir."

  Mr. Fudby bristled.

  "At _my_ expense, sir? Do ye say at _my_ expense? I am surprised! Irepeat--I am surprised!"

  "Indeed, sir? I can order the town-crier out, describing the horse,and--er--offering a reward for the capture of any man on such ananimal. But--" he shrugged and looked across at the town-clerk--"I donot imagine that 'twould be of much use--eh, Mr. Brand?"

  The clerk pursed his lips and spread out his hands.

  "I fear not; I very much fear not. I would advise Mr. Fudby to have aproclamation posted up round the country." He sat back with the air ofone who has contributed his share to the work, and does not intend tooffer any more help.

  "Ho!" growled Mr. Fudby. He blew out his cheeks. "'Twill be a grievousexpense, though I suppose it must be done, and I cannot but feel that ifit had not been for your deplorably cowardly conduct, Chilter--yes,cowardly conduct, I say--I might never have been robbed of my twohundred!" He snuffled a little, and eyed the flushed but silent Chilterwith mingled reproach and scorn. "However, my coachman assures me hecould swear to the horse again, although he cannot remember much aboutthe man himself. Chilter! How did he describe the horse?"

  "Oh--er--chestnut, Mr. Fudby--chestnut, with a half-moon of white on itsforehead, and one white foreleg."

  Jack perceived that it was time he took a hand in the game. He halfturned in his chair and levelled his quizzing-glass at Mr. Chilter.

  "I beg your pardon?" he drawled.

  Mr. Fudby's eye brightened. The fine gentleman was roused to anexpression of interest at last. He launched forth into his story oncemore for my lord's benefit. Carstares eyed him coldly, seeing which, Mr.Hedges came hurriedly to the rescue.

  "Er--yes, Mr. Fudby--quite so! Your pardon, sir, I have not the honourof knowing your name?"

  "Ferndale," supplied Jack, "Sir Anthony Ferndale."

  "Er--yes--" Mr. Hedges bowed. "Pray pardon my importuning you withour--"

  "Not at all," said my lord.

  "No--quite so--The fact is, these--er--gentlemen have hadthe--er--misfortune to be waylaid on their journey here."

  Sir Anthony's glass was again levelled at the group. His expressionbetokened mild surprise.

  "_All_ these gentlemen?" he inquired blandly. "Dear, dear!"

  "Oh, no, no, no, sir! Not all--Only Mr.--er--"

  "Fudby," said that worthy, and discovered that Sir Anthony was bowingfrigidly. At once he rose, and resting his knuckles on the table beforehim, bent his body slowly and painfully. Sir Anthony inclined his head.Whereupon, to the delight of all the rest, Mr. Fudby bowed again witheven greater stateliness than before. Mr. Hedges observed Sir Anthony'slips to twitch convulsively. He waited for Mr. Fudby to subside, andthen continued:

  "Yes--Mr. Fudby and Mr.--"

  "My clerk!" snapped Fudby.

  Sir Anthony favoured Mr. Chilter with his peculiarly sweet smile, andturned again to Mr. Hedges.

  "I see. A _daylight_ robbery, you say?"

  "Broad daylight!" boomed Mr. Fudby.

  "Er--yes, yes," interposed the mayor, fearing a fresh outbreak from thatquarter. "I wonder if you have seen anything of such an animal asMr.--er--Chilter--described?"

  "'Tis a most extraordinary thing," said Carstares slowly, "but I havejust bought such an one." He glanced round with an inquiring smile andone eyebrow lifted.

  "Well!" ejaculated Mr. Fudby. "Well!"

  "Dear me, sir, what a strange coincidence! May I ask where you boughtit, and from whom?"

  "She has not been in my possession over two hours. I bought her from anout-at-elbows ruffian, on my way hither. I thought at one time that'twas strange that the man should possess such a mare--pure bred, Ivow--and wondered why he was so eager to be rid of her."

  "He was eager because he knew he would be recognised by her," explainedMr. Fudby kindly.

  "Without doubt. Perhaps you would like to see her? I will send my man--"

  "Oh no, no!" cried the mayor. "We would not dream of so inconveniencingyou--"

  "'Twere a pleasure," bowed Jack, devoutly hoping that Mr. Fudby wouldnot require to see Jenny, who, he felt sure, would betray him by hervery evident affection.

  "No, no, Sir Anthony, 'tis quite unnecessary, I assure you, but I thankyou for all that. Mr. Fudby, if you would describe the man himself, Iwill see to the proclamation."

  "Describe him, Chilter!" ordered Mr. Fudby, who was becoming rathergrumpy.

  Mr. Chilter smiled suddenly.

  "Certainly, sir!" he said with alacrity. "'Twas a great ruffianlyfellow, monstrous tall--"

  "How tall?" interrupted the town-clerk. "Six feet?"

  "Oh, quite!" lied Mr. Chilter. "And fat."

  Jack's shoulders shook.

  "Fat, you say?" he asked gently.

  "Very fat," affirmed Mr. Chilter. "And prodigious rough, swearingdreadfully in his speech."

  "You could not see his face, I suppose?"

  Mr. Chilter hesitated.

  "I could see his mouth and chin," he said, "and I remarked a long scarrunning from his under-lip to the--er--bottom of his face."

  Involuntarily Carstares' hand caressed his perfectly smooth chin. Eitherthe little clerk was a born romancer, or for some reason or other he didnot want the highwayman to be taken.

  "Well, Sir Anthony?" the mayor was saying. "Does that description fityour man?"

  My lord frowned thoughtfully.

  "Tall," he said slowly, "and fat--you said fat, I think, Mr. Chilter?"

ather anxiously Mr. Chilter reiterated this statement.

  "Ah! And with a long scar--yes, that is undoubtedly he. Furthermore," headded audaciously, "he has a squint in his left eye. 'Tis a mostill-favoured rogue in all."

  "It would appear so, Sir Anthony," remarked the mayor drily. He did notin the least believe the story of the squint, and imagined that the finecourt gentleman was amusing himself at their expense. Nevertheless, hehad no intention of remonstrating; the sooner he could withdraw fromthis very tiresome affair the better. So he gravely took down all theabsurd particulars, remarked that the man should be easy to find, andmade ready to depart.

  The town-clerk rose, and tapped the beadle on the shoulder, whereuponthat worthy, with a grunt, abandoned his pose of masterly inactivity andfollowed the mayor out of the room.

  Mr. Fudby rose.

  "I doubt I shall never see my money again," he said pettishly. "If you,Chilter had not been so--"

  "Allow me to offer you some snuff, Mr. Chilter," interposed my lordgently, extending his jewelled box. "Doubtless, sir, you would wish tosee my mare?"

  "I know nought of horses," snorted Mr. Fudby. "'Tis my clerk who appearsto have remarked all the details." He sneered terrifically.

  "Then pray, do me the honour of walking as far as the stables, Mr.Chilter. 'Twere as well to be certain about the mare. Mr.-ah--Fudby,your servant."

  * * * * *

  "And now, Mr. Chilter, I have a grudge against you," said Carstares, asthey walked across the little garden.

  "Me, sir? Oh--er--have you, Sir Anthony?"

  He looked up and perceived that the gentleman was laughing.

  "Yes, Mr. Chilter, a very serious grudge: you have described me as fat!"

  Chilter nearly fainted.

  "_You_, sir," he gasped, and stared in amazement.

  "Also that I swear dreadfully in my speech, and that I have a scarrunning from my mouth to my chin."

  Mr. Chilter stood stock-still in the middle of the path.

  "It was you, sir, all the time? _You_ held us up? Were _you_ the man whowrenched open the door?"

  "I was that infamous scoundrel. I beg leave once more to apologise formy carelessness in opening that same door. Now tell me, why did youtake such pains to throw dust in their sleepy eyes?"

  They resumed their walk slowly. The little clerk flushed.

  "I scarce know, sir, save that I--that I liked you, and--and--"

  "I see. 'Twas prodigious good of you, Mr. Chilter. I wonder if there isanything that I can do to show my gratitude?"

  Again the clerk flushed and lifted his head proudly.

  "I thank you, sir, but there is nought."

  By now they had reached the stable. Carstares opened the door and theyentered.

  "Then will you accept this in token of my regard, sir?"

  Mr. Chilter gazed at the emerald ring that glowed and winked at him fromthe palm of my lord's hand. He looked up into the blue eyes andstammered a little.

  "Indeed, sir--I--I--"

  "'Tis honestly come by!" pleadingly. "Come, Mr. Chilter, you'll not hurtmy feelings by refusing? You will keep it in remembrance of a man--a fatman, Mr. Chilter--who rudely jerked you on to the road?"

  The clerk took it with unsteady fingers.

  "I thank you most--"

  "Nay, I beg of you. 'Tis I thank you for aiding me so kindly.... Comeand see my Jenny! Well, lass?" For the mare at the first sound of hisvoice had turned in her loose-box, and was whinnying and pawing theground eagerly.

  "I do not understand, sir, anything: how it is that you are ahighwayman, or why you have honoured me with your confidence--why youshould trust me. But--thank you."

  As he spoke, Mr. Chilter placed his hand in my lord's, and for thesecond time in his life, felt the pressure of those firm, kindlyfingers.

  "Why, your honour! Ye've lost your emerald!"

  "No, Jim. I gave it away."

  "Ye--ye _gave_ it away, sir?"

  "M'm. To the small spider."


  "And he called me fat, too."

  "Called ye fat, sir?" asked the man, bewildered.

  "Yes. Very fat. By the way, let me tell you that I bought Jenny atFittering to-day from the naughty ruffian who waylaid Mr. Bumble Bee."He proceeded to give Jim a sketch of what had transpired below. When hehad finished the man shook his head severely.

  "I doubt ye'll never learn wisdom, sir," he scolded.

  "I? What have I done?"

  "What did ye want to tell it all to the spider man for, sir? 'Twas mostincautious of ye. Like as not, he'll split to the fat gentleman, andwe'll have the whole town at our heels."

  "Which just shows all you know of the small spider," replied his mastercalmly. "Hand me the powder."