Read The Black and White Knight part 1 Page 3

As Enarrah made her way back through the halls to her chambers she was filled with all manner of emotions. Her mind was awash in the tumult of events from the last two days.

  Her 'other' sense seemed to be reaching out into the darkness of the night. Just as it had seemed to do several times during the day. It was stronger now and felt as if it had greater purpose. As before the feelings and thoughts seemed to be wrapped around Luke Wynnewood.

  She was sure in her heart that she loved him. What would he say? What would he do when he found this out? What if he didn’t care for her as she did for him? What if he only looked at her or thought of her as a simple girl? Lord knows she had thought of herself the same way before. But not now. She knew them for what they were. She was a woman now, with a woman’s responsibilities, desires and longings.

  She was in the midst of these thoughts and new feelings when Captain Ivar greeted her. His rugged face wore a smile as he asked, “Does my Lady approve of her new chambers?”

  Seeing that he had caught her unaware he said, “Sorry my Lady, I didn’t mean to give you a start.”

  She answered, “That’s quite alright Captain, my mind was elsewhere.” Without preamble she asked, “Do you think Sir Luke will return soon?”


  In the torchlight he noticed a greater bearing, a poise and dignity about her. She stood straighter and the dress that she wore more accentuated her feminine figure than he had ever seen before. Her tresses caressed her shoulders. Her beseeching eyes looked deep into his own with an entreaty that was both alarming and heartfelt. He could swear that she had an actual glow about her. All these thoughts of her occurred in an instant as he said, “Why, yes My Lady, perhaps on the morrow.”

  “Do you really think so? Has there been word from him?”


  “Not a word as such but I know that Sir Luke was in the village earlier today for he sent the cartman from there with captured horses and arms. They are no doubt from his recent foray about the castle lands, it would be my estimate that he would return soon.”

  Enarrah bade him thank you and good night and went toward her chamber.

  Captain Ivar called behind her, “Goodnight My Lady.”

  She saw that the fire in her hearth was banked for the night and she disrobed. She snuggled into the soft downy bedding and as she drifted off to sleep the handsome face of Luke Wynnewood filled her mind.




  Enarrah stood in a place of absolute wonder and magic. All her senses were inundated with a magnitude of beauty and sensitivity that she was certain could not be imagined. A dream? A most incredible dream? A real dream?

  Looking up she saw stars shining bright in the night sky and across the dome of the heavens all the colors of the rainbow shone in brilliant hues. The stream of colors was moving in great waves of diaphanous light. Hanging with majesty on the horizon was a silvery moon, big and bold.

  She stood wearing a low cut gown of shimmering white satin adorned with hundreds of small pearls, a perfect fit that hugged every curve of her body. The intricate lace shawl draped over her shoulders was nothing like anything she had ever felt before; it caressed her skin and it too was of the purest white.

  She looked down at the incredible sight of her, she was wearing a gold necklace and on this loop hanging betwixt the fullness of her breasts was a dazzling pendant of gold. The pendant was a detailed lion’s head with flowing mane and eyes of red rubies that shone from the reflection of the sky colors. She should have wondered at the warm sensations that emanated from it, the feeling seemed natural and comforting.

  She pulled the hem of the full length gown from her feet to see that she was wearing white satin high heeled slippers, every inch covered in the same intricate lace of which her shawl was made. The shimmering ice on which she stood was mirror smooth and as she gazed at her own image she saw the mass of soft reddish blonde curls that framed her face. Looking into her own eyes the incredible beauty reflected there made her heart beat faster.

  Everywhere all around there were mountains of snow, ice and billowing frost clouds. She felt no cold. There before her, a short distance away, emerging from a huge powder blue and white cloud, was a glorious castle made all of ice and snow, it seemed to be miles long and hundreds of feet high. Offset to either side of the castle were dozens of huge caverns with ornate carved entrances, no two of which were alike. She stared in awe at the wonders before her. She couldn’t help thinking that she was not cold. As a matter fact she felt warmed and... and... at peace... at home.

  Soft breezes wafted an intoxicating nimbus with the flowers of rose, jasmine, and peony; and the flavors of cinnamon, cloves, ginger. She closed her eyes. She could feel the delicate scents with every breath and taste the tangy spices on her tongue.

  She felt a shudder in the air, all around, as if by the beating of colossal wings and she heard the voices. They were soft but audible. The first sounded like rolling thunder traveling through rain clouds. The second was light and melodious, like feathers floating on a breeze.

  (Thunder) “Mione, it is the one you spoke of is it not? The one foretold?”

  (Feathers) “Yes Miownlee, not to worry, she is one and the same. The Mistress of the Covenant of the Lion, she is here on search. It is my place to welcome her as guest here. Stay with the Younes dear heart, for the sight of you might give her a fright.”

  (Thunder) “As you say, for your knowledge of such things surpasses my own. I will attend the Younes but I will be on watch over you, as ever I am. If it does not behave as of true heart, it will be dispatched as any other false one would be.”

  (Feathers) “Oh mighty spirit, Eternal Protector, attend with your keen sight and you will be calmed by the goodness of her. I will not be long for the bridge will not hold. My love is yours Darlingest One.”

  At this Enarrah looked from one part of the vast expanse to the other. The shimmering ice was everywhere, reflecting the rainbow colors of the sky. She noticed the slightest of movements our of the corner of her eye and turned to look. A shape appeared within the frosty mist and the crisp sound of hooves upon the ice reached her ears.

  She blinked, once, twice and a third time. Emerging from one of the massive caverns of ice, walking through an ice cloud, was the most mythical creature of all the ages, a Unicorn. Enarrah could feel in her heart that throughout heaven and earth this was the true matriarch of magical creatures. Colossal in size, goodness and grace seemed to emanate in gentle waves from the Unicorn as she came forth.

  Born of legend and nurtured in the bosom of humankind the magnificent creature walked straight towards Enarrah. Her long brilliant white mane shimmered silver in the moonlight. Coal black hooves and yard long gold spiral horn became clear first. Then her entire presence emerged from the center of the ice cloud. She was of the purest most beautiful white and as the Unicorn approached she strode with dignity and grace.

  It was then that Enarrah heard the feathery voice again, soft, like music, “I see you have grown to become a beautiful woman, Enarrah of Elleghane, I know why you are here.”

  Enarrah heard the voice, not with her ears, but within her own mind. This seemed right to be so and without hesitation her own thoughts replied, “I can hear you in my mind.”

  The beautiful creature had come to a halt and with astounding grace sat down upon the ice on both her front and rear haunches. In sitting thus the Unicorn now looked Enarrah eye to eye and said,

  “Of course you can Lady Enarrah, I’ve always known that you could, as you yourself have always known.”

  “Then you know me? Have I seen you before? Please tell me, by what do I address you?”

  “You saw me just a short time ago, when you were young. As to my name, well; I have had many down through the ages. However, to you, being the one of The Covenant, I have a special name; and that is Mione. It is very kind of you to ask, and it is my honor to gift it to you; but, wh
at is most important is that my name is not what you seek.”

  It seemed natural for Enarrah to be carrying on this conversation without speaking, she continued; “Mione, you have said that you know why I am here. Pray, tell me.”

  “Why... the answer, young Mistress.”

  “I certainly have many questions. What is this beautiful place? What are those magnificent lights in the sky? Who was it I heard talking with a voice like thunder in the rain?”

  At this last question, a rumble of laughter reverberates through every cavern, and Enarrah smiles.

  “He likes you, that is very rare. This place is The Ice Sanctuary of Asgarrd and for The Eternal Protector, who laughs, and myself; this our home. The colors in the sky are the Aurora. And you sweet Enarrah are here for the answer, in front of which you stand.”

  “But I stand in front of you, are you the answer ?”

  “No, the answer is in this place. It is another whom you will guide here, the answer will reside in him, and it will be his responsibility to give it to you if he so desires. That is all I can say.”

  “The Palace is so beautiful, it looks as if it were carved from a single huge mountain of ice.”

  “And so it was, but not all of this place is ice.” Upon saying this Mione rose up to stand to her full height again. You must leave here soon, you will return and the answer will become known.”

  ”But Mione, I don’t even have the question.”

  “All in good time Dear Lady, all in good time. Sir Ron is ever steadfast.

  Now you must go, the threads to this realm grow thin and the bridge weakens, fare thee well Lady.”


  “Mione, heart of my heart”.

  “Yes, my Great and Fearless?”

  “You were right about her, she has a purity of the ages, as did Alicia the Kind.

  “Yes Miownlee, she is a marvel of womanhood to behold.”

  “Listen to the music. You have been away but a few brief moments and the Younes call to you with melodious singing.”

  “They are amazing.”

  An echoing roar resounds, a ball of fire shoots into the skies and the colors of The Aurora brighten and multiply.

  “Of course, they are us.”

  “I will go to them Miownlee, for you have a task to accomplish. Seek out the king of wolves and tell him that his dark pack will need to be well fed, rested and ever vigilant. There will be a battle soon.”
